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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 284 KB, 625x544, floral-shirt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7997519 No.7997519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to Coachella in 3 weeks and yet to figure out what i'm supposed to wear. What's the best look for the warm weather this year? Florals perhaps? Fuck if I'd wear tank tops. What about shoes? There is a shit load of walking involved.

>> No.7997535
File: 327 KB, 1024x928, coachella-fashion-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7997534

nah florals dead.

>> No.7997555

god i wish that style would die

>> No.7997581

So what's in?

>> No.7997592


either dress like the rich hipster fag you are and fit in

or dress however the fuck you want because it's a motherfucking festival

>> No.7997605


Dude its a fucking festival its not like you have to go with a godlike fit.

wear what the fuck you want and have fun

>> No.7997612
File: 18 KB, 193x261, dashiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dashiki shirts are next. calling it now.

>> No.7997620

Great points and you're absolutely right but I'll be there with a c-level celebrity friend of mine so i'm feel obligated to do my best.

>> No.7997695

Just be athletic and wear a cute tank top
no you're not going to stand out but pussy will be acquired if you're good enough

>> No.7997701

you don't need to say who it is, but what level of stardom is he on? like compare him/her to someone.

>> No.7997754

You're an idiot. Have you seen any S/S 14 shows, 1/3 is floral

>> No.7997870

He has more twitter followers than Dave Franco and would be considered a heart throb of teenage girls although he's in his late twenties

>> No.7997946

Dave franco doesn't have a Twitter you lying piece of shit. You just thought of a mildly popular celebrity and assumed he could play into your lie.

>> No.7997953

duh doy, any number of followers is more than dave franco dummie

>> No.7997975

Fucking jackass and your shit style. How about you knit a sweater out of baby foreskin and after you're done wearing it you can eat it like the scum you are.

>> No.7997976

So you're right. Anyhoo he has about a quarter million followers and is a tween TV sensation and that's all I can tell you. Now tell me what kind of shoes are in this summer.

>> No.7997999

What kind of shorts are /fa/ right now?

>> No.7998007

Then post his name you dupe. What are we gonna do, message him amongst all of his fans and tell him his friend is asking for fashion advice. How retarded are you? Post his name or shut up, fuccboi.

>> No.7998024

Make with the shoes and shorts info and we'll see

>> No.7998031

bro tank + plimsolls + chino shorts,
Atleast that's what I'm gonna wear to lolla

>> No.7998036

Hope you got your ticket cuz it sold out this morning

>> No.7998035

You're so stupid you can't figure out what shoes and shorts look good? Do you have no taste or style whatsoever? You must be a really dumb and unimaginative person. I'd be ashamed if I had to turn to the internet to dress me for a musical festival.

>> No.7998049
File: 119 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga please

>> No.7998078

See you there /fa/ggot

>> No.7998087

bonnaroo is where its at smell ya later

>> No.7998091

>smell ya later
That's ironic cause everyone at Bonnaroo smells like cow shit. Enjoy yourself.

>> No.7998210

Christ you're a baby. Coachella is not just a festival, it's a summer fashion showcase. You should be happy I hold this board in high regard and went here for help. Thanks for nothing cunt.

>> No.7998236
File: 468 KB, 416x637, KarlieKloss_Coachella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

models and designers go. pretty chill to see their fits when they're just chillin

>> No.7998250

I'm a baby? Waaahhh the internet won't dress me. Coachella is a fashion showcase for cancerous people like you. I should be happy some loser holds a shitty board in high regard? You are unbelievably stupid and cancerous. Leave, fuccboi.

>> No.7998272

Look in the mirror

>> No.7998484
File: 222 KB, 500x375, cocobro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OPs celebrity friend.

>> No.7998508
File: 1.31 MB, 3072x2048, 1252243455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, I'm going to Coachella too.

It is stressful finding the right clothes, but all in all, as it is every year, everything comes together.

pretty basic set-up but gets the job done.

band t-shirt of band thats not going to the festival + khaki shorts + roshe runs

replace t-shirt with other shirts you want to wear over the course of 3 days. maybe another pair of shorts. long sleeve shirts for night cause it gets cold. hoody for late night campsite chillin.

If anything, you want unique clothes. I hate when I see somebody wearing the same shirt as me there, but it happens. so avoid places like UO or other common shops.

>> No.7998541

anyone out to gov ball?? (since we're talkin bout festivals anyway)

>> No.7998554


yup, i'll be there too. Hopefully the weather is good this year.

>> No.7998580

yeah trudging thru shit basically ruined the entire experience

I wore all white nike sweets and had to throw them away when I got home because they weree ruined

>> No.7998607


>> No.7998636

who's going to play this year?

>> No.7998697

yes. thai fisherman shirts too

>> No.7998709 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 427x640, 1380920375331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summer's coming up. where i live, summer lasts for months and months. i need some shorts that aren't the typical American Apparel high-waisted things that every girl tends to wear. i wear dark colors and like techninja stuff.
ideally, i'd want shorts that are both feminine and practical, so not too short, but still stylish. budget: under $100.

i think the pic kinda represents what i wear? a little androgynous-y but still feminine.

>> No.7998739

I'd probably go for something like the left with basic beaters as shoes but that's me. It's a festival, wear whatever. Just don't wear clothes you don't want a beer spilled on.

>> No.7998872

>saturday night at a concert
>guy in the front wearing full on african dashiki and the rest
>5 foot radius around him in sogging pussy panties
>like that was even new for him
even I wanted to get some of that

>> No.7999087

which one the really big sunglasses, or the ripped jean short shorts