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/fa/ - Fashion

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8138616 No.8138616 [Reply] [Original]

is there a fashionable way to lace shoes? vans in particular?

>> No.8138779




>> No.8138783
File: 3.77 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on the shoe of course. With any type of boot or "thicker" high top than chuck taylors I always use lightning laceing but with something light like vans or chucks it prefer the standard lacing method with the bunny ears dangling to the sides.. With hi top canvas shoes like chucks I will wrap the laces around the ankle once but I still tie them normally and lace them normally. With vans authentic like picture just keep the standard. They are way to common and people seldom notice anything special about them. If you do decide to lace them differently for fun or something just don't do the common bar lacing.

>> No.8138803

I got a pair of vans from gilt and they've gotten compliments. Some of the color has faded, so they go even better with my A&F jeans

>> No.8138816


>> No.8138822


Vans are not fashionable, just because you've gotten compliments on them from your high school friends doesn't mean they're nice. Not trying to crush your spirit, but they're just not /fa/.

>> No.8138837
File: 17 KB, 500x280, Shoelace tying for Vans owners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vans in particular?

>> No.8138847

>from your high school friends
I kek'd

Actually all grown up. I don't think it's as black and white as that, but if we blanket hate vans here then let it be so. I wear mine just fine, nobody's laughing at me, maybe that's also because I'm a good looking guy so i can get away with it more?

Not that it matters, aside from some wear I think my vans work.

>> No.8138859


Lol no one's laughing at you, there's just much better alternatives to cheap gumsole shoes that sk8r boi's wear. Good luck with your lacing, OP

>> No.8138861


>> No.8138867

>all grown up
>still wearing vans

i'm laughing at you

>> No.8138892

>please be on the moon

>> No.8138915

you are a fuccboi if you don't like sk8 hi's

>> No.8138926
File: 68 KB, 920x920, vans data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this vans shoe is pretty cool 2

>> No.8138928


>> No.8139003

classic /fa/

everyone who likely owns nothing and doesnt follow fashion claiming vans are shit when nearly any high end store still sells them.

so norse projects, WTAPS, supreme, APC, Barbour, Diemme, kenzo, liberty, taka hayashi, outlier and many other brands do collabs with them because they are shit only children wear. makes a lot of sense.

the classic "there are better options for the price" no. there are not. there is no reason to go way out of your way to buy nearly identical shoes from some off brand like sperry that look worse just to be able to say your identical plimsoles arent vans

>> No.8139012

aren't common projects just vans but with better materials tho. so it makes sense to get them over vans

>> No.8139016

common projects arent even remotely similar to vans except the model they made that is a remake of eras.

the silhouette and look is completely different.

>> No.8139028
File: 89 KB, 480x694, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are certain outfits that vans are very acceptable & fashionable with, if you don't agree then you're probably just trying to sound superior & being a pretentious twat or you just don't care & want a laugh

>> No.8139064
File: 73 KB, 473x473, 1_224757_FS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool to hate vans on here.

I'd wear the fuck outta these, though. I'd wear the fuck outta the Arizona tea ones, too.

>> No.8139076

red vans are cool
so are all black vans
they have a nice silhouette
the branding is ugly as fuck though
japanese people also like vans

>> No.8139080
File: 94 KB, 920x920, floral_vans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatchu think, /fa/?

I know I can pull them off, but I don't know if the rest of /fa/ can.

Only fitty fie dolla.

>> No.8139094

i dont like those at all. the black sole looks ugly. i personally only like vans in black white or navy. the only thing that bugs me about vans is the foxing stripe. the models where they dont have the line around the sole always look better.

people complain about the branding of vans, but its easily removable. whenever i get a new pair i cut off the logo tab and sand the text off the back rubber tab

>> No.8139105

could go well w/ some streetwear shit
possibly maybe not likely

>> No.8139115

God damn it, people on a fashion forum still bothering to even discuss Vans still rustles my jimmies.

Can't you notice that when you walk outside, literally about every second person you look at is wearing Vans? The argument about whether they are /fa/ should end there. Considering the importance of shoes, you cannot be /fa/ and wear what all the plebs are wearing. Wearing them means you are giving up on trying to make an outfit, giving up on fashion itself: you are avoiding making any form of statement with your clothing and being lazy.

>> No.8139119

Gee, I never realized fashion was so dramatic.

Maybe that's why all the good fashion pictures are taken in black and white.

>> No.8139123

Other people wearing it doesn't affect whether you can wear. You must simply wear it better. I see people wearing ugly poor choices of vans with crazy patterns and bright clashing colors. They dont have shirts, jackets or pants that go well with them either. so if one is to compose a fit that goes perfectly with a minimal, tasteful pair of vans, the other plebs wearing them doesnt affect it.

>> No.8139126
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>> No.8139134
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>> No.8139138

such as? I'm interested in other good low top alternatives under 100

>> No.8139144
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>> No.8139146

F*** off hipster

>> No.8139167
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>> No.8139169
File: 58 KB, 1277x331, :fa: copypasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fashion is the pursuit of attractive aesthetic, it's not a competition.

If you believe that fashion is a cutthroat competition between you and the rest of the world, I would recommend you spend some time off the internet--perhaps enjoying some time alone in the woods or with friends and family to regain a sense of balance in your life, because you are socially troubled; possible inferiority complex.

Neuroticism is only fashionable if you're under 20 years old. There is no need to seek conflict with others in all your pursuits.

>> No.8139187


One thing i notice about Japan's fashion is that people wear whatever looks good together. They aren't concerned about the stigma of a brand or if they dislike the other types of people who wear it. If the north face jacket they see is identical to what they had in mind they will wear it whereas the typical /fa/ user will think that anon said north face isnt cool therefore i cant wear this jacket even though i like it.

/fa/ is a group of clueless faggots desperately seeking approval from other clueless faggots. very few people here put much effort into their fits or actually have fun doing it. they just jump from trend to trend desperately trying to fit in and catch up to others.

people need to stop copping roshes and fucking jersey numbered t shirts and start tailoring stuff from thrift stores and watching runway shows for inspiration.

>> No.8139190

looks like a knock-off of a nike shoe that's just a poor-version knock-off of another, more expensive, nike shoe [90$ usd to begin with]...

>> No.8139216
File: 50 KB, 960x640, tumblr_m2dp53CAWN1qcmo1jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only /fa/ way to lace vans is to wear them into destroy-chic a la Lil B

>> No.8139244

>mac demarco
sure, the guy's got style. His style. and it works, for him. but just because he's pulling off the gap tooth, not-give-a-fuck attitude, and shit-fitting clothes doesn't mean you can. jesus.

i'm sorry, but, as much as you, or i, or anybody else wants, he's basically the antithesis of the fashion industry. he is not 'in vogue', he does not know who hedi slimane IS, and he spends < 30 usd on his outfits, which are just regurgitated, shat-out garbage materials manufactured by the please-the-masses brands...

fuck, just cause he wears vans and they look okay, doesn't make them fashionable...

>> No.8139250
File: 64 KB, 600x370, roshe-run-iguana-on-feet-600x370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was with you until:
>people need to stop copping roshes

Rosche Runs are precisely a shoe (if not *the* shoe) that is constantly bashed on this board as "played out" and "do not cop; i see them everywhere on my campus." If there is any trend related to those shoes, it's to bash them.

I have always maintained, and still do, that they're an excellent shoe because they boast an incredibly attractive, simple aesthetic. If anything, most users who buy them receive flak just as OP did for asking about standard Vans.

I read hate on Rosches, bought a pair, love them, and will probably buy another pair despite /fa/s negative opinion of them.

My opinion is simply: wear what is attractive, not what you are told.

>> No.8139259

i'm not even /fa/ and those look like shit

>> No.8139267

roshes are god tier silhouettes
>im not even /fa/
so you have shit taste

>> No.8139281

>white soles

>> No.8139283
File: 528 KB, 1000x667, 800_8536A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to elaborate as to why? What would you change about the shoe's design to make it more attractive? What type of sneakers do you prefer?

>> No.8139286

w2c pants

>> No.8139287

you have a point that its cool to bash roshes, but they are a completely diffeent story.

they are a flavor of the month item. they are not a timeless classic design like vans. they look good in stores and pictures, but i have never in my life seen a good fit with them. every person i see irl with them and in fit threads looks like shit. they are a weird mesh piece of shit that doesnt even hold its own shape properly. they simply look cheap and lessen the look of any fit that they are added to.

vans are basically nothing in a fit. they are the epitome of shoes that draw no attention to themselves in a fit. so the rest of your outfit does the talking.

>> No.8139291

the excessively wide round bulbous sole looks idiotic. the front that looks rippley

>> No.8139294
File: 996 KB, 1223x697, Screenshot_120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it that fucking hard. do people think w2c means "i approve" now?

>> No.8139296

giant marshmallow heel/sole. I like plimoll and flat sole type shit, but I prefer Cortez even to those.

>> No.8139301

people often say roshes have a nice silhouette, while this is true. they look repulsive from any angle except the side

>> No.8139305

wearing roshes is the definition of wearing what you are told

>> No.8139334

I use these on mah sneaks atm, like to mix it up though. good site is good

>> No.8139343
File: 437 KB, 4000x4000, 1398028022653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>timeless classic

>> No.8139358
File: 536 KB, 800x907, Shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colorway is called "Team Red." I went to a Footlocker and, while they were out of my size, they delivered them to my house.

While they are a relatively new shoe, I don't think that they're the flavor of the month. I'm sure that you're aware of the growing popularity of minimalist design--and while I hate to use the term "minimalist design," because it's definitely become a cheap buzzword(s) as of late. Look at the two shoes attached to this post. The top has become mildly popular (although I find it mucks up the design with a lot of needless complication, especially on the sole), and the bottom Yohjis are generating a lot of talk. So, trendy? Yes, certainly for now. But what I'm trying to communicate is that I really enjoy the simple aesthetic, silhouette, lack of clutter, and I'd even wager that we'll see more shoes follow suit in the near future. Will Rosches become a footwear staple like Chucks or Vans? I highly doubt it. But I'll always be a fan, regardless. As I've stated earlier, my interest in these shoes was never due to buzz.

Personal preference, but I find the contour of the sole to be appealing. The front is rippley, but I find that the way it forms to suit the curves of one's own foot is a very neat, modern--almost techware-like look.

I have literally never read Rosches being recommended to anybody in my life, and have only ever seen one other pair out in the wild. I get the sensation that /fa/ likes to hype these shoes as having a greater impact than they actually have (in terms of popularity and praise).

>> No.8139366


You are clueless

>> No.8139503

I really want to cop a pair of these bad boys.

>> No.8139508
File: 67 KB, 960x576, vans-x-off-the-hook-x-chuck-hughes-black-crab-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8139515

Roshe Runs have a very nice silhouette, however they only look good in red and black/white/grey colourways imo, and I would never wear the red.

>> No.8139552


wow w2c hard

>> No.8139564

>file name

vans x off the hook black crab

>> No.8139572


i saw, i searched, none even on eBay :(

>> No.8139594


Sorry your thread got extreme hate >>8139221

>> No.8139598
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1391751648291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8139601

hahaha. yeah its my ruseman account for youtube

>> No.8139604

not my thread actually

>> No.8139624

>have only ever seen one other pair out in the wild

I've seen them constantly in different regions of the country. usually with running pants/shorts and a jacket/t shirt. crazy standard in "trendy" areas.

I'm not one of the people hating on them, but they're a pretty common shoe right now. I don't see the appeal, but no one's forcing me to wear them so idgaf

>> No.8139706


>> No.8140317

W2C Arizona iced out vans bruh?

>> No.8140364

Black vans low cut and the Supreme x Vans sk8 high tops are the best and only cop-worthy vans

>> No.8140369

many top shelf designers also collabed w hm&m, doesn't mean they're not shit

they're cheap shoes, p good for price, but there are wayyyyyy better kicks out there

>> No.8140388

theyre not made by vans that anon is confused


>> No.8140392

what shoes are better for the same price. please tell me. everyone says that same shit but gives zero examples.

>> No.8140394

you don't see tres bien stocking h&m clothes though..

>> No.8140395

ur pretty new huh

>> No.8140409
File: 799 KB, 1333x1000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are probs my favourite shoes.

vans x TH

>> No.8140800
File: 55 KB, 625x626, baiiit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A&F jeans
>b8 confirmed

>> No.8141045

>I got a pair of vans from gilt and they've gotten compliments

Wow, people who haven't the first bit of knowledge think you have stylish shoes? Well I guess that's it and there's no more disputing it then.

Everyone go home. Vans are officially fah.


>> No.8141049

first bit of knowledge about fashion*

>> No.8141068
File: 130 KB, 900x599, vans-california-fall-2013-sk8-hi-binding-ca-twill-pack-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw get compliments errday when I wear these fuckers with black laces
smh /fa/, stop hating entire brands

>> No.8141078

>no orange stripe
>using gray stringy laces
>leave top eyelet free and tie laces around the heel
>remove branding

I think I have a DIY project..

>> No.8141752

tfw going to off the hook tmw

>> No.8141780

They look fine. Really, why is everyone lambasting them?

>> No.8141785
File: 1.67 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing while I poop.

>> No.8141787

>still ugly

>> No.8141864


w2c that "vans"

>> No.8141877

do you wear shoes while you poop?

>> No.8141953

how do i do that

>> No.8141984


Take your phone into the bathroom.

>> No.8142447

bought a pair of roshes today. they're actually as good as /fa/ says.

>> No.8142494
File: 85 KB, 500x663, Common-Projects-Original-Achilles-Low-Grey-Sneakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic question, but how do I lace my shoes like that? I really don't know the steps.

>> No.8142565

im pretty sure its the european lacing way. its just that you dont alternate, just focus on one side

>> No.8142595

google shoeshop lacing

>> No.8142609

I did a quick search here to find out how to do it, the shoe shop lacing looks enough. Thank you guys!

>> No.8142614

Me too. Bought to use 'em as my gym shoes.

>> No.8144334

because trolls

>> No.8145492

i copped this colorway back in summer when they first dropped and plebs mired for a month and a half whenever i wear them. I pulled them out from retirement last week and some corny douche at my college was like "hey nice roshee runs (pronounced wrong), I have the same pair!! ". I went back to my dorm and contemplated tossing them. SHould I? has anyone tried using theirs as like a gym shoe (not to actually run in)?

>> No.8145558

those tiny feet

>> No.8145723 [DELETED] 

You completely misunderstood. It's sad that you would try to analyse my personality to throw off my criticisms, and I would suggest that you are projecting considering you are talking to another person on the same board you're on, and also considering how specific you are trying to be. Why try to be offensive and why be so upset? Maybe if you reread my post you'll see that it isn't written like a personal attack. You are the one seeking conflict. I am just saying Vans are not fashionable.

I never said fashion is a competition and I don't believe it is. I don't look down on anyone not wearing Vans, and I have friends that do. I just don't see it as being fashionable. It's like choosing the default. As an analogy, if you joined a forum and were automatically given the default avatar, and imagining avatars as like fashion, could keeping it be an art/fashion statement? Maybe in some "a blank canvas is a symbolic painting" sense but you would be putting no imagination into creating or choosing an avatar yourself so the statement behind the image is lost. I don't even have a problem with wearing cheap and relatively popular pieces, but only when you choose the MOST popular thing, because it is as though you are choosing the default.
The above is also directed at you, and
>the typical /fa/ user will think that anon said north face isnt cool therefore i cant wear this jacket even though i like it
>people need to stop copping roshes and fucking jersey numbered t shirts and start tailoring stuff from thrift stores and watching runway shows for inspiration.
you get the award for the most hypocritical post I have see in some time, what are you even trying to say

>> No.8145738

You completely misunderstood. It's sad that you would try to analyse my personality to throw off my criticisms, and I would suggest that you are projecting considering you are talking to another person on the same board you're on, and also considering how specific you are trying to be. Why try to be offensive and why be so upset? Maybe if you reread my post you'll see that it isn't written like a personal attack. You are the one seeking conflict. I am just saying Vans are not fashionable.

I never said fashion is a competition and I don't believe it is. I don't look down on anyone wearing Vans, and I have friends that do. I just don't see it as being fashionable. It's like choosing the default. As an analogy, if you joined a forum and were automatically given the default avatar, and imagining avatars as like fashion, could keeping it be an art/fashion statement? Maybe in some "a blank canvas is a symbolic painting" sense but you would be putting no imagination into creating or choosing an avatar yourself so the statement behind the image is lost. I don't even have a problem with wearing cheap and relatively popular pieces, but only when you choose the MOST popular thing, because it is as though you are choosing the default.
The above is also directed at you, and
>the typical /fa/ user will think that anon said north face isnt cool therefore i cant wear this jacket even though i like it
>people need to stop copping roshes and fucking jersey numbered t shirts and start tailoring stuff from thrift stores and watching runway shows for inspiration.
you get the award for the most hypocritical post I have see in some time, what are you even trying to say

>> No.8145995

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 88/8

>> No.8146505

Name for top shoe?