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/fa/ - Fashion

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8105421 No.8105421 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8105426

Don't buy fakes, guys.

>> No.8105443

>spend €800/1200$ on real ones instead
>that money for a pair of fucking sneakers, where 80% of the money is paid for the designer/brand
Really, dude?

>> No.8105447

You don't know the first thing about fashion, do you?

>what is quality
>what is labor cost
>what are decent materials
>what is unique design
>what is rarity bumping price
>what is exclusivity

I could go on, you're fucking dense.

>> No.8105449

You're on /fa/, where the userbase is composed of 95% college/highschool students. Who are you fucking kidding when making these posts?

>> No.8105475


I don't even make money like that but it's one of those things you won't understand until you get into it. It's like a hobby but most of the fuckwits here just hate hate hate because the idea of spending so much on a piece of clothing is blasphemous

>> No.8105495

Any person with common sense would.

Hey, I personally would love to own a pair of geobaskets, I actually really love the aesthetic. But considering it'd cost me three full months of my salary it won't be the smartest investment I could make. In the back of my head I'd still love to just say fuckit and buy a pair though.

>> No.8105531
File: 2.74 MB, 904x2556, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't buy fakes, guys.

>> No.8105541

holy shit, this is a fake? thts butyful m8

>> No.8105544

Why not? I'd rather buy a pair of those for 100$ than real ones for 1200$. Same aesthetic, minor difference in details.

>> No.8105556

those look sicc

>> No.8105554
File: 135 KB, 1082x1443, ric0190001blk_02_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, these are my grails.

...One day...

>> No.8105563
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>> No.8105568

If thats after bills, you should consider getting a new job m8.

>> No.8105586

easier said than done

>> No.8105622

>three full months of my salary

Do you live in in a former soviet country or something? Is that before or after bills?

>> No.8105690

so just dont fucking buy it if you cant afford it?

>> No.8105710

why did you post a picture of two trash cans??? just wondering

>> No.8105781
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>> No.8105809

"minor difference"
yeah, who needs quality materials, construction, and durability? that's all minor shit, right?

>> No.8105885

Convice me not to buy these 'high quality' fakes guys, I love the aesthetic and to cop the real deal is not even remotely in the realm of possibility for me right now.

even has the rick owens signature on the sole. after some browsing it seems to be the best quality bootleg out

>> No.8105891
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>> No.8105904

cuz then you'd be a goddamn poser.

>> No.8105922


So basically the purchase is fine if they don't fall apart in hindsight. So basically you agree with the guy. Cool.

>> No.8105926

>it'd cost me three full months of my salary
They said the ring should cost three months of salary. I just bought her geobaskets.

>> No.8105938

The online counterfeit market doesn't select for quality though, there's literally no incentive for the manufacturers of knockoff ricks to improve their product past the point where it looks OK in a photo. There aren't repeat customers for this shit they have no reason to make something that actually satisfies you

>> No.8105939

they look like shit and we can tell.

what people who buy fakes don't realize is that for people that can tell (which is anyone who's seen the real thing more than twice) they have this uncanny valley thing going on where theres little details where the silhouette isnt just right or the paneling isnt exactly the right spot, the way they age, etc etc... there's so many little things that go wrong on a fake and it just looks like absolute fucking shit, and to make it worse, it looks like absolute fucking shit while its trying to pass itself off as a great shoe made by a person. Its trying to hide that its a fucking piece of shit that was STOLEN and it just fails so miserably every time

people who buy fakes are pretty despicable. they do NOT look the same and the only people you are fooling are ignorant or blind.

>> No.8105957

>wow the emperor's new clothes are so great, you're a despicable blind idiot if you can't see that

>> No.8105951


not really, almost all of the fakes are blatantly obvious

>> No.8106290

whole thread is hilarious

>> No.8106311

/fa/ is full of fucking retards who spout the same shit over and over, "It's expensive because construction!!! If you buy cheap, it will fall apart in 2 days!!" Really, you stupid fucks don't know dick on how to take care of clothes. I just buy shitty wal-mart clothes for basic whites and blacks, and they've lasted me 3 years.. the same fucking pairs over and over. You shitheads couldn't possibly know how to take care of clothes, let alone have the authority whether or not people should buy fakes that WILL last as long as the originals, so long as you're not retarded

>> No.8106331
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>paying 1200 for dick ovens made in bangledesh

>> No.8106347


>> No.8106364

did you even read one post in this thread

>> No.8106379

no ones talking about that, only new peeps who think theyre /fa/shionitas say that u pay more for durability
cheap things can last longer than designer clothes but theyre going to feel cheap
quality =/= durability
u can pay 12hunna for geos and have them fall apart in 2 days im agreein w/ u there, but if u have knock off vs real clothes theres a hugeee difference, from what ive seen and bought most of the time the material feels like shit and look like shit

>> No.8106417

And what would you wear them with? Even if you bought the real deal you probably can't afford any clothing that would look nice with them anyway. So what is the point buying real or fake ones?

>> No.8106452

makes me sad to say, but just got my dreamboxes in the mail yesterday. I won't lie, they really cheap. I don't plan on wearing them outside. They look really that bad, even buy normal shoe standards. The long thin toe box also makes them look like clown shoes.

>> No.8106454

>implying you have to buy expensive clothing to match expensive shoes
Get a load of this fat fucking idiot.

>> No.8106481

You can always buy geos used
They are all over online markets

>> No.8106483

tell that to ghengis. he technically cant afford to have geobaskets even though he actually has them.

>> No.8106484
File: 237 KB, 720x960, Unlimited Tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw could have bought these a long ass time ago but saving up for downpayment on property ;_;

>> No.8106490

Same poster. let me clarify why they look so bad. The toe box is too long. The back of the shoe kinda bulges out. The rubber bottom is way thinner and the laces it comes with look like they are from the dollar store. Overall, the silhouette is way off. What I don't get is why the leather on the outside has no texture while the leather on the inside does. I literally put hydraulic fluid to the leather to make the white part less shiny. It did make it look less shiny, but still looks cheap as fuck. They also smell like chemicals (literally had to put them outside) Clown shoes they are. Never gonna wear them outside.

I didn't think I would be this unsatisfied, because like most fuccboi's, I was kinda desperate when I bought them. I want Rick Owens I was thinking! I want to look like those cool fits on tumblr and /fa/.....I learned a lesson though....

>> No.8106497


That's what you get homie ~
200 down the drain and you supported some slave labour shit.

>> No.8106504


$118 to be exact. Yes, it is what I get. Let this be a lesson to all you other desperate fuccboi's

>> No.8106536

Don't take your anger out on me poor-fag. Match your style with your face, body AND budget

>> No.8106589

How much is a reasonable price to pay for the real deal? How will the price change from worn in compared to new? Different models/colorways? I really want a pair but I don't want to get gypped.

>> No.8106694

bumping this so others can laugh with me

>> No.8106699

lol. underrated post.


>> No.8106716

you can easily find them used (though not always in your size of course) on ebay for like $600-$800

>> No.8106931

Yes, only faggots wear fakes
How can you wear fakes from Rick Owens I don't get it.
In my area nobody is wearing them, not even knowing them. So whats the point on wearing fakes, when it isn't showing others how much money you've got to spend on shoes.
And the people who know Ricks will se it if they're fakes.

Don't buy fakes, buy some foggotry shoes instead

>> No.8107058

So, should I cop a pair of geobaskets?
these in particular:

Note, it'll cost me three months of my salary. Unsure whether the leap is worth it or not.

>> No.8107067

Yes man, if you love them, buy them
Otherways look for cheaper shoes, but you will always say: "Why didn't i buy them?"
Belive me m8

>> No.8107099

Yeah I truly do love them. And I realize it's better to buy one pair of quality shoes that'll go with me for years, instead of owning 6 different cheap pairs that'll last me about a year each.

My main concern is that the rest of my wardrobe doesn't match up yet. I do have plenty of black jeans in various shapes/fittings but most of my tops are gray/burgundy/white/black button up shirts. I fear those won't match well. But hey, summer is coming, I do have some solid t-shirts.

And lastly I've also been wondering whether I should put the money in other things for the time being - for example, I'm still a virgin and I really felt the urge to hire a prostitute sometime soon to lose my v card. Since I'm almost turning 22.

Man I really don't know what to do at this point. Geos will serve me well for a long time for sure and if I outgrow them I could always sell them on ebay, but the burden of my virginity is kind of screaming at me right now. (prostitution is legal where I live)

>> No.8107148

>better to buy one pair of quality shoes
Everybody has got an other opinion about this, i've got plenty of shoes including Ricks but only cause I'm taking care about them
>match up
Look around in some What are you wearing threads and compare your wardrobe to the pics with ricks
>summer is coming
you must live in Europe,
Yesterday I saw someone with rick unlaced tops on his feet, it was 20 degrees and the sun was burning. I asked him why hes still wearing them, he sad they're comfy and he likes warm feet.
>solid t-shirts
Always good for summer, mostly I only go with a t-shirt
Ricks or virginity? I'm saying Ricks, but its up to you

>> No.8107168
File: 40 KB, 427x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How2tell the difference between real and good fakes in person? Do the good fakes have the raised signature on the bottom sole? Are the real one supposed to smell of vanilla? What do the older zippers say? How should the leather look/feel? Wrinkled? Porous? I'm in contact with someone to buy his (in person) so I need some signs to look for.

>> No.8107665
File: 378 KB, 1280x960, real-geos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ricks or virginity? I'm saying Ricks, but its up to you
Epic lel

Simple, real ones should look something like these. See the white diagonal stripe? It should be like that, when they go further and underneath the sole it means they're fake.

>> No.8107682

First off I don't see how that's epic lel seeing how he's going to last like 5 minutes as a virgin and will regret not going with the Rick sneakers. But anyways, this guy is trolling you, the stripes are not an indicator. Some go down some don't, it's the size of the shoe that will dictate that. Just look for the name on the sole and insole, and the stitching on the sole.

>> No.8107737
File: 79 KB, 319x308, img_advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy NOW.. abou the A/W2014 version: price goes up again and the quality goes down (YKK) zippers

>> No.8107741

Those are dreamboxes, dude.

>> No.8107742

this is true

but when you go past the 300-400 hundred mark you are mainly paying for design and the designer name.

i'm not again't buying it though.

all for it.

>> No.8107756
File: 563 KB, 816x794, 1397661830564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not ykk

>> No.8107774

Hehe, I smiled

>> No.8107805

It's on the inside buddy.. and btw, these are s/s14.

I was in the showroom a few months ago.. the geo's really weren't worth the money anymore.

>> No.8107827
File: 167 KB, 363x367, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see it buddy

>> No.8107873

Not sure if trolling... it's the INSIDE of the zipper, that's INSINDE the shoe lol. Where the 'raccagni' logo used to be

>> No.8107901

are you referring to the construction on the actual geos? they don't use staples anymore

>> No.8108535

I got dreamboxes and I don't regret it, I made the right decision at the time.

-just getting interested in designer shoes
-I am not poor like most buying fakes
-got a ton of use out of them for a few months
-you don't need expensive clothes

Now I only really wear them to run to the store or something. Was thinking about copping the real but realized I have other priorities or cop wish lists.

I almost wore them one day but decided not to. Ended up going to Hermes store where we saw some andro Chinese girl wearing geos. My girl said she could tell the difference based on the shape of the shoe/toe box. Would have felt sad if I wore them that day... Close call :)

>> No.8108653

lol wtf three months salary

don't do it holy fuck, where do you live that you can earn that little? that sucks man

>> No.8108674

i got my pair brand new for half price
from a local shop, was the last size left and i guess i bought them slightly before the hype

>> No.8108678

the Netherlands
But yeah, it's a 5 days a week job with only 1-2.5 hours a day.

>> No.8108683

well if you're not poor there's no real dilemma to buying them or not, right? if their prime lasts only a couple of months that would make a lot of people sweat who can barely afford them tho

>> No.8108697


Buy some video games or something.

>> No.8108700

they dont have a prime, believe me
theyre acceptable to plebs but they do look "off"
with a avantgarde/special show like that its important they look how theyre supposed to
if they look off the whole shoe will look weird and shitty

>> No.8108719

Is that supposed to be condescending? :-( So you think it'd be retarded to cop geobaskets with my rate of income?

>> No.8108773

>1-2.5 hours a day

My commute time to school and work is longer than an hour...

>> No.8108823

Wat is je maat?

>> No.8108827


>> No.8108860

Bij de laatste questo sale gingen er geo's voor €260 weg.. Maar was een grotere maat

>> No.8108954

No, they look even better after months. I just stopped wearing them because I got a job and wear different clothing now mostly.

No need to wear special fits, just some well fitted pants and nice t shirt

>> No.8110611

they're like a completely different pair.
so good
i love it

>> No.8110667


Damn. Are you serious? Why the fuck would he cheap out like that?

>> No.8110681

start throwin ur resume around, m8. looking for a new job is simple. not necessarily easy, cos u gotta put some time and effort into it, but at least it's str8 forward enough...

>> No.8110684

post pics of inside shoe also isn't the back supposed to bulge out the sole?

>> No.8110742

you're turning 22?
have you ever considered liquor, it's much cheaper then a prostitute and you'll probably lose your virginity for free. On a real level these shoes are an incredibly irresponsible use of your money.you aren't paying for quality, but the shoes will last you.
>"Why didn't i buy them?"

>> No.8110745
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lul, fucking poorfags

>> No.8110858

Try and get a job at a clothing store. Make some money, get a refrence from your manager and then apply for a more "avant garde" fashion shop. Maybe in a year or two, you'll have them for free.

Also, look around on SuFu, grailed, fa BST, and ebay. You'll be able to find a used pair for a good price for sure. And Geos look better the more beat up they are.