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File: 106 KB, 500x750, 1395609808141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7987030 No.7987030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are longboards /fa/?
Skater style thread i guess

>> No.7987145

i hate the fact that Street Skaters/vert skaters or "Real" skaters feel the need to discriminate against other skaters for being a pose just because they're not on a deck designed for tricks.

I skated street for 3 years, and now ride a longboard because i enjoy cruising about and bombing hills without feeling every bone in my body vibrate. It's normally the kids who are shit as skating who decide to call longboarders/penny boarders shit. Grow the fuck up.

> Earthwing supermodel DT
> Radal trucks
> swiss bearings
> cult classic wheels

>antihero 8"
>thunder trucks
>bones red bearings
>blueprint wheels

>> No.7987585


Bones red's, My Nigga!

>> No.7987604

Honestly, skateboarders talking shit about longboarding is exactly the same as a BMX biker talking shit about street bikers (which never happens).

They serve two different purposes, shut your fucking mouth dumbass.

>> No.7987610

I actually agree with this pic, I can use a longboard but not a skateboard. Partially because I'm uncoordinated and partially because I'm 6'5" and it has room for my long ass legs

>> No.7987618

i like you

i right a:
kracked skulled scimitar
75mm lime bigzigs
paris trucks
bones super reds

>> No.7987636

you guys should go to the sk8r general on /asp/


Real Renewal deck
Indy 137s
Ricta naturals
Bones Reds
Mob griptape

haven't skated for like a year, still need to learn how to ollie ;_;

>> No.7987683

12 year olds who want to show off
I just want to get from point a to b in a fast but fun manner

>> No.7988099

Long board:
>homemade deck replica of loaded pintail
>Paris 150mm trucks
>70mm lime abec11 zigzags
>bones reds

>I have no idea what components lol

>> No.7988181


Lol, I've always called them China Bones

>> No.7988185
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seeing a pic on my block on /fa/ makes me feel all fuzzy

>> No.7988233

I have yet to see someone riding a long board in real life that doesn't look autistic, but that might just be because everyone around me looks like shit.

>> No.7988396

Palisades deck. I think it's a pintail? Lots of flex. I love it.
Bones red ceramic bearings so I can ride on dat wet washington pavement
the trucks that came with it when I bought it
66m black gravity burner wheels 80a nice and gummy

None because skateboarding is for children

>> No.7988548

If you are skating for pure enjoyment and not because you want to look cool or a certain way, then it doesn't fucking matter what you ride.

If you have fun hitting rails and bowls, then good for you, do that and enjoy it and not give a fuck about anyone else. If you have fun cruising around the streets on a smooth, easy ride, then the same thing applies. Who cares?

>> No.7988549

this. i have actually met one person who rode a longboards and was cool and decent at it. but literally every other person on a longboard looks retarded. riding a real skateboard is the shit though even just for getting around you can hang on cars and powerslide and ollie up curbs instead of getting off the board like a dingus.

>> No.7988603

>implying you can't do literally any of those things on longboards, all while having a smoother ride
lmao fucking idiot

>actually thinking you can't slide on a longboard
>actually thinking that the board you're on limits your ability to hold onto cars

>> No.7988630

have fun pushing mongo and mall grabbing in your sandals brah

>> No.7988638
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>skating for pure enjoyment
>hitting rails and bowls
>cruising around the streets on a smooth, easy ride

safe riding is for fags

>> No.7988647

>wearing sandals on any board
>implying pushing mongo is bad
why are skaters so dumb

>> No.7988657

>pushing mongo is good

>> No.7988662

are you implying that pushing mongo is not bad?!?!?!?

>> No.7988670


I dont understand why guys like you two dont get a hightailer or a yoni. Its literally a giant fucking skate deck. You can do everything you can do on a regular deck but its larger and a smoother ride.

Ma Boiiii

>Earthwing Supermodel Dropthrough
>Indy 215s
>DBS abec 7s
>Earthwing Floaters

>Earthwing Yoni
>Randal 180s
>Bones reds
>these wheels

>> No.7988675

>they can't switch their pushing foot
>implying you'll ever do a decent tour on your dorksicle

>> No.7988725

Bustin Maestro MK1 Ishtar Model
Bear Trucks
Monster Hog 72mm wheels
red bone berrings

>> No.7988746
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Some of my boards: 1990's G&S Sean Miller with Santa Cruz Bullets 66 on Independant truck, a 1988 Vision Jinx mini-deck, and a 1988 Vision Gator with Vision Shredder Wheels, Independant trucks on Santa Cruz cell blocks raisers..
They all have side plastic rails too.

The G&S is my rider, the Jinx is a carpet rider I use in my place, and the Gator is so mint I keep it as a collectible piece.

>pic related kinda

>> No.7988749

>I skated street for 3 years, and now ride a longboard
sellout, stopped reading there

>> No.7988750

what should I get for my first longboard?

>> No.7988759

bustin maestro

dont look back

>> No.7988762

>I dont understand why guys like you two dont get a hightailer
... so point was, yeah, I get it.

>> No.7988777

a noose

>> No.7988781

I have a VFC AK-74 Spetsnaz which has been modded to shoot a 0.25g BB at 430 fps. I have swapped out the grips with the real steel counterparts.

>> No.7988786

What kind of tricks can you do with it? Ollies? Stairscases?

>> No.7988798

I installed a tightbore barrel to make it hella fuckin accurate. I can empty out a magazine with groupings the size of a quarter.

>> No.7988794
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skateboards are effay.

longboards are not.

nuff said

>> No.7988802
File: 67 KB, 720x1280, 1395629066773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my board
series deck
royal trucks
bones redz bearings
spitfire wheels

>> No.7988805

id jump his bones
*only skaters will get this joek*

>> No.7988816
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this was the original design
only pic I could find sorry its a local brand

>> No.7988817

shit deck, looks like a rectangle
royal trucks are pez
bones bearings are goat
spitfire wheels are laughably bad

im feeling a light to decent 5 on this one

>> No.7988825

what does cal think

>> No.7988831

That's a pretty nice graphic.

>> No.7988836

he thinks skating is for teenagers

>> No.7988843

ill r8 ur sk8 .8/8 m8 its not that gr8

>> No.7988851

I've been skating royal for more than 5 years whats your problem m8

>> No.7988863


>> No.7988875

Earthwing supermodel.
Fast, gorgeous, a fucking tank, cheap as it gets.
Literally everything one would want in a board. Seriously look it up. Its one of the best reviewed decks and cheap to boot.

>> No.7988892

Pisses me off when elitist skaters take the piss of longboards

Penny boards on the other hand, if they're the actual Penny brand are okay but if they're some 20 quid piece of shit from the toy store being ridden by some kid in a SnapBack and shit then that's a different story

>> No.7988982
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>> No.7988988

longboards are for that fat kid who never learned how to ollie

>> No.7989033
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I don't give a shit about "real" skating or whatever, but god damn long boarders at my uni are the most insufferable cunts on Earth. This one retard was long boarding in this building that everyone goes to eat. While it was crowded.
God they have no ability to break on that thing without jumping off right when it's too late, and they bump into normal pedestrians walking on the sidewalks/walkways and act annoyed over the crowdedness.

>> No.7989035
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>mfw seeing shitty poser kids skating in the rain/snow with their boards

please just give it to me if youre bent on destroying your board, ill give it a good home

also, if you ride one of those colorful plastic penny boards, just fall off and die already :^)

>> No.7989046


how do I learn to skate

>> No.7989060


youtube and practice

>> No.7989069


i don't even want to do a ton of tricks I just want to get around

honestly skateboarding is fucking impossible

>> No.7989077


>full grown adult
>learning to skate

oh yeah that'll go over well

>> No.7989074


Walking and public transportation are the only /fa/ ways to get around

>> No.7989092

effay bikes and cars would say otherwise

>> No.7989098

Just do it at night, in an empty car park.

>> No.7989105


prime time to learn to skate is like 12 - 17
start any later and it's just not gonna happen

as you get older the threat of getting hurt becomes more real and your responsibilities become greater so you're less likely to push yourself

>> No.7989119
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gay as fuck... unless you are a girl. then still pretty lame

>> No.7989124

Longboards are dope for there purpose

Meme made me cringe

>> No.7989132

get a new board already what are you doing?

>> No.7989126

in this order.
>Buy skateboard/longboard
>go outside and experiment
>become proficient

that's literally it.

>> No.7989154

some of my fav's son

>> No.7989193

yo dude what band shirts do you have and where do you get them?

what other types of shirts do you usually wear?

you have really sick music taste
where do you find about new music?

>> No.7989315

a meme is a common humoristic pattern that is known by a significant amount of people inside a community

i.e Rageguy/Troll comics,>tfw no gf, "the game", etc

for example, "hitler youth" or "i hate that party" comics are /fa/ meme



>> No.7989323

it is a meme to have a caption placed on an image in the form of word at top, explanation at bottom.


>> No.7989333

i'm kinda #rekted, though I disagree, this pic is not a meme

>> No.7989334

>see some asian kid on a skateboard
>get off every time when crossing the street
>get off every time getting back on the walkway
So gay
faglvl 100+

>> No.7989339

Your iq is small

>> No.7989340

that's ok friendo i get why u were mad

enjoy ur night :)

>> No.7989352

>go visit friend at a different college
>we both longboard
>roll right through an intersection with the green light
>he gets off and walks his across the street
>mock him for it
>see other longboarders do it
>all the skateboarders just go right through

if longboarders had more of a fuck it attitude like skateboarders do they'd be liked more, i think.

but the idea of using something so similar to skateboards just for travel is stupid and like a less efficient / more stupid bike

>> No.7989364

my penis is large

>> No.7989380

>so similar to skateboards [...] less efficient
kek, just try to bomb 20 kilometers downhill with a fucking shortboard
I gotcha tho, but whatever, these people do whatever they want

>> No.7989390

Longboards r kinda chill but these fools riding on the same shit staying lame.
>> still riding dropthrough
>> not riding comet or arbor
>> not riding reds
Get a real board and stop kooking up my hills

>> No.7989404

i was saying they're less efficient than bikes.

in terms of travel, longboards are waaaay better than skateboards. so smooth, so fast, so easy to push / turn / carve. and when you take it really casually and don't treat it like an annoying cunt it's really great.

dropthrough is fine tho.

i just hate these fuckin shitters who buy a $70 sector 9 prebuilt, don't know how to dance / slide, and just kinda push around campus. no real smoothness, no skill, no grace. just clompin around.

>> No.7989410

No it isn't. If you want to have an /fa/ whip, top Mount that shit

>> No.7989413

i agree

>> No.7989419

>i was saying they're less efficient than bikes
way lighter/smaller too
and more effay than a scooter

>> No.7989426

Never longboarded before. How much should I drop on one for travel to/from my university

>> No.7989427

you can rationalize riding/having a longboard to yourselves all you want, but at the end of the day you're still longboarders...

>> No.7989431

why not take the bus

>> No.7989435

As a longboarder, you raise a very valid point

>> No.7989439

Since you will suck, just get a decent one off of a kid that jumped on the longboard badwagon on Craigslist

>> No.7989458


you have no idea how right you are. or just any kid who never learned how to ollie

>> No.7989483

Fucking This.
Truck grabbing is not /fa/. You look like you have no idea how to use the board.

>> No.7989487

He tinks skeeting is a real good ting to do wich yer friends and dat poppin allies and pup shoovits can look real nice for da girlz,

>> No.7989495

i just hate seeing people on longboards that have shit balance and look like they're going to eat shit every time they push, and that makes up most of the population. i know we were all there once and it's irrational but i still feel it.

>> No.7989507

How to get into skateboarding at the age of 19?
Will it look retarded?
How long does it take?
I can pop the board down and flick for an ollie setup but that's just about it
I've always wanted to skate but my mom wasn't exactly rich

>> No.7989514

>Will it look retarded?
>How long does it take?
You will never learn or love to skateboarding if you care about how you will look
Forget about looks and practice and practice

>> No.7989524

lil wayne was embraced by the skating community when he started at like 30-something, im sure you'll be fine. try to find a flat spot with smooth pavement to learn basics before you try to ride around town tho. dont give up if you suck at first its pretty hard when youre just starting out and dont have good balance or some other boardsport to reference from.

>> No.7989523

Topmount is fucking goat. Only benefit of drop through/drop deck is closer to ground so kicking is easier and you MIGHT be less prone to the speed wobs

>> No.7989535

At this point... who cares..

atleast longboards and pennyboards being fashionable at the moment's getting people back into skateboarding.. fuck the last few years every skatepark near me has been full of faggots on scooters.. including grown men on scooters.. that's just faggotry..

whatever gets people to skate honestly..

It's like debating surfboards.. long boards verse short boards..etc

I've skated since I was like 10 and it's something I'm in love with and interested in and it's a source of fulfillment to me..the art, music..outlaw energy.. how is skating not effay?

plus Emerica Skeleter's are the best super skinny jeans evar so thar she blows nigga.

ride Toy Machine!

>> No.7989542

>skateboarding after 15


>> No.7989562
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My opinions (facts)

Trick skating is GOAT even if you can't do it you can at least admit its crazier and you can still do everything a longboard can do other than ride over a field of pebbles.

Longboards are okay if you don't give a shit. That's it. If you take it anywhere past that like sliding gloves, helmets, suits, and calling yourself a skater you're a faggot.

Same rules apply for short boards.

Penny/nickel/anything plastic, neon, etc youre a faggot, if it was a gift your mom thinks you're a faggot and is laughing at you.

As for pushing/stance fuck it.

Also skating is shit get a bike fucking faggots.

>> No.7989572

>not getting hand-me-down boards to ride on you're knees with
Pathetic childhood

>> No.7989612

I sometimes skate to class, not a longboard it's like a sort of wider skateboard I guess I just use it when I'm running late

>> No.7989624

Most dudes that I know that skate completely hate the fact that lil wayne considers himself a skater now

anyways what size deck should i buy?
i'm going to be teaching myself how to trick skate as well

>> No.7989630

Stop being mentally challenged and just get a penny to cruise around places with your friends.

>> No.7989651

Does no one besides me ride a cruiser? Also fuck whoever in this thread was defending pushing mongo. Two of my friends push mongo and whenever we ride around town they also get left behind due to their inability to turn the board with one foot while still pushing with the other.

>> No.7989649

Try a 7.5, easier to flick. Also, get light trucks bruv

>> No.7989657

Eric Koston skates with Weezy and says that he isn't terrible, however it does come off as though he views him as a poser. Tyler and his gang though, according to Koston, are for real and can shred with him

>> No.7989670
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>Not talking about the true GOAT of Skating that is Ice Hockey Power Skating

>> No.7989687

dont get one, get a bike. you will look less retarded

>> No.7989709

7.5 is for children.
If you're a man ride an 8.

>> No.7989717

dont get a 7.5 unless you are a 10 year old kid, get an 8 or above

>> No.7989720

what are some good skate vids?

>> No.7989734

longboarding is an ok idea but irl its so fuckign lame

duhhhhh im a 16 year old faggot let me get my helmet and wee little gloves so i can go fast down this hill

>> No.7989741

Thanks Trunks; I was waiting for your opinion, and can now go to bed.

>> No.7989809

zero new blood all time GOAT. chris cole kills it


>> No.7989834

supreme cherry, just came out

>> No.7989840


longboards are fucking lame lmfao

>> No.7989855

co signing this post, vid is sick

>> No.7989864

emerica 'stay gold'
zero 'dying to live'
birdhouse 'the end'

>> No.7989869
File: 42 KB, 600x309, mitty-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Arizona State. Everyone longboards around campus. Two of my friends longboarded for years for fun, so I asked for their opinion. Ended up getting my own to get around campus quicker.

Landyachtz drop carve with kick tail (given by friend), Paris trucks, Bones Reds, and softest Orangatang In Heat wheels. I have no idea what I'm doing but it's better than the 90%+ of the boards on campus that are Sector 9.

>> No.7989874

that's like a really shit version of this

>> No.7989887

Eastern Exposure 3

>Westgate skating to Earthless

>> No.7989890

>rayne avengee
>caliber 44's
>zig zags 81a

>people saying longboarding is easy
you guys have never skated a twisty little mountain road at >70km/h have you?

>saying long boarding is for pussies
have a friend who used to ride kickflippers, got sponsored and all. got him into downhilling and he was such a pussy, could barley skate the slow runs without getting scared

>> No.7989898

New pyramid Country tape is dope
Also shake junt, stay gold b side, animal chin just for kicks

>> No.7989903

Avengers are so 2010

>> No.7989907
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>longboard around campus
>longboard to and from my apartment
>don't have to use congested bike paths
>don't have to lock a bike up or have it get stolen while I'm in class

Yeah I would like to see one of you fags ride your street board 5 miles a day. There is literally no reason to ride one for transportation purposes.

Also, people who ride street boards around campus are the most obnoxious cunts. They are literally half as fast as longboarders (this is a problem in the sanctioned skateboard lane) and sound like a jet taking off when they ride by a room with an open window

Yes, they both have their purposes.
Stop pretending like street boards and their riders are 100% superior in every way and anyone who longboards is just a poser who can't ollie

>> No.7989914

drop through's and drop downs are for pussys and women, respectively.
nah u guys are alright

oh and video related

>> No.7989923

Them feelings tho?

I can't understand you as a person

>> No.7989926

>skating on a regular board past the age of twenty

Way to be a complete failure.

>> No.7990047

>longboarding past birth

Way to be a complete failure

>> No.7990063

>not kickflipping out of the womb

you wanna know why ur parents dont love u

>> No.7990064
File: 15 KB, 300x225, P1011335-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worship friendship
pre much anything edited by jackson casey

>> No.7990223

>Not getting bitches by treflipping every fucking curb in your way.

Gtfo mongboard posers.

>> No.7990226

bitch fuck up you prolly push mongo like the bitch you are

>> No.7990242


>is (x) /fa/?

Anything and everything is cool if you're good at it. simply doing something doesn't make you cool if you suck at it or don't know anything about it.

>> No.7990250

street edit

>> No.7990270


one more thing: failure and time are necessary to becoming good at something, so if you ever want to be cool at something you've got to spend a lot of time looking lame doing it beforehand.

>> No.7990289

my setup:
loaded fat tail
bear trucks 180mm or 183 or some number
abec11 zig zag green
bones red bearings or biltins. not sure.
dark blue venom bushings. soft af
diamond risers ..
pregripped, so

i just cruise around with friends, mostly

>> No.7990934

yea, I longboard and it's fun as fuck
I also skateboard, I got pretty good but longboarding is more fun

that incredible feel when you're bombing a hill with 60kmh and finish off with an insane Standup

I ride a Comet Topmount, Paris Trucks and Butterballs

Watch out with Butterballs, they slide like a bitch when you're fast, I landed on my ass a couple times

>> No.7991735

>bones reds
>not balling out with shake junt triple OG's

>> No.7991752

I used to skate a very long time ago, still have my old as shit bummy pair of eS Accels. Just watched Supreme Cherry for the first time today, thoughts?

>> No.7991762

baker 3 or chicken bone nowison

>> No.7991764

Does anyone actually skate in boots like the OP? It seems retarded to me but I don't know if it would actually affect anything. I know in the movie Paranoid Park some dude shreds the park a little bit in a pair of docs

>> No.7991775

wish i could skate like bam margera

>> No.7991911
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>> No.7991928

are you actually saying that pushing mongo is okay?

my god

>> No.7991927

bam margera is a fucking washout
dude probably hasn't touched his board since he got his nuts taken off by his cunt of a wife

>> No.7992222

i always wanted to get this deck but i bought a landyachtz drop carve instead... i always wondered how the maestro felt like

>> No.7992264

Lol kracked skulls what a faggot

>> No.7992271

worst fucking board on the planet

>> No.7992276

kooks who fucking buy bustin's or loadeds and crowd city streets where street skaters are trying to skate, or show up to darktower on soft wheels are the worst

>> No.7992923

longboard fag
have fun picking ur board up at every curb and then putting it back down LOL

>> No.7992930

what the fuck

>> No.7992945

i'm not defending skating but skating is a lot less lame than longboarding. i'm not sure why you're on /fa/ tbh

>> No.7993037
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spitfire bad? WTF

some of the best wheels out there m8

im not your m8

>> No.7993071
File: 128 KB, 1420x750, reynolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out his style



>> No.7993228
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Longboards are cool, if you wan't to bomb hills and like high speed. If you're gonna do tricks get at street skateboard

>> No.7993306

Just got back out there this weekend on my board. Started last year around this time too, it's so sick getting back into. I can pretty much still guarantee ollie while moving, I just have to find some good curbs to practice going up something.

>tfw not falling and flinging the board into the street anymore
those times tho : ' (

also meant to ask real people but my wheels are damn as hell loud. I thought it was because they are new but maybe they are too hard? I want something a bit quieter and softer right? I'm pretty much just street skating/flatground.

>> No.7993369

Maybe its the berings?

Yeah soft wheels make less noise altho dont expect you can ride around silently like on a cruiser

>> No.7994589

That's what early grabbing is for. Its kinda hard to do up curbs tho.

>> No.7994611

its gr8

its heavy as shit though but it rides very smooth and is stiff with just enough flex. its not flimsy at all but will still bend a little.

i personally hate a floppy board

>> No.7994882

SERIOUSLY, so fucking loud. It's like they're using metal wheels made in the 80's.

I ride a cruiser for the storage-factor, just slip it under my seat during lecture.

>> No.7995008

No, that's what ollieing is for.
Early grabbing is only ok off of large gaps

>> No.7995773

If you get softer wheels they'll flatspot real fast.

>> No.7995789

assuming fella can even blunt/powerslide

>> No.7995798

do you have big feet or prefer wider boards?
I'm a size 10 shoe but like skating 7.5s

>> No.7995810


>> No.7996135 [DELETED] 

you can also flatspot by kick turn.

>> No.7996164

all these setups are fucking shit

>> No.7996316

I'm a size 12 and like a 8.25"

>> No.7996467

why the penny h8 m8

srs though, why does everyone hate penny boards so much?

>> No.7996487

I'm 19 and started 2 weeks ago, none of my friends skate.
I just go out after midnight and cruise around the city, its pretty chill. Learned to ollie last night after having a skating fad when I was 14. Hopefully this time it sticks. Good luck man

>> No.7996516

>Skating past the age of 17

>> No.7997741

prefer wider boards, more room to stand (because i liked bombing hills it made it more steady).

>> No.7998123

lmao /fa/ really is infested by 16 year olds.

>> No.7998132
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>> No.7999327
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Overpriced, mediocre, and uncomfortable for anyone who has a shoe size above a men's 8.

I have two board personally,

>7 year old 42" Landyachtz Pinner
>Randal something-or-other trucks
>Orangatang 75mm Wheels (purple)
>Abec 7 Bearings that came with the board when I bought it (I hardly use it at all)

28" Landyachtz Dinghy
LY Stock Trucks
Generic Wheels
Abec 5 PDP Bearings

I really like the dinghy, it's super small and fast as hell.

>> No.7999340

All the people that I know who skate past 17 are these weirdos with gauged ears who think they're roadies, DJs, or urban explorers. None of them have a job past minimum wage.

>> No.7999389

Allthough longboards are fun to cruize on, they look autistic as fuck.
I've been skateboarding for around 10 years and i only skate at skateparks, its abnoxious doing it in elsewhere in public.

>> No.7999426
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I was stuck between a penny and a churchill for a cruiser, but I like the flexible plastic and general gumminess of pennyboards. I'm a UK7 shoe and a manlet though, so maybe the board was designed for my kind. Only board I can actually ollie too.

>> No.7999442

The only people who should be riding a penny board are middle schoolers, end of discussion.

>> No.7999614


>> No.7999767

i started with a longboard and now i can use a skateboard, it's honestly much better because i can jump curbs on the street and get around campus without having to pick up and then put down my board like every five seconds

>> No.8000058

hows that curb treating ya, faggot?

cruisers are OK but you have to have serious autism to buy a fucking longboard.

>> No.8000074

The best bit is when long boarders talk about flex, duro, ply, wheelbase, truck size, grip tape, yet when they get on a longboard all they can fucking do is slides and standies. I bomb hills on a real skateboard, go as fast as the dickheads on longboards, and actually do tricks while I'm at it

>> No.8000076

What are good skate shoes? Would PF Flyers be fine?

>> No.8000083

It's literally, physically impossible to go as fast on a popsicle as on a longboard, and anyone who can't ollie a longboard has bigger issues than the length of their deck.

>> No.8000088

deathwish video
hookups one with the anime cutscenes

>> No.8000508


Like I said, it's great if you have small feet and you're relatively short. I'm 6'3" and a size 10.5/11 shoe size so a Penny is like riding on a ruler with wheels for me.

If it works for you that's fine bruv, what colour?

>> No.8000524


You are a self-conscious faggot who is to scared of what people think of him to do something as simple as skateboard.


>I always just longboard on the street
>Why not just have a cruiser and a longboard?
>"I d-don't like l-longboards so people who use them have autism! h-haha! Am I fitting in yet?


>listen to all these lies, do I sound hardcore yet?

Jesus, you people complain about the dumbest shit.

>> No.8000566

I lost my fucking shit on this

>> No.8000631

any skaters have experience riding with a pair of dickies? i'm sick of wearing skinny jeans to skate and was thinking of copping a pair of 874 pants

>> No.8000701

You might want gummier wheels

>> No.8000722

>>looks stupid whenever you need to bring it inside
>>tfw its too big to go anywhere without causing a scene
>>tfw every qt3.14 in the world embarrassed to be near your fuccboi oversize skateboard

take that shit to bonnaroo

>> No.8000752
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for everyone that says "longboards r good for transportation"


why don't you get a cruiser and stop being an embarrassment?

>> No.8000853

Dvs-Skate More
Flip- Sorry, Really Sorry
Toy Machine- Welcome to Hell
Girl- Yeah Right!, Pretty Sweet
Es- Menikmati

>> No.8000898

Hey I go to asu too, if I ever see you I'll be sure to call you a faggot. I've seen so many of you fucks run into people who don't need a fucking vehicle to get less than a mile from class to class. And then they finally implemented walk only zones and now all I hear is fag frat bros cry about it. Fuck you all

>> No.8000925

cop, they are pretty durable and i love skating in mine. look awesome paired with cons or vans

>> No.8000938

i went out with my friend who has friends that skate and we watched them with their longboards. i was actually jealous cause i dont have one and dont know how to.

is it easy to learn how do ride those? pretty cool to just ride around in the city by yourself at night

>> No.8000973

all these fucking plebs riding earththing and drop throughs in 2014 lmao is earthwing even relevant
i quit two years ago and dropthroughs werent even relevant then. i rode a comet with pnls and rads and sector 9 dh divison

>> No.8000990

This thread is cringe as fuck

It's making me feel ill and laugh at the same time hahahahahahah

Seriously tho y'all niggas are truely lames of the higest degree, this thread is embarrassing

>> No.8001015


As a guy who skates if any of you came to the skatepark and didnt know a skateboarder there a fight will happen.

Skater style? wtf haha it should come naturally if you skate idk how to explain but youre all fags especially to actual skaters

>> No.8001019

longboards are redditcore, you are a faggot if you ride one. Those were "cool" in 2007

>> No.8001028


No nigga, no

>> No.8001036

Lmao I swear this website is populated by actual retards

>> No.8001041

AWS Photosynthesis

Dustin Dollin 7 day weekend

Blind Video Days

>> No.8001047

Hahahahahahah I gotta get off this shit hole yo

Last post 4 real this time

>> No.8001057

>skater style
you mean things that won't get destroyed if you bail and things you don't care about?

with any skating you should keep it practical

>> No.8001060
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>3 days later and this thread is still alive on the first page

>> No.8001071

Why is Ben Stiller longboarding?

>> No.8001075

/fa/ IS 15.

>> No.8001085


Secret Life of Walter Mitty

>> No.8001084

no long board i actually skate

Blank deck 8.0
standard brown wheels(idk what called ot them my friend)
Bones Swiss bearings but one of my wheels are reds

Simple as that

Blanks are great

>> No.8001093
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i used to have an old vanguard but it got stolen. at the moment i've just been squeezing in runs at the hill before they close for the season.

first season with a blank (pic related.) love it. as for getting another longboard, i'll probably just end up getting a sector nine.

>> No.8001099
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>Tfw cool black guy asks me if i have hitler on my board

N-no its a punk band album cover

>> No.8001103

This p much

>> No.8001104


Is that any good? The scenery looks nice. I'm a sucker for scenery porn.

>> No.8001116


Yeah it's alright if you like a feel-good family movie. He travels all over the place, so there's a bit of nice scenery around

>> No.8001181


rollerblading was here, skateboarding is for faggots

>> No.8001196

When I was a kid, everybody called these things fruitboots.

>> No.8001204

I'll check it out the next time I'm down for a relaxing movie.