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/fa/ - Fashion

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8023153 No.8023153 [Reply] [Original]

How about we list out some shitty labels /fa/
I'll start

>Boris Bidjan Saberi
>Zam Barrett
>Hiroki Nakamura

Now you go

>> No.8023164

>ppl hating on bbs because some Jesuit told them to

you ought be ASHAMED

>> No.8023166

BBS sucks you nerd, if you were at all discerning you'd see why

>> No.8023171

>Hiroki Nakamura

>> No.8023173

>pigfuck being upset at other people for this
nice 1 m8

>> No.8023176

>its ccp rip off, he copies ccp designs, ive never handled either but i read it so i'll parrot it ppl will think i know things

fucken cuck, cucks world out here, LOTTA cucks.

>> No.8023180

Ok I meant to write designers
Not just Poell, but that's beside the point
Also if you're talking about designs that's something you can simply see (yes, via the internet), and again, if you were at all discerning/intelligent, you could see how much "influence" Boris takes from Poell and other designers
I've handled Poell, but admittedly I've only handled 11 from Boris. Either way, so much of his work is derivative, there's no appeal to me

>> No.8023181

>you know, I've never properly felt the full force of the sun, so how can I know it's as hot as they say it is?

>> No.8023182
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whatcha know about that ?

>> No.8023204

most of the cucks who feign outrage over bbs and ccp can't afford either, especially not new. most of the people who can have no problems buying both and making their own judgements.

>le ccp the hermit so underground, please no nouveau riche wear him it will diminish brand even though i can't afford it anyway and im a little faggot for even using the term nouvaeu riche cause im 20 year old tumblr blogger who buys second hand rick owens. oh le bbs le infant de terrible marketising ccp designs oh le NAUGHTY

same shit everytime. truth is theres a lot of sameyness on that spectrum of the market(virdi anne, devoa, bbs, ccp, con) its all the same black shit anyway get over yourselves.

>> No.8023211

Except CCP is the originator and BBS is the replicator, it's not a two way street
The samey-ness is due to outright theft on BBS' part
>Lack of money means you don't deserve opinions
If you think money validates your piss-poor and misinformed opinions, you're gravely wrong
Seriously, you really do know bugger all

>> No.8023235

i know that if you can't afford to HOLD THE TWO IN YOUR HANDS and make an evaluative judgement then you don't know enough to pass your regurgitated opinion off like its meaningful.

you can look at as many 2d pictures as you like and make a nice little infographic of side by side photographs of certain similar pieces to prove your point but its all meaningless. there are countless discussions of bbs, ccp et al on SZ, most of the avid consumers of said brands are fine with BBS.

are there similarities? yes. but the two brands ethos are obviously very different.

>> No.8023245

That doesn't make much sense.
I couldn't afford to build two buildings, but I could tell if ones design was inspired by or derivative of another.
And being able to experience garments in person has almost no relation to being able to afford them. So don't give me that bullshit about 'you need to spend x amount of money on clothes for your opinion to be valid', you fuccboi
>most of the avid consumers of said brands are fine with BBS
most avid consumers of McDonalds would be with with that, too, probably
>well possibly not, but my point still stands

How are the two brands' 'ethos' very different?
And if you're gonna give me some shit that essentially equates to BBS being derivative, fuck you.

>> No.8023255

>pigfuck digs himself deeper into his meme troll contrarian persona

>> No.8023270


why is it that people hate BBS

>> No.8023276

It is, essentially, derivative.

>> No.8023281

>poorfag makes all his opinions on clothes based off pictures on the internet

>> No.8023279

because he copies designers that are better than him and markets himself to people that want to wear rick/poell/julius etc but can't afford it

>> No.8023293

Rick Owens

>> No.8023290

naw I'm rich enough to buy all my shit without even thinking about it/considering/looking at it/trying it on, I just saw pigfuck's flawed argument so

>> No.8023294

one is a commercialised fashion label, has shown collections consistently since his inception. a lot of it is streetwear infused menswear with a lot of the design elements stemming from its streetwear/sportswear roots. most of the collections are stylised and thematic.

CCP is obviously very different. 'anti commercial' self contained, sells only to a select few stockists, doesn't show runway, when he has done a collection its always been highly conceptual, cinematic.

artisan approach, self edge, maintaining the use of discontinued manufacturing procedures, exotic materials, signature design elements(dead end, parachute lining.) lots of tailoring, very conceptual, avante garde in its purist sense as opposed to BBS 'avante garde'

CCP is a very influential designer, BBS has obviously been inspired by his work, but they're obviously very different outside of a small number of design similarities. BBS is no more derivative of CCP than CCP is of HL.

>> No.8023297

BBS is higher pricepoint than all of those besides ccp ;)

fucking idiot cuckold.


>> No.8023309

maybe one or two leather jackets per season are, the majority of bbs mainline is less expensive than rick mainline

11 is the only thing propping up his shitty business anyway
>if i say cuckold enough it'll catch on

>> No.8023330

>11 released this season
>propping up his business

RO and BBS are same pricepoint, no one is buying BBS because they cant afford rick

>> No.8023335

Why slam the zam OP?

>> No.8023352

trash thread if at any moment pf has proved himself trash it is in this thread

>> No.8023419

god you fucking tripfags are pathetic

just shut up

>> No.8023426

Tell me about it, eh mon
I find myself agreeing with you a lot these days turny, I'm glad I've come round to see things with sense rather than being the fuccboi I was

I just wanted to share that to further out cross-Tasman love bb

>> No.8023446

>most of the cucks who feign outrage over bbs and ccp can't afford either, especially not new. most of the people who can have no problems buying both and making their own judgements.

well well well, look who just got offended

>> No.8023450

legend has it that if you whisper borises name in the mirror 3 times a habeeb will show up and suicide bomb you

>> No.8023463

theres a reason jew scum like TL dont like boris, hes IRANIAN. ROTHSCHILDS PEOPLE OPEN UR EYES

>> No.8023468


it all makes sense now


>> No.8023469

Fuckin' love you prophet, this is the shit I miss most from those days
Seeing your fits improve has been good though.