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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 27 KB, 316x480, haha_business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7974505 No.7974505 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do for a living /fa/ggots?
I work at Michael Kors $15/hr. I dont know if im gonna work there forever.

inb4: STEM major.

>> No.7974523

software developer
50k starting (yurop)

>> No.7974530


i work at a retirement home but i'm still in uni so it's not really for a living. im studying chemistry atm not sure if that's what I really want to do though.

starting salary for chem/chemE is probably like 50-60k in my area (us)

>> No.7974531

Grad student, got a stipend 15k , teaching 12k assistantship, tuition waver w/e, and about 30k annual passive income oh and got some summer fellowship for like 8k

>> No.7974528

STEM major
money from co-ops
misc side gigs

>> No.7974539
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24 years old
Communications major
HR Manager at an ice cream company
Dad shoes all day erry day

>> No.7974542

what can you do with a bachelor in chem?

>> No.7974547

Explosives Technician at a film studio.
Adam Savage started his career in pyrotechnics.

>> No.7974552

My roommate is doing his masters in biochem and he gave the same answer

>> No.7974556

If you want to do something chemistry-related, you'll be stuck as a lab tech. If you want to write and publish papers, you need at least a PhD. Most STEM grads don't actually end up in their chosen field. My aunt was a Zoology major and she ended up working as an investment banker.

>> No.7974554

M.S. Food Science

Doing R&D and Product Development work. Its pretty cool

>> No.7974563


Fucking this. If you want to do something more than basic lab tech work, you should get a graduate degree and specialize. You can start as a lab tech and move up but itll take too long.

>> No.7974564

Electrical Engineering major here. Right now is a very bad time to graduate with an engineering degree. The market is flooded with engineers from China and India, and if you intend to go multinational (where the big money is), you'll be in direct competition with all these other people who are willing to work for less.

>> No.7974570

Accounting and Finance major. We will see where I go.

>> No.7974574

>bad to be engineering

Well what the fuck field are you supposed to get in to make shitloads of $$$

>> No.7974579
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US Marines

>> No.7974581
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Intelligence Specialist
Free lodging
Free food
Free gym

Feels good, man.

>> No.7974588


>shit loads of money

Nah. Engineering is good money compared to other majors straight out of school but others will catch up. If you want shit loads of money go a prestigious school and get into finance in Wall Street or in the tech field in Silicon Valley.

>> No.7974591

Oorah. What's your MOS?

>> No.7974609

Osprey Crew Chief (6176)
Pic is me, friend took me doing a selfie

>> No.7974634
File: 1.91 MB, 4128x2322, 20131211_151003(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat not the person you were originally replying to but I'm a F-15 crew chief

>> No.7974639

Is the MV-22 still notorious for crashing a lot? What role does it play that a UH-60 or CH-46 can't do as well?

>> No.7974654

busboy at a fancy restaurant


>> No.7974669

Work at a restaurant, electrical engineering major although I would like to do something with computers and fashion. Like 3d modeling of patterns and stuff like that

>> No.7974688


>> No.7974710
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I counterfeit money, buy drugs with it and re sell the drugs for non counterfeit money.

>> No.7974711

Us navy about 51k after taxes. Plus crazy benefits.

>> No.7974712
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How does it feel not being 0311?

>> No.7974735

singapura browney

>> No.7974741


top kek

have fun faggots

>> No.7974763

Fucking amazing too kek

Cool man
In the corps Crew Chief means youre an enlisted flight personnel. (Door gunner)

>> No.7974768

is this prior or anti drug dealing?
It's fucking up dealers at the same time you're selling

>> No.7974794

$11.25/h but I'm apparently getting a raise said some guy today

>> No.7974800

I am living in Europe is p cool

Oh that's weird in the AF crew chief is someone who works almost everything on the jet and has their name on it

>> No.7974808

19, 35k a year working in branding and customer success at a small tech startup in SF

>tfw no college but already have $800k+ in stock options

>> No.7974816

>stock options
startups don't have stock options and I doubt they would give interest in the company to people not integral to the founding.

>> No.7974814

800k that might be wiped out any minute bruv

sleep well!

>> No.7974818


0.5 bitcoins a month

>> No.7974821

The V22 has a lot of bad press due to the internet age but if you look at the numbers it has the best safety record in Naval Aviation.

The 60 has an airframe that is always tearing itself apart (from what I hear, we dont have them in the corps)

The 46 is being replaced by the Osprey, we can carry more cargo/troops and travel more than twice as fast as them. Speed of an airplane with the tactical landing of a helo. The speed and especially range saves lives.

>> No.7974823

you have no idea what you're talking about lmao

>> No.7974833

Yeah I know. We just call our mechanics "mechs"

I think the AF equivalent of my job is "flight engineer"

Do you guys really have full kitchens and private rooms and maids in your "dorms" kek

>> No.7974835

Wait what? Startups can def offer options. I think your view of what 'startup' means is a bit myopic bro

>> No.7974842

>crazy benefits
Like dental leaving in cotton balls where your wisdom teeth used to be or getting free motrin when you break an arm and dont get proper surgery on it

>> No.7974848


>> No.7974853

>stock options
>with a non public company

>> No.7974857

We have aerial gunners on the HH-60 but then again I only know fighters. Nonners (non maint.) have full kitchens and shit but maintainers have the shittier dorms because we fuck everything up. The way my dorms are set up its 2 people each have their own room connected to a tiny tiny kitchen. But it's probably better compared to what you guys get (not trying to sound like a dick).

>> No.7974858
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Yeah, I remember my uncle telling me that when the blackhawk was first being fielded, it was known as the "crashhawk" because of a lot of early technical faults.

Still, every time I think of the Osprey, I think the rappelling marines from Half-Life.

>> No.7974859

there is no way a 19 yo has 800k + stock options in a "tech start up"

dream again fagat

>> No.7974863

/biz/ here - it's called equity, retard - and it's considered a requirement for the majority of silicon valley jobs (Hence the "If my company goes IPO I will get rich" mantra)

>> No.7974864

I'm a domestic assistant at a hospital and work 10 hours over the weekends for £125 a week.
I love it

>> No.7974870

Although, this is right. The founders are likely feeding you kool-aid.

>> No.7974871

great business if you're hitched to either a stable shop or something with absurd growth potential

>> No.7974873

you are legitimately so dumb

>> No.7974874

equity incentives are not stock options buddy

>> No.7974875

Did you do boot at Parris or San Diego?

>> No.7974879

95% of marine barracks are shit: 1 room with 2 guys minimum and a bathroom. Kitchen is a microwave and a minifridge. Not allowed to get toaster ovens. Some old barracks are 4 guys to a box, some are 2-3 guys connected to a bathroom connected to another 2-3 guy room.

Only those of us on #based miramar have private tiny rooms connected to a tiny bathroom and described "kitchen"

>> No.7974884

ya have fun w/that equity when that company goes bankrupy LMAO!

>> No.7974886

San D motherfucker

Goddong Reaper hike

>> No.7974890

I'm implying you should have known what he meant - even if he used the wrong term

I'm not him, and when that happens people just jump between startups anyway - it's fairly easy.

>> No.7974893
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>> No.7974897

I should stop using dashes

>> No.7974898

software engineer for embedded systems
60k (my first job)
should go up pretty quickly after getting some experience under my belt

>> No.7974902

He used the wrong term.. Hence the entire fucking conversation.

>get a load of this guy

>> No.7974906

>People who live outside of the SV tech bubble talking about the SV tech bubble

A company tanking just means you're back to where you're started. If you're really 19 and really working at a legitimately successful tech company, then you've already made the connections and a bit of cash. If your imaginary money dries up before it's real, just move on to the next venture.

>> No.7974907

Lucky ass devil dog. No Parris Island sand flies for you.

>> No.7974911

>very bad time to graduate with an engineering degree

nigger are you serious? computers are and always will be the future. you're so stupid, I hope you change your major and regret it for the rest of your life

>> No.7974912

Dude, I don't care, I'm just telling you what he meant

stop tryna beat me in 4chan arguments or w/e

>> No.7974914

>The only people who have taken business live in san jose

>> No.7974920

CEO of a big company £10kk a year

>> No.7974923

The SV climate is extremely unique to the area and industry. Not to sound like a dick, but getting a business degree in Minnesota does not mean you can properly assess what's happening in the bay right now

>> No.7974921

yeah, but it means you're back to the rat race

the implication of the "19 yo and 800k in stock options" is that the owner already achieved drop-dead money status, or will see that sort of money in the near future

>> No.7974927

OP of that post here
I'm well aware that there's a decent chance my options won't AMOUNT to anything, but I wouldn't be working here if didn't believe in my CEO. Having a potential payoff to that degree at my age is exciting. Let me live!

>> No.7974933

I assure you it does, and I'm not from flyoverville. Where do you think the people moving there come from? Where do you think the investments come from? Not all from the bay.

I guess all those people in the bay don't know anything about commodity futures because they don't live in Chicago, amirite

>> No.7974931

>where do you get your money for /fa/?
>only pleb shitfit anons answering

Useless thread

>> No.7974940

>bitter NEET

>> No.7974952

oh, go right ahead then. you're young, you have your talents, your energy, and you seem smart

just don't boast about illusory stock options, we all know what they are

>> No.7974955

trust-fund baby

access to 250k cash + 250 in mutual funds, hoping to get my hands on a larger part of the dough as soon as i'm out of college

>> No.7974957


>> No.7974971
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>upper-division STEM major
>always the best looking person in the class
>no qt's because girls can't into engineering
th... thanks /fa/

>> No.7974975

don't blame us /g/entooman

>> No.7974994

>film school
>every1s gay or lesb
thanks /fa/

>> No.7975002

Get in to gettin' fucked bruv

>> No.7975008


>> No.7975014

find a hot tranny you fuckin poof

>> No.7975020

>hoping to get my hands on a larger part of the dough

Haha. You're gonna blow it all if you touch it. Take 150k of the cash and add it to the mutual fund. Use the other 100k to supplement your income by 10k per year for the next ten years. That way you can work part time at a grocery store to make another 10-15k a year, live on that 20-25k. You'll have between a 20% and 50% discount on food/groceries. In the next ten years your mutual fund will get fucking huge and you basically live like you're retired already since you only work part time. The work will keep you active and give you access to friends, but you'll also have a shit ton of free time to pursue your passions. Paint or play an instrument or have lots of sex or read a bunch or watch everything on netflix or go back to school or travel.

>> No.7975031

Why not just buy a house.

>> No.7975032

If something can be said to anyone looking for a major. Anything but Art, or anything related to art.

>> No.7975038

Oh. Idk. I live in the city, so thoughts like "buying a house" are completely foreign to my conception of reality

>> No.7975041

Do you like it? Was any experience required? also, age?

>> No.7975048

why? brooklyn is totally affordable. More so than socal. I'd just move.

>> No.7975060

This is amazing until some drug dealer realises what's going on and tries to fuck you up.

Either way nice racket, man.

>> No.7975067

I live in San Francisco. There's no such thing as a house that costs less than like 800k. Also I don't want to move, I love it here. The only other places I'd really like to live are Tokyo, Berlin, or maybe Istanbul, and even then, not so much

>> No.7975092

And I'm only 18 so its not a dead end job at all, I'm going to uni in september and will hopefully be able to get a similar part time job at the NHS.

>> No.7975100



>> No.7975177

Im a scientifist

>> No.7975196

San Francisco yeah bitch!! Mission/castro here

>> No.7975400

I'm a trust fund baby.

>> No.7975495

do you really think my parents would go ahead and fork over a significant portion of their equity to an irresponsible 18 year old?

500 gs are only about two percent of their liquid equity, without counting all the other undeclared shit that makes up their net worth.

but yah, you seem to have a nice life plan figured out, but im just too anti-social/aspie to do all that. im just content with having a very active cultural life as of now, although ill probably want more in the future

>> No.7975501

poor stem student
300k starting any job i want (soon)

>> No.7975506

well that one's obvious

>> No.7975515

Front-end development, lately I've been assigned mostly to UX design, I still code for fun.

>> No.7977196

ITT: people who think they end up doing a job related to their major.

Chemical Engineering MSc grad here. Was a sewer tech for awhile, realized the industry was literally shit, left and became marketing exec because they take in anyone with a grad degree. Now I earn way more than I did as an engineer, and I don't go home smelling like shit anymore.

>> No.7977234

2nd year software engineering student.

4 month internship's gonna net me $26/h

>> No.7977253


In my Descrete mathematics class there is a guy who literally smells like shit.

Most of the girls are disgusting too, and the qtr ones are surrounded by a shield of fake alphas.

>> No.7977281

I cook.
Should hopefully be sous in a month or two.

Used to do finance but I fucking hated it.

>> No.7977288

I graduate with a degree in CS in may. I don't have a job yet ;_;

>> No.7977293


Michael Kors retail?

How do you like it?
What is your dress code like?
What are your coworkers like?


You win the loop hole lottery, son. I hope you don't do drugs. It would be the "fuck you" icing on top of the "fuck you" cake.

>> No.7977319

I work at an urban plant nursery. yes, weed
$10/h. 40 hours/w. no tax

I feel like working is a mind killer but I need $

>> No.7977342

Personal Banker at largest bank in the Midwest (USA)
30k starting, not too bad considering I only have a g.e.d.
Looking into series 7soon.

>> No.7977343 [DELETED] 

day trading strict 25k cash account
1-5k a day

>> No.7977497

>series 7
made me smile m8

>> No.7977511

>7 series
>the most overcomplicated and unrelaible luxury car you can buy

You do realize that older 7-series have lower resale values than Toyotas of the same age, right?

>> No.7977537


both my parents are chemists but my dad has a CE degree and i'm pretty sure my mom just has a bachelors in chem. They both work for chemical companies and work with mainly polyurethanes/foam/sealants. I'm pretty sure you get hired in as a lab assistant and then just work your way up but starting pay is pretty good

>> No.7977539

salary but it comes to abt 19/hr

>> No.7977545

Is this bait or are you guys retards?

I'm thinking the latter.

>> No.7977549

discrete math huh, you must be pretty early in your math career, or maybe you're just a compsci drone?

>> No.7977559

You realize there are different depths?

Kind of like how you could be taking E&M at an intro level with a book like Purcell or at the graduate level with a book like Jackson

>> No.7977570

Was going to be some kind of engineer, but then hopped to theoretical physics, but then hopped to electrical engineering.
Now I'm studying math and computer science in hopes of becoming a quant with financial and risk management/assessment.

>> No.7977996

this has to be b8. try getting any beamer on 30k lol
at least you can feel accomplished that i replied

>> No.7978029

I saw a 02 M3 on craigslist the other day for like $10k with 80k miles shut the fuck up

>> No.7978162

Yeah mid 2000 m3s are pretty much garbage with bloated and expensive v8 engines which both weigh a ton and are expensive as fuck to modify.

>> No.7978183
File: 142 KB, 500x333, 5058027230_5f94d7e36c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off.. the e46 m3 is a straight 6 not a v8. Secondly, it's a great car and a respected car.

>> No.7978188

He's talking about a broker's license... it's called the series 7 exam. It's like you've never seen boiler room.

>> No.7978196

Work as a dispense tech at a pharmacy at the moment, pays enough to live independently off two days a week work and the customers there are great.

Studying applied chem and supervise first year labs for extra cash.

>> No.7978225

Sounds chill, good for you. I was always interested in chemistry.

>> No.7978243

I drive.

>> No.7978475

I used to, but ran out of dealers that wont try and kill my ass.

>> No.7978483

who was getting eaten?

>> No.7978501

Series 7 is a financial exam you fucking imbecile
The guy said he was a personal banker

SMDH this board is full of plebs and retards

>> No.7978514

IT auditor
Shit sucks.

>> No.7978519

Micheal kors is the worst brand of all time

>> No.7978614

Science student
probably should get a job on the side

>> No.7978657

conscript soldier
about $15/day B)

>> No.7978694

you are me, but im studing pharmacy instead of chem

we makin it

>> No.7978701

law student
a-am I /fa/?

>> No.7978703


everything but

>> No.7978705

How do you get qualified to work as a pharm tech?

>> No.7978708

idk about murica but in Australia it pretty much comes for free if youre a pharm student past 3rd year. I think actual qualifications outside that can come from TAFE, which is like community college for you guys I guess.

>> No.7978983

They will be expensive soon, and nobody really wants to work with them anyways.

>> No.7978985

fellow law student here

>> No.7978996

>they did it for the LULZ
I hope...

>> No.7978997

Intel has a Future is Now ad about excatly that.

>> No.7979131

I´m a musician, I work in a dinner-show type of thing.
I play in a band.

is nice

>> No.7979144
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, F-35A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electrical Engineer

>pic related

>> No.7979183

bachelor in physics

physics teacher at high school (Not the American system)

$90k/ year

>> No.7979197

>all these electrical engineers
Haven't picked a major yet and kind of apprehensive.

At what point did you guys realized that you like EE?

>> No.7979389

the point where it was easiest

>> No.7979398

research assistant at a credit rating agency


22 years old

major is finance

>> No.7979404

what the fuck highschool pays you 90,000 a year?

>> No.7979408

Graphic Designer - 65k a year,

>> No.7979430
File: 142 KB, 740x334, Skrei-fishing-Troms-Norway-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17, so still a student.
I work weekends at a local fishery. (I live in a norwegian coast-town, you either work with oil or fish.) I make about 40 dollars per hour, which is pretty damn good for a weekend-job.

>> No.7979461
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Proces Operator

>> No.7979468
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Studying theology. Not working because muh inheritance.

>> No.7979506

How is it?

>> No.7979521

Australian private ones

>> No.7979560

w2c part time job while at uni

How good looking out of 10 do you have to be to work at a cafe for example?

>tfw have some acne and I'm only a bit above average looking.

>> No.7979569

Damn I didn't even know you guys had schools.

>> No.7979595

you're the scum of the earth and everything that is wrong in the world, but I still love you because I'm better than you.

>> No.7979616

Industrial Designer

>> No.7979632

if your a fat, ugly, minority get a job at dunkin donuts

if you're handsome, white, and thin get a job at your local hipster coffee joint

if you're in between there is always starbucks

>> No.7979643

What's dunkin donuts

>> No.7979926

youre too gay even for a fashion board

>> No.7979945


Starting artist writing short stories for various publications and living a nomadic life

Qts qts qts and cigs is what I survive on

>> No.7979971
File: 117 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm T-64 turboshaft engine mechanic.
I make like $2.40 an hour

>> No.7980072

>15 bucks an hour
Shit nigga I work retail and make over 18 with one year of experience. Sweden fuck yes.

>> No.7980076

>working in HR
How do you live with yourself?

>> No.7980079

I work as a graphics designer

>implying the it isn't one of the top effay jobs

>> No.7980086

You meant 24, right?

>> No.7980151

No. Dat military pay

>> No.7980160

link to ur portfolio?

>> No.7980169

comes out to like $10/hr-50/hr
since you don't have to pay for shelter, clothing, food, fuel, tools, vehicle parking at apt bldgs. COLLEGE straight up free fucking college etc

>> No.7980185


also where can i get skinny button downs, need a new shirt for work

>> No.7980190

I work as a nurse

>tfw you can't look fa in scrubs

>> No.7980188

we ishave schools , I think theyre better than yours

>> No.7980191

I "pay" for food. $300 that I don't see is taken out a month

>> No.7980212

Do MK SA make commission?

Also, software developer here. 70k starting.