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/fa/ - Fashion

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8000032 No.8000032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could someone explain what exactly is wrong with mfa? I don't understand.

>> No.8000064

They can't do streetwear properly. Their menswear and workear are pretty ok, but people here will often call everything not streetninja or lunarcore dadcore, tho.
Also their infographics piss me off.
Also most of mfa users are fat.

>> No.8000068

The entire culture is retarded because it's based around upboats and idolism.

Plus there's limited anoninimity so people are afraid to speak their mind and then that just gets up being a circle jerk of bad fits with everyone too afraid to give criticism because they will get down voted.

That doesn't happen on /fa/.

>> No.8000116
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mfa infograph anyone?

>> No.8000133


>> No.8000186
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>> No.8000281

this infograph was pretty good for the most part though for a basic bitch look

>> No.8000309

i think it's fine if you are someone not really interested in fashion who just wants to dress a bit nicer than the plebs.

it's just a bit boring if you want anything more i m o

>> No.8000340

>Not liking a good pair of Nike High Tops

>> No.8000346

that's the thing though, mfa isn't about anything other than telling high school dorks how to not look like complete plebs, it's the clothing equivalent of stepping up from kraft dinner to pasta with canned tomato sauce

>> No.8000357

Because it's mainstream and, even though 4channel is becoming more and more mainstream with each passing day, I can't help but stay here in my little secret clubhouse and shit on other communities.

>> No.8000368

To be fair though, it's male fashion "advice," not "how to look like your favorite naruto character in monochrome"

>> No.8000372

i prefer kraft

>> No.8000380

whereas /fa/ is the equivalent of stepping up from kraft dinner to soufflé

>high culture from France
>difficult to pull off, a beginner is bound to fail
>only works in limited contexts, probably not what most people need to learn for day-to-day life
>aha look at this dadcore fuccboi with his bacon and eggs, so pleb

>> No.8000500


this looks exactly like the infographs that used to get posted on /fa/ in 2009

>> No.8000519

>what's wrong with mfa's style
all the shit that gets upvoted is basic ass ocbd/levi511/cdb/weekender/peacoat tripe

>what's wrong with mfa's culture
so afraid to talk shit and call out faggots because karmapoints

>> No.8000534

there isn't anything wrong with it other than the fact that some of the more popular styles are safe and boring, but it's a fashion ADVICE forum for a reason. /fa/ just likes to shit on it because, well, /fa/ hates everything

>> No.8000546
File: 239 KB, 284x540, x1OeQp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been to mfa?

>> No.8000547

>implying there isnt idolism on here

>> No.8000548

Gawd i remember when /fa/ is all about dadcores and cdb

>> No.8000549

worst thing ive ever seen

who the fuck wears oxford shirts
>standing out

please tell me this is a troll

>> No.8000556



>> No.8000557

wow dude u must hav been here so long!

please teach me more

>> No.8000560

i wonder what /fa/ thinks of r/ffa, it's basic bitch galore.

>> No.8000561


lol I visited /fa/ like 18 months ago before I started frequenting the board this year and every thread was full of desert boots and dadcore fits. /fa/ggots are trend hopping bitches.

>> No.8000564

>who the fuck wears oxford shirts
uh... a lot of people? fuck, i know it's fun to hate mfa but you people are just retarded sometimes

>> No.8000570

it was weird too they made fun of goth ninja people and rick. Then it transitioned into some war between the two then somehow this current /fa/ was born. It suits 4chan better though that the people dress like this

>> No.8000578

desert boots and dadcore fits was only a trend because the average age of the userbase was a lot higher than it is now

>> No.8000585
File: 42 KB, 500x667, 1395441262645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


most of the fits and inspo on /fa/ include oxford shirts lol

>> No.8000584

i meant oxford shirts in high school

>> No.8000588


the answer is still plenty of people

>> No.8000590

A slim fitting black oxford with all buttons done up is good for the skater look

>> No.8000592

no it isnt lol

>> No.8000600



>> No.8000604

dylan rieder pls

>> No.8000605

I wore oxford shirts in high school and I know a couple other kids who did

mine were a size too big but i got compliments from hot dumb high school girls so w/e

>> No.8000603

I wore oxfords throughout highschool.

>> No.8000610


I'm in high school and I wear oxfords. A lot of people do. It's part of that whole "future frat asshole" look.

>> No.8000618

looks like cham bray bray dawg

>> No.8000616


>> No.8000620


>> No.8000629

i bet u thought u were classy

far out mfa is leaking

>> No.8000628


> hurr all highschoolers are under 18 all the time forever


idk, I just clicked on the first pick in my inspo folder that had a collared shirt.

>> No.8000634

you definitely sound at the very most 16

>> No.8000637


So does most of /fa/, everyone here talks like 14 year old black kids anyways.

>> No.8000639

so you admit to being underage?

>> No.8000644
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>> No.8000654

be quiet

>> No.8000712

it's just an OCBD you autist, if i wanted to buy into the "classy" shit then i'd have bought a dress shirt or a vest and fedora or some shit. why would you get so worked up about what kind of shirts i wore in high school? lol

>> No.8000713


>> No.8000728
File: 995 KB, 500x290, deepsea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how do you even do do OCBD in high school

>> No.8000756

you fuckin put it on, you autist, it's not hard.

>> No.8000766
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>hoodies are going to be your bread and butter

>> No.8000768

look at this little mfa nerd hahhahha

i bet u got bullied

>> No.8000774

>being this much of an autist

>> No.8000776

you seem like an very angry person

>> No.8000817


>> No.8000841
File: 36 KB, 539x272, 1395811876670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000878

nice shoop

>> No.8000883

it's very middle america, like /fa/, and middle america is torn away from major fashion cycles to an retardedly isolated degree, but with a difference.

reddit becomes too friendly and like you don't want to shit on your friends rite?, so it becomes a support group thing. i really agree that most people should lose weight to make their fits look nice and that isn't politically correct over there and you'll get a very politically correct retort that's unabashedly voted to make your comment devalued.

i like /fa/, it's almost subpar simulation to what the worst person would say about your fit on the street who cares to an extent about fashion. besides some dude calling you a skinny faggot.

>> No.8000894

At least mfa has people who generally want critics. FFA is full of muh curves and fuk flattery landwhales or girls in boring as fuck outfits or outfits that are styled horribly
>look how girlie I am in this BCBG/qt cotton dress pair with a cardigan and belt!!
>colour blocking!!!!!

They're always so boring and shitty quality. It's mom wear and a step up from walmart t-shirts and jeans.

>> No.8000906

shut up you bitch

>> No.8000910
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>> No.8000926
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Thats fucking perfect

>> No.8001020

i feel so bad for the kids who decided to wear a cardigan to school after reading this, and fuck the old ass fedora wearer who made it
> huge high top shoes the kids are wearing these days