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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 190 KB, 280x594, malefashionbadvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8069589 No.8069589 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8069595

looks like some dude from an anime

>> No.8069603

more like the villain from an anime

>> No.8069616

this guy is a clown

>> No.8069620


>> No.8069694

amish with a faggy twist

it actually does look kinda good but i don't think it would work irl and especially not around the northeast

>> No.8069710

I dont like his accessories.

>> No.8069711

jewish zorro core

>> No.8069730

I agree. The glasses make it look autistic. Without them it'd make so much more sense.

>> No.8069746

no hat, different jacket and it would loook soooo dope. i like it.

>> No.8069770

This guy looks like a jewish assassin

>unsheathes star of david shuriken

>> No.8069791

looks like a woman if you cover his head and legs

>> No.8069829
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>> No.8069957

I like the fits of this dude

>> No.8069980




>> No.8069994

if i were jewish i'd honestly like to roll up to the temple in a fit like that

>> No.8070012

>unsheathes star of david shuriken

This is just the best.

>> No.8070025
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His rambling in-coherent response to how he dresses.

An excerpt:
"[i am] not avant garde. as a form of art, some fashion is avant-garde. however, i am currently interested in the exact opposite: the rear garde. i am not interested in preempting the future or participating in its collective inception. on the contrary, i am interested in withdrawing myself. Even when withdrawal is not possible (withdrawal to where?), the mere aspiration is a valid enough force."

>> No.8070034


I don't get why this doesn't make sense to you guys

He is pretty much saying

>Avant garde means "Before the masses"
>Avant garde implies that you are ahead of the curve
>It also implies that whatever your position of being "ahead" is, it will be integrated into the mainstream eventually
>He is not interested in being "ahead"
>He is simply doing what is interesting to him
>He doesn't really want anything to have to do with "fashion"
>However, he does mention that it is somewhat unrealistic ("Widthdrawl" is not possible" as he is still participating in fashion no matter how obscure his style / clothing may be
>He says his aspiration justifies the validity of the reason for his dress

Can someone point out what is so "incoherent"?

>> No.8070038
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>> No.8070054


Not OP but he claims he isn't into "fashion" but there are like like 5 different/current trends in this outfit alone. His ideas on consumerism aren't well thought out at all and make no sense either.

>> No.8070064


agree with this guy here, he definitely does make sense you guys are just too fucking stupid. outfit is atrocious nevertheless.

>> No.8070069


you can fit any piece of clothing into a 'trend', that doesn't mean shit. designers don't make 'goofninja' pieces, they makes clothing.

>> No.8070078


And what are those 5 "current trends"? Mind pointing them out? Also can you elaborate how his ideas on consumerisn aren't "well thought out" and make "no sense"? Because it makes sense to me.

>for that matter, i am not interested in fashion either. for me, wearing clothes is a personal process, and not some way of participating in a collective activity through consumerism.

Here he points out that he is not interested in fashion, presumably mainstream fashion. As I have interpreted before, he does acknowledge that complete withdrawl from the fashion system is unrealistic, but that the spirit in which he chooses to dress himself is different to that of the traditional engagement in fashion, that is, as he points out, "participating in a collective activity through consumerism, which can be translated / simplified to "Trying to be fashionable / dressing to a general consensus by the act of purchasing products".

>the personal process is about figuring out how i see myself and how can the way i see myself and the way others see me overlap as much as possible. it is a slow, iterative, non-linear process, and the mark is always on the move. some shots are closer than others. every shot changes my position and the mark's position.

Here he pretty much says that the reason for his dress is to express an image of himself that he feels is true to him while also sending that message to others, and to have them line up at much as possible. He says that it is slow, vague, and random. This is completely understandable as taste is subjective and changes with time, and attraction to clothing is influenced by your past experiences as well as your current interests.


>> No.8070081
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post of the year

>> No.8070082

>Remove hat
>shave him
>give him shoulder length hair
>use dif scarf
>use dif jacket/coat
>use a long black tank instead of shirt for extra stack

There we go, would be a great outfit then.

I've actually seen what I just described as an outfit on a few rich azns.

>> No.8070091


#2 in his post I have already addressed in >>8070034.

>i admit most of my fits are, "undercooked" or "rushed." the fit in question (OP pic) is bad in this sense. it is a cartoon of something else. why did i do it? i did it because i had no idea about what i was doing. it was the first thing that came into mind. of course, it had to look like something i had seen already. for me, it is only natural to try to replicate things i have already seen. most of the times this is done partly unconsciously. my fit does look like some of the things people observed; those images were in the back of my head too.

This is him pretty much explaining something that everyone who has tried experimenting and stepping outside of the "basic bitch" boundaries should have experienced more or less.
He says it is "rushed", and that it is a "cartoon", an "attempt" to emulate another outfit he had seen, and that this is natural - which is completely true. You guys look to "Inspo pics" for ideas on how to dress, right? And I'm sure that, if you have browsed long enough, you have seen at least a few outfits that are obvious attempts at certain "archetypical" / "stereotypical" styles, but are juvenile failures.

This here makes perfect sense.

>the difference with most others is that i don't have a prejudice against these images, and i value experimentation because through experimentation and constant questioning i improve myself. there might be other ways of improving oneself; experimentation is what best works for me. "make mistakes as fast as you can" is one of my favorite quotes. how can i learn if i don't make mistakes? how can i know something is a mistake if i do not test it, if i keep it to myself? my waywt fit is the evolution of that cringe worthy previous fit. it feels much more natural to me.

This part is self explanatory and also is completely true.


>> No.8070110



>Yes the outfit in question is pretty damn bad
>It was an attempt at copying some ideas / looks he has seen other people do, but only with the basic principle of "x piece + y piece = z" instead of understanding the subtle silhouettes and details that make those said ideas / looks come together as a whole. He has acknowledged this.
>If you don't understand any of this or think that his explanation does "not make sense" or is >autistic then you just have never dared to experiment with your dress before, and presumably do not invest any deep thought into aesthetics and how you want to present yourself.

I can relate to this guy 100%, I have a shitload, a SHITLOAD of really really really cringeworthy fits which were attempts at emulating "inspo pics" without understanding what made those "inspo pics" look good. I can confidently say that I am satisfied with the level of dress and understanding of dress I have reached, which I could never have come to without trying a bunch of things.

You guys really need to be more open minded. Life is short, clothing can be beautiful, dress can be empowering, and personal style can be a major positive outlet in your life.

Fashion and clothing can be so much more. Broaden your horizons, you might be missing out on a beautiful journey.

6 AM here and I am having mad late night sentimental vibes, hope people can get something out of this

>> No.8070122


I think it'd be fun to post these said cringey fits of mine because I honestly could not care less about what a bunch of anons would have to say about them or even how I dress now, but if it can be a good example of progress for some open minded anons that'd be great. Will post if anyone wants to.

>> No.8070151

"Trying to talk with your clothes is passive-aggressive." - Rick

Speaking in layers of platitudes and saying you aren't into fashion is just pretentious at best.

>> No.8070154

post them

>> No.8070170


It's the spirit you approach personal dress from. It's not that black and white, ideas, expression, and feelings are vague and not that definite. I'm sure Rick doesn't think that that one quote he gave in an interview in a certain context is an objective standard. There are different styles and branches within fashion, some which are considered to be "anti" fashion. It is pretty subjective. Of course designers cannot be completely free from the fashion system, but it is the spirit and approach in their work that separates it to a degree, and same goes for the consumers who agree with these same principles

>> No.8070171

please do. also interesting thoughts, i think you manage to get what I believe to be his point across very well. side note I find everything he posts very interesting for said reasons. you get to see his experiminations (and failures) with clothing first hand, and can draw conclusions from his mistakes.

>> No.8070177

Stop samefagging in a thread you made about yourself.

>> No.8070192
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I should be sleeping but whatever

This was last January, a few months after I made some important new friends who triggered a new interest. I dressed religiously in fast fashion, and topman was my favourite store.

I realized I didn't have any personal connection to how I dressed and I wanted to give off a different type of "coolness", but I had no money or the knowledge to do this so I bought this T by Alexander Wang tshirt, Cheap Monday Jeans, and Converse. Worse this literally every single day to school for 5-6 months.

>> No.8070204
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One of the said important friends was a big inspiration for me and really gave off an alternative, independent, natural kind of coolness. He really worked androgyny well. He was selling a bunch of his clothes and I wanted to look like he did to an extent, so I bought this skirt that he sewed an extra beltline into. I remember it felt so different, so enlightening. I wore it around with confidence but in retrospect while the outfit might have been OK, it definitely did not work with my face / looks / personality at all.

>> No.8070209
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These were around the same time in May 2013. Just trying to put together different combinations, photo / lighting made it look like I was wearing a dress instead of a tshirt + skirt

>> No.8070214
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Also around the same time, my mom thrifted a black pinstripe women's one piece which I tried on and stole from her. Also bought the same sunglasses as the guy in OP.

>> No.8070215
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Bought a blazer from the same friend, a Rick / Julius - esque knockoff from JNBY. Used to have a better photo of this but I deleted alot of my old fits as I had already remembered / learned from them

>> No.8070223


these are pretty solid experimental fits, i like where you went with shape, all that they really need are statement or anchor shoes and matching outerwear

>> No.8070232
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Around June. Still trying to make the skirt work, still was unaware how awkward it looked on me.

Important thing to note at this point is that I uploaded most of these fits to /fa/ around these times, proud of them and thinking that they were really great. Through some negative feedback I was able to kind of look at things from a different perspective.

I remember this process as being very similar to the one the dude in OP described. I would buy something, put it together really quickly at home with something else I had already had in mind (from looking at "inspo" pics, then quickly take a photo and be proud. It was a "cartoon", as he described, a juvenile caricature of "gothninja" without the fundamental understanding of the things that connected certain pieces / elements together.

>> No.8070245
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Bought my first CdG suit from Rakuten around August, which was alot different than the pics. This is me trying the top with the skirt + tshirt tied around my waist, because I thought that exposing my collarbones (having no shirt underneath the suit jacket) looked alot better, but wearing nothing underneath would expose my midriff unless I buttoned the bottom button (which i didn't want to do vs. only buttoning 2 because it made it look like a goddamn box). So I had the idea of tying my tshirt around my waist to cover it haha

This one is pretty funny but I remember it was a sporadic 4am idea type of thing so luckily not many people saw it and there were not alot of replies lol


Hey man, it's been cool looking at your progress through couple of months, I remember seeing some of your first outfits as anon before I think? But yeah yours are getting really good recently nice job

>> No.8070254
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Around the same time in August. Mom's thrifted onepiece + Pants from the CdG suit.

I remember I was actually really confident in how good this one looked, only to be shut down immediately by alot of "this looks retarded" replies, etc. Lol I was so mad

And as you can see - my shoes are untied, this was yet another "spur of the moment" type of thing where I got an idea and put together a quick outfit at home.

>> No.8070258


>> No.8070261
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Oh boy, this one.

I remember there was some anon who followed me around when I posted the last couple of fits, saying "You look fucking stupid, as always" and being negative in general, and it really does get to you after a while.

This one was a result of that, I was discouraged and had kind of a personal style crisis and got insecure and decided to go back to the basics.

Around the same time there were alot of "Model" threads, and lots of posts saying "Why even bother if you're ugly" "Don't even try if you're under 8/10" type things, and while they might have been jokes it is somewhat true - you don't have to be model tier to dress well but your looks MUST flow with your style - this is when I kind of began to realize that alot of things weren't as good as I thought they were.

>> No.8070262


thanks, i've been doing my best to put together something coherent every now and then.


i love the idea of extended collar shirts, and this fit has a lot of potential regardless of the feedback you got

>> No.8070269
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Finally dipped my feet in Yohji after a few months of research.

I was heavily inspired by Ko Nakano (Google him and you will see his Yohji fits) and this was yet another attempt at emulating his outfits without understanding the proportions and his general looks that made it all work together.

This again was rushed, I already had the idea of how I would put this outfit together in my mind. This was actually immediately after I received the Yohji pants in the mail, you can even see the white packaging at the front lol

At this point I was probably thinking "I MADE IT, I'M ON THAT NEXT LEVEL SHIT"

>> No.8070270

>Why even bother if you're ugly

Is the only true thing that has ever been posted on this board.

>> No.8070273
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Yes, we will convert the goyim

>> No.8070286
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Same pieces with collared shirt + hat.

The blazer was 90s Comme des Garcons, with a huuuuge shoulder width of 18 inches or 50 cm or something like that. While that is a fine width for pieces without inner lining / shoulder padding to create a dropped shoulder, oversized silhouette, this was straight up 90s block shoulder shit.

I remember Turnleft kept telling me that Yohji did not simply just = BIG, but I probably dismissed his points as they were kind of assholey and I got offended. I kept telling myself that I could make it work.

This is another good example of failing at emulating inspo pics. My thought process was like:

>Hey, Ko is wearing a Wide brim hat and a Yohji suit in this photo and he looks cool as shit, I'm gonna try to look like this.
>Yohji hat with a brim, Check.
>Oversized Blazer, Check.
>High rise Yohji Pants, Check.

As you can see it's pretty disastrous with poor understanding of proportion and silhouette

>> No.8070295
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Around the same time. Ended up looking more like Charlie Chaplin than Yohji

>> No.8070302
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Also around the same time. People told me the hat just was not working but I denied it.

Really nice piece but did not work with me, sold it off a few months ago actually

>> No.8070314
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There were alot of Julius Cargos for cheap on Rakuten at this time and I bought a really nice piece from [ goth ik ] (FW11? Don't Remember) for $200. It was originally waxed but had faded. Drop Crotch Panel with tapering silhouette, it really looked nice.

Unfortunately I determined that it wasn't what I was going for and didn't go with my face / hair too well. Sold it to an anon for how much I got for it. In retrospect I could have sold it for alot more but whatever. Great piece, had lots of fun with it.

>> No.8070322
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Probably THE best example of what dude in OP / I've been talking about for a bit.

We've all seen look 7 of Yohji Yamamoto Pour Homme SS12. The handsome, bearded, ponytailed dude just rocking the shit out of these Hakamas. Reblogged a million times.

I remember I also took this like 5 minutes after I got them in the mail, already had an idea of what I would wear them with (To try to emulate that fit).

As you can see again, unaware of the proportion and silhouette. Looks like a cleaning lady from the 20s or something.

Actually I remember when I posted this with alot of confidence and pride, expecting a million "sick fit 10/10" replies, I was immediately shut down by an anon and Turnleft who pointed out that it was a rushed attempt at copying the fit from the collection. They were completely right.

>> No.8070327

what size? Wanna sell?

>> No.8070329
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Around October now I think? Trying it with my sister's tied cardigan thing. Also vaguely "gothninja" but really no substance or coherence.

I remember I realized that this looked bad about 5 minutes after trying it, my eye for spotting awkwardness was pretty good @ this time

>> No.8070330

I'm starting to believe you are genuinely autistic.

>> No.8070334

nah man your post is the post of the year

>> No.8070340
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This was probably my first fit anything close to looking decent, unfortunately don't have a clear pic of it.


I am actually selling them right now, but they have a small rip at the base of the right pocket and they've been worn alot by previous owners. I've worn out 3 times since I got them and haven't washed, actually selling them + the belt to go with them from the same collection for 500 right now if you're interested but someone else might take it very soon

>> No.8070345

>small rip


>> No.8070347
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I lied, found a good pic of the fit with Yohji shirt + Hakamas


I'm just a dude who's been out of school the past year and has had way too much time to research and think about fashion. Yeah at times I do wonder "damn am I autistic or some shit who really thinks about this shit that much"

I agree in that it's really not healthy, especially for someone like me who does a shitton of self reflection. /fa/ is just a place for me to organize my thoughts sometimes, and I've been up for like 24 hours, got off work 8 hours ago and it's 8am right now and still awake, so just rambling whatever comes to mind. I don't usually think / talk / post like this

>> No.8070361
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This was around October / November? Got too cold and all I could wear was pic related.

Must have done something right because I got like 30 reps on sufu >inb4 comment regarding reps on sufu and sufu culture

This day I also attended a fashion show, got drunk, saw a model agent get drunk and piss in a back alley, went to a pub underage, hooked up with a 23 year old and went back to her place, sobered up by that time and said "man this is not /fa/" at all and cockblocked myself, went to sleep and ran away early next morning and had ice cream, churros, and various other shit foods for breakfast at 7-11

0 fucks given

good times

>> No.8070362

is it a bad sign if i like these fits
then again i'm not so good with conceptual fashion

>> No.8070366

I think he could have made that better, building around the Julius jacket was a good idea though

>> No.8070367

i remember this from a waywt
i commented "cute"

>> No.8070371


i really, really like >>8070347 and >>8070340

they're simple and he's not playing up the hakamas, just wearing them with a simple button down and it really works for me. the shape is great.

>> No.8070369
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December. Learned from my mistakes and understood what made an oversized fit look good, took measurements etc. into consideration. New Y's for Men Red Label suit.

>> No.8070373

Could you show a picture of the rip and which size is this in? There's a size 3 up for 50k yen.

>> No.8070383

word, but the self-criticism is making me wonder if we've been thinking wrong or if /fa/ unfortunately got through to this dude with shitpost advice

also OP are you the dude with the bowl-cut? do you have that fit with the thrifted paisley/floral pants and cdg blazer coat cause that was pretty sweet

>> No.8070385
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I liked clothing that was not made for the purpose of "fashion" but could still look good, like rain ponchos, chore jackets, uniforms.

I was looking at photos of my grandma and realized how cool her voluminous pants were, and asked my mom who was in Korea at the time to buy me a pair of farmer's pants from the countryside street markets.

I also hated looking like I was following popular trends, and alot of my decisions were based off of looking as alternative as I could, because that was how I felt but I always felt frustrated that I couldn't really express it clearly.

Something I put together, looked pretty good but wasn't the image I wanted to project, so I scrapped it

>> No.8070387

I actually feel like you were onto something with this one. The cardigans texture definitely doesn't work with it but the form/draping looks okay imo. I'm not into your steeze for myself but the progress is showing. Need more updates. Unless thats it

>> No.8070395

Ignore this, I posted this before refreshing thread.

>> No.8070408


i honestly don't care if we've been "thinking wrong," i see something I like and I say I like it.

Yes, it's the same guy.

>> No.8070417
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I'll take a quick pic after this post which is probably the last on this trip down memory lane. And this pair (Look 7, Cotton with 2 side openings w/ buttons) was only made in a size 3. Waist is super adjustable.


Nah I've just been quite a self - reflecting guy, and I might have sounded like I'm dissing my past self but it's more of a playful poking fun while looking back at my past phases.

I also did not start my journey into fashion on /fa/, I had been into it for 2-3 years more or less before I even discovered /fa/, so while /fa/ has been an amazing source for knowledge and learning, I had alot of background knowledge and resources / other forums I also drew from.

That's also a big problem with alot of posters here. Smart people will take things with a grain of salt, take a step back and reflect, and eventually learn. Don't get stuck thinking that some anon's comment was an objective truth or something if you know what I mean.

And yeah I gave myself a bowlcut sporadically one night after giving up on growing my hair out, I buzzed it now though lol

Finally last and most recent fit I have. I can honestly say I feel satisfied and confident with this, but like the dude in OP said personal dress - it's a slow, non - linear process with the mark always changing. There is no final destination, you just keep changing and growing.

>> No.8070430

Thanks for the trouble, I'd be interested in buying yours if the damage is minimal. If you'd be willing to share you email or sufu account so I can contact you (not sure if my SuFu account still works though).

>> No.8070436

>thinking wrong
Fuck that, style is subjective. And I agree that the hakamas look good with the white button up. It's just different from what a lot of people are used to, and /fa/ is chock-full of opinions. Which isn't really a bad thing.
How come your most recent fit pics are such low quality?

>> No.8070439

Any tips for understanding how to properly oversize fits? I'm hella skinny and I naturally like to wear loose or long things but more in a streetwear context than what you're rocking

>> No.8070444
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>> No.8070441
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TLDR Julius - Jew has a point and it should make sense for anyone who has experimented beyond the accepted norm.

Always keep an open mind, personal style is a journey of self discovery.

And no I don't talk / think like this on a regular basis this was just a long rambling and an organization of alot of stray thoughts I've had in the past so hold your >autism replies pls

I hope at least 1 person found this interesting and can apply these principles and get on that next lvl know what I mean???

Also kind of related: When User used to post regularly, although his outfits were on point as hell I thought they were a little boring after a while. But the truth is it's actually ridiculously fucking hard to dress on his level and dressing well is actually pretty damn hard so keep at it

Wonder how he's doing with school right now damn he is such an inspiration

>> No.8070445

Actually most of them are that low res, it's just that that last one is blurry as fuck.
What happened?

>> No.8070467
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Sorry iPhone camera doesn't really capture it well. It's about 1 cm, and is not a vertical rip but a horizontal one. Haven't repaired it because personally if I were to buy something with a tear, I would want to analyze and repair it myself instead of it coming with a repair job done by someone else that may not be that reliable


Recent fit was just me coming home from downtown and thinking "damn i love this fit" and propped up my phone and took a video and screen captured the stills from the video cuz mirror shots are too much of a hassle and fuck with the proportions and colour way too fucking much

Shit quality doesn't really do it justice though, the folds and stacks and slouches is what really makes this cool maybe I'll take a better pic of it in the future idk


Honestly trying it on your own body and analyzing it is the best way but I guess what I could say is

Oversized =/= simply BIG. Clothing that is oversized on purpose can usually have a wider shoulder width so it drops / hangs off your shoulders, maybe longer sleeves that hit knuckle length instead of wrist length. Also w/ oversized, top and bottom silhouettes need to be one or the other i've noticed, like say you have a top that is a "3" in oversized-ness, having a "2" for a bottom will look awkward, it needs to be either "3" or completely skinny as a "1" or something if that makes sense

but yeah who the fuck cares what i think go to a thrift store and try a bunch of big shit on and try to find why some things work and why some don't

>> No.8070472


And since I have ppls attention I might as well as post this


my mostly text - only blog for fashion related reading, articles and stuff from books i read that are interesting

password is "reading"

>> No.8070477

Who'd be interested in reading a bunch of rambling from an autistic guy who dresses like shit (on the internet)

>> No.8070479
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>> No.8070481


uh, i would for one

>> No.8070493

If he lost the beard he would probably look less amishcore.

Other from that, any tall white skinny faggot could pull this look and look incredible.

>> No.8070523

yo, is that joshua katcher?

>> No.8070566

Yeah User got boring, but he found his "style" for a lack of a better term and stuck to it. At least that's how I saw it.

>> No.8071734


my fuckin sides

>> No.8071766


these all look autistic but after that everything got better good job

>> No.8071845

good posts itt
yeah this fit is shit but his others are pretty cool

>> No.8074056

change your tumblr theme this shit is hard to read

>> No.8074152


>> No.8074173

I would wear this and run around handing weird jewelry to young short boys telling them to "Keep it secret keep it safe."

>> No.8075694

Always love your fits.

>> No.8077048

everybody says they're "not into fashion" because they don't want to look gay or materialistic, even though they know damn well that they are super into fashion

>> No.8077965

the topest of kek

>> No.8078479

lose the stupid fucking hat, get a more modern pair of shades and he could look badass

>> No.8078630
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>> No.8078770

whos the kike?