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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 45 KB, 580x356, 1396229906138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8026704 No.8026704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are the materials that good?
whats up?
i dont understand how it can be worth that much

>> No.8026714

I'm waiting on answers too...

>> No.8026723
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>> No.8026729

its worth what people are willing to pay

>> No.8026735

They're not worth it. Get AF1s instead

>> No.8026737

tbh i would only pay 600$ for the white ones but they are hard to find soo.

>> No.8026739


>> No.8026742

Stop being a poorfag and fucking spamming that in every thread that involves shoes you fucking minimum wage piece of sub human shit.

>> No.8026750

it's fashion

you're paying a little bit for the name, a bit for the design, etc

if you're talking about function, or durability, or how 'nice' the materials are... no, you're not getting your money's worth.

people pay 600 because they like the design enough to spend that much. they think they're getting their money's worth.

if the 600 price tag confuses you, then they're probably not the right shoes for you

>> No.8026780

>Implying im employed
I got my AF1s when my grandpa died

>> No.8026784

>Being a NEET
>Browsing /fa/
pick one

>> No.8026787

Im in college

>> No.8026792

Being a budget/fa/g is the best kind of /fa/g :^)

>> No.8026798

So then you should have a part time job atleast to compensate.

>> No.8026809

Im doing an unpaid internship

>> No.8026805

What are your guys' opinion on buying knock-offs or fakes or this, or any other designer pieces? Pretty sure you can get raf velcros, or something very similar, for $200

>> No.8026810

get something similar, fakes are shit you will look like a tool etc. etc etc.

>> No.8026819

How many penises these kind of things aren't worth any sort of money now back in my room it is I would just go talk to some girls now it's been my money like that but I'm telling you right now that you can't be doing that alright I know that you're young and I know if you have things to do but I don't think there should be one of those things even if they are the weather in the fanciful chrono-matic fancy stuff you don't think that you need but you do need that you don't think that so I just think you need to get it done and you know you can all the things going on right now you're just going to have to use it or not I have to get the right now don't try to don't try to act all funny what that means was talking about how I need to spend your money.

>> No.8026826

Is that all one sentence?

>> No.8026866

I wouldnt personally pay 600 for them but I can see why people would pay 600. I havent really found anything like the velcros. That alone is worth a lot

>> No.8026916

why do people fall for these
"yeah sure i'll do a bunch of work for you, you can just pay me in "experience"! :^)"

>> No.8026940

Some places require an internship to graduate and sometimes there are only unpaid ones. Unpaid interns are super bullshit though and should be illegal.

>> No.8027000

Way to be apart of the system anon.

>> No.8027017
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>an unpaid internship

Damn you're stupid, you're basically a slave you know that right? How did corporations even come up with this "we're giving you work experience". You get PAID for work experience, hence the work.

>> No.8027018

If you're not earning 60k+ then these shoes shouldn't be in your shoe collection. sorry op.

>> No.8027035

Why shouldn't they? Any cunt can save up his money over six months or something. I don't see any problem with it, as long as you're not buying them over food/rent/bills.

As long as you're smart about it, buying something expensive isn't a bad thing. If you rack up 1000+ on a credit card buying clothes in a week, then it's an issue.

>> No.8027052

Im fine with that

>> No.8027068
File: 701 KB, 876x487, 1396235245541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These sneakers are worth $600 for similar reasons that Rick Owens shoes are $700-1500, CPs are $400, etc.
The $600 doesn't just pay for the product, it pays for the design, the designer/fashion house, the work that went into crafting the product (the materials, craftsmanship, qc), the importer (if there is one), the store, etc. What you get is a well made, uniquely designed sneaker that's built to last out of high quality rubber and leather.
you'll learn that there's a reason why things are so expensive in fashion: luxury goods are a luxury reserved to those with the expendable income to afford it. These items are not vital to your existence (as opposed to food, water, shelter) and are commodified as such. As always, the second-hand and sale/outlet markets are reliable ways for less well-off people to own nice clothes/cars/watches/guitars/televisions/etc.

>> No.8027086

those are more than double 600$

>> No.8027088
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Obviously, don't see what point you're making
I was referring to the Raf velcros in the OP

>> No.8027099

when you say "these sneakers" and post a pic of ph sneakers idk how were supposed to infer youre talking about different ones

>> No.8027128

da fuc?
by that logic you have to make $15k a year to by Converse.

>> No.8027196
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Well, Levi, I feel like the point I was making was universal enough that regardless of what picture/product I was referring to, it was pretty clear what I was saying. The only person who seems confused is you

>> No.8028282

i was confused too. I agree with what you said, but putting a pic of those shoes and saying "these" makes it seem like u r referring to the ones your pic.

>> No.8028464

i was also confused

>> No.8028476

>why aren't the designers charging exactly the price of the materials used to make the shoes!?!?!

The sticky needs an 11th grade economics youtube video to explain how prices are determined in a free market.

>> No.8028481

>believing the market is free
top kek m8

>captcha phaveg australis

>> No.8028487

did they really copy the es shoe that every skater had back in early 2000s after watching YEAH RIGHT!?

>> No.8028490
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forgot pic

>> No.8029423

I love mine
I love the siluette
I love that they look like a continuation of the jeans and are cut so snug to fit your foot

They're gr8 m8

Just a little shiny

>> No.8029445

it's free enough that price is mostly controlled by market forces

>> No.8029447

bought them because they're durable and versatile sneakers
got them used once for $400
I don't LOVE the design but they're okay.
tfw poor student, probably gonna wear them till they fall apart (which is gonna be 4-10 years I guess)

>> No.8029455

>tfw paid 290 aud for them new

i like the slight shine. helps the details stand out

>> No.8029463

Lots of things come into consideration OP.

Where they're made.
What people are willing to pay.
The materials.
Exclusivity (are they one of a kind?).
You being a whiny bitch.
Designer & brand.
How unique the shoe is.

>> No.8029471

lel, the made in portugal ones?
gr8 job m8

>> No.8029523

Are there any fa Velcro shoe alternatives out there that aren't for old people or babies?

don't have the money for rafs yet but I like the idea of Velcro shoes.

>> No.8029525

Don't start that shit just because you overpaid.

>> No.8029533

w2c fake raf velcro's
I dont care if they fall apart after a year

>> No.8029542

I think you got me wrong m8
they don't exist, have fun making fake ones yourself

>> No.8029548

what's your size and max euro?

>> No.8029579

since they're fakes i wouldn't go over $150-$200

>> No.8029603

You can get used ones for that. And fakes don't exist.

>> No.8029615

Where tho
I check grailed and sufu regularly and never find them
Do i just have to get lucky

>> No.8029626

yeah you have to stay up all night

>> No.8029755

fucking this

>> No.8029820

I own velcros. They're made from leather and are comfortable to wear. Don't get them in white though. Mine turned yellowish after six months of wear.

>> No.8029829

like that's a bad thing. the whites look so much better worn in

>> No.8029861

To each his own. I find the off-white/yellow colour to be difficult to incorporate into fits.

>> No.8029870

Size? Sell them to me.

>> No.8029872


>> No.8029882

you should only pay the hundreds if its a design completely unique.

ive never seen any KVA multilace copies (aside from direct stealing) so in my mind theyre worth the $600

>> No.8029883

I'll buy them if you send me a mail.

>> No.8030596

I'm serious mate, if you want to sell. Email is in field.

>> No.8031050

unique design and exclusivity

>> No.8031057


>> No.8031118

Exclusivity. It's a really well designed sneaker that has limited availability.

>> No.8031128
File: 49 KB, 640x480, IMG_0488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fakes don't exist.
explain to me this, why are there velcros (and other raf simons shoes) that doesn't say "Made in Italy" on the inside tongue? One would be inclined to believe those are fakes. And no, they are not portugal ones either.

>> No.8031146

They could be really well done fakes. It wouldn't be that difficult to make an almost exact replica and still undercut raf's price by quite a bit.

>> No.8031150

Must be added i've seen a lot of variation in those stampings from year to year.

>> No.8031158

they definetely do exist


>> No.8031172

What would a new made in italy white pair going for??

>> No.8031216
File: 41 KB, 800x600, 28gwm4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but just like >>8031150, I have seen quite a lot of raf simons iterations with exactly that kind of stamp inside of the tongue. They look hella legit, but just doesn't say "Made in Italy", which is confusing as fuck. I have never gotten a definitive answer on this. Are they really fakes? Are they just made in a different factory?

this is an entirely different thing where it is pretty obvious that it's a replica of some kind.

pic related is raf motos with the exact same kind of stamping on the inside tongue.

>> No.8031215
File: 269 KB, 640x640, raffy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is sacred in china:



>> No.8031225
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>> No.8031267
File: 85 KB, 640x480, IMG_0490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh, there are a lot of things that are off with those fakes. The "R" symbol, the insole, the velcro straps and it just looks really flimsy in general.

I'll dump pics of the raf velcros that says RA 41 1/2 on the inside tongue. I'll let you judge for yourself.

>> No.8031271
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>> No.8031274
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>> No.8031278
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>> No.8031275

600 bare minimum

>> No.8031279
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>> No.8031285

Yah, much closer than i expected them to be though. Unlike those sufu ones.

>> No.8031289

where do these people cop the SOLES?

>> No.8031303

main difference seems to be leather quality

>> No.8031326


>the mirrored logo

That was worth a seriously good chuckle.

>> No.8031537

w2c fake ones?

>> No.8031799

pls this

>> No.8031809

margom cup sole?

>> No.8031824

plz plz plz

>> No.8031843

>used velcros for less than 500$

oh come on, cut the shit

>> No.8031846

pls pls pls

>> No.8031882




Sent from my iPhone

>> No.8031907

bumpity bump

>> No.8031942

Keep ur muney

>> No.8031994

got any ones in black

>> No.8032010

yeh i think i saw some in ur mum pussy with the homeless men

haha peace

>> No.8032034

Made ethically, premium leather, dope as fuck, will last longer than most cheaper shows
That being said I'll probably never spend that much money on any one item

>> No.8032479

any fakes in black? anybody? please?

>> No.8032528


>> No.8032542

But are they really full of men and women?
Whoever titles these listings need to learn better Engrish.

>> No.8033722

>why is X a ridiculous amount of money
welcome to /fa/

>> No.8036706

how'd they fit

>> No.8038099

So, so tempting. Site is exceedingly sketchy though

>> No.8038155

how can you tel the difference between real and fakes

>> No.8038171

By comparing where the stitching lines meet up, the eyelets, the general shape, toe length, tags. Give it a good looking.

>> No.8038188

It's probably made with western labor and materials. Like a factory in Europe using materials sourced from Europe. It's gonna cost a lot more than Chink shit.

>> No.8038205

Do fakes of velcro lows exist?

>> No.8038827

w2c Raf Moto's. Real or fake

>> No.8038827,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this supposed to be 4chan

>> No.8038827,2 [INTERNAL] 

Hi there!
Can someone say here if these are fake or the originals?