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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 47 KB, 510x465, eiogjqmsnmfjuerzjkfna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8098727 No.8098727 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ should give this girl some love, bet she browses /fa/

>dressed in black / white
>elitist about fashion


says she gets approached by sickly people usually so we've got that going for us

>> No.8098732


>> No.8098754

dafuq nigguh

>> No.8098763

>long hair
>over-sized shirt
>caked in make-up
>this is what girls actually believe

>> No.8098771
File: 50 KB, 563x459, polkomqldfsqdsfqfsda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking the haul videos to the next level

>showing of the underwear she got for xmas

>> No.8098790
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she looks like every other tumblrcore teen lol

>> No.8098801
File: 110 KB, 500x385, tricky ricky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8098805

Not all girls, just this dumb broad.

>> No.8098812


atleast she copped expensive designers right

how can a chick be /Fa/ in ur world faggot shes dressed in awang

>> No.8098828

>alexander wang
it aint Rick tho

>> No.8098837


its a start tho i bet you can get this bitch to cop geobaskets

>> No.8098838

>that /fa/ comment on her video

holy shit you guys are dicks

>> No.8098852


what comment?

what video?

>> No.8098862

are you blind or daft cunt

>> No.8098866

Is there anything worse than people that browse /fa/?

>> No.8098871



>> No.8098872

The people that browse pol

>> No.8098877


surprised noone has told her to buy af1s or geobaskets yet

>> No.8098883

>yfw she kills herself because of that comment
thats the worse thing you can say to these kind of girls

>> No.8098884



>> No.8098890

Oh, now bring everything exactly same here and have a good feeling about your superiority, faggot.

>> No.8098899



>> No.8098905

here from youtube*
Every fucking single girl you may describe with words from oppost. Sage.

>> No.8098931

i don't think she browses
what made you think that? she seems very run of the mill tumblr youtube attention whore-y

>> No.8098939


am i the only one that thinks she looks semi decent?

>> No.8098942


read >>8098727

OP states why

>> No.8098954

OP is an idiot

also you are op

delete this thread

>> No.8098961


you are a faggot

>> No.8099042


>> No.8099050


>> No.8099052
File: 34 KB, 413x395, 1380915947962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says she gets approached by sickly people usually so we've got that going for us
I don't know why I laughed so much at this, but good shit, OP.

>> No.8099061
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1367129684229s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says she gets approached by sickly people usually so we've got that going for us

>> No.8099157
File: 55 KB, 571x459, tyudkdkdk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she looks like shed be fun

>> No.8099200
File: 112 KB, 669x879, 1381992531152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no, I'd love to make her my qt3.14, but she lives in Canada and I'm probably not nxtlvl enough for her. I don't suppose she'd be down for the nice boots, selvedge, and button downs, just goofninja and rick shit.

What a shame, she's not bad at all.

>> No.8099201

is this a joke

>> No.8099210

>is this a joke
Nah, and why are you namefagging? Just post, m8.


>> No.8099220

so people know who i am

>> No.8099223

nah man

there's a lot of darkness behind those gestures, make up and constant looks to the side

I can tell

>> No.8099226

Alright big dog, but why did you ask if it was a joke? What's wrong with 'er?

>> No.8099239

it sounded like a parody of a newfag fuccboi

>> No.8099254

Oh nah, I am a newfag fuccboi, or have perpetually been at that state for about 2 years now. I don't really want to get into the trendy stuff, would rather just hit up that basic mens style without going into dadcore. Still get compliments from some qt's, but I'm certainly never going to get into rick. Why, are you on that shit, m8?

>> No.8099269


Which feelings and did you make her feel? Cause I would kill you

>> No.8099274

1 hour ago

I know they say black is slimming, but that black lipstick isn't helping your fat face at all.
w/ a rick owen avatar

>> No.8099299


/fa/ is here we should get her to our board so I can praise her fits in waywt

>> No.8099321

LOL comment deleted

>> No.8099331

I-I think she's bretty cute. I'd let her live with me and give her money to go buy lots of designer shit. Assuming she puts out, of course.

>> No.8099339

if a girl with black lipstick gives you a bj, does it turn your dick black...?

>> No.8099336

her vagina probably smells like shit cause the sweat from her fat ass mixes with the tuna crotch

would not fuck

>> No.8099342

If a hamster with orange slippers on bites your dick, does it become a carrot?

>> No.8099349


No but it does make it larger

>> No.8099350

i'd fuck her in the ass if you know what i mean...

>> No.8099347

>her vagina probably smells like shit cause the sweat from her fat ass mixes with the tuna crotch
Welp, that seemed to have just come out of nowhere. What makes you say that, anon?

>> No.8099357

girl in the video pls, we all know this is your ruse to get money , you sl00t

>> No.8099363

but you dont even see her ass
>what if is flat or boyish

>> No.8099366

She said that she worked for most of her clothes since she was 13

She has /fa/ attitude and work mentality

>> No.8099374
File: 86 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gr8 samefag

Pic related is what fashionable girls look like

>> No.8099375

Nah man, I'm not her. I don't think she browses /fa/.

>working for your shit
>/fa/ mentality
Lel, no. Effay is all about blowing your parents' money on booze, drugs, and sick fits.

>> No.8099373


Check her instagram and rate

>> No.8099380


>> No.8099381


>> No.8099392

she sounds retarded, I'd probably kill myself if I had to listen to her

>> No.8099393

Dressing in black and white dumb because you can only wear black and white shirts and black shirts are autistic so you have to wear white shirts everyday

>> No.8099414

From stalking her twitter

She looks fine

>> No.8099411
File: 1.57 MB, 1258x696, youtibe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well she has a nice ass 6/10 would look at it

>> No.8099424

play it from 4.44 and listen to how many times she says like

>> No.8099427
File: 626 KB, 1000x1658, 1397507000194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.8099434

thats a 4/10 ass

>> No.8099447

no you are an 4/10 ass did ever seen an ass like that naked? its fine that way.
at 1:00 minute mark

>> No.8099443

what a surprise she has step-brother, daddy issues are clear to see

>> No.8099456



>> No.8099462


Can't fight that logic

>> No.8099545

Girl looks fine

>> No.8099562

aint all about the look, she still is a teen girl who thinks attention on the internet is worth shit

>not everyone can be a cara

>> No.8099612


Her channel is pretty modest and as she says she doesn't spam videos and only posts videos she's happy to post

>> No.8099969
File: 1.42 MB, 320x225, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw her voice

>> No.8099976


kill me jesus

>> No.8099978

she ugly and wears 2 much makeup

>> No.8100237

Are there any good fashion youtubers? We often have tumblr threads but never youtube threads.

>> No.8101227

bitch better wait for dat iphone 6

>> No.8101256

she's ugly and vapid

>> No.8101266


the best bitches
i just wanna fuck i don't need any intellectuals

>> No.8101485

>implying she'll fuck manlets

>> No.8101490

you don't have to be an intellectual to not be vapid you fucking idiot.


>> No.8101598

>i'm 16

>> No.8101715


>> No.8101749


>> No.8101760


>> No.8101804

Can vegans swallow your load or is that against their beliefs coz i'd let her suck it.

>> No.8101930
File: 973 KB, 500x275, 1348427216806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how I lasted until 3 minutes but as a yurop this is the stereotypical annoying american girl.
First her voice is fukin unbearable, I just want to punch her just because of the way she talks.
Second thoses gestures
Three nobody fuckin cares about your life.

Seriously who watch those videos ?

>> No.8101943

>acne, wang, the list could go on

>> No.8102048

>White people
I can't see any ass

>> No.8102171


>> No.8102180

Yeah you need something disproportionately large and cratered with cellulite you fucking ape

>> No.8102564


rekt back to wshh honeys

>> No.8102716

>Especially Acknee

jesus christ that is worse than people saying No-Kia

>> No.8102725


>> No.8102730


how do you say acne?

>> No.8102752

Pretty sure that's how you pronounce it

>> No.8102753

Ah Kuh Neh

>> No.8102756
File: 889 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mxlerrDtwW1syz1o6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foosh-bwah or Ack-nuh

>> No.8102759

Okay, so you are literally adding a new syllable to the word but bitching about how someone else says it?

>> No.8102763

I think that's just how the guy says it because he's got a foreign accent. Part of the point of the name is to make a word associated with ugliness have new connotations of style. To properly execute this it would be natural to pronounce it in the same way that you would pronounce the skin condition.

Johnny Johansson says the name at the start of this video it if anyone's interested.


>> No.8102765


>> No.8102777

No you don't.

It's acneh.

if it was acné then yes, it would be acknee
just like with niké, you pronounce it nikee because of the é.

just listen to the video >>8102763 posted.

>> No.8102801

Not going to listen to your gay ass voice

>> No.8102828

Video guy here. Did you read the rest of my post?

I think it's stupid arguing over the pronunciation of the word to begin with but for the reasons outlined in my post I think it's entirely justified for an english speaker to pronounce it as "ack-nee".

>> No.8102831

it's pronounced acne like u would the shit on ur face

>> No.8102837


>> No.8102861

well shit like that triggers my inner autism

>> No.8102879

she is 3dpd

>> No.8102922

>annoying american girl
Ok, while I know you could correctly say she is a "North American" girl, or from "The Americas," I just wanted to let you know that that particular demonym is typically just associated with the United States of America (i.e. Americans). And with that being said, she is only the former, and no actually "American" but Canadian.

>> No.8103826

Man, shut the fuck up. No one cares about Canada, South America, or the Islands. Fuck yourself

>> No.8104280

it looks like she deleted her tumblr or something

>> No.8104304
File: 52 KB, 448x604, 1392927472957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Do Americans And Canadians Exist On Planet Earth?

>> No.8104313 [DELETED] 

>ugh this phone is ancient omg like yknow

this girl is a walking stereotype of spoiled, ignorant teenager with a douchey elitist attitude

>> No.8104409

>she spent a lot of money on big names so it must be good right!?
Pleb pls go.

>> No.8104670

No it's not you fucking retard. French /fa/g here and é is pronounced eh not eee. Please refrain from spreading bullshit on this board. Also its AK-Neh.

>> No.8104689

jelly cause you won't get to see the next four lunar eclipses? :3c

>> No.8104751

>French fag

we're not speaking french here fgt