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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 192 KB, 1040x1849, Now shipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8037262 No.8037262 [Reply] [Original]

Where my /luxury/ niggas at? Post recent luxury cops! (unless you're broke lol)

Pic related, can't wait for this arrive.

>> No.8037273

looks like a girl coat not just the color but the whole thing

>> No.8037280


>> No.8037281

AF1s are affordable luxury. Buy AF1s

>> No.8037285

Ehh, I'm not concerned.

>> No.8037296
File: 21 KB, 342x427, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink coats are /fa/ especially if worn with AF1s

>> No.8037298

in what setting is this appropriate
its salmon and puffy, if I saw someone wearing this formally I would have a sensible chuckle.

>> No.8037306

it isnt even pink its like salmon or coral ITS AFRAID TO BE PINK which is even more pussy than pink
but really the whole cut of it is just girly

>> No.8037307
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, us navy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw copped AF1s the day before this epin meem appeared on the scene

>> No.8037309

>its salmon and puffy
lol OP likes his coats like he likes his vulvas.

>> No.8037310

It functions the same way a coat does in winter, only it's for chilly early-spring mornings. I plan to wear it in the morning when running errands on chilly days for the next month or so.

>> No.8037322

sick cop op!
i hope to god you can style it well, post pics when you get it!

>> No.8037339

Well don't be a bitch, post your recent /lux/ cops.
I have a few good fits planned out for it. Nothing special, but It'll work fine.

I'm also getting a couple new suits from the same order. Should b gud

>> No.8037345

that looks like something the gay kid in my class wore in his yearbook photo

>> No.8037347

I like it OP, but I hope you can pull it off. Fuck all these dark and edgy kids talking shit.

>> No.8037354
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>> No.8037352



What is your job / what do your parents do

>> No.8037358



>> No.8037369
File: 7 KB, 326x128, samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8037370
File: 40 KB, 450x675, burberry s 2014 pink coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark and edgy kids talking shit.
lel not even
doesn't take one of those monochromefags to call out some whack burberry shit

>mfw this is literally a womans coat

>> No.8037384
File: 136 KB, 717x960, good samaritan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8037396
File: 4 KB, 364x135, Fucking idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad is some high ass position in Ford and my mom is a trophy wife (she has a doctorate in psychology though) I'm studying economics in university for 2 more years.
The fit is entirely different you mongoloid fuck.

>> No.8037401


I like it, also it's "Wack" not "Whack".

Smh all these kids not from a subculture that routinely uses the term who pick it up and don't even know how to spell it

>> No.8037400
File: 39 KB, 375x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my

>> No.8037418

damn i'm mad jealous
nice cop op, burberry this season was pretty strong.

at the end of the day no matter how much u guys try to talk shit, op is rich and the rest of us will never be able to afford a 3k jacket as easily as he can

>> No.8037426

but that's not even the same cut. There are plenty of clothing items for men that have a very similar, but differently cut, female equivalent. that doesn't make them a feminine item. And, what if it does? Are you so masculine that you can't even embrace a little bit of your feminine side?

>> No.8037442

>The fit is entirely different you mongoloid fuck.
no shit because it's being worn by a woman not a man

>> No.8037446

if you really think that's the same coat, you must be a fucking retard. If you're trolling, pretty good job

>> No.8037447

thats true
im pretty damn broke atm
post those suits you bought OP

>> No.8037450

Thanks man. Just so you know, buying like this isn't common for me. I typically dress in Polo but every season change I like to pick up some new luxury stuff from my favorite brands.

Is /fa/ generally poor or would they just rather talk shit than post their own cops?
Thanks, you too.

>> No.8037470

lmao this polo wearing nigga thinks hes rich cause he copped some bargain bin burberry that no one else was dumb enough to buy

>> No.8037467
File: 89 KB, 1040x1849, 1396395328672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, sure thing.

This one is nothing special, but I needed a new simple suit, my schoolmates commented I had my last one for a while.

>> No.8037474

if you really think it's not you must be a fucking retard

i dont post my cops on effay because effay is a shithole
bothing to post your pink prorsum coat on here is a testament to how prvs lvl you are
make a fuckin sf or sufu account jesus
but then again no one at sf or sufu is gonna give 2 fucks about your burberry stock image except to make fun of you

>> No.8037476

Homosexual detected

>> No.8037478

>Is /fa/ generally poor or would they just rather talk shit than post their own cops?

yeah pretty much
fa is mostly highschoolers and young adults who have to save for a long time to get designer / used designer pieces

not that it's bad or anything, just saying that like nobody here is rich by any means

>> No.8037479

OP confirmed for some high school kid with rich parents

>> No.8037493

>anyone caring what you say

homophobe detected. what are you so scared of anon? not secure in your masculinity?

>> No.8037488


The piece is from Prorsum SS14, Cashmere and on their website at 3K

>> No.8037503

That would explain why he's so concerned with showing off his expensive purchases, a mature adult wouldn't be so concerned with impressing a bunch of people on the internet.

>> No.8037502


It's not the same piece, OP's is a Mens Jacket and the other is a Womens Coat. Look at the 2 photos again

>> No.8037507

The female version has wider/cropped sleeves.

I don't think this says anything about the jacket itself. Whether or not it's a women's jacket, it's not versatile, interesting, or flattering for a man or a woman.

>caring about anything Burberry
You'd have to be a new money posterboy to buy Burberry at MSRP nowadays, and you'd have to be going through some kind of identity crisis to buy that jacket of all things.

I'm pretty sure he paid full price for it. Which makes it a lot worse in my opinion.

I don't know if you're talking to yourself or there's someone who really wants to watch you post some the retailer's photos, but I can tell you no one worth their salt cares.

If you have to have a little party for yourself, then at least have the decency to wait until it comes in the mail and post your own pictures. BONUS: post fit pics.

>> No.8037508
File: 103 KB, 1040x1849, 1396395698724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I was rich, even though I kind of am.
You're too mad, chillout and enjoy life.
I already said I as in university. Read threads before posting, it's a good habit.

This one seemed fun, but I'm not sure how often I'll really wear it.

>> No.8037540

I wish I had those legs. ;_;

>> No.8037537

Ok so you're a university student with rich parents, not much better dude. In fact it's kind of worse because even though you're older and ideally more mature you're still being kind of a knob with this whole "Look at how expensive my clothes are, bet you wish you were this loaded brokeboys lmao" thing.

Why does it matter that your coat cost 3k? Why do you need to tell us? You just want to show off to some people you don't even know on the internet.

>> No.8037553
File: 191 KB, 1040x1849, 1396396133717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted a thread for recent lux cops and then someone asked me to post my other purchases. I really don't see why you're getting so up in arms about his situation.
I like Burberry, they haven't done me wrong yet. Where do you like to make your luxury clothing purchases?

Not a suit, my bad.

>> No.8037575

>I just wanted a thread for recent lux cops
i.e. A convenient way for you to show off your large amounts of disposable income

>> No.8037591


>being this mad

like i dont understand, so many of you guys seem to have such inferiority complexes and ready to jump and talk shit about anything and everything

>not flattering for a woman

you dont know shit about fashion these days, the oversized silhouette in women's tops and outerwear have been dominant in many collections these past few years eg. celine and many women can be seen wearing such pieces on the street during fashion week and it looks nice check urself

>new money posterboy

burberry has been popular among the rich for ages now, read up on ur bof articles fuccboi. the jacket is pretty cool.

your opinion doesn't mean shit.

>> No.8037603
File: 82 KB, 1040x1849, 1396396600165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're just being a lying prick. Show when I said that and acted like that. It doesn't matter that my coat cost 3k, and that's why I never said it you dumb bitch. Furthermore I am not showing off, I TRIED to get a discussion going but you and a couple other fags just talked shit and didn't post.
Me too, mine kind of shoot in at my knees, it sucks.
Would it be better if I didn't post my recent cop in the op? Would that make you happy? Because I'll delete the thread and make it again without posting MY cop in the OP if that would make you happy.
Finally a basic suit, for play.

>> No.8037624

The last coat I bought was old season Jil. If you're into the clean look then I suggest you look into that.

I don't have a problem with that when it's something more interesting than Burberry. Or at least the guy's own pictures of Burberry for that matter. If I wanted to look at the manufacturer's own images I could just go to their website.

When you accuse someone of being mad you shouldn't go on to use a tone that's a lot more angry than theirs. Kind of just makes you look like the mad one.

>you dont know shit about fashion these days
I don't think it's unflattering because it's oversized. I think it's unflattering because it's a hamhanded take on oversized.

>burberry has been popular among the rich for ages now
That's the point. So has Versace. And LV. And 100 other declining labels that don't have anything to offer but their "heritage".

>> No.8037639

>many women can be seen wearing such pieces on the street during fashion week
idgaf about this thread but lol @ anyone who thinks the attention whores on the sideline of fashion week are idols or smth

>> No.8037653

...and that's why the jet-set excludes wealthy americans

at least the nouveaus like opie

>> No.8037666

>the jet-set excludes wealthy americans
It doesn't though.

But let's pretend it does. Does it also exclude wealth koreans?

>> No.8037674

yes, it does

mot asians in fact, the privileged white folk don't like easterners too much. they're okay with latinos tho

>> No.8037751



Come back when you're copping boglioni, isaia and Loro p lil nigga, flying intercontinental for your shit, not buying some dept store sale bin-tier coat any fool w a credit card can buy on Barney's warehouse

>> No.8039852

Could be posting something more interesting than the product photos from Burberry themselves. Could have waited for them to arrive and take some close-up shots and told us about how they felt and whatnot but no you just had to tell us that you'd bought them, a post that could easily have gone in a cop or not thread rather than its own.

An example of how to do it right is the anon who works in oil and has a load of SZcore footwear including CCP. His thread was about letting other posters get a closer look at the shoes and answering questions about the quality and fits. He didn't make a big deal of how expensive and "luxury" the pieces were and only made the thread because another person asked him to.

>> No.8039863

I just copped some.

>> No.8039893
File: 372 KB, 1201x885, hermes tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of these

sold brooks brothers