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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 55 KB, 323x319, this hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8109406 No.8109406[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/. First time on this board.
Not sure where else to turn.
I read the wiki and didnt find any good info.
Checked catalog and nothing.

Im looking for some help on getting a particular type of haircut. I know what I want but have no idea how to ask for it, as I dont know the name of it and cant find any good pics to show my barber.
It also does not help I live in Montana.

Anyway attached pic is what Im looking for.
Can anyone help me with some info or a good pic to give to my barber?

Will also upload a pic of myself for comparison.

tl;dr: Newfag needs a haircut, no idea how to explain this style to my barber

>> No.8109412
File: 1.30 MB, 1824x3232, IMAG0267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again.

Here I am as promised.

>> No.8109425


And lose weight and but better glasses and dye your eyebrows brown.

>> No.8109419


>> No.8109433

>dye your eyebrows brown


>> No.8109441



Just got a gym membership a week ago.
Im actually trying to bulk right now.
As for the eyebrows Im good bro, but thanks for the suggestion.
I'm painfully aware about my glasses but Im kind of a poorfag at the moment.

>> No.8109447


Isnt that shit dangerous/your not supposed to? I enjoy what little of use my eyes have left.

>> No.8109457

You can use Just for Men light brown beard dye once a week, takes 5 minutes. I do it and it matches my hair.

>> No.8109463

Just realized that 'undercut' is the name of the hairstyle.
Thank you very much!

To everyone else Im open to suggestion(s).

I might give it a shot. People have been saying I look like I bleach my eyebrows but thats the natural color.

>> No.8109465
File: 203 KB, 566x567, 2014-04-16 16.21.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8109469
File: 40 KB, 500x495, 1393539613713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw master race black eyebrows

>> No.8109474

If you are worried you could probably use eyeshadow on your eyebrows instead, I use that on mine to fill them out

A $15 MAC eyeshadow would last you 6 months at least

>> No.8109492

Nobody noticed but my sister.

>> No.8109489

Not bad.
I'll give it a shot.
Just gonna be weird when my friends ask why my eyebrows are darker now.

Nahhhhh, but thank you for the suggestion.

>> No.8109498

yea it looks good if you got black hair
but if your hair is brown or some other shit then it looks off
like those white kids white really pink lips
shits looks weird

>> No.8109513

Good to know.

Hey while everyone is here, can anyone tell me if pomade leeches out the color of dyed hair?

Sorry for all the questions but I've never really wanted to re-invent myself until now.

>> No.8109540
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, picture044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this at a dinky, black barber shop with barred windows in the hood. Just ask for a fade. Also no poo.

>> No.8109566


I got a fade last time, the chick that did my hair was straight retarded on what I wanted.
I dont know where you live but here in the tiny town I live in no one knows how to properly give a hair cut not meant for someone over the age of 50.

It sucks.

>> No.8109605


I live in Nashville, it's hard to NOT get a good hair cut.

>> No.8109606

Toni and guy at your mall is your best bet then.

>> No.8109626
File: 833 KB, 290x207, omg taco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude what, you know where I live?

>> No.8109631

Toni and guy is at every mall like gap and h&m

>> No.8109637


Ohh. Yeah probably then.
Sorry about my retardation, first time on this board.

>> No.8109657

Dude why are you bulking? You shouldnt bulk if you are already over 15% BF. Cut down to 10% and your face will get leaner too. Dye your eyebrows as suggested because your eyebrows are almost invisible and people without eyebrows look weird af.

>> No.8109665

23% BF.

Practically no muscle.

Gonna bulk up to turn my fat ass into some muscle.

Probably gonna dye my eyebrows.

>> No.8109698
File: 184 KB, 126x121, ima kiss yo dick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last BUMP before I have to go.