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8007028 No.8007028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't know any better place to ask this but when do you stop growing? And when did YOU stop growing (want some personal info, not some statistic crap) Being 18 and 5'7 sucks so much. And I live in Norway

>> No.8007040


i thought i was p pimpin being 5'6 in 7th grade but years went by and everyone slowly outgrew me while i stayed exactly the same

19 now and im maybe 1/2 inch taller

>> No.8007044

I hit 6 foot at fifteen and am still growing

>> No.8007043

I was 5'7 at 18 as well op, now I'm 21 and still 5'7. Shit sucks.

>> No.8007062

>Brienne wearing heels

I'm surprised they don't snap at her mass

>> No.8007059

I sprouted to 5'10 in 9th grade. Grew about two more inches since then, I'm 22.

>> No.8007067

Hate to break it to you m8,
Game of Thrones is a drama, not a doco

>> No.8007069

no one is as ugly in game of thrones as theyre supposed to be in the books

imagine actually being uglya nd getting casted and then u read in the books the description of how ugly u are

>> No.8007110

I used to think I was top tier good looking, that at the level I was, it was just a matter of preference

Then I realized I was 5'7''

>> No.8007123


Never think about height, unless you're very short it isn't a big deal.

>> No.8007144

muh feels

>> No.8007149

I like how at first you made it seem like things had changed now but then clarified nothing had changed.

>> No.8007169

5'10 at 13 in 6'0 now at 20

stop growing at 17 - 18

>> No.8007191


I am still growing at 18.

>> No.8007197

5'7 is fucking short.

>> No.8007205

around 5'7 at 18

almost 21 and maybe 5'8, pushing 5'9 now.

not gonna make it. ;_;

>> No.8007210

eat more cabbage

>> No.8007217

Hit 6' around 13-14 and stopped.

>> No.8007222

I dont understand why people are so worried about their height, all 4chan is full of threads like this.
Of course unless you are a midget, if that's the case continue making these threads.

>> No.8007231

tfw 160 cm

>> No.8007257

I know, i'm 20 and 5'7 myself ;_;

>> No.8007263

meant to quote >>8007197

>> No.8007315

grew to 5'9" when i was 14

taller than most of my year in hs

never grew another inch, 19 now ;_;

>> No.8007329

II had a cousin who had a growth spurt at 25 I think most people stop around 20 though. 6'3" myself I finished growing around 18/19

>> No.8007355


why isn't this available for general purchase
fuck my 5'10 life

>> No.8007361
File: 118 KB, 497x400, icecube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggas really need to stop with this, it's mad annoying.

>> No.8007397

a-are you me anon?

>> No.8007439

Med student here. Your bones stop growing at 21. I'm 19 and i've grown 3 cm since last year. Still growing. Of course, it comes to genetics and if your family are late bloomers or not, but, it caps at 21 years. If your bones will stop growing and only get stronger, that's up to your genes. You can also, if you're at around 18 - 20, do your best at diet and exercizes. That may help.

>> No.8007443

What if a grill??
Also I've noticed why are younger siblings always taller??

>> No.8007460

Girls stop around 19 or 18. In rare, rare cases, they can go to 20 too. Never seen one get taller after 20. Like girls and boys, it all comes down to luck. Maybe you can get a sudden increase in Growth Hormone for some latent hormonal action and get a few inches taller in some years. Luck.

>> No.8007535

I'm 21 and 6 foot. I have hypogonadism and I've been taking steroids and inducing puberty for about 3 months. Doc says I'm going to be 6'3 probably.

>> No.8007545

I don't know exactly but I got my full driver's license at 20 and was 170cm and I measured again around 25 because I was curious and I was 175. So I think it's possible to grow a bit more after 20, for some people anyway.

>> No.8007554

height-wise girls stop at lot earlier than that

>> No.8007604

Eat a dick, "med student".

Stopped growing at 16.

>> No.8007613

hope for some of you youngins

i was 16 5'2", p embarassing. had to use a pillow in my driver's ed training

when I was 18 i was 6'2", perfect

now i'm 25, 10'12" and it sucks. be happy with you're height

>> No.8007618

post fit

>> No.8007624

Was 6"3 by 19 years of age.
Had started smoking by then so, im going to guess that my growth period came to an end by the ripe old age of 18

>> No.8007625
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>> No.8007654

i was 4'11 until I was 16 and then I grew to 6'1 over half a year. Gained another inch over the next year and stopped at 18

>> No.8007827

i hit 5'4" when i was 11, didn't grow after that.

i'm a grill tho

>> No.8007835

i hit 5'4" when i was 11, didn't grow after that.

i'm a grill though

>> No.8007840

my lil bro is getting rafdidas that mean I'm basically getting a pair for free

>> No.8007848

Stopped growing in eighth grade.
Second year at uni now, still 5'8.
Doesn't bother me, really has zero effect on my life.

>> No.8007851

Hit 5'3 when I was 18.

19 now and not getting any taller I think

>> No.8007859

This is me. Well almost, I grew about 1/4 an inch after 18.

>> No.8008023

I was 5'1 by the time I was 11. Didn't grow anymore ; _ ;

>> No.8008031

I was 6'1 in 5th grade and haven't grown a inch since then

>> No.8008039


>> No.8008041

Was 6'3" at 18 and 6'5" at 21 now

>> No.8008046
File: 5 KB, 238x195, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 30 inch inseam still too long
>tfw drop crotch pants will never fit me right
>tfw short but skinnyfat and no abs
>tfw need < 26 inch inseam for cropped trouser look
>tfw being 5'9 and a half is suffering
>tfw I'm always the shortest male in a group

>> No.8008044

nooope :]

>> No.8008050

>tfw 5'10

i made it :)

>> No.8008059

I was 6'0 ~ 15, by 18 I was 6'1, I'm 6'2 now at 22.

>> No.8008062

Hey secret to being short you will lift a fuckton of weight
Join me in leaving skinnyfat behind and enjoy watching lanklets struggle with your warmups
Also built midgets look way better than tiny skeletons

>> No.8008068

>i want anecdotal evidence, not empirical evidence
kek, manlets gonna manlet

>> No.8008081

looks like youve got enough info OP, but i might as well contriboot since you asked for personals. i think its average to stop growing around the lower 20s. most growth is done by 18 but you still grow maybe an inch over the next few years combined. im 19 and 6'3 and over the summer (had a check up in September) i grew almost an inch. wouldnt mind maybe another inch, but i dont want to go past 6'6 so im pretty happy where im at.

its weird usually the tall kids are short adults, but i was the second tallest person i knew in first grade. person my age obviously. and now im not the tallest, but im still up there.

i look forward to you joining the 6'3 master race.

>> No.8008129

Stopped growing at about 13/14
Now I'll be 5'0 for life.

>> No.8008149

Hope i've stopped, having to wear something other than 32 inseam would be annoying.

>> No.8008563

>tfw 5'7.5" and 32 inch inseam
plz based god at least 5'9"

>> No.8008577

people often mention my height, although i'm only 6'2.

basically this.

>> No.8008581
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Been 5'9 since I was about 14.

>> No.8008599

pretty much stopped growing at 17
6'1 and i've only gained about a half of an inch now that i'm 20

>> No.8008619

Basically the same, finalized around 17 at 6'1" - about to turn 25

>> No.8008644
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6'1 in Grade 9, 5'10 in Grade 12

>> No.8008667

I wanna say I've been 6'0" since I was like 18. I know a guy that had a massive growth spurt after high school. Idk what the fuck happened but he went from 5'6" to like 6'1". Sucks too cuz his height was the only reason he didn't start at quarterback

>> No.8008729

stop shrinking bruv

>> No.8009016

yup exact same. Thought men stopped growing at 24 but I barely grew 1/2 an inch since I was 18. I'll anhero if I don't at least hit 5'8 by 25