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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 110 KB, 384x288, primark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8098817 No.8098817 [Reply] [Original]

>check inspo threads/blogs
>buy identical-looking clothes from Primark
>save thousands and look just as good

>> No.8098829

>clothes are fucked after one wash

>> No.8098842

>save thousands

What lol, most of the stuff in here doesn't cost "thousands", you can replicate pretty much everything in the inspo threads with £1500 maximum.

>> No.8098836


Do you mean "vaguely similar looking"? Because Primark use bottom-tier material and construction and their fit is dire.

Plus you have to enter a Primark, which is a terrible experience in its own right.

>> No.8098854

Their clothes fit like shit. And the quality is so bad you itch

>> No.8098850

>implying you can troll anyone but neckbeards with actual common sense
Inb4 anyone really thinks doing that is bad. Except yeah, I don't know about quality, but you can do exactly the same with a bit pricy shit.

>> No.8098870

Does it matter if they're, say, 100% cotton? Is there "more" cotton in costlier clothes?

I know there's construction as well as materials, but I trust the children in Bangladesh to do just as well as the children in China.

>> No.8098887




both back to >>>/soc/

>> No.8098892

Could I get a list of countries where its good to be "made in X" and countries where it is bad?

>> No.8098901

fuckin retarded to the max

>> No.8098907

Germany makes good cars
Chile makes good wine

>> No.8098913
File: 99 KB, 500x400, aspargus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8098911

>comparing shirts that were mass produced made by people who don't get sleep to ones that were made in limited number with care

>> No.8098921


Yes asians make so much clothing that their skills are far superior to those of the rest of the world

>clothmakinglevel over 9000

>> No.8098919

Such as:

Italy (?)
Portugal (?)

Bangladesh (?)
Pakistan (?)

>> No.8098929

>implying little Shamim isn't an expert shirt-maker after three days straight of making the same shirt

>> No.8098932
File: 105 KB, 658x489, Wenu Wenu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ur retarded

>> No.8098937


>> No.8098938

that's not how clothes work

>> No.8098946


read >>8098919

>> No.8098952


how does it not work and how does it work than ?

>> No.8098956

it works than because it be that way ?

>> No.8098966


>> No.8098968


nice grammar bro

>> No.8098995

Rick makes all my clothes in his basement, so I know every cent is quality

>> No.8099118

is there a sudden influx of mad poorboys on /fa/ or is just one guy who makes all these shitty threads?

>> No.8099162


there is and theyre getting poorer

Zara > Primark > whats next ? DIY?

>> No.8099202
File: 130 KB, 461x750, 56487329657894236578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey now, DIY can be pretty amazing

>> No.8099213

knoch is an artisan though, not some fag who does dip dye and margiela painted shoes

>> No.8099289

>Eat healthy
>Use deodorant
>Body odor output 0%
>Clothes don't smell
Now you don't have to wash them. You're welcome.

>> No.8099305
File: 951 KB, 1259x1917, 1397505447399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everything made in China is bad, obviously it will depend on where it's made. Visvim makes a lot of their stuff in China, and anyone who owns/have handled stuff from them knows it's good, both in terms of quality and construction. Anorak wrote an elaborate post on this.
>Pic related

>> No.8099315

I'll agree that MOST of the stuff made in China is typically pretty bad though.

>> No.8099325

A Primark just recently opened near Paris, god, I've seen people posting about it on Facebook and such. Man the horror
>Hey look at me I'm going to spend my month earning in Primak
>What's Primark?
>H&M but even cheaper!
People used to buy expensive shit to showoff, now it's the race at who can buy the cheapest shit they can, disgusting.

>> No.8099337

the human body doesn't work that way

>> No.8099344

anorak doesnt know jack shit about chinese manufacturing, and it shows clearly here

>> No.8099379

>Does it matter if they're, say, 100% cotton? Is there "more" cotton in costlier clothes?
cotton is not a molecule and there is no reason it has to have the same properties between samples. two shirts arent going to be equal just because they are both made of cotton. maybe you would be less poor if you weren't so stupid

>> No.8099421

But isn't cotton like 99.9% cellulose?

What makes the difference between good cotton and bad cotton?

>> No.8099438

the brand

>> No.8099577


Were getting richer but we'll happily eat McDonald's and destroy our body cause it's cheaper

What do these people spend their money on?

>> No.8099600

Probably Primark again when their shit got destroyed after 3 washes.
You raise a good question actually, I guess they just end up buy a lot and a lot of cheap shit, spending more than if they would have copped 1 expensive piece instead

>> No.8099631


I'd like to hear more about this as well

This might be true I used to own tons of cheap clothes and now own less but like it more and actually wear everything unlike before

I still see most people rock the same basic cheap clothes and unlike the old me they don't have tons

>> No.8099637

well there's 2 kinds of people, ones who like to dress and spend money on clothes but are completely retarded about it and just go for malls
and the people who actually don't care
I mean I used to own cheap clothes aswell but not that much as I was having other hobbies, and that was satisfying me enough

>> No.8099705

I have a pretty nice fitting tee from there

Probably a fluke but I like it

>> No.8099719

>Plus you have to enter a Primark, which is a terrible experience in its own right.
not necessarily, you can buy primark from asos if you're in the UK

>> No.8099767

French people always go to primark when they spend the weekend in London lmao

>> No.8099815

ITT: Poorfags justifying saving up for months for single articles of clothing because "muh quality."

You're totally fucking wrong. There is no significant different in the quality of fabric as you get to a more expensive article of clothing. It's about exclusivity. You will stain your $400 shirt just as fast as your $50 shirt, but you will not be able to afford a replacement $400 shirt right away.

It's about exclusivity. They are expensive so you poorfags don't buy them, yet you do it anyway. Stop buying clothes that are clearly not made for you.

>> No.8099826

yeh cos american apparel is real hi grade

>> No.8099832

Givenchy makes the same shit as primark and I'll save 200$ by buying the same exact printed shirt from primark rather than Givenchy and feed my starving family with the remaining money.

>> No.8099839

>$50 shirt
try $5 m8

>> No.8099891

If you think that a 10 dollar t-shirt is just as good as a 100 dollar one, then you really don't know what you're talking about. I've got several cheaper tees, and lots of expensive ones too. The latter, are comfier, fit better and are generally nicer. Also, it's not solely about exclusivety, but design aswell. Sure, you could wait a couple of months to see your favorite fast-fashion retailer make a rip-off on that t-shirt you really like, but costs more than you would like to pay. But not everyones into that.
If you really think they're selling the exact same stuff then you haven't got the slightest clue. imo Givenchy isn't really "worth" the money, but to some people it IS worth it.

>> No.8100352

How is it "to some people"?
Something is worth the money or not. it's not subjective

>> No.8100372

Bro, I have tees that cost $5, $15, $40, $60, and $100.

The only difference between the $15 tee and the $100 tee is the design and the fit. Ultimately, that is what you are paying for. The construction might be marginally better, the fabric is different, but it isn't a $95 quality difference.

>> No.8100417

composition matters a little, but the weave, thickness and structure are what make all shirts so different, especially between brands.

I have soft cotton shirts, and rough cheap ones. And then I have some that fell apart after 2-3 washes. If you're really trying to save so much money, then wait for sales etc. Get middle-tier clothing. But when you go for the bottom of the barrel, it'll show.

>> No.8100428

But that's exactly what it is.. Different people value different things. If you view clothes only as a means to an end, to cover your body then it most certainly isn't worth to put money into it, if you ARE interested in clothing, fashion etc. then it just might be worth it. But what's not worth the money to someone might just be worth it to someone else, because of differencies in preference. It IS subjective.
Obviously you're not getting any more functionality out of them, but if you're interested in fashion the difference in aesthetic might make it worth it. From a purely obejctive perspective you might not get your moneys worth, but there are different ways to view it.

>> No.8100436 [DELETED] 

so, factim is basically similar to zara?

I see a lot of try-hard teenie girls wielding primarch bags in town, followed by H&M and zara.

>> No.8100442

so, primarch is basically similar to zara?

I see a lot of try-hard teenie girls wielding primarch bags in town, followed by H&M and zara.

>> No.8100456

I'd say more similar to h&m. But yes it's fairly similar fast-fashion.