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8093723 No.8093723 [Reply] [Original]

how long does it take you to get ready to leave your house including getting dressed, getting your hair done etc etc

>> No.8093736

It takes me the time to dry my hair to style my hair.
No poo masterrace

>> No.8093755

>wake up
>go take a shower because product put yesterday still in hair
>leave the shower
>put clothes on
>put pomade on hair now just so the hair doesnt get ruined by putting the clothes on
>hair spray
>wash teeth etc

like 30 minutes before i go out every time i guess

>> No.8093760

>takes showers in the morning
american much?

>> No.8093761

i need my hair damp to put pomade in and make it look good so may as well take a shower in the morning

>> No.8093763


>> No.8093819


>> No.8093823

What ever happened to qft...

>> No.8093847

euro here

I take a shower every morning.

>> No.8093858

It takes me a lot of time to even stand up from the computer.

Getting dressed usually takes 10 minutes tops though

>> No.8093869

>showers everyday
>2013+458 days SCOOBY MARMADUKE

>> No.8093891

Why wouldn't you? I feel dirty if I haven't showered in the morning

>> No.8094176

takes me 30 min to get ready for the gym and 4 hours if i havent prepared clothes already or if i have but decide not to wear them. :)) make up takes me about 10-15 min depending on how "evening look" it is. this does not include showering.

>> No.8094199

>wake up at 7:30
>gone at 7:45

>> No.8094282

honestly take me an hour.

>5 min to get into the shower
>10-15 min shower
>5 - 10 min dry off / lotion / etc
>2 min get clothes on
>3 min make breakfast
>10 min eat breakfast
>5 min dress, get things ready to go
>2min brush teeth

I am usually so tired that there is a lot of standing around and spacing out.

>> No.8094293

tfw don't need to shower in mornings anymore because my acne treatment dries my face too much and I don't sweat at night nearly at all (cold climate)
>have sick fits ready
>brush teeth (2min)
>take my time eating breakfast (about one hour)
>put clothes on (5min)
>put raf velcros on (5min)
>leave house

>> No.8094299

are you fat
i bet your town doesn't have nice gyms :DD :DD

>> No.8094304

About an hour, maybe 40 minutes.
It really depends.

15 min for shower
10~15 min for teeth, face, and hair.
15~25 to moisturize and put on clothes

Add about 4 minutes of admiring my naked body in a mirror somewhere in there and that's pretty much my daily.

>> No.8094309


this guys is a troll right

>> No.8094311

same. work days are easy cause I can just pick a shirt and pants from my uniform and roll out. non uniform though I have to find usually where I put that shirt I really want to wear

>> No.8094341

i googled this real quiek and people realy shower only in the night and night in the morning.

wtf this is so discusting, like shower in the morning is the basis, all that filth / sweat in your sleep needs to get offf.


>> No.8094361

*not in the morning *

>> No.8094362

20 mins if i´m going alone, if i´m taking my mum to eat or wait for someone my 20 mins and the long ass time they take to get "ready"

>> No.8094366

what kind of disgusting neckbeard doesnt take showers in the morning? how are you supposed to wake up before your morning coffee?

>> No.8094374

what about all the dirt and sweat you got over the day? you're just gonna leap into bed with that?

>> No.8094375

>filth in your sleep
Have you ever tried changing your bedsheets? Unless you sleep with a badger, I don't see how laying down for a few hours would make you dirty.

>> No.8094369

but if you shower at night you're clean when going into bed, not everyone is a sweaty cunt m8

>> No.8094370

>sick fits

>> No.8094379

i'm all in for shower in the night hen your dirty and shit, but after you slept you need to shower to man.

thats the basis.

>> No.8094376

me too, it even gets me that feel of dont want to do shit all day

>> No.8094384

>eating breakfast
>then brushing teeth


>> No.8094387

legitimately curious what your reasoning behind this is

>> No.8094391

so the general consensus is shower in the morning AND night?

>> No.8094392

You don't create that much sweat or filth sleeping. Plus sleeping in your own filth till morning is disgusting.

>> No.8094394

he is stupid, because toothpaste has fluoride and you are supposed to wait atleast 30min after brushing before eating.

>> No.8094396

preferably, yes

if u can only choose 1, shower at night

>> No.8094398

interesting bit from yahoo answers:

Dentists recommend that you brush before eating your breakfast, mainly for 2 reasons. Brushing before breakfast rids your mouth of the plaque/germs that have built up during your nights sleep, and also, brushing before breakfast helps protect your teeth from the foods that you are most likely to add sugar too, such as cereals and tea/coffee. Many foods attack your teeth in such a way that it is actually harmful to brush them after having eaten or drunk them, some foods soften the surface enamel of the teeth, and brushing afterwards can further erode and destroy the tooth surface.

>> No.8094402

but I usually stink in the morning because sweat at night. i want to smell good at work

>> No.8094404

>there are people who brush and then eat

absolutely disgusting

>> No.8094409

how is your reading comprehension? dude said he brushes his teeth AFTER eating, not before.

>> No.8094417

why would you brush your teeth when your going to eat shit after you brushed them? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.8094429

i can't stand a minute with morning breath

>> No.8094500

re-read everything man, I am not confused. I originally said I brush after eating, then some anon said it was disgusting, then I said that "he is stupid" referring to the anon who said brush after eating was disgusting.

>> No.8094533
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Well I usually pick out fits the night before and post them on WAYWT to get some feedback but also so I can think about it. If I do that it only takes me about 20 minutes to shower and do my hair and get out the door. If I don't pick out my fit the night before I usually run pretty late and look like shit.

>> No.8094543

>wake up at 3/4am
>shower n that
>already have my clothes laid out
>leave + travel to work (takes like an hour)
not long at all really

>> No.8094564

>Wake up
>Brush teeth
>Take a shower
>Heat some water and put a bagel/slice of bread in the toaster
>Throw on a decent fit
>Get the bagel and make some tea
>Out the door
Forty five minutes tops.

>> No.8094562

actually you are stupid. I was just pretending.

>> No.8094588

>Forty five minutes tops.
>with masturbation

damn that stamina is low as fuck

>> No.8094591

>masturbating after waking up
>not having your gf give you a handy

>> No.8094597

>he doesn't do quickies to relieve the morning wood

>> No.8094602

no because i get to fuck and finger bitches later on

>> No.8094636

i shower at night and in the morning :)

>> No.8094658

>this morning
>wake up hungover wearing skinny jeans, watch, /fa/ shirt, pockets still full, keys still on lanyard
>find cigarettes
>go outside and smoke one
>skip breakfast
>brush teeth
>finna hit the gym
man it feels good to be trashy

>> No.8094661


Me neither, but you should try downing one glass of water immediately after you wake up, works for me and wakes me up nicely.

>> No.8094704

my alarm is always set for 2 hours before class so probably half an hour because i allow myself 30 minutes to sleep in or do any pre class tasks, 30 minute shower (gotta be clean brah), and 30 minutes to get to class on time.

>> No.8094699

>get up
>shower/brush teeth
>get dressed
>run for the bus

20 minutes total i guess

>> No.8094715

>eating breakfast

you guys call yourselfs effay?

>> No.8094735

>wake up
>make coffee
>mess around online on my computer right next to bed for 30 or so minutes while drinking coffee
>smoke a cigarette on the balcony
>put shirt on
>browse 4chan for 10 more minutes
>brush teeth
>put rest of clothes on

If you mean in general, not just mornings, then it doesn't really take that long as I don't do shit with my hair.