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/fa/ - Fashion

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8101803 No.8101803[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if this belongs on /fa/, /fit/ or /biz/, but I feel that /fa/ is the best bet.

I have been NEET for some time with long hair and a chinstrap, now looking to clean up my facial /fa/shion to be more presentable. The problem is that I have thick, brown/blonde hair with a widow's peak and double crown, along with some scars on my scalp (childhood and workplace accidents), plus scalp psoriasis (not the callusy type, just constantly flaking and peeling regardless of how much or little I shampoo or condition, how long or short my hair is and so on). The hair itself is healthy, it sun bleaches in summer when it is shorter and goes darker in winter, for facial hair I can grow very thick sideburns and beard but no moustache (bald spots on top corners of mouth see to that). I also have a bald spot just under my chin, so while a long beard looks fine, a short beard/3 day beard looks very daggy.

Given these limiting factors and my body type (6'1", ~78 kilos but very unfit at the moment, aiming to get fit again over the coming weeks and months) what hairstyle would /fa/ recommend? My clothing is rarely /fa/ tier, but is normally unobjectionable stuff (formal wear for formal occasions, jeans/trousers and plain colour shirts otherwise). If possible a low maintenance cut would be preferable, as I do a fair bit of hiking, cycling and camping, so styles that rely on daily product (a bit of brill or gel each day is okay, 3 types of hairspray is not) would be ill advised.

Pic unrelated because I honestly don't know what I could post.

>> No.8101826

Fuck off you faggot piece of shot

>> No.8101830
File: 135 KB, 500x750, 1370851395057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i looking at? he got his pen to stand up?

anyway the go-to good-looking male haircut is this short back & sides, often referred to as a "hitler youth". for your facial hair, unless you can grow a full, pronounced beard, keep it completely shaved, as to avoid looking like a neckbeard.

finally, for clothes, get just a few interchangeable basic outfits of t-shirts, casual buttonups/oxfords, and jeans and chinos from somewhere like h&m or uniqlo while you a.) get fit, 2.) learn what type of clothes you want to wear as you develop style, and d.) can still wear these clothes after you get stylish because they're solid staple basic pieces that still work

>> No.8101855

op just post a pic of yourself

I promise we won't legion together and doxx you

>> No.8101869

>what am i looking at?
a powerful world diplomat sitting at a UN meeting not paying attention and trying to get his pen to stand on its own (that is, acting like a 10 year old in geography)

Post a pic of yourself dude. we're chill here and get everyone from neckbears to babes posting. so dw, we're used to it. We'll be able to best advise you from there

>> No.8101879

its only called a hitler youth on /fa/
ask for an undercut or a short back and sides if you dont want to look like a complete autist

>> No.8101898

we need a face shot, how can we recommend anything when we dont even know how you OP?

>> No.8101903
File: 1018 KB, 1354x1148, vast expanse of forehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice. My only concern with short back and sides would be the scalp psoriasis (no one wants to look at flaky scalp), the general trend that people seem to say to me is "keep sideburns to the length of your sides and down to the top of the ear lobe, no longer" or "full chinstrap", they seem to be the only facial hair looks I can pull off (no facial hair at all makes me look 14 and as above can't do a full goatee or anything like that).
Jeans and Chinos I already wear, t-shirts are my day to day wear in casual environments and oxfords are already what I wear in non formal "neat" environments, for the coming winter (southern hemsiphere fag here) I have some old sporting jumpers (pretty dad tier but I get accused of looking like a dad in jumpers anyway) and an old greatcoat for when I am back to being /fit/ (because currently I would just look like a fedoracore neet wearing it, so it is back in the wardrobe for now).

Pic related is a shitty pic of shitty me, I haven't shaved in days so apologies for the horrid neckbeard, I don't like it either. My main concerns for hitler youth apart from the psoriasis is the vast expanse of forehead I tend to have if I don't have a parted fringe (as shown by this pic with my hair tied up). Of note, yes my nose is crooked (broke it multiple times in my youth), I have some facial scarring which looks stupid, my eyes are normally brighter blue and my skin is normally paler white (I don't tend to tan, I just burn). Sorry for terrible /fa/shion sense in this pic, I wasn't expecting to be taking any photos/seeing any people today.
Sorry for the delay, had a door to door saleswoman to fight off.

>> No.8101916

DON'T do a hitler youth, your round faceshape will look more redicilous with it.
You should grow your hair out to take the attention away from your forhead.
Also get rid of all the face-hair it looks horrible.

>> No.8101922

you should never go unshaven unless you're still filling in

any way you can post another pic showing us the length of your hair on top? fortunately I believe your general aesthetics to be salvageable

>> No.8101924

The getting rid of facial hair is already part of the plan (all hair on the lower face going, sideburns kept trimmed to the length of the top of the earlobe and kept short). In the past I used a side part to distract from the forehead (which is honestly the trait about my face I hate the most) but I have been informed that is very un /fa/shionable.
What hair style would you recommend to fit the face?

>> No.8101944
File: 1.01 MB, 1100x1410, 1397543933706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the length of the hair to work with, it looks like shit because I haven't washed it properly for a day or two, but the hair itself is decently healthy (few split ends and those that are there are still short, tends to knot easily though).
My aesthetics are currently shit and I acknowledge that (shit complexion, un/fit/, not enough sleep leading to patchy eyes and so on), but I am glad that you think you can salvage this.

The one thing concerning the style of hair is that I can't keep it around the current length, it needs to become more presentable in general.

>> No.8101973

there are people on effay who havent washed their hair for months and have great hair, so that is no excuse.
You just have horrible hair and a horrible face, i cant think of anything that'll suit you.

>> No.8101977

Good to know, in that case what is the least objectionable option for me? Going to have a shower and shave, can post pics without the facial hair afterwards.

>> No.8101993

okay I know it's old school but notice this dude (John Travolta) has a gnarlier widow's peak than you. you don't need to slick it back like him, but leave the bangs a little longer so you can play with and train them to have some thickness instead of your straight ass hair. the general hairstyle was called a ducktail, but if you cob it back, do it slightly down instead of up. that might sound confusing but lmk if you roger or not

>> No.8101997

not cob, comb

>> No.8102003

also this depends on how willing you are to travel outside of your comfort zone

>> No.8102056
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Fair enough, the worry I have with a ducktail is if they are seen as being at all acceptable in modern society (by which I mean business and employment, not socialising). Would a less severe ducktail than what Travolta had work?

Also, just had a shower and shave, sorry for the redness (was a shit job by me, my cut throat is at my partner's house and I never got the hang of electrics so I had to use a disposable with a blade that should have been changed) but pic related should show facial structure a bit better 9jawline is normally a bit better when I am /fit/, but currently looks shit).

>> No.8102066

huge improvement
try manbun pls

>> No.8102067

you're honestly very ugly
i have 0 feedback but i just thought id throw that out there

>> No.8102074

no manburn

I mean, this is where you decide. I gave you an outline, now it's your job to personalize it. idk your life sitch or anything about you

>tfw I have a half mullet, industrial piercing, and over 3/4" gauges and I made it work for me

>> No.8102077


>> No.8102079

I'm diggin' it. You look like an intimidating and big guy.
>inb4 for you
Pick up a claymore and you'd be the strongman in my party as we raid dungeons.

>> No.8102087

I tried to see if I could get it done, but the hair has too much weight at the back and so it can't hold a high bun (closest I could do would be a ballerina bun, and I get the distinct feeling it wouldn't go with my aesthetics).
Thanks for the feedback, looking to change that though so that people don't have to see the ugly looking fool I currently am.
Fair enough, I thank you for the advice though, my questions were because this is honestly more /fa/'s area than mine (if it isn't to do with mechanics, signwriting or range safety it isn't really my area of expertise).
Not overly big (as above, 6'1" and around 78kg) but looking to get /fit/ again (I want to lose that fatty chin before it becomes an irreparable double chin, and get rid of my gut). One of the only two features genetics "blessed" me with were a barrel chest and square shoulders, so I hope I will look better again when I get /fit/. Not looking for zyzz tier cut or for super trim, but looking for respectable muscles (laborer style muscles) and get my athletic shape back.

>> No.8102135

Additionally, is it safe to assume that until I get /fit/ again it is advisable to be fairly conservative in regards to /fa/shion? As in, don't really try to stick out until I have the body to support sticking out again?

Thanks for the help /fa/, you have made one anon who has lost any concept of fashion come a long way back to finding the path of not being publicly offensive to look at.

>> No.8102236

> is it safe to assume that until I get /fit/ again it is advisable to be fairly conservative in regards to /fa/shion?
not in the slightest. with that logic it'll talke twice as long to become desirable. why not figure out why type of haircut and apparel you like while you're in a multiple-month long process?

>> No.8102244

Buzzcut m8

>> No.8102287

I meant more "wear conservative clothing, flat colours" and stuff like that until I am fit enough to wear well fitting clothes again, don't rock the boat until you have your sea legs. My current 12 month plan is to have my quadriceps back from cycling by the end of winter, arm muscles back from work and lifting by mid spring and all unaesthetic/healthy fat gone by later spring. What I am referring to is not wearing more form fitting shirts until the gut is gone, not wearing brighter colours until I am ready to stand out and so on.
scalp psoriasis m8.

>> No.8102293

my stance is the same. your wardrobe is progress and so is your confidence

you look good you feel good, you feel good you stay motivated

>> No.8102314

In that case, can you give any recommendations for someone who looks like me to wear that would be /fa/ approved while I work on getting back into shape and finding my own style? I assume that my usual wardrobe of band shirts and plain shirts very casually, oxfords in "neat" society, and suits/half suits in formal/semi formal situations is not very with the times? I assume that cam gear/khakis and so on are fine in my wardrobe since I use them for their intended purposes (going bush, hiking and so on) and don't wear them in "civilized" company (unless there is call for it, like volunteering in a messy area like helping clean up a swamp and so on)? Sorry for the questions, I have never been /fa/shion savvy.

>> No.8102390

I can't really steer you in the direction of your personal tastes, but I can promise you you won't find the answers you want on /fa/. I did fine without this board for years and consider the people on here self-preserved faggots. Seriously just browse sights like jackthreads or plndr, karmaloop (which is kind of a combo of the two), and if you got a smartphone download the Fancy app if you want to get a little bit ahead.

Fair warning, these sites aren't to brainwash you into liking certain things, they're to give you the opportunity to find things you like, not to mention at sometimes reasonable prices. I saw a 750 dollar Hugo Boss jacket today at the mall that I fell in love with, but probs b/c I saw the same fucking thing for cheaper multiple times before. I know what I like and whether I find it at Macy's, TJ Maxx, or Barney's, I know what I like when I see it.

>> No.8102422
File: 76 KB, 350x441, john_travolta_ducktail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw I just realized earlier I forgot to post the John Travolta pic so here ya go

>> No.8102456

Thank you for the help, I was mainly asking for what /fa/'s general opinion on what suits people in my position (and with my appearance) would be, what I personally like are band shirts/sports shirts (in private, I find them comfortable to wear around the house or when exercising but don't like being a walking billboard in public), plain and "earthy" hues in casual clothes (browns, olive greens, greys, washed reds and so on) and sharp colours in formal wear (white, sharp grey, black, navy). I was just wondering if /fa/ felt that these are okay choices for someone who wants to look neat but not NEET, confident but not outlandish, stuff like that. I guess I wanted a starting point on what suits people with my aesthetics so that I could work my own opinions from there, but I also guess that this would be easier for /fa/ to advise on once I have my own style.

My one question concerning duck's arse/duck's tail hairstyles in regards to my hair, I have a double crown, will that ruin the look? Are there any alternatives for working with my widow's peak that you would advise I start looking into? Hair really isn't my thing, it was cut very short when in military cadets and has grown long since.

>> No.8102502

fashion is fashion. style is your personal interpretation on fashion

as far as your do, it's kinda like a tattoo. you just gotta find a decent barber to describe your outline, and if they're any good you let them do what they do to make it work until you gain the experience to be able to describe a specific request

I'm out for tonight bro muchacho, hope you received some of the help you were lookin for

>> No.8102650

Thanks for that, I will stay on the lookout for this stuff, might post some progress at a later date so that people could see if I was a lost cause or not. Thanks for the help man, and thanks for the help /fa/, whether you provided constructive criticism to inspire, or called me a lost cause to motivate me to prove you wrong, thanks for the help. You guys aren't as bad as the other boards make you out to be, keep on fighting the good fight.