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File: 40 KB, 500x610, 1395908070379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8006893 No.8006893 [Reply] [Original]

Getting my hair cut in less than twelve hours like pic related. Anyone know this guy's name so I can get more than one angle on him?

>> No.8006941

looks like Paul Dano has been doing some long distance running, looking sharp

>> No.8006940

thats knock, i think he trips here

>> No.8006946


>> No.8006989

not nazi and german enough to be knochensach

>> No.8006999

>pig nose
>little cauliflower ears
>trips here

Kill yourself.

>> No.8008021

bump. hair cut in a couple hours

>> No.8008066


>> No.8008087

>that guy
pick one

he's way too muscular to be knoch

>and not nearly handsome enough

>also knoch doesn't come here anymore for whatever reason

>> No.8008120
File: 33 KB, 399x567, thierry_mugler dick ovens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the new hip haircut everyone's gonna copy soon?

>inb4 Dear Leader

>> No.8008190

There isn't one. It's still the hy.

>> No.8008199

the uncensored version of this will be burned into my retina for eternity

>> No.8008218
File: 205 KB, 1280x853, MLM7847ZZegnaSonnyphotos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not hopping on the Jimy Carrey in Dumb and Dumber bandwagon now

>> No.8008302

his name is Hitt Leriuth

>> No.8008774

If i want a haircut like this do i ask for a 'fade' at the sides? I usually get long on top (3-4") with the sides shaved to grade 1 but it doesn't really look as sharp as this guys.

Should i tell them to not 'fade' it so it goes straight from a 1 - full top length without the sort of transition bit inbetween? is this what the guy in the pic has?

>> No.8008787

I think u could do this at home with a razor anon :^)

>> No.8008798

show your barber a picture anon, that's probably the easiest way

>> No.8008797

Jesus that's a beautiful haircut.

Shame I'm thinning out on top and have to do a complete shave. Oh well.

>> No.8008800


sure I was thinking that... the local barber will do just the back and sides in my area for about half the usual price, i just find it hard to tell whether this dudes haircut has a 'fade' or not, cant tell if the top is covering it or if its just a straight transition from the razor to the length on top

>> No.8008807

Yeah, you would ask them NOT to fade it and that you want a "sharp contrast" if the person cutting your hair understands what those words mean together regarding your hair, I say that because most are too stupid to

>> No.8008814


I did show the barber a picture of a HY before - she didn't really do it right, the picture i showed her was similar to OPs pic but it ended up like..

sides not cut as short (maybe grade 2 - i asked if a 1 would be more similar but she was like nah your hair is too light it'll just look like skin)
the top wasn't left as long so it looked a bit like a military haircut
she did a 'fade' on the sides which is apparently the standard thing to do and seemed to say that without it it would look disjointed and stupid.

idk shit about hair but i just went with it that time in case it looked fucked up and now my hair is pretty tidy but its not a HY and its boring tbh

>> No.8008817

Just tell them you want Kim Jong's haircut.

>> No.8008851

That's actually from my home town in Sweden

>> No.8008963

Had a similar situation, just that the outcome was closer to a standard parting that ot a military hairstyle.

It's all about barber's knowledge. Like, one time I go and she's like nah it will look bad, gotta keep that hair etc. Then I come back a month later and I don't even have to explain much and she already knows what I mean and is asking the right question. It was so apparent that she had done her homework and learned about the cut. I live in eastern yurop and I think I was the only one she gave that cut too. She was pretty excited actually. Got myself a solid HY for 2$

>> No.8008989

Var är det? Minns att jag var där för typ 15 år sedan. Kanske var 10 eller nått. Massor av fisk; var förbannad att jag inte hade med mig ett fiskespö.

>> No.8009000

so you're getting a HY?

>> No.8009104
File: 71 KB, 490x700, 1337958497996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show barber picture
>makes own decisions anyway


Don't know if I'll ever have an effay haircut.

>> No.8009182

>have my best friend cut my hair
>tell her what i'm looking for
>she does it but insists on making it her own
>looks like shit
>end up going to get my haircut somewhere else from now on
>suddenly i'm the asshole
>won't answer my booty calls for like a month and a half
>things finally blow over
>she constantly brings it up

never again

>> No.8009197

u dun goofed

>> No.8009206

niggas look like they about to play quidditch

>> No.8009216

f ucking lel

>> No.8009220
File: 76 KB, 805x935, 1382134255965[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8009225

lol same shit happens to me! i think its cause they have no idea how to cut that style

>> No.8010931

>letting a woman cut your hair

>> No.8010982
File: 17 KB, 160x160, mypictr_last.fm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It called an undercut op. if the barber or stylist dosent know what it is then you probably dont want them to cut your hair.

>> No.8011134


>> No.8011269

So is layers essential to this cut looking good because i've tried it a few times in the past and I can never get it to look good like OPs pic or >>>8011194
Do barbers even know how to cut layers or am i better off in a salon?
Also what do you think is being used to syle his hair? It has that clumped together look like its being held by something but theres no shine at all.

>> No.8011399

Guys? I did kinda this hair once (actually it was more formal, I like it that way) but it only lasted two fecking weeks... Should I radicalize the length of hair getting cut or wut?