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/fa/ - Fashion

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8022539 No.8022539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

serious question: how many /fa/s are closeted gays or bisexuals?

>> No.8022549

Bisexual but havent copped to it yet, obviously much easier to hide.

>> No.8022591

95% hetero here

>> No.8022602

i'm completely hetero but seriously worry if girls assume that i'm gay because i care about what i wear and wear things that actually fit

>> No.8022606

Yall niggas don't kno that he's secretly bi
He should hide dat faggot shit till the day he die.

>> No.8022609

I choose not to be gay.

>> No.8022616

I wouldn't mind being gay, however dudes aren't the least bit attractive to me. I guess most straight guys here are like that?

>> No.8022624


you wouldn't mind be gaying as in you wouldn't mind fucking guys in the ass

>> No.8022623
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>> No.8022630

i just know all my gross habits and all my other male friend's gross habits and can not imagine being attracted to that shit

>> No.8022634

And girls aren't at least as gross, right? Lol...

>> No.8022633


>> No.8022645

totally not attracted to guys in physical appearance or nature, but 10 years of cock focused porn has made me wonder about sucking dick before. i guess thats like 80% straight?

>> No.8022659

Girls are like a half-assed internet browser.
The gui has a thousand buttons and every one is mislabeled.
It asks you 'are you sure?' every time you try to click your fucking mouse, and it returns 'unable to complete task' when you've finally figured out how to tell it what to do.
I'm not surprised some men choose to be gay.

>> No.8022662
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>> No.8022669

Love the pussy but secretly think guys are more attractive than girls in general. Most girls are ugly

>> No.8022683

Closeted gay here, currently in a relationship with a girl

>> No.8022821
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straight here

captcha knows all i guess

>> No.8022842

Wow I haven't seen a captcha in ages. Not since I purchased my 4chan pass. Pleb

>> No.8022892

>know how to dress
>pretty flamboyant
>social butterfly
>want to be a hairstylist
>can pick out a good looking guy when I see one
>a million other gay stereotypes

Yet my sexual life is all about girls.

Sometimes I puzzle myself, even.

>> No.8022930

dont dress for girls, dress for yourself

>> No.8022931

>want to be a hairstylist

ur def gay

>> No.8022949

make all the fun you want

he'll have the last laugh when he's cutting hair at an upscale salon and drowning in milf poon

>> No.8022968

Nigga did you just call yourself a social butterfly?
You gay dog, and it's OK.

>> No.8022975

Let me put it like this...

>Not attracted to any man
>Would not mind having sex with a man
>Pretty sure its in my future.

>> No.8022979
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>tfw friends call you gay because of your clothing

>> No.8022981
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>tfw I record myself and find that my speaking voice is flamboyant and lispy

What the fuck do I do? I'm not gay and I've spoken like this. The reason I started browsing /fa/ is because I wanted a qt gf. It can't be because of low T levels either, I can grow a neckbeard in a day and a half and my dick is pretty large. Anyone else like this?

>> No.8022985

if they r mean with u theyre not ur friends op :)
we are more ur friends than they are

>> No.8022987
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so you should tell them to fuck off?

>> No.8022991

if they dont accept ur clothing and call u gay then u just get new friends

>> No.8023014

naw dude
if someone can't call you a glorious winged faggot to your face without you getting offended, then you aren't really friends.

>> No.8023025

yeah if you aren't talking shit to a "friend"... you aren't good friends.

>> No.8023032

good goy

>> No.8023084

lol that's pretty much me haha

>> No.8023096

yeh like i tend to admire male models more over female models idk i just think there is so much more beauty to them :/

>> No.8023099

sheeiiit nigga

>> No.8023107

same here, 75% of the time that i flirt with a girl, she goes " oooooh aren't u gayyy ? "

>> No.8023110


>> No.8023174

straight. However find males attractive and have done sexual stuff with them, but it cemented the fact I am straight and just appreciate the aesthetics of males

>> No.8023779

>find males attractive and have done sexual stuff with them
>clearly is attracted to girls in the same exact way
sexually attracted to both men and women.

>> No.8023805
File: 104 KB, 500x320, tumblr_n2vgrc0wsu1qccjg0o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closeted gay but I'm pretty sure everyone knows because I'm really into fashion and art, I care way to much about how I look, and I've never had a gf.

>> No.8023816

i feel gay af but im 100% str8

thx fa

>> No.8023819

im bi sexual... havnt had sex with other guys but i dono id give myself a 70-30 with majority straight

have you done anything with guys before?

>> No.8023846

i'm attracted to guys but not romantically, but not open about it

pretty sure some people think i'm full gay because i care about my appearance and tfw no gf

>> No.8023850
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Go to a vocal coach or something if you're that worried about it.

>> No.8023852

Like, a 5.5 on the Kinsey scale here. I've got a bf but still not officially "out" to anyone yet. We kinda keep it a secret between our two families and he's only out to one of his friends.

>> No.8023859

>implying grills dont have gross habits they're just very good at hiding

>> No.8023868

Do you guys fuck?

>> No.8023873

yeah, just look at all the threads about playing with blood clots in /cgl/

>> No.8023885

Blood clots are the worst like you sneeze or cough or laugh or stand up and a bunch of blood just falls down.

>> No.8023927

closeted bi i guess, mostly straight though(1-2 kinsey).
dont know about closeted, just dont feel the need to tell people irl though unless i wanna get in their pants or if they have a good reason to ask. tbh, im very confused by sex and social dynamics etc so i rather not face it-

many people think i am a closeted gay though and pretty much only guys has ever hit on me.

>tfw talking to a qtpie who tells me she is into yaoi and her kink is gaysex

>> No.8023944
File: 26 KB, 399x600, tumblr_n2lui1jKaJ1tw261yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a closet gay but im only closet because im only into older men

a older effay man makes me so horny i just cant explain it

but a guy in my age dosent make me hard at all

its strange but what ever

my boyfriend is 59 years old and im 24

>> No.8023985

i am a closeted gay guy

but i have a gf that i fuck on the reg

am i effay?

>> No.8023990
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>> No.8023991

Never been with another guy, but I've seen a couple that I would stick it in.
Guess I'm bi.

>> No.8023994
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>> No.8023996

im openly bi as shit, i think the fact that my attraction to dudes makes me seem unattainable has gotten me laid at least once

>> No.8024000
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>> No.8024002

im closeted bi

>> No.8024003
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>> No.8024008
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this makes me so hard

>> No.8024013

these aren't even like hot old guys they're just old guys

>> No.8024033

pls stop with the imagedump

>> No.8024053

straight guy lurking out of curiosity until this faggot starting posted startling pics

>> No.8024098


i love older men

>> No.8024144
File: 1.52 MB, 450x290, 1394128104622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm open about being bisexual but I don't flounder it, if people ask me I'll tell.
People said it was obvious because I like to wear big ass combat boots like a skinhead.
I really like boys with a buzz cut and a skinhead look.

I also cross dress in secrecy at least 3 times a week.

>> No.8024197

I used to identify as bi, but i don't think it's the right label for me, i don't find males sexually attractive, i find feminine traits attractive, even if said traits are attached to a penis. i don't know what that means, but ah well. only been with girls so far though.

>> No.8024220
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Not sexually attracted to men, not really interested in women that much, only enjoy them in porn and even then I feel disgusted afterwards.

I was at a pub yesterday with family and there were some 'attractive' waitresses, the usual stuff.
Ponytails, pretty, well dressed, you know the drill.

My younger brother kept on making jokes about sex basically, and it really fucking riled me up, I couldn't say anything though because it was his birthday lol.

He kept looking around and staring at them as if to reinforce the fact that he wasn't gay.

Is it just me that gets really fucking annoyed when people sexualise women like that?
It's not funny, it's sexist shit, objectifying them.
I don't browse tumblr or anything lol, I just find it pathetic.

I mean are you really going to ask for a waitresses number, /really/? It's degrading, they get that shit all day long and it's just gross.

>> No.8024274

post CD pics

>> No.8024286

Bisexual since sophomore year of high school. Have only dated one guy seriously but I mostly date girls and hook up with guys/girls when I'm not in a relationship. Have only dated one girl that wasn't comfortable with it but she got over it after like 2 months of dating, I don't know why straight people think you're more prone to cheat if you're bisexual.

Attractive enough to get a taste of both sides, most people don't even suspect I like guys too when they first meet me. Gay guys can tell though, I guess "gaydar" is real.

>> No.8024290

Agreed, so fucking tired of walking somewhere with my "friends" and having to put up with them acting like a bunch of monkeys everytime we are passing a good looking woman.

>> No.8024332

I know these feels, and I even live in the supposedly most gender-equal country in the world. everyone are very hetronormative, sexist and homophobic.

>> No.8024334
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Was closeted up until last year. Got really into /fa/ around October.
>Mfw "I couldn't tell before, but now I can." when I show off new fits.
>Mfw totally un-flamboyant though
>Mfw getting engaged

>> No.8024375

idk if im big or not. was thinking to myself the other day that while having a three way with another dude and a female I wouldn't be opposed to messing around with the dude. not sure if I would do one on one dude tho.

>> No.8024388
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u don't know if ur a big guy?

>> No.8024412

i used to think i was closeted gay/bi because people just assumed i was. realistically though, i can rarely judge the attractiveness of a male so i'm pretty sure i'm not gay.

it would be a huge inconvenience too, i would hate to deal with unnecessary prejudice, difficulty ascertaining orientation of partners, etc

>> No.8024416

4 u

>> No.8024484


>> No.8024537


soemtimes i wish i had a qt gf just to hang out with and look cool with

>> No.8024546

This is just a virgin's poor excuse

>source: I am one

>> No.8024566

i've had sex a few times but didn't really enjoy it. it just felt awkward, stressful and wrong

i'm not really desperate for a gf but sometimes i think it would be nice as, like, the "ultimate fashion accessory"

>> No.8024580

lrn2wiki b4 making an ass of yurself

>Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy,[11] which are behavioral and generally motivated by factors such as an individual's personal or religious beliefs;[12] sexual orientation, unlike sexual behavior, is believed to be "enduring".[13]

Also post pics I bet no one wants to fuck you anyhow

>> No.8024588

This is what stupid people say.
Dress for the respect of others.

>> No.8024605

>Dress for the respect of others.
This doesn't really make sense either but whatever
It's like in the same level as do drugs to fit in

>> No.8024614
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You should be the only one who should really care and give a shit about your image
If you start dressing for others you become an awkward little faggot

>> No.8024633

all men are a little bit homosexual. the asexual purity of male relationships is, in my opinion, a myth

I'm not gay enough to bang a dude but I can't claim to see nothing sexual in the male body, or to see nothing intimate in male friendship

I don't think being gay and being into fashion are all that closely connected.

>> No.8024749

Not really. We have a few times, but recently I've been avoiding it.

>> No.8024789
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>tfw hooked up with a qt azn guy last night who gave me head on top of the harbour wall while the sun came up and now won't stop texting me


>> No.8024800

Would you suck a dick if the circumstances where right?

>> No.8024818


>> No.8024872

He wants to fuck.

>> No.8024886


I think you're right anon

>> No.8024921


Sometimes my bros just seem like fucking savages

>> No.8024931

no, sweden.
should have said one of the most, not the most.

>> No.8024945
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What's the difference, if i can get neither grills or boys? My sexuality is wizard.

>> No.8024947
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Closeted bi, only a few close friends and some classmates I shoot the shit with but will never see again after this semester know. One gay acquaintance told me "you're incredibly butch for a bi guy"

Guess that's why it's well hidden. Whatever. I do wish I was straight tho -- it would make life a lot simpler.

>> No.8024953
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>> No.8025027

though it is a pretty complex matter, sweden is most equal in some stuff like and in some not. according to eu it is the most equal country in eu, that should say a lot.

>> No.8025611


>> No.8025836

sucked a random dudes dick in the street a month ago.. n-no homo though. right?

>> No.8026107

I honestly don't know if I'm Bisexual or not. I admire cute and handsome boys, but I could never work up the courage to kiss or fuck one. What ever though pussy's good.

>> No.8026125

I crave the BBC

>> No.8026136

I guess I'm bisexual. I don't really know if I should tell anyone. I don't really consider it important enough to "come out of the closet" or anything. I'm worried that it would be awkward and my friends would be afraid to say "faggot" around me or something lame like that.

>> No.8026172
File: 47 KB, 600x409, 1395964343824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw staying at home all day
>eat two eggs, a tomato and a cucumber only
>one meal
>just lie down on the bed all day when you get dizzy from hunger
>just feels like a drug trip after a week, just open some playlist and aimlessly just look at the ceiling
>lost 3 kg in one week
feels good nigga

>> No.8026176

Anyone can give ID on those jeans?

>> No.8026181

I'm only really attracted to bear modes, men over 40, girls between 18-25, and traps.

I'm closet something.

>> No.8026182

that's all muscle/fat, not just fat faggot

>> No.8026201


i know the feeling, and i love women.

>> No.8026215

I'm a closeted gay guy but I feel like my friends already know or have suspicions, since one of them heard a rumor that I apparently got busy with a guy a few weeks ago.

>> No.8026227

Does it make me bi if I have a low threshold for sucking dick?
Like, if someone offered me £50 or something I'd do it. I don't find the male physique attractive but a dick in my mouth doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.8026229
File: 45 KB, 373x478, BrendanBehan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bi, and yes, in the closet.

Doubt anyone would be too surprised, I make joking allusions to it often enough.

>> No.8026258

I don't really know if I'm bi or not. I found some guys really atractive, but most men are gross for me. Also, I know that if I said that I'm openly bi, most girls would feel disgusted by me and the little friends I have would reject me. So I stick with being straight.

tbh I'm not looking for sex, I just want someone who I can trust and loves me as much as I do.

>> No.8026268

>tbh I'm not looking for sex, I just want someone who I can trust and loves me as much as I do.

>> No.8026275

I'm bi but I'm female. I've only ever told a couple of close friends.
A part from them only my boyfriend knows.

I'm scared to tell anyone else because people usually see bisexuals as "confused" or "slutty".

I used to see bisexuals like that too, which is why it took me so long to admit to myself than I like both guys and girls : /

>> No.8026313

sneaky sneaky Leo

>> No.8026320

meh, I feel every female is somewhat bi. Or at least it's not a social taboo for them to embrace the bit of bisexuality every human has in him

>> No.8026344

I feel like it's more acceptable to be a lesbian than bi. If a girl is bi people usually think she's just a slut.

>> No.8026817


>not being gay

>> No.8026965

I guess I would be called a closet bisexual but I don't really consider myself that. I don't feel the need to tell anyone I like guys, if someone asked I would say yes.

>> No.8027098
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>thought I might be a little bit
>black out drunk at a party
>gay guy kisses me
>feel nauseous for an entire day

at least I know I'm not gay

>> No.8027142

>Be me
>thought I was gay
>go on craiglist
>finally muster the courage
>reply to dick sucking add
>go to his place
>dude was 7/10
>we start slow
>make out
>do it for 3 seconds
>feel fucking weird as shit
>say I can't do this
>walk out

I must have a fucked up brain or something... I get turned on by trannies but when it comes to actually doing the gay act... I just can't picture it.