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8134145 No.8134145 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most effay drinks to order at bars? For yourself & the drinks you offer to buy others.

>> No.8134156
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>> No.8134166

what ever it is that you like to drink

>> No.8134182

The oldest scotch they have would be the most fashionable, but effay is hipster goths so just coffee

>> No.8134191

Get what you want

>drinks you offer to buy others
get them what they want

>> No.8134218

Any drink you like. Just dont get a stupid looking cocktail. no matter how good it is, it will look dumb.

dont order straight whisky unless you know about it.

>> No.8134260

What do you like to drink?

>> No.8136168

Single malt scotch, no younger than 15 years old.

No ice. Never ice.

>> No.8136175

white russian

vodka, kahlua, and half and half

>> No.8136176


i like to drink porters
i judge people who buy jagerbombs, but also drink them myself if they're cheap

>> No.8136189

>all these neckbeards ordering scotch

I laugh at you classy feroda neckberads.,

>> No.8136195

Ever had good scotch?

Nothing better.

>> No.8136199

Scotch is for tryhards that want to be like James Bond.
>muh 50 year old MacCallan
>muh refined taste

I bet you smoke cigars too.

>> No.8136200

I don't drink, amphetamines with cocaine are much better. Mollys are good for big parties/raves. Alcohol just makes me sluggish and tired. Amphetamines do a far better job of "loosening me up" without any side effects.

>> No.8136203

No, cigars are disgusting.

Also Macallan is vastly overrated. 50 year old scotch is nothing more than tokenistic. After 50 years, nothing but wood sap is left in the taste. over 35 and the whisky becomes too weak.

>> No.8136208

I bet you started drinking scotch after watching Anchorman.
>scotch scotch scotch
>i love scotch
>yum yum yum

*tips fedora*

>> No.8136215

Why are you so upset over scotch?

I started drinking it after I was invited by a friend to a local tasting. It was really good, so I started buying bottles.

Also, stop that *tips fedora* shit. It makes you look fucking stupid.

>> No.8136218

Scotch is for douchebags that want to be Wall Street sharks. Every tryhard 20 year old likes to drink scotch. Since you are telling me that you drink scotch, you are very likely a douchebag. I bet you own several pinstriped suits.

>> No.8136238


vodka and coke

>> No.8136239
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triple vodka tonic with lime

>> No.8136240


Did someone rape you with a scotch bottle once or what?

>> No.8136244

No, I'm just laughing at fedora tryhard scotch drinkers like you.

>> No.8136249

he's kind of right, Scotch is pretty euphoric for a young man to drink, just shoot vodka, at least you won't look like a dickhead

>> No.8136256

Shooting vodka makes you look even more like a douchebag.

>> No.8136258

>b-but GQ recommended scotch
>b-but m-muh taste

>> No.8136262


>implying I drink scotch

Don't like the taste, vodka for me

>> No.8136263

Ladies and gentlemen,

This is what a very desperate man looks like.

>> No.8136265

Ladies and gentleman,

This is what an MFA-tier fuccboi looks like.

>> No.8136267
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Again, why are you so upset?

Scotch tastes good. Nothing more to it.

Also, people don't actually buy pinstripe suits, do they? Well, except for pic related.

>> No.8136272
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I'm not mad, you're mad.

I'm sorry you cannot handle the truth.

>> No.8136275

Absinthe all the way.

>> No.8136285

So what you are saying is that there is nothing wrong with scotch itself, but more the preconceptions you have about its drinkers?

Grow up.

And stop spewing fedora/le reddit/edgy/whatever, it makes your point less valid, and it makes you look rather dumb.

>> No.8136292

I drank scotch before and it tastes like shit. The fact that you are trying to defend a shit tasting drink means that you are a tryhard.

Just log off and put on your favorite jazz record. I bet you like Asian women too, you nerd.

>> No.8136299
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>> No.8136300
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>> No.8136303
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>> No.8136311

Will you kids just shut up.

OT: Order what you like. You'll always look like an tryhard if you cringe while trying to sip something that you don't actually like the taste of.

>> No.8136312

im not a lad but i order jagerbombs because they are cheap and taste nice

>> No.8136319

are you named after the band?

do you remember when brian harvey got off his tits on baked potatoes and ran himself over?

>> No.8136325


no i dont give a shit about the band

>> No.8136332

irish car bomb
gummy bear
jager bomb
water because you took m
water because you took k
water because you're now in jail
water because you're thirsty for the kawaii convict-core boy two cells down

>> No.8136345

this is the best news story of the 00s though

>> No.8136356

jaeger bomb because they're cheap and good
beer if i'm with my friends, since that's all they drink
jameson because why the hell not
vodka because there is always an idiot that orders it for everyone when we go out. I hate it though.

You could order anything really, just don't get some fruity ass drink at a bar because you're not getting any pussy.

>> No.8136371

if you're a pleb that doesn't know what they want yet just ask for either anOld fashioned or
Manhattan/Rob Roy on the rocks in a lowball glass.

>> No.8136373

if you're not getting any pussy then tbh a fruity ass drink isn't really the main factor

>> No.8136376
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Only good thing to ever come from Kentucky.

>> No.8136409

>makers mark

usually makers mark and cola or Stoli and cranberry. Patron/don julio for shots/bitches

>> No.8136416

i always order a beer or a bottom shelf whiskey w/soda

>> No.8136473



>> No.8136481


>> No.8136486

where the hell are you guys from that a jagerbomb is cheap? $9 here whereas a beer is 4-5

>> No.8136490

Why would you even go to a bar in the first place? I usually drink alone at home and cry a lot.

>> No.8136494

£1.50-£2.50 is all i would pay.
its fucking nothing never pay anymore.

>> No.8136496

in clubs there's normally deals on where they're a quid or two

>> No.8136511
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Probably niche ale or something.
I only ever drink fruit cider or spanish beers though, as any self respecting cakeboy does.

>> No.8136522

>fruit cider
oh okay

>> No.8136530

>implying buffalo trace isn't a better and cheaper alternative

>> No.8136531

A Honey brown, or Gin and Tonic. It isn't that difficult. (though sometimes I'll Gin and 7 it up, if I'm feeling sweet)

>> No.8136544

Shit tagged the wrong one
Meant you

>> No.8136553

Shit tagged the wrong one
Meant you

>> No.8136554

I usually drink PBR at bars because it's cheap and tastes better than Bud/Miller/Coors.

But for liquor I like whisky

>> No.8136558

stella if I want beer
mixed drinks will vary from bar to bar, for sitting down and chatting I'll go with a white russian, if i'm walking around and dancing i'll go with red bull and vodka

>> No.8136563

>nigga you went full plebeian

>> No.8136573

i rate how pbr is mocked as this hipster beverage
its actually the nicest brew aboot

>> No.8136592

If you think that PBR is the nicest beer around, you are seriously uninformed.

>> No.8136596

It depends on the bar, the occasion and the company. Beer in low-brow establishments or party-settings, wine in the middle to upper-class. A cocktail if I'm somewhere I know they can fix a good drink.

>> No.8136640

it is the nicest cheap beer

>> No.8136655

I drink Budweiser at bars. Because America.

>> No.8136659

Rolling Rock > pbr

>> No.8136804

Except, you know, ALL the other bourbon from kentucky.

>> No.8139099

hendricks g&t with cucumber

>> No.8139106
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forgot pic

>> No.8139170

I don't get why people are raging about scotch. It's a drink. People enjoyed it long before James Bond and modern fedora-wearing neckbeards. And I mean they ENJOYED it. If people drank it for it's taste back then, why does it seem so impossible now?

>> No.8139185
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yeah seriously seriously don't drink scotch unless you're legit uppercrust, rich, over 50.

Also if you're gonna drink goofy foreign/artisan beers don't be all hype about them talking about their earthyness or spiciness and shit. so lame.

Drink something simple as fuck that you enjoy. gin and tonic, whisky sour, double whisky on the rocks, shot of rye, negroni etc

>> No.8139215

what if you enjoy scotch? why can you drink some whiskeys and not others?

>> No.8139219

captain and ginger ale
irish car bombs
a beer

I am usually drinking one of these 3 drinks

>> No.8139234

enjoying scotch is like saying you enjoy a great pair of slacks

>> No.8139240

Confirmed for not knowing what they're talking about. Drink quality scotch at home or at specialty scotch or whiskey bar where you know the owner and aren't paying for the mark up. High end wines the mark up lessens as quality goes up but that's typically not the case for spirits.

>> No.8139246

its a nice spirit, whats wrong with it?

>> No.8139248
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I like you.

A little bit of pepper cracked over it is a nice touch as well.

>> No.8139249

yeah this thread makes me think of some 20 y/o with CS major with ill-fitting menswear paying $45 for a glass of 'so old' scotch at a bar and talking nonstop how amazing it tastes. UGH

>> No.8139252

your concern with the stigma of a drink rather than the taste of one (especially since you aren't even the one drinking it) is hinting towards a lot insecurity.

This was far more than I could have judged from anyone who simply likes Scotch.

>> No.8139253
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Hi-c ecto cooler, and play with your xbrain while you wait for them to find it

>> No.8139254

Yeah ive seen that in a menu, never tried it though. i like the freshness of the cucumber and feel like the pepper would take this away?

what tonic do u use?

>> No.8139258

Wine if I'm eating a sit down meal.
Vodka if it's just hors d'oeuvres.
Whiskey if I'm not eating anything.
Beer if I'm gonna be there for a while (game, event) maybe mix in tequila or whiskey shots depending on how shitfaced I wanna get.

>> No.8139264

my favs are: Bookers (127ish proof) > buffalo trace > wild turkey 101.

pretty into canadian whiskey aka brown vodka for binges.

>> No.8139276

if you care that much about taste drink a fucking milkshake

>> No.8139307

how salty are you about people liking the taste of scotch? whats with this?

>> No.8139311

the thing is it is euphoric of you to claim to ignore all cultural/social implications of a choice and insist that it is just the taste

>> No.8139312


I only really have it when I'm somewhere it's on the menu because they do it right, If they crack just a little over the top it'll sit on the ice and I guess add a little bit of spice to it which contrasts well with the freshness (I probably sound retarded trying to describe it as I'm not much of a fancy drinker).
I tried to have one at a bar that doesn't really do it and the guy put in too much pepper before the ice and there was a bunch of crunchy bits floating around in my drink and it didn't work so well.

I don't make it at home, I just have whatever the bartender puts in.

>> No.8139314

if you care this much about what someone else is drinking get the fuck over it

>> No.8139318

Red bull + vodka

>> No.8139319

alright i'll try one of those, that sounds pretty good. any gins to recommend?

>> No.8139321

>social implications
there's the insecurity again.
you know there'd be social implications if people knew you visited a chinese cartoon forum and argued with random people over alcohol, right?

>> No.8139328

i think youre totally looking too deep into the implications of the choice. people who know whiskey wont think youre an autist if you order something nice, and others just usually have it with ginger ale. if you know about whiskey you wont look euphoric at all.

>> No.8139332

Hendricks or Tanqueray mane, with gins like Gordon's or Bombay I just stick with a lemon

>> No.8139336
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>> No.8139342

so do you disregard all cultural norms?

>> No.8139348

ppl who like scotch also probably think your picture is good fashion

>> No.8139355

some 21 y/o dudes choose to smoke tobacco from a pipe, or wear a dinner jacket to their friends bbq when they work as a math tutor during the day. it shows autism to do these things too.

>> No.8139361

if one is inclined to disregard "cultural norms" in favor of enjoying the drink of his choice, by all means they're free to do so. this is how culture evolves.

but there are hardly any strict cultural implications surrounding scotch. lots of people from lots of different backgrounds drink it.

>> No.8139364

Pretty much everyone's autistic and I hate 4chan.

>> No.8139365

>if one is inclined to disregard "cultural norms" in favor of enjoying the drink of his choice, by all means they're free to do so. this is how culture evolves.


>> No.8139370

yeah sure but trying to apply anything near that level of aspergers to scotch is ridiculous.

yeah man, got a bottle of hendricks. tanq i dont like too much, prefer bombay to it.
buying a bottle West Winds Sabre sometime next week, followed by bruichladdich's the botanist. best gin ive ever tasted i think.

>> No.8139374

ordering the 'oldest scotch they have' or 'at least a 15 year old' is right up that alley tho

>> No.8139376


>> No.8139381

I don't think that word means what you think it does boyo

>> No.8139382

okay youre talking about specifically scotch, neat, at a bar? not any other whiskey any kind of way?

>> No.8139392

pretty much

>> No.8139394 [DELETED] 

yeah well everything you've thought so far has been completely delusional so I'm maybe think again, yeah?

>> No.8139403

well what about irish whisky or bourbon?

>> No.8139413

it means you're the "euphoric" one. not me. I'm saying a man can drink whatever the fuck he wants for whatever reason and you're stressing about the cultural and social implications present in a bar.

no one gives a fuck about what you drink.

>> No.8139437

you're being euphoric because you're going against norms and seemingly pleading ignorance to why characters like Ron Swanson and 'the anchorman' are specifically written to drink scotch.

what about them? I said not to drink scotch.

>> No.8139450

speed is the least effay shit ever why would you mix it with a sweet sweet drug like cocaine? dont try to reinvent the wheel

>> No.8139454
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well irish whiskies come as aged as scotch and people looking at you wont know the difference. are they okay?

>> No.8139459

>citing comedy shows as evidence of some cultural "norm"

I'm not pleading ignorance to the connotation those shows exploit, I'm saying it's not real.

>> No.8139470

well don't go all out and order the most expensive one or be smug about it, but the symbolic meaning attached to irish whiskies is different and less severe than scotch. so should be fine. Along the same lines, I'd suspect someone ordering an irish whieky would know what they're doing more than I'd expect a 20y/o ordering scotch to be authentically knowledgeable about scotch (he'd probably be ordering it cause of the word 'scotch' and how he misinterprets the cultural meanings attached to scotch) This misinterpretations is why they're autists

>> No.8139474

The cultural meaning of scotch existed prior to those shows, and those shows are mocking it. The fact it exists as part of those characters proves there is more to a drink than 'how it tastes'

>> No.8139477

you dont know shit if you think macallan is overrated. You clearly only drink whiskey to look like fucking don draper. If 50 yo scotch was so shitty why would people readily buy it at 25000 dollars? Dont speak on the taste of a scotch you have never tried. Bitch.

>> No.8139481

Usually crown with a soda on ice on the side, sprite or coke.

Tequila Rose...
Baileys on ice
duck farts are popular in groups
there's a drink that a waitress taught me that I like, as it turns out women love it, which is great because it's an easy icebreaker if you're willing to buy her a drink.

>> No.8139482

>well don't go all out and order the most expensive one or be smug about it, but the symbolic meaning attached to irish whiskies is different and less severe than scotch. so should be fine.

its not for me, i dont drink whiskey.

but im just concerned about where the part of looking like an autist comes from. bystanders? bartenders? people youre with?

only a few will recognise irish from scottish and they will know youre not an idiot, to everyone else it'll look the same.

>> No.8139484

that is just the common young scotch drinker in their natural habitat. They can't stop at just drinking scotch, they have to dismiss collectors who know less than them

>> No.8139487

look at the thread title you fucking idiot. this ia what drink is the most fashionable. i personally would match drinks with my fit but i just order what i want.

>> No.8139491

>match drinks with my fit

thats a hilarious idea.

what would a goofninja drink?

>> No.8139492

I think the vast majority of people are not going to judge anyone for what they drink. not bystanders or bartenders or anyone. mostly people don't really care. But if there is gonna be a thread about a drink being effay, it is still fun to consider what is truly an effay drink. I think what makes something effay is not to be pretentious and to do something with ease. It would probably be the act of smugly ordering the scotch, or talking about how great it is like "yeah we're drinking Scotch' that would not be effay. Just sitting with a brown drink would never be a problem.

>> No.8139495

Nothing, ultimate urban stealth means they wouldn't be recognised at the bar.

>> No.8139499

#menswear/fedora-core = scotch
goofninja = somehow a drink both complicated and minimal, but also terrible.

>> No.8139504
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out of a camelbak

>> No.8139509

sruli-core = sucking on a small stone
norm-core = american beer
twee - red wine/gingerbeer/sarsaparilla

>> No.8139514

Order whatever you like and do it with confidence. The only thing that'll make you look uneffay is not knowing what the fuck you're ordering.

>> No.8139516

As much as I love scotch (it was my first taste of alcohol, since it used to be the only thing my dad drank) I never order it out.

I'll get crown if it's cheap, but I mostly stick to brown ales and IPAs unless I'm trying to get drunk. There's a lot of craft cocktail bars in town, maybe I'll try something more than an old fashioned next time.

>> No.8139519

>sucking on a small stone

Drinking culture is different over there though. What do you usually drink?

>> No.8139536

im thinking vodka infused with that black stuff thats in blk water, with something odd like elderberries out of this.

menswear is defs scotch or a g&t.

who drinks rum? dadcore?

>> No.8139542

fuck you I dont even drink scotch. i dri k liquor to get fucked up and even i know that this guys a fucking stiff. gin is my shit on that tanqueray for days on end man i am fucked up

>> No.8139546

Over where?
To get drunk I drink vodka, either straight or with lime, or white wine. To enjoy, spiced rum is my go to.

>> No.8139549

gin and jizz, specifically rick owens'

>> No.8139550

And gin is in the middle ground

>> No.8139559

alcoholic service industry person reportin' in

miller lite all day all night
shoot evans (or jameson if i make lots of cash that night)
might do a gin and tonic with well gin (or hendricks if i make cash)
sometimes makers and soda
when i'm drinking for a special occasion i will usually do makers old fashions and pimm's cup when i'm feeling faggy

>> No.8139565
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>not being st8 edge

>> No.8139568

rum is good in dark and stormys. also too many tryhards in here

>> No.8139579

Oh and I forgot to answer OP's question: obviously Mezcal.

>> No.8139610


Oh yeah I can totally imagine a 20 years old model walking into a place and ordering 50 year old whiskey.

The answer is whatever the fuck you want

>> No.8139617


>drinking a glass of cream

Its these types a of thread that confirm that /fa/ is just 17 year old neckbeard types jerking off to old whiskey and the Big Lebowski.

Have fun being that guy who awkwardly orders white Russians every time he is out, maybe it'll become your "thing"

>> No.8139643


I can guarantee you people do notice what you're drinking at bars and if you think otherwise you're either socially unaware or just not really a bar person.

Besides this thread is about what drink is fashionable, while I've already said that tbh many drink can be fashionable in the right context I can guarantee you as a barman that the 22 year old guy who makes a point of ordering scotch for every drink looks like a bit of a loser.

you might like the taste, and if you do then go for it but you have to accept that it's just not "fashionable" to be the guy ordering scotch on a night out.

>> No.8139717

what tonic do you use? ive got all the best around that i can get, but im in nz and cant find fentimanns anywhere.

>> No.8139722
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I'd just like to clarify what 'fashionable' means here. Not a dig at you, but who it does it look good to? the bartender? other patrons?

PS based captcha

>> No.8139737
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drink petrus, you dumbass

>> No.8139777

I drink mojitos. It's fresh, minty and I love rum.

>> No.8139858

I love mojitos in summer.

but when i was younger and more impressionable family guy talked about them being a gay drink.

absoultely stupid, i know, but i talked to my bartender friend and he agreed. just in my own home from now on i think.

what rum do you use? soda water?

>> No.8139875

almost as /fa/ as a martini glass of semen

>> No.8139876

Any fuckin shit that isn't straight is a 'gay' drink, fuck faggots who think they're all macho for saying shit like that.

>> No.8139880

yeah i know, but the thought remains.

on martinis, whats your opinion? i have a nice gin and would like to try one, but dont know any bars that do them with hendricks.

>> No.8140036

>red label

>> No.8140057

so no one?

>> No.8140078

Agree on the no ice. Whisky has to be tepid for the flavour to come out.

I've had great 8 year whisky and incredibly shit 30 year whisky.

>> No.8140116

ive tried appleton 12 neat and on rocks. how can anyone drink that on rocks? i would actually like some flavour, not just cold fruity taste into a smooth burn.

>> No.8140282
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this thread is embarrassing

>> No.8140313

whats your drink then?

>> No.8140322

hello 16 year old me

>> No.8140324

vanilla vodka and coke was where it was at

>> No.8140329

why not vodka and vanilla coke? does vanilla vodka even exist?

This thread belongs in >>>/ck/ i think

>> No.8140332

>not vanilla coke and vanilla vodka

>> No.8140336

they are fat neckbeards talking about what meal to scoff next. this thread will do fine here

>> No.8140338

Yeah, it goes alright.

And this is an effay enough thread (or could be, apart from all the autism up there)

>> No.8140339

whats your drink then? what drink would you see/hear being ordered and consider that person effay?

>> No.8140366

just stay away from anything perfumed or artificially flavored (malibu, captain morgan), cream based shit. Stick with simple highballs/longdrinks or classic cocktails. I usually go with a gin soda or mb an old fashioned. Wine or beer is fine too

>> No.8140591

can men use drinking straw?

>> No.8140598

Campari and Soda

>> No.8142648

a nice rum & coke. I think I am going to make one now!

>> No.8142871
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I work in a bar, and generally the most fashionable people I serve drink colourless, or very dark drinks, usually strong and little to no sweetness

Sake, off key cocktails, steins of beer/ale preferably dark, dark liquors on the rocks, G and T. steer clear of vodka unless it is premium or mixed with lemon/lime/bitters or part of a cocktail

when buying for others, get "exotic" cocktails, show your knowladge of drinks. relate them to their sex. or drinks from the premium selection, whether that be beers, spirits or wines.
generally, dont order wine at a bar. only at functions and when eating.

>> No.8142879

its all about how you look drinking/ordering it. you asked for fashionable drinks.

>> No.8142884

A manhattan or old fashioned for bourbon.

A gin and tonic with Hendricks or Bombay for gin.

A sea breeze for vodka.

I dunno for tequila I hate tequila.

Cuba libré for rum.

Or just be a man and drink red wine.

>> No.8142953
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surprised this thread is still here.

i usually never specify what tonic, i'll drink whatever the house uses but when i'm at my house i'll just use schweppes. i'm not that particular.

and i agreed this thread is really embarrassing,

you will look like an asshole drinking bitters by itself, compari is expensive

>> No.8142954

/fa/ spirits

If you want to appear fashionable in a classy establishment, stay classic like a gin martini, a manhattan, or an old fashioned. Dark liquors on the rocks are good too, but don't order pleb brands.

If you're actually fashionable and know a bit about drinks, choose a higher middle class base spirit for your cocktail. Ordering an uncommon or old fashioned drink that displays your refined cocktail knowledge is cool. Examples might be a black cat, a blood and sand, or a gimlet.

Scotch and most other liquors are effay to drink neat, but only if you know about them. Scotch should be enjoyed neat.

When ordering for someone else, obviously try to read the person in question and then apply the same points as above. I think the most polarizing spirit is whiskey, so tread lightly.

Don't piss the bartender off by ordering some obscure cocktail and instructing the bartender how to make it, especially if it's busy.

Tip well for a good cocktail and good service.

>> No.8143064
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>be at bar with a few friends
>remember a few drink names
>Long Island iced tea (have no idea what it is)
>friends laugh
>"hurr durr that's so gay order a real man's drink"
>they proceed to order gentlemen jack neat.
>they all wince when they sip and growl.
>"oh yeah that's some good whiskey"
>Mfw i

>> No.8143083

Your friends are fedoras.

>> No.8143093

I use Old Nick, it's from the Reunion island. I use carbonated water like San Pellegrino, Perrier etc..
Fresh mint and fresh lemons.

>> No.8143104
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Yea there's been a few of these.

>be at friends house
>start drinking
>brings out crown royal still in the velvet pouch
>brings out his "scotch glass"
>I pour some in a Styrofoam cup
>scoffs then says "you can't enjoy fine liquor from a Styrofoam cup"
>he sips, coughs, and doesn't touch his drink the rest of the night

>> No.8143108

Wow, that's "classy".

>> No.8143122

It's funny that English-speaking people use outdated French words. Nobody uses "hors d'oeuvres" here, it sounds pretentious. We say "apéritif" or "amuse-gueule/bouche" according to who you're eating with.

>> No.8143129

Well since a traditional martini is just gin with a splash of vermouth, it'll be much like hendricks neat, just with a different herbal taste from the vermouth.

>> No.8143130

haha rekt
fucking fedoras

>> No.8143134
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>Tfw work at high end restaurant/bar
>Tfw use these words daily

>> No.8143142


I'm gonna go out tonight with 10 pound and buy 10 jagerbombs.

Most I've ever payed for one is 2.50

>> No.8143144

You work in a restaurant. I'm talking about real life. Pretentious words in a restaurant are part of the image, like "Suprême de poulet.", it's just chicken.

>> No.8143154


You are such a pussy. Who cares what a cocktail looks like, they are fucking delicious.

>> No.8143163

The other day I got a Millionnaire, it's a whisky-based cocktail with grenadine syrup, cointreau and other stuff. It was pink, it was good, I'm a man and I'm straight. I don't care if I drink pink cocktails, I know I don't eat cocks.

>> No.8143193

I like to drink some of the spirits I've encountered traveling, partly for the nostalgia and partly because they're better than western clear spirits. Palinka, pisco sours, raki, whatever. Usually not mescal. They'll get me fucked, though, because they're usually so drinkable (maybe not the various balkans fruit brandies, but their kick's a nice change). For a slow session I go for craft beer, usually weizens, wits or IPAs. Abbayes if someone else's paying. I suppose I enjoy good scotch, but I treat it more like wine - have a small amount and enjoy the subtleties.

>> No.8143219

Vodka tonic with lime is like the tastiest shit ever.
+ if it's made with Buffalo Grass Vodka

>> No.8143290

How has NO ONE mentioned fucking rum. Rum is the shit! Tasty, easy to mix, and high alchohol content. It's perfect for anything. If you're in a cheapo place get a rum and coke, if in a middle class place get it on the rocks, if you're in a high class place get some Zacapa 21 years straight. Also spiced rum is the best rum, and clear rum is only good for mixing

>> No.8143307

>paying for your own drinks

if it were up to me veuve clicquot all day everyday
i settle for prosecco, sauvignon blanc (Pouilly-Fumé my fave), mojitos, cosmos (im such a girl), ice wine, mimosas (<3 brunch), sangria, port wines are good too

alcoholism is bad....

>> No.8143312

g&t are good but tonic water has a lot of calories
and gin gets me gross drunk. vodka is much cleaner in terms of overall feeling/hangover

also CIDER. esp rekorderlig and those berry ciders.much better than beer

>> No.8143320

At least alcohol doesn't cause brain damage.

>> No.8143325


>> No.8143327

if adderall=amphetamines, that shit will fuck up your life (well at least mine)

cocaine- heart problems, also your nose turns really ugly
both are so addictive

>> No.8143329

It's addictive if you can easily find them.

>> No.8143334

coke- most parties

adderall- your doctor

whats so hard about that lol

>> No.8143335

>your doctor
not if you're not in the us it isn't

>> No.8143337

Depends where you live. There is absolutely no coke where I am. And I don't even know if doctors give adderall here.

>> No.8143340

do you live in /aus/

>> No.8143341

isn;t easy, but it can be done.

hmm upscale clubs/hotel lounges
if you're outgoing/willing to manipulate ppl it isnt hard at all to get whatver drugs you want

>> No.8143347

I'm in France and there's not upscale clubs/hotel lounges here. I'm in one of the poorest towns in the country, only alcohol and shitty weed.

>> No.8143348

>don't try these drugs, they'll fuck up your life like they did mine
>I'm going to tell you where to get these drugs

>> No.8143350

And I guess doctors won't give adderall. I never heard about it here.

>> No.8143361
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Enjoy your holes in brain