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7974278 No.7974278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are you doing with your life /fa/

no bragging or ego stroking just be real

>> No.7974285


>> No.7974292


>> No.7974293

Trying to finish college then I'm gonna tramp around america and when I got bored of that probably head to SA to beach-bum it and surf all of the days bro.

>> No.7974296

saving up for travel
trying to educate myself more for when I go back to uni
so, nothing

>> No.7974299

working a shitty job
living with my pops

>> No.7974300

I quit my job and am teaching myself to sew and make patterns.
So, nothing.

>> No.7974303

it's a just a phase ill have to grow up some day

>> No.7974309

Doing IT in college, not learning anything important so I'm dropping out.

Trying to get an apprenticeship in social media management (running their website etc), get paid £180 a week for 40 hours if I get it.

>> No.7974312

>get paid £180 a week for 40 hours
That's awful dude..

>> No.7974313

Already backbacked in EU.
Now saving up for backbacking adventure in asia, then US, then Australia/New Zealand.

Also gonna finish up my car and bike licence next month.
After all that, probably drug business until I get killed/jailed or get enough cash to buy a nice apartment and retire in 40's.

>> No.7974314

Trying to get a full time job right now. Been unemployed for so long. No friends, no gf, I just stay at home 24/7 mostly in my room. I work out to keep sane so at least i am not fat.
Met a girl last night, stole 60 bux from me. So that's another shit on my life

>> No.7974315

What's it like being 15

>> No.7974316

That sounds like the best way to live. Pure happiness. I want to do something similar but am looking to tramp it around the world and never stop for more than a few weeks at a time if i really like a place.

>> No.7974318


But I'm 25.
Getting a licence in EU is pretty damn hard.

>> No.7974320

On my way to work right now. Just copped a good job finally! Also got married to a qt. life was shitty for a while but looking good now. Just hang in there and seriously don't fucking give up.

>> No.7974322

>Met a girl last night, stole 60 bux from me
Lol, how the fuck does this even happen

>> No.7974325

that sounds really interesting :)
would you feel more fulfilled doing more?
i hope you and he get along
again would you feel more fulfilled doing more?
why not today?
that sounds nice if it's something you'll enjoy
that seems pretty interesting, i bet you have lots of stories
well that sounds like a bummer. sorry to hear it :(
do you really think there is pure happiness?
well im glad to hear you're doing well :)

>> No.7974327

I was referring to:
>probably drug business until I get killed/jailed or get enough cash to buy a nice apartment and retire in 40's

>> No.7974330

For real?
Damn, it's good to me cause I've never had a job before, but alright.
I can do 30 hours a week for £135, that any better?

It's an apprenticeship, I get offered a job at the end of it and they sometimes pay more if I'm keen and there long.

>> No.7974332
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Is this a feels thread in disguise?

>> No.7974334


What about it?
I know people in that business and am aware of the numbers that go with it.
Since I got no other goals in life, might as well get rich quick or die trying.

>> No.7974335

aren't all the threads on 4chan? :)

>> No.7974339

Oh, I didn't know it was an apprenticeship. Still though that's less than minimum wage in US. I hope the job it get's you is at least 300 quid a week.

>> No.7974343

Just talkin' about sexual dynamics and misconceptions in relationship theory with my good friends on the chan.

>> No.7974345

>Currently working as an associate producer in television advertising
>leaving July 22nd on a one way ticket to Seoul to begin a round the world backpacking trip that will last 12 to 16 months and will have me going through China, SEA, India, parts of the Middle East, Eastern Europe, North Africa. My budget is $28,500
>no gf because I was terrified of getting tied down or knocking someone up and ruining my plans

>> No.7974348

Yeah, it's not the best. I don't have anything to spend money on though, so all of it would go straight to cops.
£490 shoes affordable in 3 weeks is alright for me.

The guy who handles it is making it difficult for me though but I'm not giving up.

>> No.7974352

well the poverty line in great britain is much lower than it is here in the US, 135 a week sounds pretty good to me :)
sounds like a lot of good times :)
that sounds like an amazing experience. maybe you'll meet someone on the trip :)

>> No.7974356
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Nothing, I just work and perform in an orchestra/a couple concert bands. I should probably start going to college again but I have no interest in anything career-wise and feel like shit because I'm already turning 22 this year and still live with my parents. I just try to save all of my money but I make peanuts.

>> No.7974357
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We're all gonna make it aren't we?

>> No.7974358

Bad luck. Just a stranger, met up, went out, whoops turns out she had a husband, got held up. Rather lost 60 bux than my life at least.

>> No.7974359

>again would you feel more fulfilled doing more?
I dunno man. I'd feel better if I was progressing faster and had some kind of income though.
Limited funds, limited supplies. Really don't wanna work another miserable dead-end job for money.

>> No.7974361

Why didn't you fucking beat him to death

>> No.7974362

I somehow figured out her facebook account, so I'm going to be a little shit and post her info on CL so she at least gets harrassed by horny dudes.

>> No.7974366

wow! fascinating! i play the viola. i am considering pursuing a professional career. can you share your experiences with me friend?
if you make peanuts you must have a very nice job.
i don't know where we're all going but i do think we'll all get there :)
haha that sounds like a bad time. hopefully things will go better next encounter.
is there anything you can do to progress faster?
heres an article that really helped me focus when i was having trouble improving:
that's not a great way to deal with problems
why are you bitter about it? :\

>> No.7974369

I'm trying to get into a music school next year. It's really tough and competative. I'm a drummer, there are about 100 applicants and 5 get accepted. the schools are conservatorium Amsterdam, rockacademy Tilburg, Herman Brood Academy Utrecht. Wish me luck

>> No.7974378

Because she stole 60 bux from me dude. Some revenge is better than nothing I guess. It will make me feel better.

>> No.7974380

Why don't you warn others on CL instead and also send an e-mail to the owner of the club/bar she was at. Or hire some mercenary to go with her next time and beat the fuck out of the dude.

>> No.7974389

i believe a conservatory is what i will do as well. i do wish you luck...dedicate yourself to your goals truly and wholy and you wil not fail friend :)
i don't like this. i don't think it will actually make you feel better.

>> No.7974395

I will do the warning thing too, but just for now to fuck with her. For how well they pulled it off, Im sure its no the first time they've done this sort of thing, so I can't imagine they do it at the same place regularly.

>> No.7974396

this guy here

yeah we get along really well. he is based dad. I just moved in with him less than a month ago, and now we're moving to a new area and are looking for a house together in wine country. i'll look for a new job over there in a winery or distillery or fancy restaurant or s/t like that.

just me and based dad living the bachelor life together, drinking beer, smoking weed, fishing, cooking together

tbh i think i like it more than living alone in my old shitty apartment in the ghetto

>> No.7974415

here is an interesting story i will share with you.
there was once a sufi man who was in his hut performing his meditations, early in the morning.
suddenly a thief entered his room and demanded his "money or his life". the sufi man calmly directed the man to his bookshelf. he claimed that there was money between two of the books, and that the money is free for the thief if he promises to leave enough for taxes. the thief takes some money and leaves. a week later, guards come to the sufi's house and take him to court. he is there to testify against the thief, who was inevitably caught. the sufi says that the man is not a thief, and that he only took what was given to him. the thief was released and came to study as a disciple of the sufi man.
maybe you can learn something from this story, friend!
that sounds really nice, i wish i had a relationship with my father like that! enjoy it!

>> No.7974418

>is there anything you can do to progress faster?
Really, I just need to find a place to buy apparel fabrics. And get some kind of income. I've got the basics down to the point that I can at least make a basic tee, but I'm buying all my fabric online cause the local shop only sells like upholstery shit. Can't feel it first and gotta pay for shipping.
Also, I'm not great at pattern making and I get distracted from it easily. Least enjoyable part of it for me.

>> No.7974420

But I'm not a sufi meditation man, just a guy alone in the world. Platitudes and anecdotes are nice, but rarely help.

>> No.7974431

there are definitely ways to help your distraction problem! search!
a sufi is also a person who is alone in the world :)
maybe you need to work harder to apply such fables for them to help you.

>> No.7974437

Studying and reading over9000 books a day (not literally of course) so I can get into a good uni, maybe not be poor as shit as I've been all my life.

>> No.7974438
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finishing up biomed engineering degree with a chem minor in college. just decided to go to med school so ive been cramming for the MCAT for the past 2 months.

My life is never-ending studying, but I have a shit GPA so i'm worried about getting in.

I just want to play vidya yo :(

>> No.7974442

It's a very common scam in the city.

>> No.7974449

why is having money important to you?
that's interesting, my friend is studying for the mcat as well, he majored in chemistry. if you just want to play vidya, maybe you shouldn't pursue education.
but is vidya REALLY what you want?

>> No.7974452

got m.s. in comp eng last may
started full time as embedded software engineer in jan
broke up with gf last month and talking to two korean qt3.14s atm both potential keepers (I'm also korean)
life is finally relaxing and looking good after years of slaving away studying in school

>> No.7974457

hi guys!
it's time for me to go practice a bit!
this was a fun thread. i enjoyed hearing about all the wonderful things you are doing with your lives. i hope you all find that seed of joy within yourselves and learn to apply it to all the things you do, no matter where you are in life!
have a wonderful day, year, and life, friends!

>> No.7974460

I don't care about having money bro, I care about affording a doctor and a good life for my kids, when I get kids.
I don't want them to live in a ghetto starving with their nan like I did.

>> No.7974467

that's very honorable.
ok OP out!

>> No.7974471

i'm a 23 year old medical student. i'm in my final year of training and am doing an elective placement in vanuatu in the pacific islands. it's pretty cool but there's not a lot of rick over here.

>> No.7974479
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1) Join the King's Royal Hussars
2) Get a boyfriend
3) Travel to Iceland and Japan

>> No.7974489

nothing, because doing is obnoxious

>> No.7974494

23, working in photography/fashion industry, living behind my studio and smoking mad weed all day.

the occasional acid trip here or there

>> No.7974499

>just like in my mangoes!xD

>> No.7974503

Precisely. I might even stop by to attend high school and become a robot pilot.

>> No.7974534

aint doing shit :^)

>> No.7974537

Studying philosophy, science theory and maths. Want to work in a store, sell clothes and stuff. Don't really know what the fuck I'm doing, I guess I'm stuck between wanting to write a book and wanting an easy life.

>> No.7974553

Can someone explain how he got robbed, I still don't understand what he meant.

>> No.7974593

I am doing nothing right now, work very little at a hourly paid home care service job, trying to sort my head out.
I write a shit -ton on forums since my social life is pretty dead, i've taken up drawing and reading again which is nice.

Internet addiction is at a lowpoint and im gonna move away from home pretty soon, feels like shit cus i am a AvPD sperg and I dont think I can handle it, but I hope it is a change for the better!

I hope I can score a good job this summer and start studying something again.

>> No.7974601

probably met up with lady thinking "oooh sexy time" and then when he shows up her husband steps out of the shadows and demands his cash or else he'll beat the tar out of him

along those lines

>> No.7974968

Well I'm a clarinetist and I've been able to perform in a couple pit bands for musicals in the region, but after the music director left I didn't have any connections. Someone I went to hs with told me about a concert band they were playing in so I joined it, turned out my middle school music teacher was also there and she invited me into a second concert band so I've been in those for the last couple years. I really liked the orchestra-style music the conductor chose for one band (he also runs an orchestra but it's difficult to find openings) so when I saw an article in my region's newspaper about an orchestra looking for members I joined them without having to audition. There are two other bands I can play (polka and another cb) in but I just don't have time for them with these three and two jobs in the summertime.

I live in the middle of nowhere so it usually takes me around 40 minutes to get to any of the groups but there's nothing else to do. The orchestra even had some members go to a film set for a Dustin Hoffman movie recently because it needed background string musicians. It's a small group but I like it more than being drowned out by too many clarinetists in the concert bands - which has also gotten me stuck playing 3rd for the past couple seasons.

Playing an instrument is so much fun, I wish I could be a professional but I've been out of a music classroom for so long I feel like I'd be overwhelmed by other students in a University group. At this point I just play what's on the sheet, I'm not really into music theory, composition, memorization of scales, ect

>> No.7975114

trynna graduate high school

>> No.7975118

Currently in the military I work on planes gonna get my A&P license, then cross train into Combat Controller and either make it then die or fail and get out and work on planes in the civi world

>> No.7975145

literally nothing the only constructive thing i'm doing is fixing my acne

>> No.7975150

bored of my job atm
wanna b a detective instead..

>> No.7975155

Enjoy debt

>> No.7975161

trying to get 45 in the IB, questioning the quality of my friends

>> No.7975210
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what if i already have?

>> No.7975216

I am studying Public Affairs (more specifically International Relations and Political Theory) at a university.

It's great, but I'm still having trouble internally (sounds gay I know)

>> No.7975248

freelance CAD work, for people with "ideas that will totally make them millions" but it's mostly stupid shit poor people day dream of.

hundreds of offers everyday asking to see my "portfolio" as if I were some graphic designer

and asking me to "invest AND do free work AND help them shop the idea around for nothing in return"

>> No.7975280

god damn what a depressing thread
I guess I just assumed that /fa/ was a bunch of clueless high-schoolers
but really? all of you are a bunch of unemployed neckbeards with an occasional IT nerd?

pull you shit together faggots
its really not hard to make it
don't bother with the mcat if your gpa a shit bro
my roomie has perfect credentials (perfect GPA, tons of lab experience, tons of shadowing, volunteering, etc) and still cant get in anywhere
medicine is a bullshit field right now

>Just finished genetics degree
>not hard work, just put in the hours and be consistent, jesus...
>ok GPA, tons of lab experience, name on papers
>got into top 5 grad school in my field
>always /fa/
>getting /fit/
>tfw awesome gf
>heading off to socal next year
Pretty sure I've finally made it (at least made it to the next stage)

>> No.7975338



I'm not going to tell you here the story of my life but basically even though anyone would say I'm a cool guy with no problems at all, and that I should feel pretty ok with myself, I don't.

And feeling that I'm doing nothing with my life is part of that.

Not like I think 90% of people out there are doing anything, however.

>> No.7975361
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>tfw just finished uni and the little social life I had will disappear into neet nothingness


>> No.7975377

Waiting to get certifications to be a medical assistant

My life sucks

>> No.7975391


>has a useless "genetics" degree
>calls other people neckbeard losers

enjoy being unemployed when you finish school

>> No.7975461
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>citation needed, the post

not going to grad school for genetics though anyways ;^)

>> No.7975482

oh, also forgot to mention that I have been employed full-time since I finished undergrad last year

not that I claim to have a brilliant future ahead of me, but at least I'm doing something and not sitting around whining about how I have no motivation and I just want to play fucking video games in my parent's basement for the rest of my life

>> No.7975499


>no bragging or ego stroking just be real

he's right though, regardless of who's right, you sound insecure and judgmental

>> No.7975633

In 2012 Girlfriend cheated and left for a med student on our anniversary around the time i decided to get my shit together. I decided to get my shit together despite the situation. I had a big problem with procrastination and dropped out of high school. Got a job a few months later then my GED 6 months after that in 2013. If i didnt procrastinate i woudlve been in uni for the fall 2013 semester.
Its 2014 now im working at a mall in the suburbs. Its forced me to break my shell of anxiety. Feels good man. Turned 20 last month and starting EMT training in May and hopefully uni this fall. Undecided on manor though but im glad im going.
I deactivated my facebook and rarely go on social media because it just made me depressed. I cant really trust women either anymore but i have met some really cool ones. Im still working on being better socially and decided to reactivate fb and meet people when i enter uni. Im hoping this all works out in the end.

tl;dr: shit hit the fan, heartbroken. Spent 2 years getting my shit together and now starting classes and uni in the upcoming months with loads more confidence. Partly thanks to /fa/ for style tips too. Im still working on social aspects though.

>> No.7975654


that's awesome man. I don't even know you and we'll never meet, but I'm genuinely happy for you because I have a good idea of what you're going through.
I've seen plenty of people on 4chan tell their sob stories about being heartbroken and letting it take over their lives and I'm glad this isn't one of them.

>> No.7975678

>getting paid for going to college
socialism is a nice thing

also getting into sneakers a little bit.. some look ridiculous though, almost all dunks look like shit tho

>> No.7975684
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>wake up at 2 PM
>had an extremely realistic dream where I have a gf

>> No.7975700

i'm a first year university student doing econ (might do an interdisciplinary degree with international studies/econ) with the intention to work in fashion

i also play in san diego's hippest jazz ensemble with a bunch of old dudes lel

>> No.7975718

put on 40 lbs, tryin to cut the fat before i bulk up a bit more. doing muay thai and playin basketball. chillin for the summer before i move for grad school and then hopefully get into med school.

>> No.7975726

Getting ready to go to Navy SEAL selection

>> No.7975925

>tfw this is what i'm gonna be doing
Gonna hitchhike this summer to my neighboring states to kind of get a taste of the life style

>> No.7976171
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Small-time theatre work to get myself out there, whilst in the meantime I'm studying and such. Also evaluating choices when it comes to Drama academies. So nothing much really, just long meticulous planning...

>> No.7976237

I'm new here, but I'm currently in college. Graduating in 1 year, but I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life.

>> No.7976247

I don't know what I'm doing with my life. I suck at everything. I just want to live a simple life without worries why is it so hard

>> No.7976253

I feel the same way. I don't know what the hell I'm, doing, but it isn't going very well. I'm sitting at home on a saturday night reading /fa/.

>> No.7976273

with a rock bra. Like that movie tart.

>> No.7976280

I hope things eventually look up for the both of us anon.

>> No.7976286

Working part time as a dishwasher while pissing my life away doing nothing, when I should be preparing my portfolio to go to school for fashion design.

>1 month left until deadline
>Haven't started

>> No.7976290

Yeah, me too. And I just remembered that today is Friday, not Saturday.

>> No.7976310

Working at a shitty pizza place and dicking around until August when I go away back to college.

>> No.7976322

>I suck at everything.
No you don't. You might not know where you're going, but you don't have to be worried/stressed about it. Just kick back bro.
Better than watching MLP or playing video games on a Saturday night.

>> No.7976328

>tfw dishwasher
The guys are pretty cool, but the job itself sucks. Iktfb

>> No.7976337
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>Studying music in uni
>having a good time doing it
>drink and drugs everywhere
>in 3 bands, 2 shitty, 1 pretty good
>thinking i've got absolutely butt-fuck all else to do after uni is done.

>> No.7976379

editing my book, wrapping up my undergraduate, writing narratives to sell to game devs

>> No.7976396

working for a managed service company that provides IT infrastructure for various businesses around NYC. most of our clients are art galleries, especially some particularly big ones.

p cool cause I graduated with an English degree.

>> No.7976407
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>going to japan for a semester of exchange in a week and a bit
>probably gonna stay there and travel around a bit, see Korea and China, maybe mongolia (get dat nomad-chic)
>might try and work a year or so in a snow/summer resort in Japan (hokkaido)
>come back (eventually) and finish my degree (arts/education)
>might travel more before going into full time work

That's pretty much where my head's at. Still fairly young (22, turning 23), so i've got plenty of time to to enjoy being young

>posting a sick fit cos why not?

>> No.7976415


:whew: luckily im always squadded up

>> No.7976425


what uni?

>> No.7976429

Studying chemical engineering but I wanna switch to law school

>> No.7976434


all your green texts reads like you don't think highly of yourself.

>> No.7976442

I have a worthless degree and now im working full time as a lifeguard. Living rent free so decent amount of money for cops. I might even try and save up some money to go travelling lel. right now im just trying not to go bald and fuck as many bitches as possible, though i have little free time. Aside from this short term planning and hedonism, I'm gonna become a teaching assistant in september, and probably do a pgce next year, cause i don't know what else to do.


>> No.7976456

Dropped out of University, currently trying to take some exams I need and making a portfolio to obtain the credentials necessary for some other study programs.

Most of the time I'm just drinking and posting on 4chan though.

>> No.7976462

chem eng here too. why do you wanna switch? earning potential might even be better with the engineering degree

>> No.7976463

Working at a golf course, which is fairly nice for a public course. Community college with sights on a Chem E. degree. Working within my kindred to establish heathenry in the southern U.S.

>> No.7976464

failing my last year of highshool then wallowing in depression for a couple years

>> No.7976475

Come on kid, unless you're literally retarded you shouldn't be failing high school.

>> No.7976487

Homie, I'm pretty sure you're trying to belittle the guy who god $60 stolen, not given.

>> No.7976497

M8, working at sainsburies gets you like 220 a week after tax for 30 hours. Pretty sure 130 for 30 hours works out to below minimum wage.

>> No.7976505

Everyone has internal issues. Bone up on your psychology and be more self-analytical (but not excessively critical) to better understand how you work and how you can improve.

>> No.7976511

Work as a barista at an ok place
Living with my gf

Working with a local roaster to open up a cafe pretty soon.

>> No.7976513
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Apprenticeships are legally paid at below minimum wage in literally every country.

Why are you surprised by this.

I agree it's a shitty practice providing cheap labour but if you stick it out you can end with a well paid vocation at the end.

>> No.7978699

>Does freelance CAD work
>Doesn't have a portfolio

>> No.7978716

Im learning to be a joiner/carpenter. In my last year now too. Most days im bored and its always raining outside, so i just play vidya and get last fm up

>> No.7978733

Need a distinction average to ensure I get the exchange I want.

>> No.7978742

Studying electrical engineering, year 1. thinking of what activities to join in uni without sacrificing too much time - we are all struggling as it is

>> No.7979662

I know I'm late and idk if you're still here but I'm at michigan state

>> No.7979670
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i'm in uni but i have no interests or talents

i don't even have a major and i'm 2nd year

why am i such a failure

>> No.7979675

you're not anon

you're in college, that's something already

>> No.7979679
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I know the feel all too well
>tfw she feels so real
>you finally feel so happy
>you're where you want to be
>suddenly everything is fading
>realize you're dreaming
>fight hard to stay in the dream
>wake up and just stare at the ceiling

>> No.7979681


Getting master's degree.
Doing some stupid punkshit in my spare time.

>> No.7979687

god damn theodore was such a loser

>> No.7979703

No braggin but real talk
>getting money
>fuckin bitches
>coppin fresh fits

>> No.7979742

Studying architecture

>> No.7979771
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third year in civil engineering. i'm kinda failing structural analysis atm but doing fine otherwise.

waiting for summer so i can maybe get a summer job for cops. thinking about hitting up the gym, i'm 6'2 with very broad shoulders and all my friends tell me i'd look sikkk with some muscle.

>> No.7979787

Just started working at 22. $400/w no tax
Sad to say but more money than I've ever had. Been a broke neet for a while
Now cook for myself

I work at a plant nursery and a definite plan would be to start my own soon. Next week I'm about to start boxing, hoping to fight amature asap(with my friends I'm known for fight fight fighting). I guess the week after I'll start taking pre calc online so I can get into a jc for math next semester, end goal graduating from a decent school and getting into finance

I have other plans but I'm pretty much taking it one week at a time

>> No.7979793
File: 970 KB, 1777x1134, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy crap!
hey guys!
op here, apparently my thread lasted overnight!
will respond to you all in just a minute! wow!

>> No.7979798

ok op here again
way too much negativity in this thread
no need to be rude guys.
i'll start a new thread in a minute.
going to toke up first!

>> No.7979817
File: 465 KB, 245x118, 1370430059695.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started to work at an alcohol wholesale shop. Its my first month and im gonna get paid rouglhy 700 euros soon. Oh man am i gonna buy some threads. Other than that i do camera operationg and editing occasionally. I am also trying to get into using FL studio more often to make sick music for me n my peers :D Im pretty happy atm

>> No.7979821

you're living the dream anon.

>> No.7979823

Just dumped my gf of 1 yr, partially because our fashion styles clashed.

Have a follow-up interview for a dream job across the country on Monday. Not really nervous, mostly impatient and excited.

>> No.7979959

OP are you Lil B in disguise because you are absolutely radiating positivity

>> No.7980210

If i answered this honestly, i'd be accused of bragging or ego stroking, and possibly be told to go back to /pol/.

and no, i am not rich, i just do lots of charity and make a modest living

>> No.7980222

In medical school, hopefully going to be an ER doctor and move to somewhere warm and have well-dressed children.

>> No.7980237

I got a weekend job and I got in the school I wanted. I'm learning how to drive. I'm doing more than good nowadays.

>> No.7980413

me too bro, I've two ia's due monday which i haven't started, and instead of working I'm getting high and watching the lego movie tomorrow

>> No.7981689 [DELETED] 

got a good job working at a bank

currently failing art college but it makes me want to kill myself so fuck that

also trying to get my art going again

bought a tattoo gun too, im gonna try my hand at that but really I think i might end up staying with the bank for awhile

not how I pictured my life to be at 20, younger me would have hated the me of now and its a depressing thought

>> No.7981711

interesting, what art college are you going to? I'm going to transfer from cc in few months to my state school and pursue art there as well as cs.