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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 72 KB, 400x888, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8052148 No.8052148[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


This guy's essay on defending his outfit from the top of mfa march. The only guy not wearing red wings and americana workwear and legit nothing he says makes sense except the experimentation bits which is embarrassing at his age. They eat it up and his beacon on truth attitude almost makes me believe whatever he is getting at.

>> No.8052181


>> No.8052197
File: 475 KB, 3300x3140, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"[Im] not avant garde. as a form of art, some fashion is avant-garde. however, i am currently interested in the exact opposite: the rear garde. i am not interested in preempting the future or participating in its collective inception. on the contrary, i am interested in withdrawing myself. Even when withdrawal is not possible (withdrawal to where?), the mere aspiration is a valid enough force."

>> No.8052200
File: 147 KB, 400x970, 531ba89343507m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo i saw this guy's fits in the top 100 WAYWT thing on reddit and i gotta say, this guy pulls off gothninjer better than most of /fa/ and i have a lot of respect for him.

>> No.8052204


To be fair his fits are pretty good for what's going for, a lotof faggots here would get great inspiration from him, not my style personally (Rick/Julius/Ann etc)

>> No.8052227


I agree, he dresses for his frame really well and has some excellent pieces.. He just speaks about clothes in fucking riddles.

>> No.8052232

*tips large round hat*


>> No.8052244
File: 208 KB, 400x800, 528a7546e3e50m[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriously though, I love this fit.

>> No.8052252


Is this the same dude as above? I always thought he was pretty hot in a burly ninja way.

>> No.8052268
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>> No.8052322
File: 24 KB, 370x321, oh all of my rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8052333
File: 54 KB, 550x325, 1396646010282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> the rear garde

>> No.8052332
File: 505 KB, 602x594, oh fucking really fantastic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're probably one of the best posters not only on an outfit level, but in the level of insight you bring to discussions. i'd love to see you post more outside of waywt's as i imagine you have some interesting/infomed views on a whole variety of topics.

Not only are redittors retarded, but they're also the biggest white knights, I guess.

>> No.8053773

same dude, I wouldn't post it in this thread otherwise.

>> No.8053784

call me heisenberg nigga

>> No.8053788

>zorro-jew core

>> No.8053802
File: 1.37 MB, 320x240, laughing niggers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8053830

I'm not gonna talk shit about someone who tries new things and makes substantial posts, because that just leads to a bunch of fucking faggots sitting in front of their PCs and talking shit who are too scared to post anything themselves which is the biggest problem with /fa/.

I don't care how delusional poet and the other tripfags were, they were a hell of a lot better than 50 fatasse posting "shit fit" or [personal insults

>> No.8053913

>I'm not gonna talk shit about someone who tries new things and makes substantial posts, because that just leads to a bunch of fucking faggots sitting in front of their PCs and talking shit who are too scared to post anything themselves which is the biggest problem with /fa/.

10 out of fucking 10 post

If you guys honestly bothered to take 2 minutes and read what he had to say - and didn't understand it, then you are obviously new and have not made any personal connections with your dress.

>> No.8053933

why would you speak straight forward to a bunch of mouth breathers when you could fuck around for the lulz and see how much they actually buy?

>> No.8053937

this guy is completely autistic

>> No.8053946


ur turning into a shit trip
drop it

see this is why tripping is so toxic, i remember when u posted as anon and got attention for ur fits and now u trip for attention and it brings out the worst in you whether you are realizing it or not


>> No.8054041


you're probably right, though i think of it more as taking responsibility for the breadth of my shitposting

this guy just irritates me, he'll take any criticism as a personal attack on his aesthetic judgment and values and either get aggressive (he has to me personally in the past) or type out a needlessly verbose wall of text explaining his philosophy of clothing for more attention

anyway im out

>> No.8054344

I don't know, everyone has their own style. If I saw my photo fit photoshopped into a mockery then I would do one of two things:

Be a bitch and never experiment again

Not give a fuck and continue doing what i want

sounds like he was a bigger man. but i dont buy into his explanation. it doesnt change the fact he has big balls

>> No.8054439
File: 1.82 MB, 320x240, 1395741075614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derriere garde; what a dingus

>> No.8054612

jesus fucking christ on a stick. This is just a massive wall of text of fucking QQ. so what if some haters photoshop one of his fits as a mockery? Cry me a fucking river, this dude has consistently made Top of the WAYWT almost every month, and has more than a dozen of fits in TOP of WAYWT 2013 and suddenly he's bitching about what the haters did? I can't even make it to top of the WAYWT months and you don't see me bitching about it. Fuck this guy. He needs to realizes that you are bound to get haters when you're getting mad respect even if it is on one of worst dressed boards in existence. While I like some of the dude's fit, what the fuck is he doing on reddit? Dude looks like he belongs to sz, not fucking mfa. Fucking waste.

>> No.8054731
File: 503 KB, 1400x1600, kunglao-dec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beside his autistic post, I like his fits

pic related

>> No.8054746
File: 113 KB, 1209x677, django.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting a strong Django vibe from this guy

>> No.8054745

i feel like his fits would be good if they were worn by some that wasnt him

>> No.8054750

It's because he obviously has an emotional investment into reddit and his "reputation" there. It's pretty fucking pathetic. There's a big difference between people talking about clothes or developing a style through interaction with the community and the kind of autistic obsession that people like him acquire with the board.

>> No.8054758

I was the one baiting him with the cost of wardrobe vs what he donates. Tried the subtle long troll.

>> No.8054818

he looks like a white django

>> No.8054862

are you retards even reading his post? he isnt complaining about anything. jesus.

>> No.8054870

he looks beautiful

>> No.8054888

did u? its textual masturbation and this guy obviously has aspergers (as do u )

>> No.8054959

Holy shit he is really hot.

>> No.8054963

Adding to this.. He looks like a more masculine version of turnleft..

>> No.8055050

He is basically a personification of this board, and you all hate him because you can for once see yourself in the mirror.

>> No.8055089

jewcore at its finest. easily a supervillain from a movie. stop hating op