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/fa/ - Fashion

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8025912 No.8025912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /fa/ I fucking love these shoes and I just got in a position where I can spend a bit of money, so my question is are they worth it and if so what pair?

>> No.8025922

>so my question is are they worth it

That's a value judgment only you can make for yourself. If you can't resist and you want the chance to wear them in from their nice, new condition, then you know what you have to do, but if you don't care there's plenty of pairs available second-hand.

>> No.8025927

Yes they're worth it, and Achilles vintage highs in white have been posted here a lot, they're the best model imo >>>8007683

>> No.8025939

I had a pair of vintage lows, and the leather lining is gorgeous

>> No.8025947
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>> No.8025948

saw a guy in mono wearing black CP lows at COS yesterday. Looked okay, I still wouldn't want to spend 320 Eur on that before I own real good formal and semi-formal, shoes.

So I make do with National Standards and Stan Smith's for now for casual sneakers.

>> No.8025966

They're nice but nowhere near as versatile as lows, I haven't seen a decent full fit with them so far.

>> No.8025993

How do National Standards fit compared to cps?

>> No.8026009

I got mine for $330 after the duty tax. If you want to hold off, you can find a sale here and there. $400 is a little high, but still a nice pair of shoes.

>> No.8026017

You are just paying for the name and higher quality leather. In the end of the day the average person thinks they are converse. If it makes you happy though, cop them.

>> No.8026021

>$400 vans

>> No.8026031


Vans does full leather low-tops with longer lace quarters now? Please share. I'm thinking of some Eytys for summer beaters, but leather Vans would be a great alternative.

>> No.8026050

don't know how CPs fit, but NS fit tts.

>> No.8026062

If you're buyin in the US, make sure to go through Tres-Bien and get that 20% off, unless you can find a cheaper sale

>> No.8026061
File: 21 KB, 450x450, NottheCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked for some and these look closets to the picture. I don't like them.

>> No.8026068

what about the black stan smiths as beaters?

>> No.8026069


Yeah, I was hoping anon from >>8026021 had a particular style in mind.

>> No.8026074

CP's are the single best fashion investment I have ever made. Cop.

>> No.8026073

>that ugly nose
>that back panel
Why could they just leave it like it should have been!

>> No.8026080

How chunky are Stan smiths? I was considering copping them, but I want a slim shoe for summer, like the CPs (which are way too expensive for me)

>> No.8026106

So cheapest as of right now with the 20% Tres-Bien discount is $320?

>> No.8026146

I bought a pair of these 3 weeks ago and several people have commented "Nice Vans" or something along those lines

>> No.8026143

Probably 15% chunkier - people seem to overlook the fact, that stan smith are padded with pretty thick linings that make it fit for spring or fall, but too hot for summer.

>> No.8026155

I mean, for plebs to say they are nice vans means they are sort of worth it?

>> No.8026165

>retard that has never owned cps before
Pls dont

>> No.8026335

don't buy $400 sneakers

please don't

you're all wrong

i mean this as a person concerned for your finances

think of how many weeks of food you can buy with $400 and ask yourself if you're really willing to drop that kind of dough on some shoes that don't even look that special to people who don't know about them. no one is gonna notice your $400 sneakers. you can get a good, long-lasting, nice-looking pair of sneakers for significantly less.

please just don't

>> No.8026370

stop being poor

>> No.8026382

yeah, i def buy shoes to "look special to people who don't know about them"

you're on /fa/ for all the wrong reasons shit eating nerd

>> No.8026390
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>caring about what other people do with their money
you are the worst kind of intrusive faggot

>> No.8026391

>look at this poor cakeboi

>> No.8026395

I understand where you're coming from, $400 is a lot for a pair of shoes. But $400 gets you a lot.
There's an unmatched level of craftsmanship and quality with Common Projects that blows other shoes in it's style category out of the water.
But why are you caring about such small values? There are people here on this board that will pay over one grand for a pair of shoes.

>> No.8026411

he's not completely wrong
people here on /fa/ make it seems that any pair of shoes cheaper than cps, raf simons or rick owens ones will just be destroyed in a couple of days
I understand that the more you pay, the better you get, but for you guys there are only black or white, only shit or excellence, no intermediate fades, this is ridiculous IMO, I cannot believe that there isn't even ONE SINGLE FUCKING PAIR of shoes for, let's say, 200 dollars that is good(not excellent, just good) and worth its price

>> No.8026416

So, the question of the century, /fa/, dont fuck this up:

cp achilles high white vs cp achiless low white vs cp achilles low black

for summer

pls vote!

>> No.8026424

I like the all black lows

>> No.8026451

For summer, white achilles lows
For fall/winter, black achilles mids

or you can get the perforated achilles if you like them

>> No.8026458

they're nice shoes but they're boring as fuck and safe basic bitch shoes

I have a pair and hardly wear them honestly buy adidas stan smith and save the dosh for some designer sneaks

>> No.8026477

low whites anyone else if pleb

>> No.8026494

>don't even look that special to people who don't know about them. no one is gonna notice your $400 sneakers.
Well I don't give a shit about what other people think if i did i'd have bought some jordans or something. All i care is about quality and longevity and CP's have just that.

>> No.8026502

perforated cps are so terrible

>> No.8026521 [DELETED] 

>buying lows

top fucking kek

>> No.8026523
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stay poor, stay pleb

>> No.8026524

>not buying lows

top fucking kek

>> No.8026525
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 4934761892993_black__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude has a valid point, sort of. There are situations where making an investment in good shoes will really pay off in terms of quality, durability, and the likelihood of them making a good impression on (for example) women or good employers.

But plain sneakers are not one of those situations. Your investment here has zero impact and no real return.

Muji's $24 canvas sneakers have a classic look and are comfy as fuck. If you want leather, Kent Wang is the same idea as CPs but under $100.

tl;dr -- $400 dress shoes are a good investment. $400 plain sneakers are a waste of money.

>> No.8026531

go back to mfa poorfags

>> No.8026574

don't buy $400 sneakers

please don't

you're all wrong

i mean this as a person concerned for your finances

think of how many weeks of food you can buy with $400 and ask yourself if you're really willing to drop that kind of dough on some shoes that don't even look that special to people who don't know about them. no one is gonna notice your $400 sneakers. you can get a good, long-lasting, nice-looking pair of sneakers for significantly less.

please just don't
As a real rich person I find this funny as shit. $400 gets WEEKS of food!? Omg, how many fucking rich people spend that on one meal. Getting some stupid shoes is fine if $400 is a drop in the bucket doesn't matter. Get them in the wrong size, get 2 pair, give them to the maid, throw them in the trash- if you really have $400 to blow, blow it. Throw $400 in the trash if you want, what the fuck do I care? You weren't going to give it to me. You weren't going to be wearing your favorite shoes. The question is are you a fucking heir or not and to how much of a fortune.

>> No.8026583

OP says:
>I just got in a position where I can spend a bit of money
This isn't a drop in the bucket for him.
He's not "a real rich person", you moron.
And neither are you.

>> No.8026599

Ask me any question only a rich person would know the answer to, I will fucking know it.

>> No.8026613

what is the key to success

>> No.8026616

>making a good impression on (for example) women or good employers.
>$400 dress shoes are a good investment

l o l

pro tip: the boss at your shitty ghetto ass lawyering firm doesnt give a shit about your ugly ass double monk allen edmonds. shoes are not a fucking investment. kill yourself.

>> No.8026617

is obama a good president?

>> No.8026623

Let's have the CS direct # on your Amex black card statement. NOT the one on the website.

>> No.8026628

ebin meme

>> No.8026625


You really get pissy when your mom banishes you to the kitchen while she fucks dudes for meth money, trunks.

>> No.8026632

>thinking ANYONE cares what some crossdressing faggot thinks
top haha

>> No.8026635

ever wash your dick in the sink?

i've done it a few times on the 5th floor bathroom in the library in college

cool water soothes the warts/blisters

>> No.8026656

Waiting for the answer to this, faggot: >>8026623

>> No.8026665

for real tho $400 for cp's is fucking ridiculous
they should be $300 tops

>> No.8026666

they're totally worth it, i have derbys but the brand's quality is phenomenal imo

>> No.8026689


thx bby

>> No.8026708

So I can tell you one thing if you gotta figure it out for me I'm going to have to tell you that you know you got all the all the acronyms when you come to your shoes you got the CPS got the AF AF one you got the you got the Geo and I don't think that you know what you're never going to get past the classics you know you're going to have to go for the whole time you touch you know something with the old Oxford to be used to wear back in the day you know you think that you think that you see you today what these kids wear in and tall is the weather in the suede me know you think there ain't nothing new for you but I still think there's something left let anyone can see in touch but if you don't get it you're not going to get it all you know I just think that's the case

>> No.8026716

Calm down now, I walked away to get local 5 star sushi

The key to success is luck and greed.

Obama is the worst president we have ever had.

Come on now, that isn't a question a rich person would know the answer to, that's just asking for my information.

>> No.8026731

>5-star sushi

5-star is service quality not food quality

sushi isn't a luxury food

poor person detected

if not, bite into a whole black truffle, and time stamp the rest

>> No.8026727

You failed, but at least you did it comically.

>> No.8026736

OP here, so I see this is a real debatable topic, but the one answer that really stands out is a def cop (of course is money isn't an issue) and the achilles low pair. Now, which colorway is best?

>> No.8026738

all black niggie

>> No.8026741

>plenty of pairs available second-hand

Where? Neither ebay nor grailed have many right now

>> No.8026746

Lowest you can get if you're in the US is $320, and that's new.

>> No.8026748

whichever one you want
this isn't a life altering decision kid

it's only a $400 pair of shoes

now if this were a which patek or which aston martin model to get thread then you can debate back and forth

but arguing about some low end shoes that retail for about what most special edition nike collabs go for then........

you don't see poor hispanics and blacks agonizing over nikes, they just line up and buy them becuase $400 isn't shit

>> No.8026753

Get over yourself Sieg you fat mongoloid taking advice from you is just as detrimental as taking it from Trunks.

>> No.8026761

you're the one "saving up" for a pair of shoes that cost less than college textbook that will only be utilized for 6 weeks

or the dinner tab on 3 dates...(roughly a weeks worth)

fucking poor

go ahead and ask about sizing questions and material questions

no really becuase we all give a shit about your brokeass boii bank acount with only 3 digits

>> No.8026758

Why would anyone take advice from someone that's never posted a fit pic.

>> No.8026767



>> No.8026771

I'm not even OP, just you have really shitty opinions and have garnered a bad reputation because of it m8.

>> No.8026772

You sound like you think you are pretty rich. Hundreds? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands?

I never really cared much for truffles, I just throw it in the garbage if it has truffles.

You obviously do not live in an area with fresh sushi where only the richest people in the world live. When we say 5 star here, we mean it.
Oh man, I am dying on this tofu cheesecake with chocolate sauce and raspberries. I brought it home with me so I could shitpost, watch my projector and laugh at how poor you are.

>> No.8026789

yeah we don't get a lot fish in california, becuase it's so far from the ocean and stuffs

and not alot of sushi in japan becuase you know it's aremote island

>> No.8026795

so whats the key to success sieg?

>> No.8026801


WTF about California not having fish. Since when?

What is the key to success and how much money do you have? Why do you have it?

>> No.8026803

coppin' common projects sneaks

niggas know yo hustle and repect ya flow

>> No.8026804

Whats the key to success tubs.

>> No.8026811

what do you do or did you do as income

>> No.8026813

ain't no muthafuckin fish in the ocean
im tired of all these muthafuckin fish in the ocean


>> No.8026814
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>the key to success

>> No.8026867

lol i loved that episode

how to get rich the white trash way:



and finally

>> No.8026871

What is your profession, /fa/? Are you in debt for any fashion related reasons?

>> No.8026884

CPs were around $200 when they first came out and now the price have doubled because of demand but the quality of the leather have gotten a little worse. In terms of quality, there are better sneakers at that price range but they are still the best in terms of looks, in my opinion.

>> No.8026924

Kent Wang's got a shit sole.

>> No.8026953

CP white lows for $375 or wait until tres bien restocks?

>> No.8026968

375 where? I am waiting for our swedish brothers to restock myself.

>> No.8026969
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Saw these in store a little while ago. Looked pretty good

>> No.8026970

I'd cop, colorway is really your preference, but if they are lows I'd cop.

>> No.8026979

Don't tell anyone but they're $375 here: http://www.thecorner.com/us/men/sneakers_cod44648577vf.html

>> No.8026987

Selling my black CPs size 41

Would rather not sell on eBay because of eBay fees so hmu guys.


>> No.8026993

if you were 4 sizes up I'd cop you small footed son of a bitch :^(

>> No.8027004

Sorry bruh :( I'm with you
>tfw small feet
>tfw small person in general

>I will never be glorious 6"0+ masterrace

Oh well what can you do right?

>> No.8027008

Be more effay mang, be more effay.

>> No.8027016

All they're missing is some gold numbers.

>> No.8027027

fucking canada and our fucked up customs will charge me like another 300$ on top of what I will pay for CPs. Any Vancouver anons know local places I can get them from?

>> No.8027037

The answer is no. If shoes look that basic they shouldnt be that much money.

>> No.8027054


>> No.8027056

i just bought black stan smith's new for $75. tbh, they look pretty identical to cp lo's.

i've never understood the popularity of common projects on /fa/. i mean, i'm willing to shell out dosh on a nice pair of sneakers, but cp's never really cut the mark in my opinion. they're utterly unremarkable and basic looking shoes.

maybe if they will last like 10 yrs then maybe i will buy them

>> No.8027109

They do last 10 years.

>> No.8027125
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just stoppin by

>> No.8027132
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>> No.8027158


So, either go for worse quality and looks (and dont tell me k wangs dont look like cp's retarded brother) or go for $200+ substitutes. If you are willing to spend 200+ bucks on sth that looks like CPs, just save up or extend that budget and buy fucking cps.

>> No.8027161

I'm still getting CPs, just waiting for a sale or something now.

>> No.8027163


>mfw I don't want any of these


>> No.8027209

So the rule for CPs, lows and mids, is to size down one right?

>> No.8027221

No, just cop CPs for $100-$300 on eBay for practically new. Saw a semi-beat pair for $70, and a really nice pair for $100 the other day

>> No.8027252

For size 43 fags:
Granted, that's a 6 day wait so the price will definitely go up, but its worth watching.

>> No.8027284

how do cps fit? i'm us 11.5 in adidas, us11 in some reeboks that fit really nice.

>> No.8027364

Selling black Achilles mid sz 46 9.5/10 I'll post email if i get a reply taking offers

>> No.8027473

Go get your foot actually measured. Than down size one. That is your CP size.

>> No.8027489

false. i am a shoe salesman. i am 13/46 measured on brannick devices.

i am size 11.5/44.5 in almost all sneakers, esp nikes. in timberlands i'm a 10.5. in CP i'm between a 43 and a 44. 11us/10uk in doc martens. 46.5 in strada. 11.5 in vans.

the only solution is to go into a store and try them on because everybody's foot is different. only buy shoes online if you already know your size or if you can exchange for free.

>> No.8027613

>implying common projects as a brand has even been around for 10 yrs

>> No.8027615

Post a pic

>> No.8027626

>because everybody's foot is different

This so much

>> No.8027646

i'm size 11 in the US does that mean my CP size is 44?

>> No.8027715

pls rspond

>> No.8027717

pls respond

>> No.8027775

I'm 10.5 and got 43, I think they are too roomy in the front though. I've heard if you size down they'll stretch back out a bit but I have no experience with that.

>> No.8027818

you're a fucking idiot

cp's go around on grailed/ebay for 200-300
there are a even a couple right now on grailed for good prices

>> No.8027823

i'm 11.5 us and i've got 44, they fit perfect

>> No.8027842

message me on grailed and maybe we can work this out


>> No.8027887
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Got em off eBay and they're a size too big

>> No.8027891

oh man if only they where white i'd have totally copped :(

>> No.8027914

I have 30% off at Tres bien, meaning I could cop the low whites or low blacks for $280 plus shipping. Unfortunately they don't have the whites in my size and the 30% off ends after April 30th. Should I wait and see or cop the black lows?

>> No.8027919

You could always email them and ask if they're gonna restock by then.

>> No.8027926

I did, they said not in the nearest future.

>> No.8027936

when you walk around do they feel too big at all? I mean, in vans i'm size 10.5 but in nikes i'm size 11 so it's kind of hard to decide what size i am in EU

>> No.8027956

w2c promo code?

>> No.8027966

I sized down one from nikes and was fine.

>> No.8027982
File: 16 KB, 960x540, for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clue fuccboi :^)
>tfw no spoiler feature

>> No.8027993

Thx bby ;)

>> No.8027995

How much?

>> No.8028278

when are Tres bien restocking?

>> No.8028315

>that white sole

>> No.8028318

they're all good though

>> No.8028392

why would you ever care how you are perceived by the average person?

>> No.8028444

It's 28% off retard

>> No.8028473

They use the same sole so I would have thought they would fit the same...no?

>> No.8028566

Got a pair of achilles low in black new for £165

Love them.

>> No.8028579

well, the sole is one thing, the construction of the cage and toebox is another.

But CP and NS should be comparable when it comes to sizing.

>> No.8028601

>cop CPs
>see all these threads about people who cant afford them and want cheaper alternatives
>tfw for the first time ever, i made it

>> No.8028604

start with the achilles low white... very easy to pair with any fit. Will become you favorite all around shoe.

>> No.8028629

Best place to cop CP Achilles low white in EU? Sold out at most places.

>> No.8028646

wait, fuccboi, it's only 10% for me, w2c other 20%? ;_;

>> No.8028648

The corner has a few pairs left (last time i checked).

>> No.8028650


ur welcome

>> No.8028664

How easy is it to remove CP's branding?

>> No.8028665

i'm thinking about getting the acnes over the CPs

>> No.8028669

ive heard buttero is better over both

dont ask me tho

>> No.8028668

oh you stupid motherfuickng piece of shjit, did you countt the 20% vat off for a discount? wow. ok.

good. Even if i pay the customs their ridiculous charge, it's better than 450$ here in vancouver :~)

>> No.8028672

Same. Clean shoe.

>> No.8028681

$400 is your dinner tab at KFC lmfao fat BOI

>> No.8028684
File: 77 KB, 952x1428, 41129M050005_5_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look like shit from the toebox tho

>> No.8028686
File: 16 KB, 382x560, 4120_white_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these are clean

>> No.8028692

welp, even with all the discounts I got 432 total to pay. While I can go to fucking gravity pope and buy them for 450. O I am loving canada.

ye I considered them too, and what I've heard the leather's better in butteros

>> No.8028693
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>> No.8029260


>> No.8029282

Pretty easy. Just rub it with your finger or a dry cloth.

>> No.8029368


I swear Muji has great all-white leather sneaks that could be a great CP alternative. You interested fellows should check em out. About $60.

>> No.8029391


Think I saw these in Hong Kong. Think they were ~$100US though and they didn't have my size anyway

>> No.8029404

Haven & Nomad sell CPs for cheapest in Canada from what I have seen (lows are $430-435)

>> No.8029422
File: 136 KB, 878x899, acne vintage adrians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen their new models? very fancy irl imo, pictures dont really do them justice
>pic related

the buttero models ive handled are even slimmer than CPs so if you got wide feets it is a suicide, the leather is really really nice though.

>> No.8029429

>$100 US

Are you serious? They were about $77 US converted where I live, and I'd assume that anything in HK would be cheapter than that.

Anyway, I'm not familiar with Muji's quality of shoes but their clothes are the typical good bang-for-your-buck Japanese products.

>> No.8029453


Hmm, got the conversion wrong actually. Turns out I shouldn't just divide HKD by 6 to get USD. So yeah, it turns out to be ~$75

>> No.8029677

white cp special edition? that colorway doesn't even exist. I doubt that white wool would look good...

>> No.8030171
File: 210 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would anyone recommend I get these? I like them a lot

>> No.8030186

they look like knock off flyknits

>> No.8030205

I bought some white mids off ebay for 60 quid

they are wonderful. For me theyre a reminder of how shoes can just be shoes and still be really pleasing on the eye, theyre somehow really plain but interesting at same time. Idk its hard to explain

its undoubtedly the best purchase i will ever make tho

>> No.8030230

also they were used. But they look new

>> No.8030240

post pic bro

>> No.8030299
File: 52 KB, 800x534, $_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copped some Eytys recently for mad cheap (canvas wouldve been better though), gettin em Wednesday or so, very excited
Only Vans remotely similar to CPs I can think of might be Ludlows. Saw instore, not recommended

>> No.8030336
File: 23 KB, 500x375, cp-evisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selling my common projects x evisu
size 43
new in box, never worn
200$ obo

>> No.8030353

nice fakes faggot!

>> No.8030356
File: 395 KB, 570x450, SHOEGEN (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pair
this dude>>8030186 has clearly never seen them before, the silhouette is completely different.
Pros - i can't count the number of compliments i've gotten from them
comfy af
look dope af with some cropped pants or shorts, summery shit
p durable, that fabric is ez to clean
Cons - I dunno. They're runners/athleticy shoes and should be worn as such (so they look weird with blue jeans and stuff) but they're dope kicks man
Size up a size cuz they're snug, i sized up a lil too much lol

>> No.8030365
File: 21 KB, 499x318, cp-evisu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they arent fake pleb.
those are a collab with evisu

>> No.8030381

lol stupid fuck
stay pleb
with your fakes

>> No.8030406

Anybody know anything about shoe-crafting out there?
Puzzles me how the fuck they seam through rubber and having the notion of how a regular sew machine works, shit's confusing.

Do they have a special machine for this?

>> No.8030608

is that shit still not dead?

>> No.8030853

Is there any way to shrink cps? Didnt size down lol

>> No.8030892

Put them in boiling salt water, trust me it works.

>> No.8030896

ask your cobbler,

>> No.8031251

What size are you in the US and what size cp did you get?

>> No.8031629

Are you happy

>> No.8031662
File: 928 KB, 2048x1152, 20140331_151256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are mine I got

>> No.8031666


>> No.8031751

SOLD btw

>> No.8032989

Achilles low whites or vintage low whites?

>> No.8033015
File: 38 KB, 833x467, BP4tC1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do shoe companies like vans and nike not see that they have a fucking HUGE MARKET for minimalist sneakers? like seriously
there are at least 50 people in both companies whose entire raison d'etre is to come up with better fucking sneaker designs like what the fuck do they do at work all they have to do is google about shoes and they'd find that the cp design is IN

I just don't even get it? what do they do?

>> No.8033020

porque no los dos?

>> No.8033019

If ordering from a store outside the U.S. how much will duties cost? I don't want to save a little bit of money ordering from outside the U.S. just to end up spending more money due to importing fees.

>> No.8033032

I thought it was "por que" when asking why?
Porque no tengo dinero.

>> No.8033049

time to learn spanish I guess

both are beatiful, cop the one you like more.

>> No.8033063

Honestly, I've liked the solid white lows, but the vintages have been growing on me. The toss up though is that the vintages are $335 with shipping from a potentially unreliable source vs the regulars are $362 from a reliable source, but will be subject to duties due to importing it.

>> No.8033080

what country?

>> No.8033083

I'm in the U.S., store is in the Netherlands.

>> No.8033084

I think it'll catch on eventually like the current raw denim/selvedge trend. The stan smith seems pretty popular this year.

>> No.8033817


i just copped this today lmfao.
complete rip off but i got it for $120 before taxes

>> No.8033819

beautiful. how are they holding up for you?

>> No.8033966

rip off of cp's i mean*

>> No.8034090
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 1396333740162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on the diemme venetos as a sub?

>> No.8034098

>copped white ones for 250 on styleforum and they look only worn about 5 times
so fucking excited

>> No.8034209

Yes fuccboi they are worth the price kek

>> No.8034259

I already bought them grandpa, how fucking late are you?

>> No.8034281

Nothing is the fashion world is "worth" the price.

>> No.8034301

they look exactly the same

>> No.8034352

omg r i p