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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 640x428, cdg converse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7973260 No.7973260[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7973265

fuck off if you like them wear them damn

>> No.7973374

They were when they came out, then they got dick ridden to fuck and now they aren't - they're just like geos. Nobody in the fashion world gives a shit about geos anymore because of all the Tumblr dick riding over them

>> No.7973377

yes, at least more so than normal cons

>> No.7973396

I never saw anyone with them IRL.

>> No.7973400

Yeah, nah. They're made for people that can't actually afford Comme Des Garcons

>> No.7973402

for the 100000th time for 99.999999% of the population that doesn't know this brand, the crude heart character is gay as fuck, why not buy white converse?

>> No.7973406

Move to New York, you'll see them and Ricks

>> No.7973409

if they fit your style, body and personality then yes.

If you got them so that people on the internet will like and admire you then no.

>> No.7973412

I'm too far from New York. No Ricks for me.

>> No.7973420

I live in new york
i've only seen asians wear em in flushing

>> No.7973561


>> No.7973599

w2c socks

>> No.7973603

anything with obvious branding is un/fa/

>> No.7973606

who fucking cares

>> No.7973611

just ordered some white low tops last night, I like them

>> No.7973624


>They're amazing

>> No.7973626

I'm seriously considering to gift them to my sis when she turns 16. Shouldn't ruin her life too bad, I think.

>> No.7973631

They're cute
They're a nice step up from regular cons
Why wouldn't you?

>> No.7973632

let me see some fits op and i tell ya

>> No.7973638

Thanks man

>> No.7973641

Yeah, she's still dressing like a boy, with Nike Air and stuff. Just... So tomboy

But it's hard to get them in small sizes (men 7 or so), I think the sizing is unisex and uses the male scale

>> No.7973644
File: 251 KB, 864x1536, grey joggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7973648

no worries anon

>> No.7973651

if i wear these will people think i like the d? not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.7973654

they don't look that much like regular converses, pretty decent for diggin this summer imo

got any sideway? or low tops?

>> No.7973659

A particularly nice, suited present then. I hope she likes them!

They are unisex (sizing is the same as regular cons) but they also come in women's/smaller sizes, they're available on Forward:

But people might think that for anything you wear
I wouldn't worry about it, anon

>> No.7973667

also would it be a bad idea to cover up the logo?

>> No.7973681
File: 521 KB, 859x2328, cdg con fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the best fit, but you get the idea

>> No.7973694

id rather have a crude heart than converse's crappy branding

>> No.7973697

>dressed by the internet

>> No.7973698

you could always white out the converse shit, right?

>> No.7973701

>a crude heart character is gay as fuck

lol such insecurity
do you really care about people misinterpreting your sexuality that much? lmao @ your life

>> No.7973703

where is uuuuhhhh?
do u reckon he got lucky?

>> No.7973713

i hope so

>> No.7973718

>nice girl shoes, anon

>> No.7973723

>cute shoes, anon!

>> No.7973731

she wasn't even there
lucky for me b/c my outfit and hair sucked today

>> No.7973732

cant win em all

>> No.7973736

feel for you bruh
next friday is your day, uuuuhhhh, it is your time

>> No.7973737

>my sister wears those!

>> No.7973748

>Those are pretty playful, anon! They suit you!

>> No.7973749

>You've got such good taste, anon!

lol nerds i bet you dont ever hear that one

>> No.7973753

I-I actually have
>tfw those girls still won't go out with me, they're all taken ;_;

>> No.7973754

there's 1 billion cute girls at this uni anyway who cares

>> No.7973851

does anyone have any inspo of these + black skinnies + basic tees

just kinda want an impression of them

>> No.7973862
File: 247 KB, 380x600, outfitmarch192012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7973880

lol and on guys

>> No.7973881

i don't really care for chucks anyways, but i think the play converse's can look good on petit, qt, rail thin girls.

when i see a 6'0" skinny fat 25 y/o wearing them it just looks plain stupid

>> No.7973900

how am i a fuccboi? liking/wearing cdg play is the epitome of fuccboi

>> No.7973911
File: 137 KB, 650x650, 1395403738068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closest i could find

>> No.7973921

what are your brands

>> No.7973926

highs or lows
I've never owned a pair of high top shoes

>> No.7973929

yes. idk why people on fa hate on these.

they're simple with accent. what's so tacky about it?

>> No.7973937

could be better with simpler jacket without that wrinkly shit.

what apps you use for editing your face anyway?

>> No.7973943


it's cheap and perfect as a beater than normal turbopleb converse. unless you can afford visvim.

>> No.7973953

cdgh+, uc and n(n) mostly
sometimes a bit of old raf

>> No.7973965

/fa/ generally hates everything associated with CDG Play. It's because it's viewed as people trying to latch themselves onto the CDG brand without having to shell out for, or style, the crazier mainline stuff. Also because Rei has even admitted that the clothes are intentionally cheap and bland and just a money making venture to fund the other lines.

>> No.7973995

low-tops or high-tops?

>> No.7973999

dress her like a qt tumblr tomboy pls
post pics in 2 yrs so i can jack off to them

>> No.7974033

Nobody faps to my sis but me.
No, that's not right, but you get what I mean.

>> No.7974035

dont play into his hand

>> No.7974041

>tfw no qt3.14 lil sis to buy clothes for and begin incestual relationship with

>> No.7974043
File: 2.00 MB, 269x198, 1282572851567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody faps to my sis but me.
That's the spirit.

>> No.7974065

You know, it's quite a chore to get into femwear, where many basic clothing rules simply don't apply... So much post-irony and intended non-fits and trend hopping...
But I'm willing to try and learn my way into that, if I can get my hand on some good resources. /fa/ isn't the most helpful place for that.
Although, my sis probably won't listen to me, because kids always want to do their own thing


>> No.7974074


if you get your hands on the converse mono collection they have completely white high tops. everything on them is white including the logo on the sole.

>> No.7974081


>> No.7974085

Except the converse logo is still there on the CDGs.

>> No.7974095

/fa/ isn't really the best place but you can get a fair bit of inspo by lurking threads, waiting for femanon generals and paying attention to the decent female posters
gl anon

>not wanting a qt Carey Mulligan Shame gf

>> No.7974106

Oh well. I'll have to wait for her growth phase to end before dropping the real quality stuff onto her. But cdg sneakers are entry level enough imo. Wonder if the sole can be stitched /reinforced manually. Don't quite trust that glue.

>> No.7974115

Yeah, for now it should be enough to expose her to different styles, see what she likes, see what she goes for. Offer some effay guidance

I've had mine as beaters for about six, seven months now and they're holding up fine... for hundred-dollar sneakers that don't look to be going anywhere anytime soon, I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.7974146

>being this much of a prude

>> No.7974171

Guess so. Girls will always undergo style transitions from their teens to their tweens.

Is there a basic bitch fashion section on /r with basic info similar to mfa?

>> No.7974175

>wanting an equivalent to r/mfa instead of r/mf
female fashion advice
I never venture into reddit, so tread carefully, I have no idea if they're actually alright or are as bad as mfa

>pls make qtsisgf twee/streetninja

>> No.7974180

it's actually worse than mfa.
most of the women are fat with strange, unhealthy looking bodies

>> No.7974192

Fucking this. I am convinced anyone who doesn't know that doesn't own them.
Does the normal convese logo bother you that fucking much anyways? It is on the inner part of your foot, not like people are looking there anyway.
And is it that much worse than having TWO logos on your shoe? Come on, surely none of you believe that.

>> No.7974198

Guess you can't go wrong by steering clear of reddit

maybe some people just prefer the look of the CDG ones

>> No.7974199

walk around soho

>> No.7974201

haha leddit delivers again
other anon btw

>> No.7974204

This stupid heart looks like antiAIDS fond or some gay rights organization logo.
Not like fashion wear brand logo.

>> No.7974205

I'm not saying people don't prefer the look of them. I like the look of them too.
I just hate people who cry "muh branding" and buy these to get away with them.

>> No.7974207

these are a cool colorway. nobody is buying them because of the heart logo.
converse logo is almost invisible on cdg's.

>> No.7974208

>muh fashions
See >>7973701
and fuck off

>> No.7974219
File: 123 KB, 640x480, 1377961015965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good recs for an OFF WHITE sneaker that aren't CDGs? I don't really need a white pair, I have my pair of Jack Purcells as a beater, but I don't have anything like this in off white.

>> No.7974225

Rick Owens Ramones
>too bad they're sold out, ey bruv?

>> No.7974252

Don't remind me.
Thankfully, not something I had in mind, since I'm not looking for something as tall as tricky ricky ramones in this case.

>> No.7974258

iktf, regretting having missed out on both the ramones and black/white kvas
>kill me now

sorry I can't be of help, anon

>> No.7974262

>do you really care about people misinterpreting your sexuality that much?
>do you really care about people misinterpreting your prosperity that much?
>do you really care about people misinterpreting your taste of style that much?
what are you doing in /fa/? fashion is not about autism

>> No.7974276

what r you still posting for then, anon?

>> No.7974289

>nobody is buying them because of the heart logo

lol that's why everybody buys them

>> No.7974504

That's okay, it is the thought that counts friend!
They'll come back into stock eventually...r-right?

>> No.7975705

wich one looks better high-tops or low-tops?

>> No.7975721

fucking no

the opposite of what this fuccboi is saying

>> No.7975801
File: 427 KB, 1815x2047, 1395394167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine discoloured super quick

>> No.7975835


>> No.7976005

can't find the model of the socks in >>7973260, is it not in their current collection any more?

Halp pls.

>> No.7976014

nobody ever wears ricks in nyc

>laughing at someone else's life

>> No.7976109

This shit is $200+ in Canada with the taxes for the high top. No reason to pay $150 premium for slightly better stitching and less obnoxious logo.

>> No.7976147
File: 879 KB, 1705x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> better stitching

>> No.7976236

ITT: Flavor of the month type of shit

cdg converse

What else can we add to the list, fuccbois?

>> No.7976572

Geos.... lel.

>> No.7976699

Ricks are flavor of month every month

>> No.7979158

nobody cares about canada

>> No.7979258
File: 532 KB, 911x689, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


w2c socks

how do I get mad stax with my socks like this

>> No.7979268

Maybe for other people, but I don't really want to fund the CdG PLAY line. Just me, also I was rather cop a pair of the 70's or First String Converse than these

>> No.7981608

Yeah it is, s-sorry
I got distracted by their ad archive
>like I always do

Here you go anon http://store.americanapparel.net/nub-ribbed-knee-high-sock_rsasklr


>> No.7981756

Thanks, much obliged

>> No.7982410

Can we get more inspo on these kinds of socks. I'm thinking of copping but not too sure which fits may go well with them. are they too feminine??

>> No.7982442
File: 144 KB, 500x683, 1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think PLAY should definitely be supported, not that I own anything from it, but plenty people don't have an interest in CdGH+, Homme, Junya, Homme Deux or Ganryu
I don't mind seeing a surfeit of nouveau riche chinese in heart-adorned tees or however many 18~19 year olds "into fashion" wearing those sneakers with ASOS, when I understand it's supporting the greatest fashion empire on the planet and the most important label of the last 50 years, at least
Fact of the matter play is important as a source of income for Rei, and if it sustains the miscellany of great lines under the Comme umbrella, there's nothing wrong with that, let people buy some All Stars

>> No.7982467

ellen DeGeneres wears play cardigans
that's your answer

>> No.7982555

I'm really into fashion. H&M, Uniqlo, and Chuck Taylors are usually what I'm dressed in.

>> No.7982788


>> No.7982799

muh fashionz