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8042166 No.8042166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is rock music such an un-/fa/ genre of music?

>> No.8042170

because it's just men who think wearing bellbottom jeans is cool

>> No.8042531

Because the doors suck

>> No.8042741

wachu mean by rock op
>rock and roll

>> No.8042899

why is bleeps and bloops and wigger music so in-/fa/?

>> No.8042909

I bet you think Kanye is fashionable you dumb cunt

>> No.8042922

Rock is such a broad term, it's like saying pop or dance. Dadrock is indeed retarded, because most people who associate with it are the kind of idiots who think there was no good music made ever post 1994.

>> No.8042945

Doors are cool but played out.
Basically "classic rock" is something a cool guy should discover around age 13 and outgrow after high school. This will give him something to converse with his dad about, and also give him a gateway to many other genres of music.

"Dad rock," (as it is appropriately called), after the age of 18 has a high risk factor of leading the listener to a fedora involving lifestyle.

>> No.8042947

Grunge is way too /fa/

>> No.8042949

fuckk off luke
like you know anything about music with your shit taste

>> No.8042962

because it hasn't been innovative or dynamic in the past dynamic.

rock died with the smashing pumpkins

>> No.8043034

>a genre is retarded because of a niche number of people think post rock genres are bad

>> No.8043056

rock is the one american genre that white people took and mastered

>> No.8043812


best of is good def overplayed/overrated

>> No.8043817

by screamo do you mean any genre of music with screaming? or do you mean scrams/ emo metal? this distinction is important.

>> No.8043920

we should just stop using the term screamo and just call it skramz, its would save so much confusing. patrician problems.

>> No.8044558

i refuse to respect anyone who genuinely thinks morrison hotel is better than their self titled

their self titled album is widely acknowledged as one of the best rock albums ever

>> No.8044561

and he hasnt even reviewed strange days which is their second best album and his criticism is jim morrison sounds like an asshole

>> No.8044689

A better question is why people can't think for themselves.

>> No.8044694

Why is rap music so unimaginative?

>> No.8044716

lol this
and australian rap is literally the worst, coming from an aussie

>> No.8044718

australian "hip-hop"

>> No.8044731


lol fuck off


>> No.8044737

so glad I don't live in Sydney

>> No.8044738

>thinking its serious

>> No.8044742

how the fuck is rap music unimaginative
you fucking dumb white boy faggot

that silly ass comment just made get up from resting my head on my palm u bitch

>> No.8044753

im glad im not white . if i was white and american like all of you i would be listening to some shitty indie foldk that i dont really particularly like but just listen to it because it makes my last fm look cool

u fucking FOOLS man

>> No.8044746

>doesn't check links

>> No.8044760

gr8 b8 m8

u forgot 1 fing

we aint murican

>> No.8044765


it isnt bait tho, yall make me sick. listen to ur fucking recycled music u hear on /mu/

THAT ISNT listening to music at all. that is just being a sheep u fucking following herd bitch motherfucker

in ur shitty genre of music u like u cant go through rapgenius and look at what the lyrics mean u bitch ass fool ass dick in the mouth ass pie in the booty ass jitt motherfucking bitch fuck u

>> No.8044775

i think u need 2 take a breath and relax son

>> No.8044777


i think u need to get on ur knees and suck my dick bitch

>> No.8044793

nice trips

may b i will

>> No.8044794
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u know my magic is strong...dats why

>> No.8044905

Fuck off mate, Australian rock and roll is king. 'fashionable music' fuck off cunt. You don't know anything.

>> No.8044909

a sheep being herded in the opposite direction is still a sheep ;)

>> No.8045064

put your trip back on jbenitex

>> No.8045232

where the fuck am i

>> No.8045530

>implying buttrock isn't the most/fa/ genre

>> No.8047049

Rock died in the 70s. I think metal and new wave killed it

>> No.8047261


Everything is

>MLK proud to be black!!11one!
>booty, pussy
>da gangst life, da hood yo.

>> No.8047280

you obviously haven't listened to rap in the last decade

>> No.8047284

TBH liking music ironically is killing the music industry.

>> No.8047345
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>> No.8047475


I have and i do from time to time, but most of it still is what i said.

>> No.8047940

Anyone have pics of 70's era King Crimson? Or hell, any late 60's to early 70's prog bands were /fa/ as fuck. And shit, just look at Hendrix.

OP is wrong and a retard.

>> No.8048000

nah you guys will come full circle but with good tastes soon enough.

after awhile you'll realize things like zeppelin, the doors, the beatles etc sucked pretty bad and hendrix, pink floyd, sabbath etc were legit.

>> No.8048006
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god, i am so much better than all of you

>> No.8048011

wow that is some cringe worthy name dropping

>> No.8048022

The only rock song i like is purple haze

>> No.8048034
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Pick one nigger

>> No.8048050
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>> No.8048053

i pick neither

>> No.8048057
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>> No.8048062
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>> No.8048074


None of this is /fa/.

>> No.8048079

How is any of that dadcore?

>> No.8048082

>listening to screamo
>thinks he's a patrician
Classic music only, pleb boi.

>> No.8048084

kidcore is even less /fa/

>> No.8048096

>tfw my dad only listens to abstract electronic music
Feels nice having a non-pleb dad.

>> No.8048104

>having a dad that's dancing to bloop bleeps
sorry ur dads a fag bet he doesn't even lift

>> No.8048111

>just being a sheep u fucking following
Coming from the black guy who listens to rap?
I bit the b8, you fucking nigger.

>> No.8048120

>listening to dead genres
It's like you haven't even heard of beep boops.
I bet u don't even have a computer.
I bet you use an analog TV to access 4chan.

>> No.8048128
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im so jealous, fite me m80

>> No.8048135
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can everyone agree that Fishmans is effay?
>tfw longseason

>> No.8048139

>dead genres

>> No.8048193

I was makin' a funny, dog. I still like instrument stuff now and then 2.
I will if u tell me where u live.

>> No.8048206

dc area lets do it fgt

>> No.8048334

>implying death grips isn't the only effay hip hop

>> No.8048364

Fuck this thread. Seriously. You're as bad as people who want specific types of pets, based on how you think others will perceive it (e.g., is x dog breed /fa/?)...

If there is a God; hopefully it will prevent you people from having children.

>> No.8048373

>insinuating that you're not wrong

>> No.8048381

>not adopting

>> No.8048392

>adopting, but adopting based on completely superficial reasons
>adopting to have a collection of 'mixed children', so others will think highly of you

That sounds like shit celebrities do

>> No.8048406

People look down on mixed children. You're doing it right now

>> No.8048425


>> No.8048449
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Mod and punk are effay as fuck, doe

Dadrock isn't

>> No.8048467


Dowsing is the only good one

>> No.8048475

Where did I say that I would adopt a plethora of races so that people would think highly of me?


>> No.8048477

How can you say people think highly of mixed kids when you're the one complaining about mixed kids you're contradicting yourself. How do think highly of them and then complain when they get adopted. how would u feel if u were mixed and adopted of that

>> No.8048503


>im not going to listen to a period of rock music because nerds on 4chan called it dad music!!1!

>> No.8048511

that isn't at all what's going on in this thread

did you even read

>> No.8048546

of course it is

>> No.8049465

black sabbath master race

>> No.8049475

he is somewhat fashionable

>> No.8049500

are you stupid? Have you listened to Only Built 4 Cuban Linx? Madvillainy? Liquid Swords? All more genius than all rock albums. Rap is the most imaginative genre, I would say Electronic or Dubstep are the least imaginative

>> No.8049575
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>I would say Electronic or Dubstep are the least imaginative

Lel wow. That is the plebbiest thing I have heard in a while

I find things to like in just about every genre I listen to except some forms of EDM which are too repetitive, or most country/southern rock tunes which are boring and cliche

I would say that rock and hip hop music are equally unimaginative in terms of the average, but as with anything there are exceptions to the rule

But what do I know.

>> No.8049678
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Even rap that tries to be experimental still isn't very different than the mainstream. I'd say rock is the most imaginative not for what's currently popular, but for all of it's subgenres.

>> No.8049677

>I would say that rock and hip hop music are equally unimaginative in terms of the average, but as with anything there are exceptions to the rule


and this is what real 'dadrock' is, average poprock bands of the 60s and 70s that have since been romanticised e.g. status quo, creedence etc

>> No.8049710

rap is essentially spoken word poetry over a beat

>> No.8049722
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This whole thread is stupid, Like what you like, stop worrying about what other people think.

DO stay open to new ideas, never close yourself off to music you have not heard. Don't be a dick to others because they have different taste.

Be open, be confident in what you like.

Luke. You in particular take this "obey social norms" crap to new levels. You lay out time-tables that create exclusion, insisting that those who do not adhere to them are "fedora wearers", and suggest that we should not be attempting to introduce our family to music they don't know (and as a corollary new ideas), and continue discussing with them only what they know. Please stop.

Finally there has been little to no discussion on music itself in this thread, and instead only discussion on how others perceive music. Please, I understand this is /fa/ and therefore perception matters, but the music should matter to.

>> No.8049791
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Keiji-sama is /fa/.

>> No.8051223
