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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 1000x796, cigarettes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8005429 No.8005429[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is the most /fa/ cigarette

>> No.8005433

Nat Shermans, American Spirits, or Sobraine

>> No.8005434

Marb golds

>> No.8005438

>Nat Shermans

maybe if you're a fucking highschooler

>> No.8005439

>American spritis

Yeah fucking right. Casual shit.

>> No.8005441



>> No.8005456


Paul Mall or Marlboro
Cigarettes for the working class are the most /fa/

>> No.8005462

Marb red obv lmao

>> No.8005461

lucky strikes 100% end of discussion

>> No.8005464

Pall Mall rather

As you can tell, I smoke Marlboro

>> No.8005471

I smoke Marlboro blacks or reds

>> No.8005473

I smoke camels m8, feeling like I oughtta quit/try something else though?

>> No.8005486

Marlboro lights, camel blues, parliament lights.

>> No.8005479

>lung cancer is /fa/

>> No.8005497
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I smoked these for a bit, got a carton of them from a friend. Instant conversation starter. Feels good to smoke like a party member. Delicious cigarettes too, bit of a plum fragrance to them.

>> No.8005511


*tips fedora*

>> No.8005520

i smoke winston reds

nascar core we in dis

>> No.8005525

i always considered winston reds to taste like gasoline

not necessarily in a bad way

>> No.8005542

Davidoff Gold
Benson and Hedges Deluxe/Luxury/Premium

>> No.8005547

the kind that gives you cancer

>> No.8005550

Roll your own or bust

>> No.8005555

>Not rolling your own
Get with it guy.

>> No.8005575

Turkish royals

>> No.8005626

american spirit and turk royals

>> No.8005667
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If you smoke regular strength rollies you still lose though.

>> No.8005695

>being this poor

>> No.8005705

hand rolls you cunt

>> No.8005717

Rolling your own cigarettes is for street trash - it's bad enough you smoke

>> No.8005872

Been meaning to ask. Where do you keep your rolled ones? Are there /fa/ cigarette cases?

>> No.8005881

You roll the cigarette directly before smoking. It takes ten seconds.

>> No.8005884

>Implying all /fa/ doesn't stem directly from the working classes

Go fuck yrself

>> No.8005888

I would but I always find it harder to roll them when the tabacco is dry and those bags never keep them fresh so I like to roll the whole tabacco pouch

>> No.8005893

why are we even still having this conversation?

lucky strikes are the only answer, it's painfully obvious.

>> No.8005905

don't outclass us, don

>> No.8005907

when you don't smoke for ages (years) then you take a puff with a circle of acquaintances and cough a little, but not too much

>> No.8005908 [DELETED] 
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Sometimes I post my fits

>> No.8005910


lol enjoy your early death, shit smell and voice faggots

>> No.8005955


>> No.8006000


>> No.8006030


Unless you're wearing some crazy cologne that compliments cigarette smoke, you'll smell like a god damned ash tray. Gnarly teeth too, unless you dont smoke like a pack a day.

>> No.8006043

early in the morning?

>> No.8006049

cig smoke smells a bit like urine to me, is that normal?

>> No.8006063
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>> No.8006070

There is ammonia in it which is also in urine

>> No.8006075


I've never heard anyone say that, what brand specifically? or all? They smell like raisins to me.

>> No.8006080
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>> No.8006082

Yeah before burning a lot will smoke like raisins but anything heavily processed like Marlboro or camels will have that

>> No.8006142

Some guy had this at the mall. I was lucky enough to smoke it with a couple friends.I wasnt /fa/ then though

>> No.8006146
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smoking the filtered version. its like you enjoy sucking dick or something

>> No.8006182

they dont sell unfiltered ones here

>> No.8006200
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excuses are the refuge of the weak

>> No.8006213

yea exactly cause you know where i live and know exactly what kind of cigarettes they sell here :)

>> No.8006230

Whichever kills you quicker

>> No.8006231

Started to sell Camels again where I live, best taste of all cigarettes.

>> No.8006394
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>> No.8006608

>tfw american
>tfw djarum blacks outlawed and have to be sold as cigars

>> No.8006722

Marlboro red, Camel blue, Davidoff gold.

Top 3 effay cigs.

>> No.8006747

Black spirits

>> No.8006809

Parliament Lights

>> No.8006830


>TFW you can't buy the skinny ones in the US anymore

>> No.8007158


Everything does

>> No.8007168
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>> No.8007308
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Rothmans Blue cuz i'm a poor faggot and they're pretty cheap where I live.

>> No.8007407

Is it uncommon wherever your from? Of the smoker I know it's nearly 50/50 RYO and tailors, and it's just personal preference. I've always thought tailors tasted harsh and weird, and feel nothing like tobacco.

>> No.8007421

i like u

>> No.8007547
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>> No.8007599


>> No.8007665

i like rollies far more, thicker smoke and taste way better

>> No.8007857

Marlboro red

>> No.8007872

As much as I hate it when retards throw "**tips fedora**" or "euphoric" at anything they dislike, lucky strikes to me really do seem like autist cigarettes. If you like heavily processed strong cigarettes like camels / marlboro / lucky strike that's fine but pulling out a box of lucky strikes is like walking up to a bar and ordering a whisky and sour. Whenever i see someone with a box of lucky strikes i get the feeling that they really want everyone else to see what type of cigarettes they are smoking and that shit ain't /fa/.

>> No.8007883

in the same boat, ive had a girl who sucks down a pack of marlboro golds everytime i met her call rollie disgusting, dunno what people have against em, it's like the difference between drinking instant coffee and drinking a decent brew too me

>> No.8007976
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>> No.8007986


used to smoke rollies, but now I stopped smoking, smelling horrible is not /fa/

>> No.8008012

Mah nigga

>> No.8008042
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the best one

>> No.8008048
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comin' through.

though honestly it really is just better to roll your own.

>> No.8008242

amercian spirits

what color you guys like?

i usually do yellow, but sometimes original blues. if im feeling cheeky sometimes i'll buy blacks

>> No.8008243
File: 205 KB, 432x700, pueblo-pouch-25g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these have a connotation in the states? Cause that's what I roll.

>> No.8008282

yup and the worst part is theyre smoking the filtered version which only carries the name of lucky and isn't shit

>> No.8008295

Gauloises, all the French intellectuals like Sartre and Camus smoked it so it's top effay.

>> No.8008326


>> No.8008327

are you german or euro or s/t? i dont think they sell pueblo in america. rhe most popular ryo brands here are kite, drum, bugler, american spirit, and prolly a few others idk.

i used to roll bugler. once when i was walking down the street rolling one up and an old black lady told me i was the only white person she's ever seen rolling a cigarette. so well, thats a connonation i guess.

ppl in america dont really roll unless u live in a place with exhorbitant cig prices like nyc or chicago

>> No.8008457
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Eh I prefer rolling gauloises anyway.
I like to alternate with blonde tobacco like pueblo and dark brown one like gauloises.

>> No.8008754
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i liked more the previous package

>> No.8008826
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>Not rolling your cigs

>> No.8008842

>Advertising the fact that you smoke Amber Leaf

>> No.8008848

>implying I'm not a non-smoker who's not just interested in starting

>> No.8008905
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>Fleur du pays.

>> No.8008907

>missing the point of rolling.

Come on man, you can go to any tobacconist and get some new/different blend that the proles aren't smoking.

Combine that with a small leather smoking pouch and some pride/ritual in your rolling and it beats the hell out of those cardboard boxes of rancid smelling sticks,

>> No.8008908
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>> No.8008916



>> No.8008943

>Buying tobacco while drunk
>Accidentally buy amber leaf's even plebbier cousin - gold leaf

>> No.8008967
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>peut entrainer une mort lente et douloureuse
ahahaha why would they write that

>> No.8009254

Italian tobacco, "Nazionali senza filtro".
The one without filters

>> No.8009263
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>> No.8009341

I just got the yellow one today.
They fucking last a long ass time man

>> No.8009358

yep, ridiculously long. i've had them go out on me when casually conversing with people. i've taken to buying a pack or two of turkish golds and one american spirit every 2-3 weeks so i can alternate depending on whichever social situation i'm thrown into. that taste, mang.

did you find that yellows had a very strong aftertaste?

>> No.8009384

Benson & Hedges Black

>> No.8009619
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different anon but i rep the light blue pack and prefer them to yellow. but yellow is pretty bomb tho

>> No.8009690

Mac is probably one of the most /fa/ musicians right now.

>> No.8009726

Hobo chic is in, yeah

>> No.8009738

marlboro is expensive

>> No.8009768
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awww yeess

>> No.8009775

I switch back and forth between yellow and light blue. Can't tell which I prefer.

>> No.8010044

I concur, sir. Davidoff and Benson are by far the best. Marlboro golds can eat it. Fucking bitch smokes.

>> No.8010055
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>not a single mention of these

>> No.8010131

thank god

>> No.8010218

amber leaf is what I buy at the end of the month when I've blown all my money and can't afford anything decent
it's utter shit m8

>> No.8010231

How many cigs do you smoke a day? I've cut it down to 4 now, cannot make do with anything less.

>> No.8010250

shit looks like a persian discotheque

>> No.8010455

curious, why do you all smoke? not trying to take a shot at anyone or start shit, but im asking simply as an observer looking in

>> No.8010467

>camel crush
i remember high school too, no joke i smoked these in highschool

>American Spirits
back to tumblr fags

>rolling your own
le so classy le reddit atheism

srsly get fucked mates

>> No.8010487

The reason I started was anxiety, man those things killed my anxiety better than any medication I had ever taken when I was young. And to this day I still don't take medication, which I'm kind of proud of. Alongside of that it just relieves a lot of stress and relaxes you well in general. It also looks cool, only if you look good though. A lot of women think self destruction is attractive, the good kind of women anyways.

>> No.8010489

It's a pleasant activity and gives pleasant feels.

>> No.8010491
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>> No.8010505

ive kinda wanted to take it up but ive been debating it. what brand would be a good place to start without looking like a dumbass

>> No.8010521
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Dunhills are nice. The pack used to be so much better though.

>> No.8010516
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rising hope rotterdam

>> No.8010525

I wouldn't get into it these days. Not worth it any more.

>> No.8010527

Re-read your post please. How does that contribute to anything at all? I can't fathom a 20-something guy sitting at his computer typing that out. Like, how much of a cunt would you have to be in real life to actually do that lmao.

You should work on your social skills, then you might be able to get friends old enough to buy fags for you instead of jacking off the crackhead in exchange for them.

>> No.8010535

What're some good ryo tobaccos? Preferred cig is camel turkish, if that helps.

>> No.8010548
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>> No.8010554

Blue Casablanca is legit af

>> No.8010560

Thanks anon, I'll see if a tobacconist near me has this in stock.

Preferred papers for rolling?

>> No.8010574

do light blues last as long as yellows

>> No.8010581

well why is/has everyone else in this thread deciding/decided that its worth taking up

>> No.8010601

I started smoking these recently.

Best menthol I ever had, coming from someone who isn't a fan of menthols, so if I want a regular Camel I can still have one. Based Camel always get it right.

But fuck smoking, I wish I didn't.

>> No.8010624

i cant find any information on these lmfao.
are they in the us? do they have a website?

>> No.8010629

yeah probably just as long i'd say

>> No.8010640

Mascotte/Rizla red.

>> No.8010651


The only right answer.

>> No.8010654
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i wish fucking chesterfields weren't so damn hard to find. you really just have to luck out for the most part.

but damn are they great

>> No.8010665

>gf works at CVS
>burly sinister chap comes in
>walks up to register
>"Hi! sir may I he-"
>"Winston Reds please" in a thick russian accent

Apparently hes her neighbor and friends with her daughter and his wife. but he hates everybody at CVS but her

>> No.8010984


>> No.8010988

lmao u get cuckolded by him every night dont u

>> No.8011314
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why do people think all people who smoke, smoke a huge amount?

like two packs a day or something

>> No.8011324
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>> No.8011377

i want to be /fa/ so i want to start smoking

what should i start with

>> No.8011421

nothing, cigs are bad for you bro. go read a book or something

>> No.8011963

Winnie blues opti crushes

>tfw had to get bond street the other day

>> No.8011968

>ghetto cigarette
>on a white boy
>much character
>much edge

Smoking actually sucks though. I hit a pack a day and cut back to just weekends

Whatever tastes good. Start with Black and milds

>> No.8012030

>coking smigarettes

>> No.8012052
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>i miss the packaging ;_;

>> No.8012072

>tfw country doesnt sell them

>> No.8012591
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Instantly loved marb reds when i was in the states for a bit, unfortunately the closest i can get in canada are these rooftop reds

>> No.8012648

the smokes for women, children, and smart people smoke viceroys taste goo.....shitty like a cigarette should ;)

>> No.8012687

marb red
lucky strikes
djarums are nice but i can't smoke em on a regular basis

>> No.8012700

I've got Maverick and Lucky Strike but I'm clueless af

>> No.8012721


I feel the pain.

>> No.8012939

Dunhill and Dunhill International are different man.

I don't even smoke though.

>> No.8013243

thats the same shit tho

>> No.8013440
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For the real OG niggas

>> No.8013456

I smoe weee

>> No.8013475
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>smoking cigarettes

>> No.8014427

also they sell viceroys

>> No.8014451
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>> No.8014460
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Pfft please, step up the game.

>> No.8014457

>growing a mustache

>> No.8014568

These just look like you're trying too hard

>> No.8015018

>Combine that with a small leather smoking pouch and some pride/ritual in your rolling

tip that fedora any harder and its gonna fall off

>> No.8017117

You smell like ash tray after just one. That's the thing.

In smoker-smoker occasions and relationships this is not the problem. But in normal one you are the pig on the end of society. All you /fa/ goes into trash in a second you take out a cigarette. Cigar where it fits. Same with the pipe. But cigarette is plebeian all the way.

>> No.8017121
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And Parliament

>> No.8017147

RYO with Drum or American Spirit is where it's at. I personally use Swan Extra Slim filters with my rollies.

>> No.8017177

You've obviously never smoked a cigar if you honestly think it leaves you smelling less like smoke than a cigarette does

>> No.8017591


you'd be the laughingstock of any sensible person if you pulled out a fucking pipe or cigar in an everyday situation.

>> No.8017882

Canadian Classics my dude

>> No.8017916
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First time on this board and it's the most hipster autistic one of em all. Who the fuck gives a fuck which cigs you smoke.

>> No.8017946


deal with it faggot
Yyou're the hipster here

>> No.8017974
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Got addicted to these little fucks. Gotta love me some good ol lung cancer

>unf vanillaaa goodness

>> No.8018076

>hey /fa/, whats the most stylish way to smoke crack?

>> No.8019491

There's nothing like chain smoking GPC cigarettes. Any smokes will kill you, but these will make you feel like it.

>> No.8019506

middle school: the thread

>> No.8019534

lmao, are you really saying that crack can't be stylish?

fucking herb smh

>> No.8019557


what a bunch of fucking kids
>hey wook how coow we ah, wat kinda cigawets do u smoke anon?