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/fa/ - Fashion

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8109959 No.8109959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel knowing that the HY is now being embraced by popular culture and the mainstream?


>> No.8110181


I used this hair all my school days; my family is traditionalist and I saw it as a simbol of the West, and also thought it was very utilitarian and nice. Only when I got to college I wanted to innovate and I let it grow more.
Now, everyone is in it. I guess that even if its massive, if it fits you, you're fine

>> No.8110740

this just proves that 4chan is always ahead of the curve

manbun/buzz/bowl is the next mainstream trend

>> No.8111413
File: 76 KB, 720x960, itsa me, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get a bowlcut? i was thinking in a HY but now everyone haves one

or maybe a mix between bowlcut and HY? pls, my hair is getting into some kind of mullet

>> No.8111422

Don't talk shit about the buzz you pleb.

>> No.8111424

>How do you feel knowing that the HY is now being embraced by popular culture and the mainstream?

it was literally mainstream in 2009 you blind ignorant fuck

>> No.8111438

Buzzcut will never make it far because most guys are too insecure and not even remotely attractive enough to pull it off - it's permanent master race status if you can pull it off

>> No.8111448
File: 57 KB, 480x640, 1392705320103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only really attractive people can pull off bowls
models, uuuuhhhh, etc

you will just look like a retard. and you're not even unattractive, you're just not good looking enough to pull off the bowl

>> No.8111454

>implying thats pulling it off

>> No.8111458

You forgot that uuuuhhhh is 5'2" so it doesn't count

>> No.8111463

it just makes him look like a little qt

>> No.8111473


>> No.8111474

Gr8 same fag uuuuhhhh

>> No.8111482

as soon as it hits 4chan you know its fucking gay>>8110740

>> No.8111494

so, should i stick to the HY?

r8 me m8´s, pls no h8

>> No.8111546
File: 52 KB, 500x409, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate it hate the shit out of it
was planing on getting long hy sorta like pic related but now literally every fag at uni has some variation of it or another..stuck with awkward long thick hair for the moment now

>> No.8111551

just stick with short back and sides mate

>> No.8111562

I am blond, Austrian, a boy and I look like I come straight out of Hitler Jugend

I am allowed to wear this traditional haircut, you fagshits are not. Please get your own culture/history.

>> No.8111566

ok germany jr

>> No.8111568

you don't live near asians?
Chinese kids were been doing it like last year
asian kids do it = uncool

>> No.8111565


>> No.8111571 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 426x831, standin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, fuck you

would you dance with me though?

>> No.8111575
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>> No.8111578

I actually had a HY haircut 2-3 years ago, back when I didn't know shit about /fa/. I just told a hair stylist I trusted to "do something cool" and I got that.

>> No.8111576

God HY is so fugs

>> No.8111588

Aren't good haircuts always going to look good though.

I mean I know no one wants to look like the try hard that's late to the party but if it looks good on you then that should be enough and the timing shouldn't matter.

I mean would you really give a shit if a chick had the 90's Rachel cut from friends?

>> No.8111590
File: 33 KB, 859x324, 369d9e_4450118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they can buy the face to match their hair

>> No.8111593


88 Hitler Youth confirmed HH

>> No.8111597

Hitler Youth

2 trends that I've luckily avoided due to its pervasive, fuccboi-ish looks.

Manbuns/Topknots are gonna look retarded soon, they're past the growth/adoption stage and will most likely be dead come fall/winter when most people are done growing it out.

CP's are still fresh. I think this or something similar (like white low-tops in general) will start to hit mainstream soon, maybe next summer.

I wanna predict the sandals trend, but I'm going on a limb I think. Still waiting for mine to come through though.

>> No.8111601

what does fuccboi mean?
does it mean gay?

>> No.8111602
File: 34 KB, 717x550, 1(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manbuns/Topknots are gonna look retarded soon

>> No.8111864
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1377480620333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, fuck off uuuuhhhh

your bowlcut never looked good you fucking dweeb

you look like a pussy

>> No.8111876
File: 51 KB, 443x594, mv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so to get back ahead of the curve, what haircut should i get now?

i was doing the skin fade side part until i got lazy and now my hair is closest to this

>> No.8111879

Such an argument (i.e. - your haircut has gone "mainstream"; your shoes are "overplayed") would pop up only in certain social contexts.

I'd hardly find myself in a room filled with self-conoscious, flaming autistic college students who would push a derivative and market-driven idea of originality and individuality - hence I don't really care. I've had this haircut for ages and I'll still do.

I live in real life where no one would notice and no one would care.

>> No.8111881

i hope the next trend is everyone growing out their hair

pls /fa/ make it happen

>> No.8111884

The real thing I think is funny is that /fa/ essentially popularized the term Hitler Youth

>> No.8111887

no they didnt

>> No.8111892

do you honestly think that

>> No.8111911


In modern terms they did, the term hitler youth for what it actually looks like now is essentially just a short back and sides, nobody called it that shit.

>> No.8111916

Hey there! You must be a newcomer. Be sure to read the sticky, and as always, lurk more!

>> No.8111919

people i know who have never heard of /fa/ called it that since before /fa/ picked up on it

everyone called it the hitler youth haircut since the 1920s

>> No.8111923


>> No.8111959

No one in real life calls it a hitler youth

Literally no one

It would actually almost be offensive to say it in real life

>> No.8111963

It's been a popular haircut for 100 years.

>> No.8111968

youre retarded if you think a post nazi europe would have been forthcoming in titling a basic mens haircut as a hitler youth. people outside of stupid cliquey situations don't give haircuts names unless its like "the Rachel".

hitler youth originated here because people liked hitler jugend cuts and to tell people to go to the barbers and ask for a hitler youth was a funny troll because that shit is fucking retarded, but the name bled out and became mainstream.

>> No.8111972


oh so close

>> No.8111977

Fuck I hate hitler youth but there's literally nothing else

>but the bowl, buzz, bun???????


>> No.8111993

>so close
yeah just off by 100 posts

>> No.8111999
File: 96 KB, 308x258, catching the bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone called it the hitler youth haircut since the 1920s

>> No.8112409

This has been /fa/'s haircut since 2011.

Stupid casuals, normalfags and regulars only caught on last year.

Nothing gets me more mad than seeing so many people with badly done HYs.

>> No.8112432

2011? try 2008-9

>> No.8112469

Don't know about 1920's, but can confirm... Back in 07-08 a girl i knew told me my hair looked "like a hitler youth". That was well before /fa/ picked up on the term

>> No.8112480
File: 107 KB, 960x608, 1397740770155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOAK knows what's up.

>> No.8112533

Always thought it looks like shit. There's no such thing as effortless looking HY, it always looks forced too intentional in lack of better word. Even more so now since it's so "hip".

>> No.8112555
File: 8 KB, 148x200, REI KAWAKUBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading jezebel
>thinking that haircut was ever not mainstream
>thinking 4chan pioneered anything and didn't just copy from sufu circa 2008 which copied from jap streetwear

4chan made rick owens big, rait gaiz?

>> No.8112598

I've had long hair for years and I've worn it in a bun a lot too. What's the ideal "style" of a man bun?

>> No.8112640

but this haircut has been around forever
i have seen people have it forever

>> No.8112821


I hope your face has like 0% bodyfat or a ridge forrester-jaw. Otherwise you will just look like a computer science major.

>> No.8112837
File: 21 KB, 332x335, fruity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here in german its mainstream since 2012

>> No.8112840

shouldn't it be like since 1930 over there?

>> No.8112845

no, the years after 45 ruined errything

>> No.8112861

Is this news for you, OP?
Its been popular and "mainstream" for years now, even babies have this haircut

>> No.8112880


source: live in hesse

>> No.8112959

there are effay people and stores in frankfurt.

>> No.8112984

Used to sport that shit 1 years ago before deciding
to grow it out. Got a man bun going on now.

>> No.8112989

also, I'll probably shave it after it starts to get too popular (not quite there yet, but almost). I'll never be able to sport the bowl cut. I think it even looks stupid on pretty people.

Even though long hair is starting to get more popular, I genuinely like having long hair.

>> No.8112990
File: 46 KB, 148x250, 1397751957393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HYs have been and gone, manbuns are the natural progression as the HY grows out

I've gone to getting this now, shame it only looks really nice when it's fresh/clean

>> No.8112997

>2014 and people still have HY hair cuts

Anyone on /fa/ that has a HY still should feel embarrassed

>> No.8113008

t. someone with a manbun

>> No.8113030

buzzcuts are the hardest to pull off and thus the most eff ay

>> No.8113097

4chan is always behind trends

>> No.8113211

Saved, if true I'll buy you 3 cookies

>> No.8113282
File: 62 KB, 620x413, rei-kawakubo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still fresh

>man bun
>retarded SOON


spoken like a true fuccboi

>> No.8113497

>How do you feel knowing that the HY is now being embraced by popular culture and the mainstream?

Terrible. People back in like 2010 used to tell me that I look like a Nazi which was pretty cool, because I kinda am. Now they say that I look like Macklemore or some shit like that. It's a disgrace.

>> No.8113665
File: 119 KB, 1000x667, rowley3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8113754


my grill told me I look "kinda german". Didn't actually said HY, but she meant that.

>> No.8113802


manbun was already getting big F/W 13 14

You're right on buzz / bowl

>> No.8114092

ok then, probably gonna post a pic when i get it done

>> No.8114099

>tfw my chelsea leather jacket combo is fresh as fuck where i live
>tfw i start seiing fuccbois wearing oversized leather jackets with dress shoes and button downs

Hedi, why u do dis to me?

>> No.8115050
File: 738 KB, 900x1469, wtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing this is the hair of the future

>> No.8115071

What's the best website for latest hairstyle trends? sz?

>> No.8115166

I have a shitty hy but I'm too shy/nervous to say anything about it.

The back want shaved high enough so that little bald spot in the back sticks up all over the place