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/fa/ - Fashion

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8026016 No.8026016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how skinny is too skinny, /fa/?

i'm ~130, 6'1"

>> No.8026040

is that picture a fucking kombucha mother?

>> No.8026082

It's up to you really, but I'm 6'0" 140lbs and have decided that I'm too skinny.

It's kinda emasculating when a lot of grills have bigger arms than me so I started doing something about it last week. Eating loads is fucking hard though ;_;

>> No.8026091

I'm about 6'2 and i weigh 160. I'm too skinny.

>> No.8026221


I'm 6ft - weight 158. I think I'm normal, in fact I'd like to go down by 5 or 6lbs - but instead I'm actually bulking up at the gym these days. How many cals do you eat a day?

captcha: male asedsk

>> No.8026269

1,80 m 54 kg here

the problem is not looking bad but finding clothes that fit

>> No.8026285

translate i don't speak nigger

>> No.8026294

What are you made of, air?

>captcha: cotton
alright, that also works.

>> No.8026417

230 pounds

>> No.8026454

I tried gaining weight but couldn't break 130. I gave up, qts like it anyway and 1 girl thinking you look good is always more important than a board of skater boys. Always remember that.

>> No.8026510

>145 lbs

Thinking about losing 5 more.

>> No.8026515

how the fuck do you guys lose weight

>> No.8026528
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Lost 10 lbs over winter, need to another 20 lbs at least

>> No.8026533
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Do i look fat?

175 lbs
37 yo

>> No.8026539


>thirty-seven years old
what the fuck

>> No.8026540

>37 yo

Way too old for 4chan m8

>> No.8026543

These imageboards are addictive :(
i first came here at 32 and even then i was too old

>> No.8026547

not at all. you look healthy.

>> No.8026551

Burn more calories than you eat.

Find your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and eat 750 calories less than that every day. You'll lose 1.5 lbs or more every week.

Of course, if you're working out and/or are active, you'll want to adjust it so you aren't starving yourself. I'd probably just stick to a 500 cal deficit. It's safer and you'll lose 1 lb a week.

>> No.8026554 [DELETED] 
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thx :)
i'm a bit pale

>> No.8026561

I see myself here in 10 years... hope its not still weird then

>> No.8026558

wht the fuck

>> No.8026567

What is on your mind?

>> No.8026578


>> No.8026582

dude, if that were the case, i'd be eating 608 calories a day

>> No.8026606

''what the fuck?''

>> No.8026624


>> No.8026638

Your BMR is how much your body burns by just living. Breathing/Thinking/Blinking, all of these are taken into consideration.

But no one just "lives".
You walk, talk, lift things and stand. All of these burn extra calories. If you literally did nothing all day but sit in bed, then yes you would have to eat 608 calories a day.

But you don't. Hopefully.


I'm afforded 1792.65 calories per day to maintain my weight. I'd have to eat around 1000 to lose 1.5 a week.

Today, I burned 2274 (and counting) calories. I've eaten around 1728. I'm fine for today. I can probably have a snack if I do any more walking.

>get fitbit or myfitnesspal

>> No.8026649

You must be

a) short
b) skinny
c) old
d) female
e) or a combination of these

>> No.8026722

closer to 162 tho w minor muscle
What's ideal?

>> No.8026777
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165 to 175 with low bf and high muscle. Basically this.

>> No.8026778
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121 lbs
Excuse the godawful haircut.

>> No.8026779

lol you're off by 100 pounds

>> No.8026815

5'7" and I fluctuate between 115 and 120lbs.
Thought about losing some more, but just I need to do cardio. I got some flab.

>> No.8026829

>high muscle
>literally only core work and curls
>high muscle

I'll give you low body fat but come on.

>> No.8026825

nice trips
I'll probably hit 170 using my weight gainer then do cardio ( I like to swim/hike I guess)
either way I'm already fairly qt/have other desirable qualities/girl I like who's into me so idgaf too much
but that's good to know

>> No.8026864

5'10 140 pounds @ 12%bf w/ most of the weight on lower body which is really a mixed bag b/c I look good in shorts but just small af when wearing pants

>> No.8026861
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How do I lose more weight? I wanna get into the 40's.

>> No.8027049

but why

>> No.8027108

why not?

>> No.8027113

6' 165lb
Thoughts? I think I could stand to lose a bit of weight, but I'm all right.

>> No.8027126
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>go on /fit/
>feel like a twig
>go on /fa/
>people want to be skinnier than me

>> No.8027151
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190 lbs

i really would imagine that i'd have a big belly or man tits or something, but i don't for some reason. I still feel i'm way too heavy though.

>> No.8027162

Do you work out?
You might just exercise to the point all of your body fat is nicely distributed.
Shit's relative, you know?

>> No.8027167

6'0 115, I kind of feel bad because girls are jealous of my figure.

>> No.8027178

how do i get rid of manboobs? my stomach is pretty flat, but these moobs have been plaguing me for a long time

>> No.8027180
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>> No.8027187

i run three to four times a week, but it's mainly to counter the fact that i drink and smoke too much. i don't lift weights or anything like that tbh

>> No.8027193

soz m8010101

>> No.8027192

I meant high muscle by /fa/ standards, and compared to body fat. Not like a body builder high muscle.

>> No.8027197

I think you're fine dude

Also, I think you should shave

>> No.8027202

Gross, you would be smaller than a short woman

>> No.8027203

6' 3" and 130 lbs

Pretty insecure about my body, but this thread is confusing me.

>> No.8027211

You're 5" taller than me and weigh only as much as I do. Tell me your secrets.

>> No.8027232

guys im 5 11 and weigh 160 i wanna get down to 150 i started going to the gym but i can't stop myself from snacking especially when i smoke what do? anyone have any recs for healthy snacks that taste good too?

>> No.8027238
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You know being that skinny is manlet tier right?like you being tall and yet only have literally flesh and bones on you is just as bad as being average height and chubby. Im sure you find picking up grils easy but chances are once the gril see your alien looking torso and bony kneecaps and elbows her snatch becomes dry.

>> No.8027250

125 lbs

i wish i was a little bit taller

>> No.8027256

I really don't have any, it's just my genes. Sorry friend.

>> No.8027261

>i wish i was a baller

>> No.8027281

I'm about your height but weigh 20 pounds less, and I'm mostly muscle. I snack all the time. Here's the thing: portioning and staying active keep me from gaining too much weight because my metabolism is pretty high. cut out corn syrup completely, I found it was easy enough to do because I could still snack. No soda either. Carrots and hummus, fruits, organic energy bars, flaxseed chips, all that stuff is a-ok
even some Lay's, so long as you don't eat a family size bag in one sitting

>> No.8027304

well i cut off soda completely out of my diet last summer and the only things i drink now are water and Arizona ice tea which i assume is still terrible for you what kind of excersie would you recommend and how many times a week my regular day to day is filled with lots of walking and some heavy lifting but i can't seem to make progress

>> No.8027359
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>high muscle

>> No.8027379

172cm, 57kg.

How much weight do I need to lose before I'm effay?

>> No.8027391

15 kg

>> No.8027409

5"4 107, but skinny fat as heck. will 6lbs weightlifting and daily jogging make any difference? btw i am grill etc.

>> No.8027452

Bitch at least include your diet.

>> No.8027468


>> No.8027499

okay.. only been improving it in the last few weeks though.

poached egg on toast w/ rocket
avocado on toast
blueberry soy smoothie

usually plain yogurt or oatmeal with bananas and strawberries
pint of almond milk

mainly just what my boyfriend decides to cook. weekly things include pasta, lasagne, vege burgers etc with a side of greek salad. trying to improve on my cooking skills so i don't have to rely on him

then i just drink green tea throughout the day.
also been doing squats to improve my ass.have a bit of cottage cheese legs ;_; though i do have a thigh gap due to wide hips so yay.

>> No.8027530

Lmao manlet

>> No.8028013
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>high muscle

All I see is low bf and that's it. There are no muscles to speak of. It's all the same analogy as it is with the fat chicks and big boobs -> skinny guys and abs.

>> No.8028019

fluctuate between 135 (and relatively toned) and 145 (skinny-fat)

how do i put on weight if im too depressed to go to the gym/buy food

>> No.8028031

6'1", 160lbs, way 2 skinny.

>> No.8028106

hey daddy wanna fuark?

>> No.8028110

5'10, 107 lbs

maybe the reason i'm short is because i didn't/don't eat enough ;_;. oh well, 21 now, past the point of it affecting me

>> No.8028568

> tfw 160 pounds at 6'0

> tfw I'm even lying about those stats

> really I'm 170 pounds at 5'11

Need to work on losing more weight and somehow gain more height

>> No.8028623

I get told that I look like skeleton a lot.
What are good comebacks for such situations with grils, I don't wanna be rude fuccboi.

>> No.8028630

You can't even judge properly from just height and weight, a lot of it comes down to body composition. I'm 6'0" and when I was 160lbs I had a high bf% and looked like shit. Looking much better at 140lbs these days.

>> No.8028634

Yeah but boobs are just there because of nothing, and for abs you actually have to work a bit no matter how skinny bitch you are.
And fat bitches look like shit no matter how big their tits and asses are. Are you a nigger attracted to huge asses and fat bitches?

>> No.8028683

you look healthy but I'd lose the facial hair and upgrade the clothes
but thats just my opinion

>> No.8028701


>> No.8028702

I'm 5'5" and 100 pounds.

Trap btw.

>> No.8028717

5'3 130, used to be 103 until i started meds. trying to lose weight but i keep getting fatter and i should end myself

btw am gril

>> No.8028726

If you're as skinny-fat as you say you are, you have to eat a shit load more than that to kill fat and gain muscle. Protein and strength resistance is the key.

>> No.8028743

If she's skinny fat the best thing to do is drop the fat first, at least aesthetically. She should do the opposite of what you're saying and barely eat anything until she's just skinny.

>> No.8028991


its because 90% of the people on this board think being a hungry skeleton looks good. they're either too lazy or don't know how to lift and make fun of people with nicer bodies because of the jelly

>> No.8029021

I'm 6'3 and 160-165, I have an excuse since I distance/ trail run. Nonetheless I'm constantly eating.

>> No.8029046

>comparing physical perfection to landwhales who stuff their face

>> No.8029132

i'm also ~130, 6'1"

think my lowest ever was 125 lbs. that's probably too skinny. 130 is nice tho. still feel like a got a bit to much weight on my legs tho. would be nice if i could move some of that weight up into muscle on my upper body or something because at the moment there is none

>> No.8029313
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6'3 and 152 lbs
Could be worse.

>> No.8029332

I'm 6' 120lbs
I feel disgusting pls kill me

>> No.8029339

I'm 6' and 165 and I eat like a horse. I look sort-of skinnyfat since I used to lift at 172 but had to stop due to injuries so I can only do cardio now.

>> No.8031545


what are you talking about - are you saying women prefer flabby out of shape dudes to well toned, tall and lean athletic guys?

when I say I'm 160lbs - I am also 9% BF and extremely toned. High protein diet to maintain and gain muscle mass. THAT's what women like dude - its nature we are attracted to the physically fit.

>> No.8031718

tfw 6'6" 350lbs
tfw cannot fit into nice fits

>> No.8031729
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Started lifting a little