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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 379 KB, 960x1280, 1395455640149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7977073 No.7977073 [Reply] [Original]

what goes through a male models mind when he steps out in public?

does he subtly take in how everyone is mirin? does he approach any girl he wants? is he so used to the attention that he gives zero fucks?

please, help me understand

>> No.7977103

It depends on if he's an introvert or an extrovert, the mood he is in, the amount of sleep he's gotten, the chemicals or lack of chemicals in his body, and if he subscribes to traditional gender roles. Maybe he looks like a male model but actually identifies as female?

Basically, he's just a normal guy.
Normal as in, he sometimes catches feelings for girls, but also isn't a complete retard when dealing with them. Good looking people tend to be more social, and opportunistic in nature.

>> No.7977108


post a fit, fuccboi

>> No.7977119

My best friend in uni was a male model, basically every girl mirin he, like even guys look at him.

>> No.7977126

no homo, but I think that having guys mire you would be even better than girls

because opposite sex miring each other is expected right? but to have a straight dude grudgingly admit you have top tier facial aesthetics

feelsgoodman i bet

>> No.7977308
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why do you care? They're no better than the average person.

>> No.7977312

But they are.

>> No.7977318
File: 15 KB, 313x383, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7977325

>does he approach any girl he wants?
most of them are gay

>> No.7977324

>tfw no male model aesthetics
>tfw can't wear pleb shit and still look good and make women wet

fuck fuck

>> No.7977330

>thinking famous, beautiful and rich people are exactly like the average person


>> No.7977443

> models
> famous and rich

Pick one.

>> No.7977477
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>> No.7977578

That's not exclusive to being a model.

Some people have that attitude, it's just who they are. If you perfect enough of your skills, you can turn yourself into that. I wish I had a euphemism for turning yourself into it, because it sounds so harsh.

Don't think of it as trying to be something you're not. Think of it as getting a new lease of life, becoming an overall better human being than you were before.

>> No.7977593

id imagine itd be pretty hard if you were anything other than a shallow piece of shit

i dont know about anyone else, but i find the idea of not knowing whether or not anyone you interact with genuinely likes you for you, or if they only like you because youre attractive

>> No.7977597

I'm pretty sure they just feel the same as any other guy.

Just poke at one insecurity e.g. "anon, you're a little shorter than the other models I know" and they will crumble fast.

>> No.7977600


pretty shit

>> No.7977621
File: 140 KB, 550x733, ya mayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when visiting NYC and less than 8 hours after arrival a hot asian girl, fashionable and a cute as hell asian accent, doing her masters in music composition comes up to me on the subway, making hard eye-contact, smiling, and playing with her hair

this shit keeps happening, and it still escapes me that i can have my way with girls

>> No.7977633

asian girls are fucking easy mode man

but nice regardless i guess

>> No.7977652

theyre usually scrawny and unfit and contrary to what /fa/ thinks, clothes do make you look good but being physically fit is the second prerequisite for making it behind being born attractive, and clothing comes well after personality and personal success. so if he only dresses well (not all male models are facially attractive either) then he isnt anything special. people dont know hes a model just by looking at him and female models usually have to look a lot better than male models for comparison.

>> No.7977658

post fit
I want to attract asian qts too

>> No.7977704

First world problems = middle class problems = rich people problems.

Seriously, only a few rich/famous people have actual developed wisdom and good social actions. It gives more opportunity for these things to develop, but it doesn't mean that all rich kids and celebs are gods amongst men.

>> No.7977753

Not a huge asian population where i normally find myself located, so i'll have to take your word for it.Though I find it hard to believe that any broad ethnic group is any more promiscuous than any other.

It was like raws I had just bought at nepenthes and black gats and two silent tees layered black on top of nude, and a big black down parka

>> No.7977795

>It was like raws I had just bought at nepenthes and black gats and two silent tees layered black on top of nude, and a big black down parka


>> No.7977905

i'm confused about your disbelief, that i own those clothes or that a girl talked to me while i was wearing them?

>> No.7977970


>When women talk to you, do they stare at your
abs, making you feel like a piece of meat?
A. Only when my shirt is off. Sometimes, I just
let them have their way because I know they
can?t fight it. But it?s one of those reasons
why I love doing phone interviews-people
actually listen to what I say.

>> No.7977993

I fucked up.

>> No.7978446

>what goes through a male models mind when he steps out in public?

nothing special, besides extraordinary confidence

>does he subtly take in how everyone is mirin?
Yes. As time went by, my eye became more and more trained in the ability of catching all miring gazes at me even while looking straight forward.
>does he approach any girl he wants?
Approach: Yes if I feel like it.
Now theres the problem that my self-confidence kinda is a cock-blocker for me,- when I hit on girls, often I don't feel like putting effort into the conversation. This leads to me asking dumb questions liek: Hi, how smart are you? Do you know how to solve integrals?
Often I end the conversation with some fecal jokes if I see her being seriously confused with me. Otherwise she propably tries to laugh at all my jokes which are so shitty, that I feel bad for myself and have to end the conversation.
>is he so used to the attention that he gives zero fucks?

>> No.7978479

post face nerd

>> No.7978506
File: 1.36 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20140322 - Kopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now u

>> No.7978508

nicht gutaussehend

>> No.7978512
File: 26 KB, 396x396, 1392560382259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I hit on girls, often I don't feel like putting effort into the conversation. This leads to me asking dumb questions liek: Hi, how smart are you? Do you know how to solve integrals?
>Often I end the conversation with some fecal jokes if I see her being seriously confused with me. Otherwise she propably tries to laugh at all my jokes which are so shitty, that I feel bad for myself and have to end the conversation.

>mfw i know this feel and not even a model

>> No.7978515


>> No.7978520

Your nose is shapeless and your jaw is pretty weak and you don't really have any cheekbones and your shoulders appear weak. Don't flatter yourself dude, you're like a 7.

>> No.7978523
File: 132 KB, 640x480, IMG_22110542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cut hair last week

>> No.7978525


>> No.7978529

This guy looks better. But you don't have any strong cheekbones either and your lips aren't that well shaped, and not to mention your nose. But nevertheless you're a 7.5, more than attractive, less than very attractive.

>> No.7978533

he doesn't need cheek bones bitch
look @ that jaw
i'm mirin

>> No.7978537

The stakes.. have been raised

>> No.7978538

post face nerd

>> No.7978563

yep, post face idiot

>> No.7978580

truthfully you look like a fucking goblin bro.
your eyes are very pretty but everything else about your face is uninteresting and boring to look at.
you're a 7/10 and a 5/10 if it wasnt for those eyes.
better looking thatn the goblin guy. you like like a south american or french guy pierce.

>> No.7980883

if this is really you, girls that you interact with must be 2's and 3's out of 10 if they act like that around you.

>> No.7980936

what's that documentary (I think on youtube) about male models?

>> No.7980960

nice eyes

>> No.7980995

lmao how owuld you know what goes through a male models head

>> No.7981004

>model guys
>not regular guys playing life easy mode

>> No.7981010

you could tell she was doing a masters in music composition just from that?

>> No.7981020


>> No.7981049

People constantly tell me i look good which has led to quite high self confidence and in some cases over the top arrogance. It's pretty cool to go out and see people mirin. I definitely think people are nicer to attractive people.

>> No.7981052

that's being generous, take the 7 and logoff /fa/

>> No.7981081
File: 251 KB, 500x696, husbando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the guy in Op's pic??

He's Alain Delon v2.0.


>> No.7981100

lol @ all the insecurity itt

>> No.7981107
File: 6 KB, 200x192, 1384207380816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I knew the guys son, went to high school with him.

Absolute dick, also the Dad is a dick to him all the time. I mean, he constantly ignores his son to the point that his son did drugs just to catch his attention. Got expelled when he was 16 and the year after was arrested when a friend of his shot a girl in a party, while high.

Though he did look pretty good though.

>> No.7981112

post face/fit

>> No.7981120
File: 42 KB, 540x960, 1395524809071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7981157
File: 1.40 MB, 200x160, moar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to high school with him.

ORLY, have any pics to share?

It's uncanny how he resembles to his father, I agree.

>> No.7981183


Well, I'm realising I have pretty high standards. I'm looking at him and thinking he's hair looks like shit and that he doesn't look that good.

Time to leave /fa/.

>> No.7981192

Nah it's just your shit taste
High standard =/= good taste

>> No.7981194

>not knowing the prince of effay's name

>> No.7981196
File: 427 KB, 200x198, 1391531788317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pics? he was in a class above me, and everybody I knew thought of him as a vapid fuck head. Something that I can attest to.

So no, I don't have any pictures to share of him.

>> No.7981212


>shit taste

Yeah, whatever. Put that hair into any other guy. It looks like a bird.

>> No.7981962

>tfw ugly and stupid
It's enough to be ugly, but why do I have to be dumb too?

>> No.7984430
File: 30 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20131004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I win

>> No.7984442
File: 115 KB, 932x932, 1392269456247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I hit on girls, often I don't feel like putting effort into the conversation. This leads to me asking dumb questions liek: Hi, how smart are you? Do you know how to solve integrals?
>Often I end the conversation with some fecal jokes if I see her being seriously confused with me. Otherwise she propably tries to laugh at all my jokes which are so shitty, that I feel bad for myself and have to end the conversation.

Oh god. Every time.

>> No.7984453

im not a model but i know what that feels like. i have so many funny stories when im just walking around my uni.

>> No.7984457

Son, you done picked a real unflattering lens to take this picture with.

>> No.7984509

a lot of the time people just assume you wont be into them so they dont approach you

>> No.7984517

jimmy neutron looking mother fucker

>> No.7984529

what does it feel like to be good looking

>> No.7984781

>Maybe he looks like a male model but actually identifies as female

fuck off sjw

>> No.7984794

you're asking the wrong people

>> No.7985375

No, but she came up doing all that stuff, so I said hi how are you, and then we had a conversation. I figured that was obvious.

>> No.7986372
File: 898 KB, 2357x2265, jos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend has is easy

>> No.7986395


>> No.7986456

jos is een homo

>> No.7986486

ik heb net op zijn gezicht gejost

>> No.7986484

pls tell me wot product u use on ur hair cause mine is similar length and thickness but nothing is strong enough to hold my hair up

>> No.7986507

>tfw close to mm aesthetics
>roll with a similar mm ish crew
>always spaghetti around grills

tfw no gf even tho mires left right & center

>> No.7986527

nou lekker hoor

>> No.7986533

>dvw geen vriend om /fa/ mee te zijn
>dvw zelf eigenlijk niet /fa/

>> No.7986552

especially male models LMAO

>> No.7986568

mijn god dat gevoel

>> No.7986578

ik neuk jullie allemaal de moeder

>> No.7986601
File: 742 KB, 584x832, 1363218652617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf even tho mires left right & center

>> No.7986613
File: 168 KB, 512x384, 1395092219688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw met potential girlfriend

mfw terminally ill

>> No.7986625

SSsssssilviaaaaaaa, put your head out of the oooooveeeeeen

>> No.7986839

What type of pants are those?

>> No.7986861

Denim shorts. You probably never heard of it

>> No.7986866

They look a little more canvas-y than denim though

>> No.7987883

Chambray shorts maybe? I have a pair of chambray pants and they look about the same color/consistency as those.

>> No.7989499

Nothing, we are normal guys. Some, like me, are extrovert so we talk with alot of people. A male model doesn't have millions of fans that follow him in public, we are just guys that walk in a runway, not justin bieber.
If a girl knows that you are a male model, probably thinks you're gay or at least bisexual.

>> No.7989538

POST YOURS MEN!! stop telling people "post face/fit"

>> No.7989549


>you will never have abs

>> No.7989561

>does he subtly take in how everyone is mirin? does he approach any girl he wants? is he so used to the attention that he gives zero fucks?
im mentally prepared 2 b a male model

>> No.7989583
File: 41 KB, 413x395, 1339031192556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does he approach any girl he wants?

lol thinks that male models are straight.There just little gay boys that suck as much dick as op.

>> No.7989622

well I, as a 6'2" male model draped in Ann D, usually meet everyones stares with my gaunt face as I do coke bumps from the ends of my parliaments

hope this helps :^)

>> No.7989891


>> No.7989895

holy shit look at those chompers

>> No.7991700


> tfw not a model

>> No.7991734

Kanker lelijke kanker Nederlanders. Ik ben blij dat ik niet vol bloed NL ben maar pindakaas. Fuck jullie teef aars negers

>> No.7991738

What movie is this?
Sorry for being uneducated. :(

>> No.7991741

>Sorry for being uneducated. :(
holy shit kill yourself

>> No.7991745
File: 106 KB, 640x480, 2013-10-20 11-30-30.878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

juicy cut

yo.. whilst im here... i want to do something 'whaky' with my hair whilst im still a neet... dye it or get some crazy cut

need siggestions
usually its something around a bout like the pic

i am not a 'model" this is a seperate sub- thread

>> No.7991750

thanks, that's really helpful

>> No.7991754

Le Samourai you fuckin faggot
just a warning it's nothing like transformers

>> No.7991766

a hair-cut that makes women say Wow, look at him.

I really need help here, i dont have much of a 'personality' to speak of, so i need a hair cut with enough personality to cover for us both. "He must be cool, look at that hair cut" is the reaction i'm looking for

>> No.7991776

Oh, I mistook it for something more recent looking. My bad! Thanks, anyway.

>> No.7991779

kill yourself

>> No.7991781

Dude I know right. I was just in NYC, honeys mirin left and right. Why must I live in a town with such pleb bitches...

>> No.7991787

I honestly didn't recognise Alain Delon compared to how he looked in Purple Noon. He aged a ton in seven years.

>> No.7991791

>masters in music composition
that's a pity.

>> No.7991795

no it was just your shit taste in your eyes you couldn't tell what the movie was

>> No.7991797
File: 1.98 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_5103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering modelling - some people say I have a model's face.

is any of it true?

what are the first steps?

>> No.7991799

is that the whole story

>> No.7991800

lose weight

>> No.7991802
File: 2.32 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_5106fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's an unfocussed photo.

>> No.7991804

average tier
not saying you are bad looking not model material
but who knows
try to apply to become a model which I doubt you can be one

>> No.7991806

6'2'' - 170 lbs. I'm not talking making it a full-time job more of a side job

hm okay I'll give it a shot.

>> No.7991808

Don't feel like giving a long explanation why, but no you can't.

>> No.7991813


>> No.7991819

It's get your head out of the oven you dense fuck and that lyric isn't even applicable here. Sylvia was an abusive bitch, the girl in the bed was their relationship. It's not even a difficult fucking album, fuck you.

>> No.7991820


your left eye is higher than right eye

>> No.7991849

In the process of being signed with Joy right now.

Honestly it's not as great as you might think. Sure there's the attractive aspect, but that also gets in the way of trying to have meaningful conversation. Where I previously worked every female employee just giggled at everything I said and through out my entire time there, I don't think I had one fully fleshed out conversation with any of them except for a 50 year old lesbian who worked there who would laugh at them and make sure to tell me that I'm not that good looking from time to time.

Models are just people with a particularly lucky genetic disposition, that doesn't make any of them/us superheros or anything. and it doesn't say anything about our character necessarily too.

>> No.7991867

I think you just have a shit personality so you can't fit in and have fun
let go of that anal plug my friend

>> No.7991879

>have model genes
>be a model and hang with designers and model chicks
>be friends with other beauty people who people constantly check out
Sounds horrible and so un-unique to be a model

>> No.7991885

>Models are just people with a particularly lucky genetic disposition, that doesn't make any of them/us superheros or anything. and it doesn't say anything about our character necessarily too.

No but they had a easier life so they are fun to be around with
That's why poor ugly people get into horse porn and 4chan

>> No.7991893
File: 33 KB, 400x267, neigh-461576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7992076

Get an undercut.

>> No.7992078

I won't let this stop me, but thanks for the naked truth. Gonna make professional pics soon for a 'portfolio' and just see how far that will get me.

Again - this is not what I want to carry on doing as my job.

>> No.7992085

Handsome easily an 8/10 but not model tier.
Models aren't necessarily all good looking, but they have certain facial features that are more appreciated in high fashion.
Defined cheekbones & jaw etc. Also your nose doesn't fit the typical model look.
I'd try a little searching but don't get your hopes up too high.

- Talent scout

>> No.7992095

Easy life really?

You think just because youre handsome everything becomes easy for you??

>> No.7992101

>I'd try a little searching but don't get your hopes up too high.
thanks for the input! I figured something like this as well. Do keep in mind that when I mean modelling I'm more talking about clothing for lower tier brands on websites, not designer stuff with anorexic models.

something like



is what I'd expect to be put in - if I were to be scouted.

>> No.7992106

jesus fucking christ you look like a chimp

>> No.7992115

that's how the world works
People like pretty people

>> No.7992120

>You think just because youre handsome everything becomes easy for you??
Become is implying you were ugly before and became handsome
They were handsome/good looking from the beginning

>> No.7992128


Are you athletic build? If yes, Try A&F
They hire in-store models. Hollister as well.

>> No.7992150
File: 509 KB, 2592x1944, Picture 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o boy here I go
I don't like my nose.. Is it as bad as I think it is?

>> No.7992154


>> No.7992168


>> No.7992176



>> No.7992181

unfortunately 20

>> No.7992185

you look by far the most interesting out of this thread so thats something

>> No.7992223
File: 43 KB, 800x600, ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw when juss me

>> No.7992260

do you need thin hair to achieve this?

My hair is thick as fuck and it doesn't look like this messed up, like the individual strands don't seperate like the top of your hair.

What products do you use?

>> No.7992265

you look like a homeless person

>> No.7992267

you are fat and un /fa/

>> No.7992275

could you paraphrase your post in a number from 1 to 10 ?

>> No.7992280

>does he subtly take in how everyone is mirin?
subtle i suppose, but i'm always catching people staring at me. (for what reason, i obviously have no idea. so i assume cuz how prety i am 8))

>does he approach any girl he wants?
Unless she's 11/10 crazy waifu I won't touch it, but other than that yar talking to girls is easy af. I lack the motivation to actually care tho

>is he so used to the attention that he gives zero fucks?
He/She will always crave more attention, whether that be super subtle fishing for compliments, or going super crazy and shouting it from the rooftops. it happens.

>> No.7992292

Like a big nosed Dennis from always sunny

>> No.7992321

decent aesthetics - nothing like a&f models.

>> No.7992379

dingleberry :]

>> No.7992595


>> No.7992871

Le Samourai :)

>> No.7993080
File: 119 KB, 800x1067, 1388186523060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you people have to learn the difference between not being ugly and being handsome

>> No.7993130

eminem ?

>> No.7993132

Thats a model? fuck, low standards

>> No.7993168

>that haircut
my sides

>> No.7993171

>dat jelly

>> No.7993187

Here is the secret: confidence


>> No.7993209


>> No.7993223


> assymetrical jaw
> assymetrical eyes
> fat cheeks
> fat lips

you're not unattractive but you're def not model tier

>> No.7993230

>using the word swag
go kill yourself

>> No.7993251

look like youre 14

>> No.7993285

they said swagger you retarded cunt, and not in any way that denoted some prick hypebeast. Learn how to read you illiterate swine

>> No.7993323


you could do tv ads or maybe a sears catalogue, but you don't look like a runway/fashion model

>> No.7993330

Ya I feel so bad right now because I said "swag" not "swagger"
I'm so dumb omg ;_;

>> No.7993339
File: 16 KB, 240x200, 126784234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you know how to solve integrals?
This reminds me that I'm still on 4chan

>> No.7993370

I know a model whos super introvert and a virgin even tho hes like a 10/10

>> No.7993379

He gets all the attention, until a tall, ripped, swole god like Zyzz's hoovers by.


Notice the spectacular aura just by looking at his back.

>> No.7993526

what's his name? what agency is he with?