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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 141 KB, 800x533, hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8120933 No.8120933 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>18 yo
>going to uni
>few weeks in
>met a few people
>mostly keeping to myself tho
>gotta stay up to date with fashion etc.
>few months in
>people i met call me hipster
>deny it nd say i just dress how i like
>"anon denying it is first sign"
>start ignoring em
>few months later
>barely any friends left
>more /fa/ than ever
>guess i got that going for me still

Ok, how do you guys deal with the hur dur yur a hipster shit

Also /fa/ stories and experiences

>> No.8120939

>dont hang out with anyone who uses the term 'hipster'

it's going great

>> No.8120948

>can't handle harmless banter

Pathetic. You're probably being overly defensive about it too.

>> No.8120950

People who use the word 'Hipster' are culturally lacking. Anyone who subscribes to that term without really thinking about what it means is lagging behind and not realising it; not realising that a word is doing your thinking for you.

I would even go so far as to say that you've already lost for letting it get to you and posting a thread about it here. If you'll allow me to go even more deepweb, Im disappointed at myself also for posting in this thread and using my lovely sleek fingers to type out that basic-fuccboi word.

Im so meta.

>> No.8120962
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>> No.8120966


>> No.8120967

I don't understand this story you're telling me

>> No.8120969

these threads are the worst

u probably do look like a fucking hipster with ur h&m msessenger bag and h&m oxfords u fucking queer, FUCK YOU

>> No.8120972


University is shit like that. I posted this a few weeks ago and some people could relate:

>move into university
>only take clothes, my computer and other essentials
>flatmates come into my room and complain about lack of posters and photos
>overhear them saying it was a sign that I was a weirdo
>by Christmas time they weren't even talking to me

Unless you're exactly as everybody else is at university, people will ostracise you, and I don't even mean that in some edgy sense. There were loads of groups here that all dress and act exactly the same.

>> No.8120975

Save for the rather effeminate pose, I kind of like that fit (especially the sneakers).

>> No.8120976

>walk out of room wearing grey oxford, black jeans and 1461s
>wow anon you're very dressed up today!

>> No.8120983


my backpack is actually raf and i wear mostly damir and rick

>> No.8120990

>tfw pot smoking "hip" kids want to hang out with you because of the way you dress
>tfw you just want to be left alone with your animé clique that has that one girl that everybody swoons over and each month there's a different guy from the clique who admits his love for her but really she's a terrible person who wouldn't be tolerated if she had a penis

why is being me so hard

>> No.8120995


u wish HAHAHAH!

>> No.8120997

>have beard
>get called hipster

>> No.8121000



>be basic bitch wearing white t-shirt, black sknnies and some chelsea boots
>'wow anon nice leather boots, you look really fancy ;)'

>> No.8121004

>any kind of shoes that arent vans
>'wow anon you look so classy!!!'

>> No.8121007
File: 163 KB, 1000x1500, deathgrips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw 'cool' pot smoking people want to hang out with you
>tfw i dont want to smoke because i still want to be aesthetic in my 30s-40s
>mfw ppl take it as a sign of being edgy / hipster

>> No.8121008

>tfw you just want to be left alone with your animé clique that has that one girl that everybody swoons over and each month there's a different guy from the clique who admits his love for her but really she's a terrible person who wouldn't be tolerated if she had a penis


oh shit man, this is the most accurate description i've ever read. i used be in circles like this when i was fat.

biggest cunt, then i hit it and quit it and she left the group.

>> No.8121017


did u wear a fedora at that time?

>> No.8121025


no, i browsed 4chin since child, i've always been aware of how lame fedoras are, even at my lamest

>> No.8121027


Pick just one.

>> No.8121043
File: 1.33 MB, 200x200, 1379576346771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out to pub to see old friends after dinner with my family in my rural hometown
>wearing light blue oxford, black sweater, black jeans and black derbies
>psychotic bitch i had sex with years ago then ignored tells her friend to tell me i look like one of the beatles
>she's wearing something that looks like an entire outfit from cotton-on


>> No.8121058
File: 561 KB, 2136x2896, aswefd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBI is trying to invade your brain! Quick kids, you know what to do! say it with me!
FBI no FBIing
FBI no FBIing
FBI noooo FBIing!

>> No.8121114

>implying raf is good
>implying raf would match rick or damir's aesthetic.

>> No.8121119


you're retarded if you think it has a negative impact on your aesthetics as you age

>> No.8121128

He's probably American m8, he cant help it

>> No.8121141
File: 63 KB, 544x850, backpag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no surely a raf backpack could never fit with a rick asethetic that'd be absurd

pic related, how could someone pair this poorly designed piece of shit with anything that rick does?!

>> No.8121143

Tbh you look like shit with that on

>> No.8121144


Probably not. He writes like an Englishman/boy. Anyway, something being 'harmless banter' doesn't make it exempt from judging whether it's worth saying in the first place.

>Mate you're such a Hipster! U fink ur so underground Dontcha! ahhhh just messin m88 :)

Off yourselves.

>> No.8121168

me also.
fit + black and white shirt - glasses = sicc

>> No.8121191

hipster is a meaningless pejorative term for the otherwise inalienable 'other'

>> No.8121213

my 2nd year of university

>> No.8121216

>tfw you want to smoke weed and it's to much of a pain in the ass
Seriously can weed just be legal now in the states?

>> No.8121225

looks like a cheap nylon piece of shit that u got off yahoo auctions for $250. the straps are especially faggy

>> No.8121241

>attending uni for 3 years
>no friends with the exception of guy i'm living with
>don't really ever feel lonely

Clearly, I am an impenetrable alpha male composed of only the most incredible matter of psychological fortitude. I'm not even weird.

I do think that maybe more social contact would be important though, even if I don't consciously feel like I need it.

>> No.8121255

>in uni
>rick and and the rest
confirmed hypersensitive trust fund baby

>> No.8121262

are u me. we would make gud fwends.

>> No.8121265

It never fails, I swear to Almighty God that I am not /fa/, but I still get complimented for wearing the shittiest outfits. This happened yesterday on campus:
>wake up with hangover
>realize I'm late, grab clothes on the floor, I can't miss class
>wear stained, not-sykk faded GAP denim
>throw on leather jacket because autism
>put on muddy boots
>still wearing the shirt that I had from the night before, which was stained with blood and beer
>I didn't even bathe that morning, I looked and smelled like shit

And then in the middle of the day:
>"Wow, Anon, I like your style."
>"You always dress so cool."

I swear these people have no standards. I could wear cargo shorts, beat up running shoes, a vidya tshirt, and a fedora and people would still compliment me.

>> No.8121266

KVA backpacks are imo better suited to how much you carry around at uni, unless you're a graphic design/art student or some shit

lelno, not that guy (fuck damir man) but you can work, support yourself and your /fa/ addiction while still going to uni

>> No.8121299
File: 23 KB, 198x265, 1392299584651259719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come home from uni
>Realise I have nothing to wear
>Put on white pierre cardin tee and slim navy chino I've had in drawers
>wow anon, pierre cardin? since when do you wear such fancy clothes?
>Do you have male purse? You would look like such a hipster then haha

Yeah, true story. That's what you get for living in fashion-shithole.

>> No.8121326

>dress like a combo of hood nigga streetwear x minimalist gothninja
>get compliments on my fits by my peers at Uni

Stay pleb guys

>> No.8121357

>dress streetninja/techninja
>also get compliments
>dress sharper for one day
>mad compliments
For once anon I am glad to share your feel

>> No.8121482
File: 48 KB, 469x463, tipsfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8121486


post fit

>> No.8121501

>be me
>spring break
>can't be bothered to take on clothes
>no fits for waywt

>> No.8121507

calm down m8, its just banter lad

>> No.8122008

>hood nigga streetwear
>some goof

Nigga i like your style

>> No.8122021

>at STEM schoolin flyover state
>persistant aura of autism surrounds campus
>mfw the only people mirin my siqq fits are tumblr grills and international asian student hypbeasts
>friends give me shit for looking at /fa/

I cant wait to return to my moderatly /fa/ hometown

>> No.8122032

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.
It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.
Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).
You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.
The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.
Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.
tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.8122042
File: 101 KB, 392x500, 1396149876469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you can't justify that shirt on OP's pic, hipsters exist

>> No.8122061
File: 89 KB, 542x545, 1397595975253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 21 3rd yr student at local state uni
>lives with mom
>has own car
>2k in bank + almost no expenses
>effay as shit
>qt gf+cool friends
>vapes in room so high literally all the time
>still feels empty

comfy yet depressed

>> No.8122083


>> No.8122092

Move out.
You need a challenge.

>> No.8122106


how does one dress like this?

>> No.8122129
File: 41 KB, 760x571, 1394192931661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw that cost money and then id have to start working more than 2 days a week. u mad cuz im comfy and u aint poorfag

>> No.8122135

grow up

>> No.8122151

i live in a city where dressing how you like and following trends isn't scolded. if someone gives you shit for the way you dress or your tastes they aren't worth your time; i make friends that understand that. it's cliche, but it's the truth, fuck everyone else.

>> No.8122168

The comfort is killing you are you really so unaware of that fact?

You need something to push against so you feel it push back and when you push back it moves because you made it so.

This is probably lost on you though, fucking stoner.

>> No.8122186

If you're a male, they're calling you effeminate. You need to either dress more like a man, or go full gay. Your choice bro.

>> No.8122201

you could say the same about "fedora core" and the way 4chan uses "autism" lol

>> No.8122220

No, autism is pretty well defined here. Hipsters are just faggots/fuccbois. For example, if you're that nigga who said OP's fit is nice, you're it, you're probably gay too.

>> No.8122264

Smoking cigarettes affects facial features, not pot. Know your smoke.

>> No.8122426
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1395264907044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jelly poor ugly faggot detected

>> No.8122433

you probably look like a faggot..

>> No.8122435

Smoking weed is still going to give you wrinkles at the corners of your mouth from pulling

>> No.8122436


if you're going to get that minute then you might as well just freeze your body so it can be preserved and never wrinkle

>> No.8122525

>wear blaq jawnz, white tshirt and blaq CPs
>gets called a hipster
USA number one

>> No.8122543

OP, what the fuck is a "thift" store?

>> No.8122545

While you're at it, make sure you never smile or make facial expressions so you won't get wrinkles.

>> No.8122784

ru me

>> No.8123292

Goodwill/ other secondhand clothing stores :3


>> No.8123405

>fuck damir man

>> No.8123568

>2014 still worried about being called a hipster.
that word lost all meaning when frat boys started listening to grimes and shopping at thrift stores coz of mackimore. besides anon you're in uni, everyones trying to look cool and important.

>> No.8123675

>haha bro that sweeaters so hipster
>haha bro it looks better than urs
they cant deny i look better than them so once i do this a couple times they shut up with the hipster shit.

>> No.8123682

anyone who uses the word hipster in 2014 is not worth talking to

>> No.8123690

they were making fun of u bc u had a leather jacket and boots, which they saw as tryhard

>> No.8123702

post fit

>> No.8123703

I second this. Leather jackets are fucking gay, Anon is basically a tryhard faggot that is making stories up. Leather jackets are for tryhards that want to be masculine.

>> No.8123720
File: 68 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n1j4ungSiz1qi0vmuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get first gf ever
>she seems smart, were together for like 2 months rite now
>she never talks about fashion or clothes or anything, buys her stuff at uniqlo and like AA but doesnt look bad, just ur regular gril
>my bank statement comes in mail
>she opens it for me and sees my mr porter £900 bank transfer
>what did you buy from... "mr porter"..? £900?
>oh, its just clothes
>you spent £900 on clothes? are u nuts?
>£900? on clothes? how many clothes?
>uh some jacket and like 2 sweaters
>she just makes this weird grin of disappointment and awkwardness and icantbelievethisshit.jpg
>dont talk about clothes at all now
>she talks less and less now
>1 month later
>sorry anon we are just too different

thanks /fa/
no other women want my assburgers

>> No.8123730

>getting mad because of how you choose to spend your money

She wasn't worth it anon,

>> No.8123733
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 137244084026[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she opens it for me

>> No.8123734

>we're together for like 2 months
>She opens my bank statements

you're probably lucky she upped and left.
finances are private affairs which you certainly shouldn't share with a short term girlfriend.

>> No.8123742

Give us a little bit of context.

Is she from a less affluent background? Do you have a well paying job?

"Broke" college kids tend to stick to basics like Uniqlo and AA since they are affordable. In this circle of influence, spending 900 would be insane for a college student.

I got a similar reaction from my gf when I spent $150, which isn't much to begin with, on a pair of jeans. I budgeted for these jeans with spare change collected over several months. This wasn't going to put a dent in my wallet, and yet my gf thought I was "crazy" for spending that kind of money for jeans.

People come from different backgrounds.

>> No.8123754

she was a student, i was a student, i knew how to budget money and had a job while being on dat student £££ but i rarely talk about my clothes so she didnt know how much they cost

i just wanted to see whats in the mail from the bank cuz i had some problems with my card, didnt know it was a bank statement

>> No.8123788

I'm a graduate student, so I'm not exactly rich at the moment. However, I like to treat myself at times, and I will budget for something "nice". It do some rudimentary accounting for stuff like this. I will never spend the money from my paycheck on expensive things, instead funding comes from the old-fashioned piggy bank budgeting method. Right now I'm saving up for a $700 Bernhardt watch.

>> No.8123867

>Right now I'm saving up for a $700 Bernhardt watch.
>spending that much money on a watch
>wearing watches to begin with

This board is a fucking abortion.

>> No.8124295

does anyone have that evolution of /fa/ picture
it starts off with him as a little kid who dresses like a retard
then as he gets a bit older he dresses a bit more /fa/ and loses some friends
again older, starts rolling his own cloves, gets more /fa/, loses more friends
older once more, all friends lost but is so incredibly /fa/ it brought a tear to my eye
anyone have it?

>> No.8124313

hipster is such a buzzword

>> No.8124329

>not thrift

learn to read nigger

>> No.8124788

girls love it, once i met a girl just because i was supposedly a hipster

>> No.8124803
File: 36 KB, 343x241, 1396399106169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only other males compliment my fits

>> No.8124825

Refusing to smoke pot is like refusing to drink alcohol. It makes you seem weird and you prob lack personality.

>> No.8124855

Are you seriously saying you need to smoke to have a personality? Are you one of those people that make everything about weed?

>> No.8124867

pot head degenerate detected

>> No.8124871

>tfw some girl calls you a hipster for wearing rick owens
she totally wanted the D though

>> No.8124894

actually wearing rick makes you look like a bit of a cunt. it isnt an aesthetic most people would be familiar with yknow?

id still want the d tho so whatever

>> No.8124902

>meet girl at pub
>bring her home
>omg so hipster you have records and a mac? omg
>omg this is so hipster
she just kept saying it. i didn't know whether it was a good or bad thing

>> No.8124921

shes a subhuman pleb

>> No.8124930

Of course not. Everyone I know that refuses pot lacks personality though. You don't have to drink or smoke but refusing to is extremely weird.

>> No.8124946

We had a similar thread a couple weeks ago

when they call you hipster, ask them what they mean

it's pretty hard to define and they'll probably just give up

>> No.8124952

where did you cop? been after a navy one for months. good job also

>> No.8124957

Jesus you're right

It's sour grapes really

>> No.8124964

easy girls generally are

>> No.8124967

she was making fun of me for wearing rick owens but obviously not being serious about it

most people think it looks cool, like a good 40-70% chance someone will compliment you on any given day walking around in public

>> No.8124970

Hello Ruggles

>> No.8124987

What exactly is /fa/ to you? /fa/ doesn't mean anything, you can't be /fa/, it is a hodgepodge of different aesthetics and thought patterns.

>> No.8124989

agreed. fashion/clothing is one of the few things in life someone should absolutely not "save up" for. Fashion should be a reflection of your lifestyle and personality, not some status symbol. If you have to save up to get some piece of clothes or accessory you are doing it wrong.

>> No.8124993

>People who use the word 'Hipster' are culturally lacking.

Thanks for the lol, hipster.

>> No.8124995

>bailing because of that instead of being impressed by your good taste and mad style

you're better off without her anon, also a gf of 2 months opening your mail and going through your bank statement is a red light if I ever saw one

>> No.8124999

For 700 at least get a used Rolex, shit.

>> No.8125027

The OP pic already did this.

Indie band following
Young, white
fashion consisting of both very cheap and very expensive clothing (very little middle)
males typically have facial hair, are skinny fit and extremely effeminate, wearing feminine styled clothing (skinny jeans and borderline frilly scarves)
subscribe to post-modernism thought, even if they haven't heard of the term
Typically come from money and make a good salary but simultaneously despise capitalism and inequality
Value perceived authenticity above all else (actual authenticity is rarely accomplished)
You can find hipsters at most unworthily expensive good's stores, like Starbucks or an Apple store, feeding the very machine that they supposedly hate.

Basically, they are the next generation of Yuppies. They just traded the suit for fat bodies and stained v-necks.

>> No.8125042

>be me
>be into SLP so i dress like them but with cheapo clothes because poor
>go to school in leather jacket, skinny jawns and chelseas
>"hey anon you look like a rocker, you like GnR?"
>"what music do you like?"
>indie music
>oh, so youre hipster

later on

>go in some sort of dadcore with skinny chinos and chelseas again because fucking boots i love them
>sees me in my v neck jumper and skinnies
>"i knew you were a hipster"
>that bitch gets into indie music just because im supposedly a hipster
>bitches keep mirin my SLP fit and shitty dadcore i wear when i dont feel like paying attention to clothing
>them stares

lol wut? in mexico being a hipster is top shit, bithces want to know you, you look way better tha everyone, and practically you are bettern than everyone in this shithole

>> No.8125047

Don't have it but I know the exact picture you're talking about

>> No.8125048

fucking dyslexia is hitting me hard

i have more hipster stories invovling basic bitches if you want

>> No.8125053

i can't find it just by googling, someone else here's gotta have it

>> No.8125060

The sooner you embrace being a hipster the less people point it out.

>> No.8125063

I have it somewhere on an old memory card that was in my old phone.
It's a draw your life meme, but literally cannot find it. Should not be this hard.

>> No.8125072

Meant skinny fat

Hispters are so damn effeminate they have made beards homosexual in my mind.

>> No.8125076

Beards are definitely fairly homosexual. The vast majority of girls do not like them - the exception of course being tumblrcore girls that think they are supposed to

>> No.8125079
File: 249 KB, 812x965, 1396087169785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had it on my old hard drive but i don't know how to transfer data off that thing
at least i still have this
damn /cgl/-tan is a qt, in the first panel at least

>> No.8125085

But the thing is, they really weren't before. But now when 90% of people wearing beards went from hardy, outdoorsy type men to urban, skinny fat, effeminately dressed men, the appearance went with it.

>> No.8125087

tl/dr kek

>> No.8125091

What is the point of looking rich if you aren't actually rich? Plebs think you look shitty, and people that can actually afford the clothes will never associate with you.

>> No.8125093

Post of the day

We need a thread on this

>> No.8125095

i knew it, now i dont feel so shitty after thinking copying some SLP with cheap clothes was bad

>> No.8125101

b-bbbut if I only have this pair of geobaskets... then.... everyone will know I'm cool and I've made it..
>tfw 90% of /fa/ are friendless anti-social faggots who think cosplaying as a person with a real life, style and taste will change their lives too
top lel

>> No.8125109
File: 646 KB, 810x922, 1396119927244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also have this one which i find to be more accurate
i really wish /fa/ had spoilers

>> No.8125110

maybe because we actually like the clothes we purchase, maybe because the clothes we want to wear aren't available at a cheaper price point.
fashion isn't ONLY about showing social status. i mean, there are people on here who spend tons on fits and look like fucking boring plebs anyways so clearly it's not about social status for them.

>> No.8125112

What if you are intentionally anti-social and don't want friends because people are unbelievably stupid, then on top of all that - you happen to dress alright

>> No.8125120

so being ocd about fabric texture, garment construction and "quality" is supposed to be desireable and not recognised as the autism that it actually is? They are fucking clothes. The shittiest walmart crap satisfies the basic functionality of clothing. Being fashionable is about reflecting one's lifestyle and personality, which includes the social context that person exists in as well the budget they have. If someone not only spends all his disposable income on his clothing, but actually has to "save up" for certain pieces that he is obsessing about, then he is the very opposite of fashionable. He is a neurotic, insecure consumerist. Interesting people would never devote such a significant amount of time or resources to what they were wearing. What they are wearing is merely a reflection of HOW they live. Don't you get that?

>> No.8125122

you're still an anti-social retard and no one will care if u dress cool or not. and if u were really didn't want friends or any kind of social interaction, then i doubt you would care about "dressing alright"

>> No.8125126

Fuck yeah. I'm living at home and started working full time this year on a shitty grad salary. Still saved 10k already this year.

>> No.8125127

What's wrong with saving up every once in a while to buy nice things? I mean, as long as I am able to maintain a respectable quality of life, there is nothing wrong in the occasional splurge. I know how to delay gratification, so it's not like I'm sacrificing groceries for a pair of new shoes.

>> No.8125128

finally someone who gets it

And, finally an interesting thread on this shit board.

>> No.8125129

/rick owens fans


/Gucci, Givenchi, LV

fuck, i was starting to become that chit

>> No.8125132

What if you're genuinely not worried about what people think about what you wear in addition to dressing in a way you think is cool because its something to do

>> No.8125139

Why are you viewing a fashion board if you only view clothing as a necessity?
Fashion is different than functional clothing, its about the implementation of clothing to form style and what-have-you.

>> No.8125142

>If someone not only spends all his disposable income on his clothing
Normal people don't do this. Only the neurotic, insecure consumerists that you are talking about do this.

Everybody else puts aside a little bit of cash to save up for something nice.

>> No.8125152

Being OCD about fabric texture, garment construction and "quality" is supposedly desirable and not recognized as the autism that it actually is? They are fucking clothes. The shittiest Walmart crap satisfies the basic functionality of clothing. Being fashionable is about reflecting one's lifestyle and personality, which includes the social context that person exists in as well the budget they have. If someone not only spends all his disposable income on his clothing, but actually has to "save up" for certain pieces that he is obsessing about, then he is the very opposite of fashionable. He is a neurotic, insecure consumerist. Interesting people would never devote such a significant amount of time or resources to what they were wearing. What they are wearing is merely a reflection of HOW they live. Can't you see it?

>> No.8125167

Is that u op.
U like getting fucked in ur tight ass boi?
If u can suck a dick its much better.

>> No.8125173

If they give good head sure. Also a tight ass is good

>> No.8125177

>Being fashionable is about reflecting one's lifestyle and personality, which includes the social context that person exists in as well the budget they have.

you act as if this is an inherent, absolute point. why is this the case? i totally reject it.

in my opinion, fashion and how one dresses themselves is about achieving a look that the individual likes. no more and no less.

if people only dressed according to their lifestyle and income, about 70% of the population would dress in the same shit. clothing would never develop. you don't account for personal taste or style at all.

by your definition, a lower income man who works in a printing office, who wears budget office clothing is the "definition of fashionable" because he spends according to his means and dresses according to his lifestyle.

>> No.8125180


god damn it, this thread was about pleb bitches calling us hipsters, not some 2deep4u tier philosophy of fashion

>> No.8125186

Thank Talos. Some people with sense.

>> No.8125187

Hipster is just a word. That people use to think they are cool. Its a tittle. Just like goth/ hippie bum. Meaningless. U guys put too much efforts to look like exactly what the word means. Common plebs. Stay mad

>> No.8125193

Then you're a waste of space.

>> No.8125205

um way to miss the point entirely. and who the fuck is fashionable in their office clothing? are you retarded?

>> No.8125208

So you think people who are lower income have to save up to get some fuccboi trend piece? Man, you are stupid. You can be fashionable and reflect your personality at any budget. Your argument is a strawman, btw. Not that you would know what that is.

>> No.8125226

fucking REKT

>> No.8125227

fashion is a hobby. not a lifestyle choice. if you let it entirely consume yourself, then you're not an enthusiast, you're a slave. its like someone who is heavily invested in their job, to the point where it every single passing thought they have is related somehow to their job.

the issue lies in this very narrow definition of an /fa/ lifestyle. although i do get quite a giggle out of the threads like 'is smoking fa' 'is black coffee gonna make me 3deep5u', its those people who are slaves to fa////

>> No.8125232

These kids for real?
I think you missed the point there buddy. He means that this person wouldn't, according to the earlier argument, spend any excess money that he needs to o clothing (i.e., wearing his budgeted office clothing everywhere)
Nobody said anything about saving up to get a fuccboi trend piece. He is saying that regardless of your social stature, you can pursue whatever style you deem appealing or sexy.

>> No.8125237

>You can be fashionable at any budget and reflect your personality at any budget.
Well now thats just plain wrong.
How can people adhere to a style that expresses their personality if all they can afford is Hanes white t-shirts and Old Navy blue jeans?

>> No.8125257

Mr. Grips curly black chest hair makes his pentagram tattoo look like a pepperoni pizza.

>> No.8125286

Holy shit you guys, if someone calls you a hipster deny it jokingly, laugh it off or something. Why do you have to get all fucking serious, chances are their just having some fun with you. You should be making friends not losing them.

>> No.8125290

what if they actually like hipsters? should i say i´m one? or what?

>> No.8125297



dont use dat word

>> No.8125298

Just accept it and go with that flo then.

>> No.8125316

w2c shoes?

>> No.8125376

using "sexy" uniroincally. trip filtered. don't try to debate if you are so stupid you can't even come up with appropriate adjectives, k?

>> No.8125384

are u kidding me? check out different styles throughout history, such as french newwave, british punk, aussie skater kid, etc etc. you tell me these people were saving up their allowance money for some $1000 "grail" piece. the whole concept of a grail is so un/fa/ its funny. u really have no place on a fashion board m8. fuck off :)

>> No.8125433

Smoking pot and drinking alcohol make you seem generic and needy. Altering your mind to supplement your lack of personality is pathetic.

>> No.8125450

drop trip and gtfo
im 100% convinced you are an actual assberger dude, and im one of the most sympathetic people youll ever meet/talk to

>> No.8125504

i would love to see this pic

>> No.8125558

>Black tee
>Black jeans
>Free Runs

>> No.8125709

> tfw no face

>> No.8125784

>and who the fuck is fashionable in their office clothing? are you retarded?
i honestly can't imagine someone stupider than you. try reading it again. i'll explain further below for the impaired.

no, YOU are in fact using a strawman (and yes, i have attended high school, i know what that is). i never said that you can't be fashionable if you're poor, i'm saying that you don't have to wear clothing that suits your income to be fashionable. he stated clearly that you must wear clothes that you can "afford" to be fashionable - saving up money, or spending all of your money makes you unfashionable. he defines "unfashionable" as those who spend all their money on clothes. the logical opposite to that, is someone who spends what they can afford on clothes.

now, i'm not saying this is fashionable or unfashionable. i believe that dressing as you please is how one should dress. he is arguing that the amount you spend on clothing and your lifestyle determines how fashionable your clothing is.

its nonsense. you're getting caught up in rhetoric because you reject the idea of people spending so much money on clothes. whether you agree with it or not, you can't argue it is "unfashionable" with any semblance of a point. call it irresponsible, stupid, etc. whatever. but his argument has nothing to do with whether it is fashionable.

>> No.8126129

The problem is you are probably at shit-tier unis doing shit degrees, it would explain why you are surrounded by this kind of vermin

>> No.8126180
File: 194 KB, 382x597, 1392152844476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair pulled up in anything other than ponytail or "messy bun"
>"wow anon, are you going somewhere fancy? can I come?"

>wearing loafers, jeans and a sweater
>why is she so dressed up? she's so vain, all she cares about is how she looks
>mfw I literally took the least smelly clothes from my trunk and went out

>group of five-six slightly overweight campus sluts walking behind me, laugh and say I look like shit while wearing ass shorts, bikini tops and orange tans

>> No.8126200
File: 98 KB, 389x597, 1380240170208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mother fucker

>> No.8126203

Are there any Australians on this thread? Because I'e neer suffered from this whole oer dressed ostracization thing at uni. Most people are dressed pretty well where I am.

>> No.8126205

still makes me laugh
u watching stardust crusaders?

>> No.8126214

this is literally autism: the post
1) you have no idea what a strawman fallacy is
2) you misused the word "rhetoric"
3) you have no idea what fashionable is

What is your argument again? Does it even matter when you are clearly uneducated and just some butthurt nerd who got upset when he realized that he has been wasting his life obsessing over "grails" when he should have been living his life.

>> No.8126217

I doubt it'll effect your aesthetics in the future other than making you a bit of a fatass from too many munchies, or a tiny twig from not eating since you can only eat when you're high.
Other than that I really don't think there's any support for that thought.

That said, I feel you completely. I just don't want to get fucked into getting into something that requires frequent payments for. Sure $10 for a 10 piece isn't that big of a deal, but knowing myself I'd either go big or go home, meaning I'd have to constantly have a dealer with me, constantly worry not to get caught and not reek up the place I'm at, and getting fucked with other bullshit. Also screwing myself up for a couple hours when I should be studying.

Fuck that noise, str8 edj because fuck inconvenience.
Insufferable potheads are also another thing but luckily you can -mostly- avoid them, even in Uni.

>> No.8126229
File: 246 KB, 399x428, 1394669617555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your animé clique that has that one girl that everybody swoons over and each month there's a different guy from the clique who admits his love for her but really she's a terrible person who wouldn't be tolerated if she had a penis
It fucking hurts to read this because of how accurate it is.
Fuck man.

>> No.8126234

sexy: having interesting or appealing qualities

K kiddos :) Check Merriam Webster

>> No.8126241
File: 258 KB, 977x658, 1346571140437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got u, was just looking at it this morning funnily enough

>> No.8126245

Fabulous is another dictionary-approved word but people, other than fags, don't use it.
I'm not them I'm just saying man, it lost its overall usage because of autists, much like fabulous lost its usage from fags.
Blame autism and jews.

>> No.8126292


>> No.8126295


fuck me too

>> No.8126299
File: 29 KB, 334x393, 1342843044221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a mac

>> No.8126372
File: 191 KB, 300x411, 1378718276083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8126397

Should have bought a Thinkpad™ and should have installed Gentoo™

>> No.8126433

please explain i dont get it but i want to

>> No.8126483

it's bad

>> No.8126497

asparagus sounds like asperger's

>> No.8126510

Say the type of vegetable it is outloud

>> No.8126960

Of course, the entire JoJo's is fabulous camp heaven, who could resist

>> No.8127220

It makes me so angry to see how stupid some people are on /fa/. They really need to be spoon feed the meaning of what you mean, because there so incredibly dumb and don't look past the plain definition.
How the fuck do they expect people to inovate, and move beyond the boundries of what is given to you. If we didn't seek for more than what we need, want, or have, then we would still be stuck as fucking uncivilized cavemen.

>dress on how you were born into this world
>lolbuttmad poorfag
Kek what ever middle class shit heads, when I'm done and get my degree guess who's going to make over 100k a year.

I'm really wondering on what you guys were taught in school and at home, as a kid and an adult to give you this narrow scope on life
I really too lazy to elaborate on the word from word part, but you'll get the meaning of it because it's there. Unless if you're a retard who wants to be spoonfed, heck calling you retards is a compliment at this point

>> No.8128235

Bragging about your potential salary to anons on a teenage fashion board, quit projecting.

>> No.8128239

i-i watch it 4 the fights i swear

>> No.8128635

nice nigger can i have some money?

>> No.8128686

>2014 and being this mad
>thinking real life is going to be anything how you imagined it while still in uni
top kek

>> No.8128714

I say asparagus ASP-AIR-UH-GUS as it should, which doesn't really sound like aspergers but ok

>> No.8129213

>when I'm done and get my degree guess who's going to make over 100k a year.
lol, this nigger thinks hes gonna get job straight out of uni, you will have to sell your dreamboxes just to eat

Mexico is the only country where you can get a job straight out of college or even highschool

>> No.8129235
File: 18 KB, 517x686, 1374732267776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a job
>being greedy
pick two

>not living off the government and being late on your rent
>not owning a rug that ties the room together

>> No.8129580

learn to understand a fucking typo in context.

>> No.8129588

I've never been called a hipster. Have been called gay though.