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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 47 KB, 618x386, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7999976 No.7999976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post you're ideal effay lifestyle, that you're working towards.

-Unhealthy BMI
-Wife (yes, wife) also has an unhealthy BMI, but is a 9/10
-both have a manageable heroin addiction
-$400k/yr stokebroker career
-only wear narrow suits, wife only wears baggy black stuff
-live in house pictured
-wife is cold as hell, and you kind of hate each other and barely speak.

>> No.7999984

you'd probably end up cheating on her, no?

>> No.7999987

I feel like in that kind of super luxe /fa/ scenario a coke addiction is more fitting than heroin

>> No.7999988

youve posted that same list with that same image before

you are so lame it's ridiculous

>> No.7999993


good luck with that homie

>> No.7999994


>> No.8000004

>tiny apartment in a big city
>spend most of disposable income on clothes, so apartment is empty and don't buy enough food to eat well
>gaunt and strung out but still /fa/

>> No.8000009

ah to be 15 again like op

>> No.8000011
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7999999 get

>> No.8000016

post yours

>> No.8000028

>rich actor
>shut in
>still fuck qts

thats all i want /fa/

>> No.8000041

wake up every morning and kick OP in the head

>> No.8000045

post your /fa/ lifestyle asscock, i want a laugh

>> No.8000066

let me guess, computer programmer, larping, satisfied with a fat wife, white, vidya, mainstream genre movies, no reading ever.

>> No.8000062

taking a shit

all the time, like 24/7 all day all week all month all year all decade all century all millenia

all shitting all of the time

>> No.8000063
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hahahahah fuck

>> No.8000073

Id basically want to be like F Scott Fitzgerald but writing southern gothic literature. Marry a socialite, have a kid or two, travel the world and then die young

>> No.8000077
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>> No.8000078
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>> No.8000085

Own business which makes me at least 350m net worth. Which is the amount I have concluded that you could reach and spend as much as you want (on consumer goods) and never run out of money.

>> No.8000090

>living with qt bf in a decent apartment in the urban wilderness
>consistently weighing 105 lbs without much effort
>not rich but enough cash to buy quality fits and eat delicious healthy fresh meals
>have some direction in life

>> No.8000091

>super /fa/ loft/condo in greenwich village
>I'm a film director
>wife is a 9/10 5'7" 120 red head that is a buyer for barneys new york
>get immense discounts
>we go on vacations a lot to exotic places

>> No.8000096
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Yeah I'd cheat on her. She'd cheat on me at the same time, we'd both find out we were both cheating and it would be the only thing we share a laugh about for 10 years (besides looking at plebs or fat people or nerds)

>> No.8000102

IMO it would be lame as fuck even if this was the first time he posted it.

But yeah it makes it worse.

Boycott shitty thread concepts in 2014.

>be you
>get mad

>> No.8000113

>wake up
>kick OP in the head

>> No.8000112

that house would be so shit to live in, can you imagine how cold it would living in alaska in a house thats 75% glass

>> No.8000114

>we'd both find out we were both cheating and then there was alimony

>> No.8000126

is op that fuckface who keeps describing himself as being draped in ann demeulemeester
because he is basically the antithesis of anything admirable
post fit op or if you're not the same fuckface and that fuckface is here post fit fuckface

>> No.8000127

uhhh people like us in this fantasy are not the type of people that would do something embarressing as go to court over money

>> No.8000129
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lol i saw that too

he says shit like
>im a 6'3 pale modelboi post a fit nerd

and then of course he makes a shit thread like this

>> No.8000136

fucking pleb


>wanting to be a stockbroker
>make less than 2m a year

what are you, 14?

>> No.8000138

my ideal lifestyle is a coffin

>> No.8000141

>occasionally mess around with this texan girl
>be best friends with this sort of retarded guy who only wears hawaiian print shorts
>work at a burger place
>wear the same boxy suit every day
>live in a pineapple under the sea

>> No.8000154

>be francois henri-pinault

tfw dream life unachievable

>> No.8000164

-have a comfortable job
-have two kids
-live in a nice house
-have a loving wife

i set these goals so i can break them

then i can feel even better about it

>> No.8000163

>not bothering your clarinet playing neighbor


>> No.8000173

fuck i should have put in repeatedly failing my driving test

>> No.8000174
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>> No.8000177

>be bald
>live with mother
>wear a second hand wardrobe
>talk to nerds on Korean animations forum all day

Jks ily trunks

>> No.8000192

>work from home making furniture/ cabinets
>have a qtgf that I'll be committed to but never marry
>live in a small house out in the wilderness about 30 miles from the city
>live off the vegetables we grow ourselves and hormone free meat bought from local farmers, so we're both naturally healthy
>grow a lot of weed
>burn down the house with myself in it after qtgf dies while listening to "our song" on the turntable.

>> No.8000193

Fuck my fucking life. I hate everything.

I work a shitty 9-5 job at a burger joint. I can't even pass my fucking driver's test, so there's no way I can get out of this shithole.

I have the most annoying fucking neighbor, so I passive aggressively bug him until he has a psychotic break.

I'm friendzoned by a sweet.. sweet southern bell.. but she doesn't want me. I wear shitty boxy suits every day. Girls really do only want the assholes.

To top it all off, I live in a pineapple under the sea.

>> No.8000205

sounds nice
im surprised how few ppl in this thread 'get' this thread

>> No.8000223

>live in Australia
>do a shitload of steroids
>be aesthetic as a motherfucking god
>fuck bitches, acquire currency
>die of a heart attack, doing coke while a Thai bitch sucks my dick in a sauna.
I would let trunks ram my ass if that's what it took to live that life.
>n-no h-homo

>> No.8000256

>implying steroids won't wreak havoc on your genitals

>> No.8000271


>implying I won't just keep fucking progressively smaller bitches as my junk shrinks brah

>> No.8000278

>live in Shanghai
>buy dope techninja fits
>parkour through the urban jungle beating up evildoers

>> No.8000279


>> No.8000288
File: 106 KB, 1278x720, Black Hornet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to spend my days operating unmanned vehicles on behalf of Queen and Country, my evenings and nights watching shows with my streambros and playing games with my skypebros and use my cash to buy a really small technical wardrobe and a motorbike and go on holidays to places like Iceland.

I want a hipster goth boyfriend too.

>> No.8000296

by far the most /fa/ dream

close second



>> No.8000325
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>manager at general pants
>going on /fa/ every day with my kids laughing and posting fits and having a good time

>> No.8000335

rip zyzz

>> No.8000343

me 2

>> No.8000344
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>> No.8000350

>manageable heroin addiction

no such thing

>> No.8000360

>living in an igloo in alaska
>doing psychedelics with the local eskimos
>owner of a sick oil rig
>fishing on the weekends
>pet dog is a siberian husky/grey wolf mix, also compete in sled races with said dog
>lurk 4chan and troll fuccbois with my gf

>> No.8000385

rip PSH

>> No.8001175

not sure if its effay but

-apartment with nice view in city
-income that covers all living costs and just enough that I can occasionally buy myself things
-indie game dev working in a team of ~5 people
-have gf but she doesn't live with me.
-smoke weed on weekends with friends
-go to shows every once in awhile.

pretty much it. I dont want much

>> No.8001272

Not sure what this boards fascination is with heroin/coke. I've met a lot of people with this deluded fantasy (work as doctor, occasional ER shift for hospital.)

Usually the same masquerade mask wearing 17 year old girls who dream about driving Mercs, going to obscure warehouse parties, shooting up in the bathroom and fucking some gorgeous model.

They all end up covered in puke, pale and needing one of us to decompact their bowels.

>> No.8001294


If you haven't seen children of men there is a character literally exactly this. Great movie that you should watch regardless

>> No.8001334

You're making my mouth dry.
I'mma get thirsty!

>> No.8001340

Damn trunks, that was actually one of your good posts. Seeing one of those is like getting trips.

>> No.8001346

>there is a character literally exactly this
You just ruined that movie, asshole.
He kills himself at the end?

>> No.8001349

>living in a small, but nice home
>mid to small pup
>maybe qt3.14 hanging out
>enough cash to live comfortably, and occasionally treat myself to sum cops
>live in outskirts of downtown
>smoke weed every day
>mushrooms and acid on nice summer days

we're almost there motherfucker

>> No.8001351

Acronym-man will save us all.

>> No.8001369


this is so pretentious, I'm hoping this is ironic

>> No.8001383

>sous chef or head chef of michelin starred restaurant
>cozy apartment
>qt gf
>nice clothing but not in excess
>mild financial stability and one kid

I don't ask for much

>> No.8001436

>live in shit thin student rent level house with best mate and other deros
>ganja cloud 24/7
>work at some independant bookstore and sell my own handmade clothes and shit
Impossible tier
>fuck this guy i know who isnt gay but he's really hot and smart
>tfw no qt anarchist bf

>> No.8001440
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>rich actor
>fuck qts
>shut in
you an idiot

>> No.8001446


He's hardly a major character and he's death is incredibly foreshadowed

>> No.8001457

>stable job which brings a decent income and allows for a decent amount of spare time
>live comfortably, enough money to spend on eating out and cops and enjoying life
>gorgeous wife, no kids, no plans of wanting kids
>live in a nice apartment close to Melbourne
>two awesome small to mid-sized dogs
>remain active and healthy, still snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing etc.

Fairly achievable really. I'd be very happy with all of this

>> No.8001481

>Master all the skills in my 4 favorite boards
>be /fa/
>become /fit/
>learn to /o/
>rake in the /biz/

So now I have become a billionaire bodybuilder who dresses well and likes to work on his cars in his spare time.

>> No.8001487

and is so alone

>> No.8001496

My qt gf will never leave me and will support all my endeavors.

>> No.8001497

i hope you make it :)

>> No.8001500
File: 133 KB, 634x721, 1395822006006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry Kshipka

Das it.

>> No.8001515

>move to LA
>own a 1 mil flat near the beach, indoor basketball court
>me and my qtazngf both in next level japanese streetwear and become power azn couple riding into the sunset.
>make beats and dj on the weekends, own/work at a vintage clothing store on the weekdays.
>have a bunch of friends that listen to Soulection and are just cool in general.

it's not amazingly effay, but it's my effay :^)

>> No.8001517

problem with addiction is usually when you're poor and have to deal with the dangers of the poor street addict lifestyle, whereas a rich addict can keep feeding their habit sustainably without incurring any danger of disease or injuries

>> No.8001525

>trained dancer, pianist and singer
>be a pathologist
>live with my husband and two gorgeous, perfectly trained dogs in a house next to a park
>have a good group of /tg/ friends who don't care about personal drama
>go mountain walking every week

I'm getting there.

>> No.8001537
File: 176 KB, 683x1024, 1389545704555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here, you got it. with out income not like we'd ever have to steal or do crime for our drugs, we wouldn't be fighting family or trying to find places to sleep. Plus we wouldnt be doing drugs out of self-loathing from abusive pasts, like a lot of hardcore in the gutter addicts.

I don't know how you think it is pretentious - I felt it was the opposite of pretentious. It is many things, but that isn't one of them.

>> No.8001541

imagining two short asians that call themselves a 'power couple' First time i meet them i think they are children home alone how they're dressed like streetwear kids and playing basketball and listening to beatz. thanks for the image

>> No.8001565

i'm 5'11 and my hypothetical qt grll would be 5'7. :^).
but don't knock short asians couples, they can look /fa/ as fuck.
japanese streetwear, not hypebeast streetwear. something along the lines of men's non-no.
and you should listen to Soulection anon :^)

>> No.8001574


You're romanticizing an addiction to a life destroying drug and you strive for a cold relationship.

Having experienced the latter, it's not something you want.

/fa/ idealizes drugs for some reason. Coke is one thing and is somewhat manageable but heroin is not, despite some anecdotes of "functioning" heroin addicts (which is somewhat of an ironic statement )

>> No.8001580

>Work way up from accountant to investment banker
>Live like a poor man for 5 years wisely investing all my spare money and living off of a measly 50k per year
>Have no free time but always manage to look fly on the job
>Outside of work I dress like a complete fuccboi and people are taken aback
>Take invested money and open up franchise of whatever the fuck I want
>Live off of interest and revenue from moderately businesses as I travel the world
>Widen tastes to the point where I'm confident wearing the most fucked up shit
>Donate all my money, keep the massive wardrobe I built over the years, become drifter for a while, integrate myself into ghetto black neighbourhood with childhood friends
>Gain tons of weight and be a priest for ghetto church in the back of a Wendy's
>Give fatherly advice to struggling black men, see them emerge from the ghetto and become successful
>They all wear one of my articles of clothing as a keepsake
>Smoke 3 packs of Pall Malls a day; Holy Spirit protects me from lung cancer
>Do this until I die


>> No.8001582


>heroin addiction
>no risk of disease or injury because you're wealthy

holy fuck are you trolling me or just retarded

>> No.8001594

effay approved, hope me and my heroin ravaged wife and body run into you one day for a moment.

>> No.8001599

We can hack a cig and I can show you my preachin' voice over a box of popcorn chicken. It's a done deal.

>> No.8001610

I feel ashamed that this idiot saved a picture I posted

>> No.8001623

i feel ashamed that I only realised on the last line

>> No.8001628



>> No.8001649

>live in apartment in some major city
>wake up at 11 every day
>eat brunch
>practice music all day
>play gigs all night
>stay out until 3 drinking and hanging out at jam sessions at tiny bars

>> No.8001658

So close

>> No.8001685

Where are the surf beaches in Melbourne? I moved here a month ago and I've been to one beach, no surf in sight

>> No.8001689

torquay is pretty close and that has bells beach

>> No.8001875

i want to watch this movie

>> No.8001880

The bay is super protected, you gotta leave the bay to get surf (either to the east or west) like >>8001689 said

>> No.8001946

>get abandoned by my loved ones
>decide to live on my own with my pets 'n shit
>work out, get strong but still skeleton
>decide to do something with my life
>get education or job and friends
>get dumped by friends because I lift my horse
>I am Pippi Longstocking

>> No.8002002

>tiny apartment in the city (Somewhere in Vancouver because I've lived here my whole life anyways) filled with books and records and clothes
>6-8 out of 10 gf who genuinely likes me and will take care of me (preferably lives with me will have intercourse with me occasionally)
>mediocre job that allows me to buy what I want if I manage my money well
>hang myself in my late 30's

>> No.8002059

Thats a lie, I have several friends who take heroin but could not be considered "addicts"

And a few years ago I was taking it maybe every couple of weeks and then just stopped"

Im not saying its not bad, it definitely is a ridiculously addictive drug, and it does it in a real subtle way, but if youve got any semblance of willpower from the start you can manage heroin use.

>> No.8002071

don't fuck with me
VICE told me all about heroin
6+ hours views of fucks kill themselves with the drug

>> No.8002159
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>Have qt bf
>fuck him on cam and make people pay to watch
>use this to attain hella dolla for sik fits and tons of booze
>move to place that isn't a shithole
>listen to hipster music and drunkenly cuddle bf until I die

>> No.8002241
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• Male cardio bunny and a nice running regime
• Shoulder length hair that shows full forehead, bun while at work / formal events
• No relationships, plan on dying alone
• Sip lean and listen to sad stuff in my room
• I'd like my room to be dim and lit by one colored neon
• Simple trade, preferably a painter and home decorator
• Sell MDMA and connect with other circles of people
• Get oblivious qt's that I sell to under the sheets ;^)
• Comfy streetwear, always shorts and basic bitch nikes (Janooskiz etc)
• A bottle of water and a sushi roll for breakfast, apple for lunch and baked potato for dinner
• Try and hold my money

that's basically it and ill be comfortable

>> No.8002243

>launch my own Streetwear brand
>line my pockets with sheckles at the expensive of the goyim
>Supreme 2.0

>> No.8002256

rip in peace Aesthetic god

Forever mirin

>> No.8002281

go to bed C

>> No.8002342

>job as a beverage buyer for a small specialty wine store
>house out in the country with a little bit of land
>qt wife with an alcohol problem
>cook a wonderful dinner for my wife every night
>small dog or two
>occasional roadtrips around the country

>> No.8002439

P-please be in Stockholm

>> No.8002495

>play in some bullshit style over substance post-shoegaze band
>get p.successful and begin to get noticed for my interesting fits on stage
>fly to paris, walk for heidi
>smoke copiously due to nihilistic worldview
>opiate addiction, deal a bit on the side to fund bands next record
>bleach blonde hair gf
>idolised by tumblrcore qt3.14's
>bow out in blaze of glory at 27, massive H overdose, remembered as a genius

>> No.8002542

i bet OP is underage

>> No.8002546

Ideal lifestyle



>> No.8002558

>Marry rich girl

>> No.8002609

Cheap Apartment
everything thrown around
a bunch of newspaper clippings and coffee everywhere
dog buried deep under a pile of clothing
books thrown together all over the place
no wife.

>> No.8002622

thats my life right now.

except my place is littered with empty beer cans. am i effay yet?

>> No.8002644

you are in my eyes.

>> No.8002645
File: 177 KB, 960x960, haus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get affleunt enough to settle down in the family's pied-à-terre/ holiday home.

Rural Austria, cooking on a stove. No nearby people to speak off. Well, that was before 3km2 of the forest got run down to build a golf course to cater to recent influx of god forsaken Russians.

>> No.8002647
File: 138 KB, 640x640, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studio apartment in prole neighbourhood without furniture beyond a table, a bed and a few chairs
>few raggedy slim jeans, thrifted sweaters, beat up sneakers
>few piles of books
>steady cheap beer intake

>> No.8002671

you're thirsty alright.

>> No.8002728

10/10 would live

>> No.8002793

haahahahahhahaha holy shit.

this board is entirely satire, right?

>> No.8002795

>live in a decent sized home in wilderness outside of city
>live w/ qt,14 Japanese gf who owns a wine distribution company
>am growing and selling copious amounts of bud
>we both love each other but we respect boundaries and silence
>Both have manageable love for opiates, we smoke roxy off tinfoil with each other
>lifestyle does not deplete our funds because we make enough
>every weekend go to LA/NYC and cop siqq goof fits
>return from city life drained, have sex on the balcony of our secluded home bc no one is around for miles
>star gaze in each other's arms, break out foil and opiates and nod out
>2 cats, 1 dog ( black lab)
>no kids

>> No.8002806
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Manchester ;__;

>> No.8002888

summon lelders hes into this femdom shit right

>> No.8002933

>be an exec/VP at a top firm
>make huge amounts of money for no work
>wear the same suit as everyone else, but better than everyone else
>coke, roids
>my own corner office
>date beautiful women
>cut them up into little pieces
>lose my mind
>get dubs with every post

>> No.8002945


>> No.8002977
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>> No.8002988

Too bad you'll never have a nice font on your business cards.

Check them.

>> No.8003003

executives at top firms work 60-80 hours a week u fuckwad

i bet you're still in hs

>> No.8003016


That house is not meant to live in it you idiot. It's just meant to be portrayed in architectural magazines for students to go full "wow, much edgy".

You can't be any /fa/ being this pleb.

> tiny apartment in the center of some city by the sea
> apartment being reformed and decorated by myself
> job that lets me time to do whatever the fuck I want to do
> and gives me enough money to do whatever the fuck I want to do (which is usually not pretty expensive)
> absolutely independent from the world
> and it's stupidity
> qt gf I can relate to

That's all I want.

>> No.8003031

> absolutely independent from the world

>> No.8003103

>you will never have a nice font on your business cards
>you will never get a reservation at dorsia
>dorsia doesn't even exist

>> No.8003105

Londonfag here. Most girls say I am an 8-9/10, not going to post face but it's interesting to think that this could be a possibility for me.
Only catch is my dick is only 6 inches and not very girthy.

>> No.8003111

live in 1950s style new york apartment
business partner cold ass bitch wife that looks like sandra bullock but would never betray me because im the only one that could beat her at her own game
collect art and fine liquors
read one book a day
drink irish coffee with my breakfast
steady suppy of xanax for my constant plane rides
smoke marijuana joints on weekends
be rich in a job that requires me to fuck people over or do whatever i want
smoke cigarettes at the dinner table
no kids till 40+
have killed a man

>> No.8003153

>small apartment, wooden floors, high ceilings somewhere near the center of, I don't know, Berlin or Hamburg
>Working in the city, no need for a car.
>Very moderate, humble life style. Don't buy a lot of useless stuff, just keep a few essentials.
>No social life, preferably work at nights, kind of Julian Schwinger-style.

Actually, I'm not far from this. I think I'll move to Berlin next year.

>> No.8003474

>bungalow off laurel canyon
>reinforced underground shelter for the happening
>composer for commercials and film/TV
>work from home. send in pieces via internet and collect my monies
>chubby half-indian wife
>endless supply of benzos

fuck :(

>> No.8003594

business partner cold ass bitch wife that looks like sandra bullock but would never betray me because im the only one that could beat her at her own game

why is a cold wife so hot? cause it is tho

OP house is two vacation houses in upstate newyork for two bros and their families.

>> No.8003630


As much as I can, you know.


>vacation houses

That's it. That house would be awesome to spend there a couple of weeks or a month. But imagine a moment in which you want to feel warm, comfy and snug. You can't do that in there.

You're sad and alone, it's cold out there, and all you can do is sit in your white sofa over your white floor looking at a white wall or a white landscape.

I don't know about you but I'd go nuts.

>> No.8003671
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Swap out apartment for one in a skyscraper and the rest is the same for me.

>> No.8003686
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>manageable heroin addiction

>> No.8003703
File: 15 KB, 500x318, sure dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh I really want to be rich , live in australia and shitpost with all 8 limbs

>> No.8003709

looks like homer with AIDS

>> No.8003821

I know. I'd wear my thom browne suit at 2am, heroin through my veins, cold and silent, maybe some avro park piano music somtimes, upright in a $10k barcelona chair, my wife not looking at me, sitting beside her. living the dream

>> No.8004009

It's not a movie, it's where I want to be

>> No.8004028

Wait you're a perverted gay guy in Manchester?

R u a qt?

>> No.8004097

Yep. Modest too.

>> No.8004305

I'd totally have sex with you on a webcam then cuddle

No homo though

>> No.8004439
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I am a trophy wife to an unfaithful husband who feels bad about it but cant stop so he makes up for it by buying me presents and stuffing my account full for shopping and taking care of myself, which is usually how i spend my days when im not redecorating our penthouse or doing charity work. Ill be unfaithful too but he'll not know and it would only happen occasionally when im tired of him. We'll still love each other at the end of the day tho. No kids but 2 cats and maybe one medium big silent dog. He dresses pretty dadcore but stil monochrome and i dress turnleftgoof.

>> No.8004458


...then they obviously weren't addicts then?

>> No.8004479

>finish my education and marry my gf
>I'll become a teacher and she'll become a therapist
>buy a decent sized but cozy home in the city
>amass a decent collection of books, clothes, and records
>spend days off relaxing at home or out with the wife
>have a couple kids
>raise them to be happy, well-adjusted people
>grow old
>become a grandpa
>having big, Italian style family dinners at home
>die happy knowing I left behind a great family to outlive me
>achieve immortality through my lineage

>> No.8004489

>small comfy flat in an old apartment building in a European town
>quirky pink-haired qt 3.14(my current crush) for a wife
>being lazy fucks together
>work from home
>melancholically playing trumpet all day
>2-3 chilled friends who aren't into partying and you can actually have a nice time with
I guess it's far from /fa/ but idgaf

>> No.8004510

I'm afraid it would be totally homo. I'm sure the dolla dolla bills we'll earn will make it all worthwhile though.

Or I could trap.

>> No.8004547
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>> No.8004786

That's fine too

>> No.8004829

Living in some big city in a nice apartment
Open the window, enjoy the view and smell the night
That's all I really want
kinda like the beginning of enter the void

>> No.8004849



>> No.8004855

>make enough money as musician to support myself
>tour japan, us, and Europe at least once
>fall for a girl who reciprocates the feeling. it's been a long time

i don't really have big expectations.

>> No.8004905
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> toned muscular body(180lbs lean at 6,1")
> Kind of grunge style, motorcycle jackets and denim vests and t shirts with the sleeves cut off
> mostly black/grey stuff
> matte white dirt bike like in The Place Beyond the Pines
> work as a forest ranger in a misty national park with lots of pine trees.
> live alone in a small mobile home on top of a mountain
> renovated to look like a rugged log cabin on the inside
> spend my spare time writing masterful screenplays that no one ever reads
> hunt elk with a scoped rifle
> ride my bike through the dirt trails, taking in the scenery
> not many friends, no family,
> might have killed a few people in the past, but nobody will ever find the bodies if they're buried deep in the woods

>> No.8004936

I want to live like this
-the murder
+wife to feed the chickens and water my spices

>> No.8004953

>10/10 fit
>10/10 fa

>> No.8004957

dude just kill gosling and wear his skin if you want to be him so bad.

>> No.8004964


>> No.8004984
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> I can't escape it he's too perfect

>> No.8004997

what the ess aitch double hockey stick????

this thread just changed my perception of the whole of /fa/ to be 'a bunch of weirdos who obsess about clothing when they never leave the house but instead spend all their time posting on 4chan and constructing elaborate fantasies where they actually go outside and do things'

>> No.8005008
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>ess aitch double hockey stick

>> No.8005007

my cognitive functions test said I'm a dreamer

>> No.8005040

Nigger fucking execs do 80-100 hours a week.

>> No.8005055
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> rich handsome and blonde
> live in LA
> parents are Hollywood film execs
> have a trust fund in the tens of millions
> party every night, do cocaine and race my porsche on the pacific highway
> friends are all shallow models with no concept of right or wrong
> fuck pasted out girls on heroin at parties
> beat up homeless people
> no matter what I do, daddy will cover it all up

>> No.8005077
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>Not having monthly breakdowns
>Having money outside clothes, music and comic funds
>Friends with people I actually enjoy the company off

>> No.8005092

>live in nice small city centre apartment
>9/10 skinny, small gf
>dj at weekends
>do lots of drugs
>secretly want to kill self

>> No.8005098

You sound like the type of person I'd actively go out of my way to piss off.

>> No.8005118

>run over a young girl while driving druck late one night and kill her
>father buys the best lawyers, get off scot-free
>deranged father follows you into your backyard one night and shoots you eight times in the head and chest, before turning the gun on himself

you knew it would come to this Anon

>> No.8005136


> the /fa/-est way to die


my father will hear of this

>> No.8005169

not until me m8s bang u up in a Leeds council estate 2 da choons of The Bug's London Zoo.

>> No.8005223

- Saving up money to move in August.
- Rent a nice little apartment/studio and purchase an affordable car.
- Chill all day, watching movies and listening to music.
- Find psychopath qt3.14 gf or druggy gf who dresses nicely and is uber skinny.
- Chill with her all day everyday, driving around, no day outside will ever be the same for us.
- I'll ask her to work if she needs the money (no more than 4 hours/day though)
yuuuuuuup. :^}

>> No.8005240

Pls be in skåne

>> No.8005256

Trap clothes come after I make some money first.

>> No.8005262

r i skåne ca 1 v varannan månad pga pv som aldrig kommer bli rik pga musiker ;_; sthlmare annars

>> No.8005287


>> No.8005300

>fit but not bodybuilder body
>girlfriend with the same personality
>she is into high fashion, momcore
>asset management or investment banking
>wear tailored italian suits from Liverano & Liverano, Kiton, Isaia and other Neapolitan suits
>bespoke shoes from Edward Green, John Lobb
>two dogs

>> No.8005305

Är han från Malmö?

>tfw meaningless sexual encounters with women over the past year (since breakup) has made me emotionally numb


>small open plan apartment with barely anything in it other than books, records and a comfy mattress under the big windows
>have my own engineering-consultant thinkpod doing good things for humanity
>qt3.14 architect/cook wife
>spend a couple of weeks in our apartments in brooklyn/LA
>money no problem so sick fits
>eventually settle down and become grandpa
>live comfy life until the day i die

>> No.8005331

typ fast typ inte. världens minsta lilla by/villaområde mellan lund och malmö men bor hos sina kompisar i malmö mycket så.. mjah ah.
>tfw skulle ge allt för att ha en emotionellt otillänglig snubbe att förföra men har en beta pv som älskar mig euw

>> No.8005360

And now I have my secret identity

>> No.8005371

>världens minsta lilla by/villaområde mellan lund och malmö
>dkn jag bor i ett litet villaområde mellan lund och malmö

bara gör slut med honom. du kommer mosa hans hjärta med det kommer läka så no worries bby

>> No.8005401

omg nej jag kan inte göra slut med hnm mer pga har gjort slut med hnm ca 5 ggr redan och han tar tillbaka mig varje gång jag har ett "weak lonely moment" och sen har jag fett svårt att göra slut igen. (du har ingen tjej vah? pga vore dumt om jag pratade m hnm nu) :)))))

>> No.8005443

usch nej, ingen tjej. jag tar hellre emotionellt bristande förhållanden över den situationen du har nu. nä nu ska jag sova. hit me up på tumblr/instagram (email fältet)

>> No.8005491

>grow up
>become stig
that's it
that's all i want

>> No.8005509

Epic topic dude (: there's nothing more /fa/ than posting the same subject with the same subject matter repeatedly

>> No.8005560
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Im 18 and in 4 years I hope to be

>Working at a financial software company in London
>Living in apartment in North London near Hertfordshire
>Finally found bf who im hiding from parents so they dont know im a fag
>Drinking self to death because of frustration due to sandies all over the fucking place
>Hopefully on the way to leaving the UK

>> No.8005573

>in 4 years you hope to be 22
as opposed to what, dead? HA!

>> No.8005577
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annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd derailed'

My /fa/ lifestyle would be patrick bateman though, not even kidding

>> No.8005619
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i guess just living in a city with some easy way to make enough live in a small apartment and drink a lot plus have some friends i see fairly often to go to parties and restaurants

and sometimes go get coffee and watch movies with cute girls

alternatively and more realistically, be raskolnikov at the beginning of c and p

>> No.8005756

>Live in a studio apartment that I've decorated to be as comfortable as possible -- for me
>Make bank through forex and stocks
>Order escorts, never have sex with them, let them humiliate themselves in the worst ways possible
>Always hanging out with a new crowd, switch friends every few months/year
>Have boyfriend who I've a emotionally turbulent relationship with, lots of drugs involved
>Use money to self-publish several books
>Hang out at clubs and bars to make new friends who I keep around for company until they realize I'm literally insane and break contact
>Order pizza and let the pizza guy fuck one of my escort girls
>Have my books turned successful movies, one of them a cult movies and have a large fan base that worships me
Oh, that I'm working towards? Well, this would be what I was working towards if I was working at all. Would just have to learn how to trade and write my books, I've the ideas and intellect, just lack the discipline, focus and follow-through.. Very important things.

>> No.8005764
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- renown author prodigy (novelist)

- small minimal but comfy apartment in NYC

- have an on/off relationship with a woman I met in graduate school who's also a writer that I make love to every now and then and we critique each others work from time to time

- regular at local coffee shop I visit all the time (free coffee)

- still no friends, everyone hates me because I'm hypercritical but I don't give a fuck

- girls always want me, but I don't give a fuck

- commit suicide at age 29 before releasing my best work which eventually gets published and is considered a master piece

- remembered forever

- they rename the coffee shop I regularly visited after me

>> No.8005774

u do realize that american psycho is basically making a mockery of people like bateman, right?

>> No.8005799

>remembered forever
hate to break it to you, but most people can't name 5 authors that haven't had films adaptations of their books

>> No.8005810

>tfw no texan lunarcore gf

>> No.8005826

wot the fawk are you melons yappin about?

>> No.8005840

>implying I would want plebs discussing my work
Anybody with just a minor interest in literature should able to name ten off the top of their head

>> No.8005890

I'm alright with my life actually.

>live in a one room flat in town where very few people know me
>spend my daytime with studying or working, training, or working on skills I find interesting
>hang out with different people basically every weekend, sometimes it's nice, sometimes it sucks
>sell drugs somewhat regularly to earn a little extra money

some things I would like to happen
>get to know more interesting people, maybe even a qt gf
>maybe publish some of the stuff I write

>> No.8005912

>successful architect in Chicago
>stable home
>qt gf
is that so much to ask?

>> No.8005943

>live in a town where few people know me
>sell drugs

thats not how it works.

>> No.8005956
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>tfw fairly /fa/
>tfw getting /fit/ now, becoming builtfat so need to cut

Would simply lurking /o/ for a few months get me pretty knowledgeable in it? That's what worked for me in /fa/

I want to start as an Electrical Engineer then partner up with engineer and computer scientist buddies of mine to start /biz/ endeavor, even if just for the experience.

Also invest in stock market with spare cash with qt computer scientist gf

pic is ideal im working towards, but i'll probably work towards slimane aesthetic once im bored with that cause i like to change it up. imo best body for greaser style with muscle cars and i look similar to him

>> No.8005980
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>"functioning" heroin addicts (which is somewhat of an ironic statement )

Not OP, but it's like you believe every single thing your after school anti drug ads and documentaries tell you

Not everyone is a ghetto nigger like you, the things you know about h are bastardized to be the absolute worst they can be for entertainment or prohibitive purposes.

No one thinks a normal h user is interesting and no one will be scared of it if they show them like that, so they pick the worst of the worst

>> No.8005988

>manageable addiction
>that house
>400K a year
My sides.
Sounds like you'll be sucking dick on the street soon

>> No.8005998
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>measly 50k a year

You have the rich man's idea of being poor, which is nowhere near having 50k a year

>> No.8006023
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>this is what the middle class actually believe

execs are execs because they worked for a while and are now living off the cement foundation they built years ago, they don't have to lift a finger anymore

>> No.8006159

Zyzz is that you?

>> No.8006193
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>> No.8006199

>live in a small apartment
>work as a maid
>adopt a cat or two
>spend free-time with qtbf

later on in life

>live in small house
>work from home somehow
>tend a vegetable garden
>adopt a child

i'll be lucky if any of this happens

>> No.8006246

-indie filmmaker/writer
-nice mid-century modern apartment in new york or toronto
-relatively minimalist lifestyle aside from large book collection
-a dedicated romantic relationship with an attractive and creative woman
-maybe a small cabin in rural canada for me to go into j.d. salinger-esque isolation sessions for writing
-only wear narrow suits in public.

>> No.8006268

>adopt a child

jesus, don't be a lazy whore you can make one.

>> No.8008146

Adopting children is immoral, you're perpetuating the baby farming of poorfag countries.

>> No.8008175

>small apartment
not hard

>small house
>work from home
u can do it
also easy

get on with it faggot

>> No.8008740

>Live in a penthouse apartment in the center of a big city (current city)
>Be rich
>Work as a michelin star chef
>Party and/or smoke weed every weekend
>Fuck a different qt every week
>Keep my current group of friends

>> No.8008759

Oh and I forgot
>Wear mostly suits

>> No.8009180

>small apartment in a city near the mountains or the coast
>steady supply of various high-grade psychedelics
>record collection larger than john peel's, full of obscure psych rock and sunshine pop, esoteric primitive folk, and free-improv jazz
>library full of philosophy, sociology, psychology, linguistic, and general semantics books
>own a small shop that manages to keep me from becoming homeless
>small group of friends that i see on a regular basis, but mostly keep to myself
>qt fluffy dog

the dream

>> No.8009194


>> No.8009202


>> No.8009205

>house in london
>party in tokyo with bill murray
>31 blowjobs from any actress i want

>> No.8009208

no more no less

>> No.8009236

i know this feel

>> No.8009279
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1. Buy only used clothing, clothing from very small businesses and handmade clothing by private persons. Be this in thrift shops or online does not matter, as long as no money goes to companies with workers in slave-like conditions, who knowingly make harmful decisions to these workers, in order to increase profit.

2. Finally go veggie. I almost only eat noodles anyway, when I do eat. Also, only eat food produced near me, so no money goes to industrial farming.

3. Quit procrastinating and get GNU/Linux, so I don't have to give money to tech giants who out-date and stop supporting shit just to make a harmful market go around.

4. Donate to the starving.

5. Partake in any protest or other activity that will lead to an increased geopolitical distance from America, or stop any involvement in their military and illegal drone business.

6. Have a good relationship.

7. Die in peace as a moralfag.

>> No.8009301

>appartment in london
>successful illustrator
>qt bf who wears suits everyday for his high paid job that pays for our rent and v effay lifestyle

>> No.8010026

Where in n London / herts are U?

>> No.8010106

No need to work, pick a reason
Buy huge piece of land, build series of self sufficent home for myself and girlfriend,
Build appartments for friends/relatives to stay in when down on their luck. I have a few i'd let live there.
gun range out to 1800km, nice gun collection.
cars, 4x4, sports car, driftslut, work truck, etc

I'd spend my days shooting, camping, hiking, working out, training, gardening, etc. Go to parties in the city on occasion, theater, patron of the arts....

that's all i got.

>> No.8010155

Reach sage status.

>> No.8010217
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>pall mall

my brother

>> No.8010241

>No need to work, pick a reason
ur dead

>> No.8011535


>> No.8012409

This thread is shitcunt as fuck and the only good post was the doctor regarding heroin.

This shit is babbysitters club tier

>> No.8012425

pls b in lumbridge

>> No.8012430

this feels the man

>tfw terrified no one will ever love me

>> No.8012684
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Medieval interior and decoration (at the moment working on that and will be finished within a month)
high tech gadgets and games combined with the medieval style.
Pick up archery as a hobby.
Get my ears pierced 1 size bigger to wear my new bone tunnels.
Get another tattoo (undecided)
Getting in /fit (been doing so since 2 months ago)
Grabbing some /fa not sure whether to cop or not yet. (Started browsing this board since a month ago. It changed my life.)
Want to start my own pub. (not interested in a huge amount of money just want to get by)
Still waiting for my special one to come by. (pic very related)

Some days i just want to spend by reading a book in the park while sitting next to a gorgeous girl (just for the status of having her pleasant company)

>> No.8013416

weed is not effay
plen drug for 14 yrolds

>> No.8013459

R U srs? I want to be a film director so bad. I've been working on short films but it's tough to make good shit independently on a low budget. That being said it is definitely possible. Did you go to school for film at all?

>> No.8013465

Why would a gorgeous girl sit next to an ugly asshole who only wants her around because she's good looking? Why would she pick you over all the hot assholes and hot bros?

>> No.8013476
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>grow up in rural america instead of europe
>be closet homo, but don't realize it until I crush on a guy I work with during the summer
>begin secret relationship
>later on move to canada to help in infrastructure projects in the territories as we both can handle ourselves
>move into a cabin and decorate outselves and our clothes with trinkets such as feathers and bodymarkings after hunting
>read a lot, make music, draw and do various jobs in nature over the year

>> No.8013486

this is the most autistic post on /fa/ right now

>> No.8013750

baldchan pls go

>> No.8014779

du har dumpat din beta-pv 5 ggr? va det nått som inte stämde?

>frustrated omega man reporting