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/fa/ - Fashion

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7988932 No.7988932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a gf /fa/?

>> No.7988952

Try being as based as him, he must be rolling in clunge.

>> No.7988962

i can be ur gf

>> No.7988974
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Rly? c:

>> No.7988979

no lol

>> No.7988987


>> No.7989004



>> No.7988999

if trips you'll get a gf :)

>> No.7989005


>> No.7989007


Thank you based Anon!

>> No.7989008



>> No.7989009
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>> No.7989016
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>> No.7989014


>> No.7989015

if I get dubs she'll be 300+ lbs

>> No.7989021

I hope so, pls.

>> No.7989022

It's easy to get a GF. Simply be a 10/10 cool young thug like myself.

Of course, I doubt you'd want a GF at that point because being tied down is a joke.

>> No.7989023

ye man, mine just arrived. we made it. we all fukin made it.

>> No.7989018



>> No.7989019

How do I get a short, power bottom twink bf /fa/?

>> No.7989050


wow really what brand

post gf fuccboi

>> No.7989040
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>mine just arrived

>> No.7989056

This man and his dubs gets it

>> No.7989068

But I like bdsm.

>> No.7989078

Sounds like you should a trip over to good old /adv/
Nobody there can help you, but at least you'll be among people with similar interests.


>Step One: Be a Cool Man
Being a cool man may seem like an impossible goal, but it is something worth striving for. Even if you don't ever reach it, you will have gained something in the process.

>Step Two: Develop a Personality
I'm not talking about a simple "real life" personality - everybody has that. The thing most guys lack is a captivating online internet persona. Develop a name for yourself and let it consume your life.

>Step Three: Be Good Looking And Tall
This is self explanatory. If you are good looking and tall, even if you have a terrible background and a deep hatred of society and can't seem escape an absurd thought process that constantly reminds you how pointless "meaning" is, you will somehow get girls. Just when you think you may have to spend weeks without any pussy a girl you went to high school with sees you from a distance buying groceries and somehow has your number, which she texts essentially offering her pussy on a plate.

Now head on over to /adv/ and let the cool men discuss fashion.

>Originally posted 2/17/14, by Cool Man Luke

>> No.7989089

Nice one.

>> No.7989097

but I was agreeing with you

>> No.7989099

wow, was planning to kill myself tomorrow

>> No.7989114

I know and I was just giving more information to help everyone out. Cool men stick together and help lame men understand our cool ways.

>> No.7989121

if i get dubs we'll all make it

>> No.7989115

what is the deal with tinder?

i get tons of matches, i strike up convos with some, but they always die.

tbh i just want hookups but dont know how to do it. do i just ask if they wan sum fuk or what?

>> No.7989116

dubs mean you still have to go through with it champ.

>> No.7989131

I've never used TInder, and I know some guys have success with it, but I would imagine 95% of the girls using it are using it for validation, meaning that they have no intention of ever hooking up with a guy they met through the app.

Off course, if you say the right things that may change. I can't give much advice about online dating because I don't mess with it. I like interacting with girls IRL, which is easier for me.

>> No.7989133

dubs and your post was wrong

>> No.7989128

if dubs, everyone in this thread will have gfs

(attractiveness random, does not guarantee happiness)

>> No.7989129


>> No.7989143

RIPerino in Pepperino

>> No.7989137

Way to ruin everything faggot.

>> No.7989155


OP here. I'm still garunteed a gf :)

>> No.7989169


>> No.7989166


How do you be good looking?

>> No.7989174

Should have asked for a 69.

>> No.7989186

If you wanted to 69 you should of asked bby.

>> No.7989194

>taking this guy's advice

Some of this is good, but don't go to /adv/

It's a lot of bigoted crap.

>> No.7989202

ya i like real life too. tbh i have a lot better luck on okc as long as i set up a date in person asap and keep the online chat to minimum

>> No.7989203

It's /r9k/ with a different name.

>> No.7989218

I was being sarcastic about /adv/. That place is a shithole, and I know because that's where I started tripping. It's a crabs in a bucket mentality, where people only want to listen to bad advice from people with no experience.

>> No.7989239

Thank god.

>> No.7989246


How do I be cool? I'm a 7/10 and on sunny days can be a 8/10. Idk why, but I notice girls look at me more when its really sunny. I can't look at a pretty girl without my heart dropping or speak to anyone new. I'm really beta and if I do hit on a girl I start being a dick thinking I'm funny.

>> No.7989262
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this guy knows whats up

>> No.7989274

I don't see what the question is. You already know what your problem is, so master the art of conversation.

Think James Bond. James Bond is refined. He's charming, he's witty, he's a great conversationalist, and he doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. He's unquestionably confident and epitomizes masculinity. He won't be intimidated, he lets others know what he wants. He pokes fun at women when talking with them. Women want him, men want to be him. He's fucking James "Shaken not Stirred" Bond.

Maybe some despise him, but is he an asshole? No. Don't be an asshole.

You have to be funny, witty, playful, and a little bit of a jerk but just enough to keep the conversation moving. I know this sounds stupid, but watch some funny movies. They can't be slapstick humor. Think movies like We're The Millers, but not like Step Brothers. Analyze how the jokes are introduced and how the shots are fired. Incorporate them into your daily conversations with both men and women. You'll be better in no time.

Remember, the only important thing is that you wake up tomorrow an overall better human being than you were today. Hop to it, Bond.

>> No.7989275

honestly switch up ur tactics. only found one girl i was semi interested in via tinder. got her digits, laid some pipe u feel me ;)
seriously it wasn't too hard, just do some conversating to break the ice, get their facebook/phone number and go from there.
a lot of girls are definitely not as interested as you may think though, and it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with vanity
just believe in yourself, stop trying so hard. force yourself out of your comfort zone.
also try being more quiet, let them talk instead

>> No.7989281

>also try being more quiet, let them talk instead
Yea that's a good idea for guys who are more introverted (like myself) because you can say a lot by not saying anything.

>> No.7989282

thanks anon

>> No.7989286

be urself

love will find a way

it will find you

dont run away from love

love it is the answer

>> No.7989294


>> No.7989296

spoken like a real nigga

>> No.7989297

thanks based anon

>> No.7989312

listen to ur heart <3

the beat tells u something

it is the morescoed for luv

when u see a girl yuo liek ur heart will beat an you will know

>> No.7989322

dubs and everyone gets gfs

>> No.7989318

Rolling for gf

>> No.7989320


Thanks burh

>> No.7989327


So many gfs were achieved ITT today.

>> No.7989328

i dont understand why you faggot even want a gf

i love being single, out every weekend looking for a new female to try fuck

after being in a relationship for 3 years i can confirm it's useless and you'll be happier single

>> No.7989330

the most powerful word to say to a girl is hello

when you say hello it means u exist

and a girl may liek u when hellow turns to love <3

>> No.7989331
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>> No.7989342

If trips I'll get a qt boyfriend

>> No.7989344

i cant wait 2 return to the day in november

when we were in love and it was a day to remember

say why cant we stay back in love? ;_;

>> No.7989353

I should just kill myself now

>> No.7989354

because of your shit english
>inb4 hurr english isn't native language

>> No.7989369

Exactly. It makes me sad that so many guys obsess over wanting a GF because I know they feel it will fill a void in their lives. The problem with that mentality is that once these guys do get a GF, their lives will revolve around her. It is unhealthy to have so much invested in a relationship, because when it ends - which it will - your life will be even emptier than it was before.

It is best to get to a point where you don't NEED a GF. A GF shouldn't be a major part of a guys life, she should be a minor part of an otherwise somewhat fulfilling life.

>> No.7989371

it is easier to be mean than nice

sometimes it is easier to be angry than to experess how u really feel

it takes more muscles to frown than to smile :)

all ur negatvifty will ber down on yu

>> No.7989377

ill be ur bf

>> No.7989381

>shit english

>> No.7989386

>that nigger is big, lol
what the fuck

>> No.7989387

Ya be a point in your life like luke where you don't need a girlfriend yet still browse 4chan giving people advice about women

>> No.7989389

a gf is liek a cherry on a pie

the flavoring on the condom

the knee of the bee, yet the hair of the dog

we all want cake abd eat it ot

>> No.7989400

>strike up

it took me like 4 re-reads to learn you weren't talking about fire

>> No.7989397

not even funny or clever

>> No.7989407
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>it takes more muscles to frown than to smile :)
10/10 I'm not even >>7989354 and I cringed

>> No.7989415

Thank you
We are one now
when am I meeting your parents babe?

>> No.7989422

wait how cute are you

>> No.7989425

>be a beta faggot with no gf/bf/dog
>have standards
holy shit kill urself

>> No.7989432
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I have none
lets fuk bb girl

>> No.7989429

i want to be happy

>> No.7989434

I'm a solid negative 4/10

>> No.7989447
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I don't NEED a GF. Doesn't mean I don't have some.
I'm not saying my life is worth much, but at least my advice comes from experience.

And yes, I spend a lot of time posting as the best trip and i'll be damned if a bitch interfere.

>Pic taken from the Cool Vault

>> No.7989448

if youre real skinny and have some cheek bones ill marry tho

>> No.7989460

I'm like 400 pounds
More to love baby

>> No.7989464

>justifying his shitty life on 4chan
dat insecurity
What's next proof you had experience by giving our info of girls you slept with
fuck off luke

>> No.7989473

dont know if i should

what gender

>> No.7989470

>fuck off luke

more like fluke

>> No.7989472


wait so I just got here... can I have gf pls?

>> No.7989476

My vagina is all nice and warm for you

>> No.7989477

horse :^)

>> No.7989482

can i bring my raincoat

>> No.7989488

Yeah bb you'll be making me squirt (;

>> No.7989497

Im uploading my sextape on Kazza. It's 12.4 gigs

>> No.7989500

>scared of sexting
pussy ;^)

>> No.7989494

i dont like where this is going

c ya

>> No.7989590
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Your GF is under this truck if you can save her.

>> No.7989921

top kek best trip

>> No.7989933

oh man thank you so much

>> No.7989945

based moot

>> No.7991964

you don't fuccnigga