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8071192 No.8071192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw so excited that shoes are being delivered today that i keep refreshing the tracking page just in case he delivers it to my apartments management office instead of my door

>> No.8071195
File: 32 KB, 500x375, recreationalsports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post snapchat on tumblr
>suddenly girls younger than me start snapping me pics of their tits and videos of them massaging their crotch or taking a dump

what the hell is going on I dont even

>> No.8071214

wait what? i dont use tumblr but explain where/what you posted and how they got ur snap

>> No.8071235
File: 88 KB, 423x637, panos what is this bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandmother is super old and can barely walk
>refuses to go into a care home despite there being endless comfortable and well-staffed institutions available to us
>has to have two 24 hour carers at all times which costs £7,000 a month
>mother feels guilty and spends hours every day there
>could easily employ more carers but wants to do everything herself
>grandmother treats her like shit despite mother basically being a saint
>has recently started refusing to eat anything, only drinks like a sip of tea and then says it's 'too cold', vile bitch to mother in general
>as such, only see mother for like an hour a day
>irritable and exhausted
>grandmother too stubborn to go to any of the private elderly care homes even though it would be easier for everybody and less expensive
>don't want to want my grandmother to die but kind of do because i want my mother to not be depressed and put upon
>go there as much as i can but can only manage a few hours a week w/ school and exams


>> No.8071241

>tfw see a teenage girl wearing AF1s
>tfw i have the same exact pair

>> No.8071244

>tfw poor

does anyone know this feel

>> No.8071253
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>taking a dump

>> No.8071261

bitches want the dick

what's ur steam btw

>> No.8071297

yea mate, i'm living on disability benefit from the government so i literally have $1000 a month. $400 goes to my rent, $100 goes into savings, currently I'm paying down my visa so I put $200 into that, which leaves $300 for food and whatever else.

>> No.8071302

I only get $700 autismbux per month

>> No.8071306
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>bought cp's for 200
>keep checking the usps status
>departed from usps sort facility
>tfw contemplating on fapping but don't want to be interrupted midfap
>tfw it might not even come today
>i will

>> No.8071402

U.S.? I'm Canadian, our minimum wage is higher and I think the cost of living might be higher.

>> No.8071414

>tfw overheating even with the fan on in my apartment because i'm waiting with clothes on
it's fucking 3:42pm and my package was only about 30km away at 8:21am what's taking so fucking long

>> No.8071460

>tfw "Delivery has been delayed"

>> No.8071480

w2c career

>> No.8071491

w2c security

>> No.8071488

mine says "by the end of the day", and i checked and that means "between 9am and 7pm (or sometimes later)"
if they don't deliver before 5pm i'm gonna rage

>> No.8071510

>tfw just got a profitable job at a successful menswear startup

glory glory hallelujah

>> No.8071523

u a momma's boy

>> No.8071542
File: 141 KB, 1109x677, 1396280030837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c gf

>> No.8071560

Cocksucker, that's awesome.

>> No.8071570

tfw cant decide whether i want to study fashion or footwear design :(

>> No.8071574

>working in the dadcore business

>> No.8071582

w2c ambition and work ethic?

>> No.8071593

are you the trumaker guy?

grats, hope it doesn't suck.

>> No.8071612

Yeah that's me

Looking like it'll be pretty cool, but I haven't started yet so idk

In theory it'll be great

>> No.8071626

whats the job title

>> No.8071631

>you need a job to get experience
>you need experience to get a job
I just want a bit of cash for the summer and not be bored off my hole.

>> No.8071634
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Do you know what you want out of life

>> No.8071635

I'm an outfitter, so I go to offices and help guys through buying things, then measure them and order. I also get commission on any orders they place online after being measured, which is cool

>> No.8071638

To have a good time I suppose.

>> No.8071645

>tfw new episode of Rick and Morty was great
>tfw cliffhanger ending

>> No.8071650

Maybe you need to figure out something more specific

>> No.8071651

back to leddit ya fucking schlub.

>> No.8071679
File: 78 KB, 623x720, 1384815627132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it well anon

>> No.8071688

Congrats anon
>tfw no fashion industry where I live

>> No.8071699
File: 22 KB, 251x251, 1373495282486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've gotten taller anon!
>you look slimmer since the last time i've seen you
tfw gyno

>> No.8071701

>order on saturday night
>ships out tuesday
fuck you

>> No.8071707

>tfw they said next day delivery too

>> No.8071717
File: 41 KB, 497x500, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now I got another girl sending a vid of herself peeing while standing

I'm just sad nobody wanted to exchange dick pics with me

>> No.8071723
File: 38 KB, 645x773, 111379804873312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realize I dress like shit
>no money to change it
ignorance was a bliss

>> No.8071736
File: 2.74 MB, 275x275, 1387401870355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order on a saturday
>comes next thursday
>tfw I work all day on thursday

>> No.8071737

>tfw accidentally have books shipped to old uni apartment
>tfw remember its been over a year since kicked out of school
>tfw havent done anything since
>tfw cant even pick them up because theyre 300 miles away

>> No.8071751

That film was terrible

He'll never make anything as good as district 9

>> No.8071759

I liked it, apart from the shitty acting

>> No.8071772

Same but with Great Grandmother. She's a bitch though. Only reason I want her alive is because she'll hit 100 soon and we'll get a letter from the queen which is pretty cool.

>> No.8071775

Lifes alright. Lost like ~15lbs since started i working full time and am on my way to being in pretty good shape, as i have been working out for years. Got a pretty nice shoe collection too ;), and a small group of close friends. Need to start saving more of the money im earning tho. Need a grill too.
as i get older im slowly starting to suck less i thin

>> No.8071783

what'd you get kicked out for?

>> No.8071820
File: 2.73 MB, 591x319, 1394075999424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get out of work at 3am
>go to grab jacket from closet
>qt nd friend are trying it on.
>"hey anon your sweater is really nice"
>"It smells like your cologne"
>say thanks nd leave
>mad because these bitches just grabbed muh shit

I might be overreacting but I don't like it when people touch my shit without telling me.

>> No.8071843

Send link to the cps

>> No.8072026
File: 43 KB, 900x671, book scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im hyped for queen letters

>> No.8072037

>teenage desire: fuck iggy pop

(_8^(|) The fuck man.

>> No.8072049

>tfw finally realized which designers I like
>tfw I finally know w2c my stuff
>tfw making enough money to cop stuff even as a student
>tfw knowledge
Those are good feels

>> No.8072057

He takes pictures of himself giving himself golden showers

>> No.8072062

What a dirty dirty man.

>> No.8072090

>tfw scoliosis
>tfw asymmetric nipples and back and everything

>tfw at least getting closer to ottermode

>> No.8072131

that's not so bad.

>tfw package arrives
>excitedly tear off bubble wrap
>shoes too small

what hath god wrought

>> No.8072183

>tfw this UPS dude has half an hour to deliver my shoes before i flip my shit
i called customer service to ask and they guaranteed me i'd have my package by 7pm

>> No.8072188

not bad feel just excited feel

>> No.8072294

if i dont get my fucking shoes delivered in the next 10 minutes

>> No.8072306

link 2 tumblr

>> No.8072761

chill out you colossal faggot