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File: 563 KB, 582x480, thebigbookofbritishsmiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8028142 No.8028142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The term "unphotogenic" is used nowadays by a lot of in denial uggos and also suspiciously, girls with hot friends. To compete in todays increasingly visual age, the modern chubby *cough*,pardon "unphotogenic" woman has devised the duck face look. Coupled with some cunning camerawork and lighting, your average girl can mimic the sunken cheeked aesthetic standard our modelesque overlords have set.
>See Blue Steel, Ferrari, Le Tigre etc.
Throw in some goofy, le random (teh bunneh ears ov doom11!1) shots to show she is not just a part time model for Sunkist lemons, but has “personality”. Her Facebook profile fleshed out, our girl has now earned the right to exist in decent society.

That said, I am not a teen girl ,or even a girl at all. But I do own a mirror and became aware again today, in a “Memento” like pang of realization, that I am hopelessly uggo. I hope I have managed successfully to project my fears onto a general category of people to make my own problems seem less in contrast. Because besides being ugly, which I am chronically wrestling to grips, I cannot smile worth shit. I am unphotogenic both euphemistically and in practice. My nickname should be "Cheese Whiz" or the "The Whiz of Cheese" , not just because of how much I "cheese" the instant before a picture is snapped but because my greasy, oil based face resembles a soggy and pasty bun overflowing with jaundiced beef. The other side of the coin I considerd is a Moai rock faced lunk who never smiles and looks like a future arsonist, or at best, super serious survivalist type praying for "The System" to fail and "The Shit" to go down. I want to smile; I want to bear my facial characteristics in earnest, without affect and hopefully, one day, unselfconsciously. But now I have an emotional dread that hits like a physical toe stub right before the shutter closes. Everyone, please share how you get your best self on film and smile well?
>TLDR- Smile tricks and tips?

>> No.8028150

>>TLDR- Smile tricks and tips?

always half-smile. jk. Or maybe not

>> No.8028204

i never liked my full smile much. i have been told that i have a nice smile before, but i think everyone gets told that at least once. i started holding back my smile into a smirk. i guess it'd be described as cheeky-looking. i'm happier with that, as it's much less gummy.

dunno if that helps.

>> No.8028244

Had the same problem as a kid, figured out that photos of me laughing looked pretty okay and natural.

So just do a little fake laugh or think of something funny and you end up grinning, close your mouth and there you go

>> No.8028506

Never smile full-mouth, I personnaly look like an angry asian man when i do. I half smile, or smile with my mouth close though I have perfectly straight teeth.

>> No.8028519

my natural smile makes me look happier than i actually feel.

i've been told i look like ^_^, because i usually get complimented on my smile a lot, but i usually feel like '_'

>> No.8028666

i've looked always terrible

i usually end up pursing my lips when i smile though and it still looks terrible

>> No.8028714

Ive learned my lesson on toothless smiles; either I look like a constipated Downs kid or one whos just straight pooping. how do you all feel about "smiling with the eyes" Is this really even possible or is it just an expression? I try to well up good vibes and have them laser out of my eyes but I dont think it translates to visible results

>> No.8028723

Just practice in front of a mirror
I always do at the gym
Remembering the position is the hard part lol

>> No.8028736
File: 1.90 MB, 236x132, 1336908846691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw braces off next week but didn't take care of my teeth when they were busted bc i thought it wasn't worth it

fuck me, they're the color of kidney failure skin

>> No.8029846

>get braces at a young age
>brush your teeth

>> No.8030003

I dont necessarily agree. Sure, if you look horrific in photos then your ugly, and in general its a good indicator. Some people just look better in pics though, and Im not talking about selfies.

I always get told im good looking, and I get hit on by attractive women. However I dont have any pics I would say make me look great. My last gf straight up said to me that, had she not met me in real life before, she would of thought I was way less attractive than I am. I can make myself look good in photos by taking selfies, I just tend to make weird faces in photos since I hate having them taken. I dunno, this is a pretty autistic rant.

>> No.8030028
File: 68 KB, 262x389, prince-charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered why Charles was on that considering he has a fine set of gnashers

>> No.8030055




And just get them whitened

>> No.8030178
File: 81 KB, 600x400, SPVCXGHXSTPVRRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britain has the best dental health in the OECD.

>> No.8030518

I have a really griny smile? And it pisses me off. It's mostly because I'm a mouth breather. But it looks disgusting
Fuck me