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/fa/ - Fashion

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8056554 No.8056554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ what is your lifestyle every day, what do you do w/friends or your qtz on the daily?

>> No.8056559

i still have yet to make close friends at this university

i'm popular as hell though

it sux

>> No.8056570

>excessive caffeine
>make electronic music
>existential crisis

Lifestyle change coming up in a couple weeks though

>> No.8056573

get home from classes, work if i got it that day, browse 4chan for the remainder of the day

damn i really need to get a life

>> No.8056578

>study biology
>listen to music
>wander around country
>read books
>get drunk with few friends
>date girls occasionally

>> No.8056581

>popular as hell
>no friends


>> No.8056587


you read incorrectly

>> No.8056591

Aside from the daily grind why the fuck would you "plan" your activities ?

>> No.8056619

See the feel thread

>> No.8056614

>wake up
>go out meet some chick I know
>hang out
>come home
>get depressed cuz no job and no money for anything
>listen to music looking at ceiling
>go out again to some coffee alone
>go to some club to listen some electronic music if its weekend
>come home

>> No.8056630

I got phone sex to see me through the emptiness of my 501's...

>> No.8056642
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> school
> get good grades
> film classes after regular classes
> edit videos, write screenplays, practice tracing in adobe illustrator
> go home
> watch movies, write screenplays, or play video games
> usually video games
> jack off about 4 or 5 times
> go to bed
> film or get drunk/high on weekends
> filming never works because our school has shit equipment that can't record anything
> haven't made a proper film in over a year
> so lonely

>> No.8056674

Either at work, or just sitting on the couch wasting my life away on my laptop, i watch tv also but all tv sucks. Things will change hopefully when i have more money

brb going for a run

>> No.8056684

Hope i meet a qt on Thursday night ;(

>> No.8056707

What's happening on Thursday night?

>> No.8056725

erm well probably im gonna dress up in some lame ass hipster clothes, go out, spend too much money, make out with some 6/10s then wake up the next day wanting to die


>> No.8056731

6/10? I'm well jealous.

>> No.8056734


been going to sleep at 11pm then waking up at 2am then using laptop till 11am then sleeping till 6pm

>> No.8056740

>practice tracing in adobe illustrator

Trace in autocad, then copy/paste or sav/reopen in illustrator. It's way easier.

>> No.8056742

do someone feels good after dating? I'm always feeling like a total sell-out faker

>> No.8056746

yeah i don't really know what they ever are i drink too much. Probably 6 if im lucky

>> No.8056756

>mostly awkwardly checking out girls

>> No.8056768

probably the only neet in fa

>> No.8056771

>wake up way too late
>maybe go to uni, maybe just stay at home killing time
>in the evening shuffle through different bars, getting wasted and spending way too much money
>go home, sleep, repeat

also this:

Life sucks

>> No.8056780

>go to architecture school
>doing archiwow things for about 12 hours a day
>go home to archifriends
>make fancy archifood to impress at archilunch
>drink fancy archibeer
>try to hit up some archiqts
>something something spaces

all this is accompanied by spacious electronic music

>> No.8056793

You definitely sell your soul to architecture when you take up the degree. Iktfb

>> No.8056802


ehh illustrator is already pretty easy

>> No.8056810
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>known the same people since elementary school
>people keep adding to our group
>big parties every weekend

Too bad I have a big boy job now, but at least I can afford those bar tabs. Being unemployed was so much fun, but it's nice to be saving for retirement and all that shit.

Most weekdays I exercise and watch TV, but now that it's nicer, I usually do a lot of bike riding and the like, but
>no mountains in the midwest

>> No.8056812

I almost lost my shit at illustrator when I tried using the pen tool. The anchor/ drag/ whateverthefuckitis system makes no sense and I fucking hate it, the piece of shit.


>> No.8056822

pretty much this, except no bars and no money

life sucks even more

>> No.8056827

i meet up with women on the internet, and have alot of fun with them, my phone is FILLED with thank you for an awesome night messages, (:

>> No.8057048


it's kind of hard to get used to, but once you figure it out it really is the best way to draw. If you fuck up you can subtly adjust your lines instead of drawing them all over again.

>> No.8057236
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Where do you guys find the energy+time to do all of this? I have had to stop sleeping 3 hrs so i can wrk efficently daily and stop spending so much on berocca/bioplus .
tfw haven't gone out in weeks

>> No.8057249

where u been m8

>> No.8057255

>go to cafe on my block with my friends/roommate and drink chai lattes even though they're enough calories to be a meal
>go to class
>listen to rap music
>smoke weed with my fwb and fuck
>imagine how I would kill myself
>online shop
>try to find qt bf and fail

>> No.8057256

Out of Adderall and it is fucking destroying me.
It's actually not so bad, but I miss it and for some reason I have been feeling unrealistically depressed. I've always had depression, but i haven't noticed feeling particularly depressed to the point of just wanting to sleep in a while.
Is that a side effect to coming off Adderall?

I'm gonna get some more soon, but I kind of hate having it because overall I think it has more negative effects than positives. I just feel so much stupider when I don't take it.

>> No.8057264

im an alcoholic.

always drinking when not working. (often drinking when working too cuz i work in a bar)

evrey now and then get an okcupid date and we meet up and sometimes they ask me why i already have alcohol on my breath

grill steaks and drink beer for dinner w/my dad several nights a week

ehh could be a lot worse

>> No.8057272
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>be a neet, do groceries, read books, watch documentaries
>hang out with friends (student house) playing kerbal space program, watching movies, fucking around with a 3dprinter, convincing a friend to throw pumpkin seeds into the juicer because you can't let all the juice inside them to go to waste but really because it'd be fun if he'd break his juicer
>does adderall withdrawal make you want to go sit into a corner, crawl up into a ball and make you feel terrible
why yes

>> No.8057301

>grill steaks and drink beer with my dad several nights a week
You're a lucky man ;_;
I honestly just want this, idc how shitty my job or life is

>> No.8057302
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working on several projects and all, barely have weekends(or any free time) as is

Look at this funny meme i made on 9reddit

>> No.8057313

School, gym, home.
For some reason friends forgot me. Oh well, it is what it is

>> No.8057315

like what?
>tfw i didnt even enjoy that sandwich

>> No.8057354

Okay, so take us through a day in the life of the boss
Well the first thing I do is...
>Talk to to corporate (like a boss)
>Approve memos (like a boss)
>Lead a workshop (like a boss)
>Remember birthdays (like a boss)
>Direct workflow (like a boss)
>My own bathroom (like a boss)
>Micromanage (like a boss)
>Promote Synergy (like a boss)
>Hit on Debra (like a boss)
>Get rejected (like a boss)
>Swallow sadness (like a boss)
>Send some faxes (like a boss)
>Call a sex line (like a boss)
>Cry deeply (like a boss)
>Demand a refund (like a boss)
>Eat a bagel (like a boss)
>Harrassment lawsuit (like a boss)
>No promotion (like a boss)
>Fifth of vodka (like a boss)
>Shit on Debra's desk (like a boss)
>Buy a gun (like a boss)
>In my mouth (like a boss)

>Oh fuck man I can't fucking do it... shit!

>Pussy out (like a boss)
>Puke on Debra's desk (like a boss)
>Jump out the window (like a boss)
>Suck a dude's dick (like a boss)
>Score some coke (like a boss)
>Crash my car (like a boss)
>Suck my own dick (like a boss)
>Eat some chicken strips (like a boss)
>Chop my balls off (like a boss)
>Black out in the sewer (like a boss)
>Meet a giant fish (like a boss)
>Fuck its brains out (like a boss)
>Turn into a jet (like a boss)
>Bomb the Russians (like a boss)
>Crash into the sun (like a boss)
>Now I'm dead (like a boss)

Uh huh. So that's an average day for you then?
>No doubt
You chop your balls off and die?
>Hell yeah
And I think at one point there you said something about sucking your own dick
Actually I'm pretty sure you did
>Nah, that ain't me

>> No.8057365

>have truckload of money all day errrday/able to buy anything I want
>because of work I live in a shit location
>pleb gf suspect cheating on me
>just want to move into the city and find at fa azn gf


Also TFW no friends

>> No.8057371
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>> No.8057372

I spend all day for the last few years listening to hiphop mixtapes and trying to figure out why /mu/ likes this kind of shit

>> No.8057396

>all this is accompanied by spacious electronic music

rec me some bb

>> No.8057406

How does /fa/ feel about GOT fashion?

I think Highgarden has the most stylish outfits.

>> No.8057407

it will click one day.

>> No.8057419

GoT a shit
S2 was so fucking cringey
most of the amour is p /fa/ tho

>> No.8057446
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If class
> get up at 7~
> daily routine
> go see qt guy at coffee place
> go to class
> come home
> eat for first time (around 4:30 now)
> hang out with friends
> sleep

cannot wait to move

>> No.8057489
File: 104 KB, 929x1010, cyber bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since i left uni; i spend most days like this; 10 hours on 4chan, tumblr etc. meet with some friends and maybe work out.

when i am with my friends all we do is talk about pretty trivial things and play super smash. (they 420) wish i had a deeper connection with them, feels like i cant trust them at all with serious stuff.

been talking to a qt grill recently. :-)))))) prolly gonna beta out though.

my life is not very /fa/, idc though.

>> No.8057589

>not the Watch
>dem monochrome drapey fits

>> No.8057754

I drink good beer basically everyday and eat at Michelin star restaurants a lot, but I really like hole in the wall places as well.

Basically tryin to get a really well rounded palate. Also trying not to spend so much on clothes since rent is really expensive where I live. No job, didnt go to college and decided to travel instead. Now im just living of day trading for the most part

>> No.8057757

You think the Nights Watch has the best armor in GOT? WTF....
I asked what would be the best fashion and you said it was clearly the only celibate all mens costumes. You disgust me.
I thought you would maybe mention the women, or at least the armor, but if you want to like the North's slick leather outfits, you have to pick Roose Bolton.

>> No.8058288

do you ever get feelings for your fwb?

>> No.8058302

this is literally me
i asked the girl ive been crushing on for awhile out last night while she was abit tipsy, which is pretty lame, but ima ask her again this afternoon when we meet up

>> No.8058340

>play cards in the middle of the class because im redoing the whole highschool because im a fucking piece of shit
>flirt and foreplay with this blonde 8/10 butterface slut
>when i go out with the lads we go to the pub or the cinema
>i achieved to change my blood to caffeine and nicotine

even though i have deppression and a shit load of stress

>> No.8058823

i've had them this entire time
>tfw he "doesn't want a relationship rn"
at least i'm pretty sure he's not hooking up with anyone else tho

>> No.8058843

>browse internet
>no sleep
>no qts

i guess buying nice shit makes me feel good about myself

>> No.8058850

I teach english in a /fa/ city by day, by night i am a streetgoth fuccboi and who sins a lot

>> No.8058871

Wake up, go to work and hang out with qt little grils and boys. Eat some delicious azn food, then either go to fashion district and hang out with people, play pool etc or go to the pc cafe and play games/imageboards/socialize.the world is my oyster, but all i wanna do is fuck azn sluts and spend my money on clothes and heroin.