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/fa/ - Fashion

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7968809 No.7968809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw gf doesn't know shit about fashion and I feel like a faggot for trying to talk to her about it

>> No.7968812

>having a 3DPD gf
that was your first mistake

>> No.7968833


I want a un-fashionable gf who I try to get into fahsion, but ends up dressing badly tending towards cosplay. She tries to impress me, but I am too ashamed of her shit fits to take her anywhere. This will nvr happen.

>> No.7968839


god you guys sound like assholes. how about you try to accept the person you're with for what she is and not turn her into your dream modelu gf? smh this isn't r9k

>> No.7968861

>tfw on a date with a cutie wearing a graphic tee

>> No.7968896

>mfw ex legitimately thought that I'm a closet gay because I cared and paid attention to my appearance

>> No.7968897

fuck off normalfag, leave this board forever

>> No.7968904

>having a gf

i bet you don't even fall asleep cuddling your pillow and crying

fucking faggot turbopleb lmao

>> No.7968918

>tfw your cousin tells you he found your ex on tinder
>tfw you realise you lost nothing of value
>tfw you copped a nice acne jacket today
>tfw vintage raf jacket you copped a couple weeks ago arrived

good couple days. i really don't feel like gfs are worth it having been single the last half a year, but there's a cute girl at work who's parents are rich so she could be my /fa/-gf project quite easily.

>> No.7968958
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>tfw laugh at plebs on the street with my model gf and share future cop idea's with each other

>> No.7969076

>tfw used to have an effay gf

h-h-hold me /fa/

>> No.7969980

>tfw my gf thinks aldo boots are expensive and nice

>> No.7969990

>Tfw my gf tried to guess how much I spent on CPs.

I don't remember babe, heh heh.

>> No.7970058


>> No.7970086
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>see qt often on campus
>uggs, flip flops, graphic tees

>> No.7970091

>see qt guys on campus
>shitty tees and pants 3 sizes too big

>> No.7970095

>tfw your girlfriend says "ugh i wish you would just start dressing like a regular dude"

>> No.7970210
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Can you find guys under 5'9 attractive?

>> No.7970260

What features a man should have to be considered a qt?
What is ur standard?

Open question 4 all the grills btw

>> No.7970300

Yes. As long as they're not the same height as me or shorter it's fine.

My type is the skinny/lanky guy with nice hair. It varies though. My friends think it's gross when guys are skinnier than them.
Dressing nice can make you attractive to me.

>> No.7970330

how tall are you?

>> No.7970340

Have a friend who's 5'8" and it's hard for her to get taller guys because she's usually too tall for them

>> No.7970377
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>> No.7970400
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>tfw my gf is /fa/

>> No.7970405

>>tfw my gf is /fa/
and you are not

>> No.7970525

wtf where do you live

>> No.7970559

tfw I'm 5'6" and the only effay grill I know is same height as me
t-thanks for the confidence boost ;_;

>> No.7970576
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>tfw i don't have a gf

>tfw I do have drugs

it's just as nice, r-right effay

>> No.7970584
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>tfw a qt really likes you and you like her but you like drugs more

>> No.7970632
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>tfw in a relationship and she doesn't do E/molly
>tfw she doesn't let you do E
>tfw i hate alcohol
>tfw can't turnup on weed

>> No.7970638

sometimes better

>> No.7970728

East coast. For some strange reason the average height of guys (and girls) in my school is really short. Saw a group of girl all under 5' yesterday. So weird.

If you're effay she'll see past the height :^)

>> No.7970732


just as nice for the time being

but when you're old and gittin your ass handed to you by the side effects I guess it doesn't matter

cause you'd be old

>> No.7970737
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>tfw two people in my IT class both copped the exact same pair of shoes

They were so fucking gross, I think they got them from Brantano or something.
I couldn't stop smirking to myself God damn it was bad, I might say something to 'em.

£20 maximum, and they think it looks great.

>> No.7970781

Implying that is me

>> No.7970804

my gf isn't /fa/ and i really don't care. sometimes she asks for advice and i give it but i don't want to force her to wear clothes she doesn't necessarily want to.

>> No.7970823


i'm regretting my cs degree

>> No.7970984

>tfw I really am a closet gay and my fashion sense is the only indicator

>> No.7971303

get off my board

>> No.7971363

Girls like it when you dress nice
But not TOO nice

>> No.7971368

get a new gf

>> No.7971394
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>tfw you dress better than your Gf and she hates it

>> No.7971426


>> No.7971471


you guys must have shitty gf's

>> No.7971586

>gf is more /fa/ than me
i wasn't ready for these feels..

>> No.7971614
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>mfw iktf

>> No.7971661
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>galpal hates all drugs because she blames them for her brother going crazy
>have to do them in secrecy

>> No.7971667

w2c happiness

>> No.7971680


>> No.7972106

And? Maybe they're low on money, maybe they don't care that much about their appearance. You megapleb.

>> No.7972129
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>ugly fatbitches on my nuts all the time
>qts are indifferent


>> No.7972138


why are you posting mai waifu

>> No.7972183

skinny and androg

>> No.7972208
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>Tfw having a crush for like a year about a friend of mine
>She a hell of a sexy qt
>She dress nicely and would like to dress in designers clothes
>I've asked her about 8 months ago if she would like to go on a date
>she's don,t wanna get into a relationship,she only want to be friend
fuck I still wanting her... every time I see her, I just want to hug and hold hands with her....
Our common friends don't understand my feels

>> No.7972270

>azn3.14qt gf
>banging body
>great sex
>we make each other happy
>she dresses like a teenager
>I can't stand it
>she hates going to harajuku and shibuya with me
>wouldn't stop begging me to leave when we were in the margiela store
>seriously consider leaving her over it

I don't even care about having an /fa/ chick, all I want is a classy bitch that I can show off to solidify my social status and cheat on while we stay in a loveless marriage

>> No.7972289

Ur a fag

>> No.7972297

>mfw ex didn't know shit about fashion
>ignored obvious red flag and went along with it anyways, fell in love
>year and a half later she abruptly decides she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore

don't make the same mistake i did

>> No.7972305

>took a picture to my hairdresser for the first time
>it was a picture from hair inspo thread
>now have great hair
Thanks /fa/

>> No.7972347

is it obvious im still bitter about it

>> No.7972368


>> No.7972390

i know this feel. im so sorry

>> No.7972446
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I'm proud of you

>> No.7972454
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>on campus
>have foot fetish
>see all these girls wearing flip flops

>> No.7972514

>ex didn't know shit about fashion
>dresses mostly low-key tumblr-core
>gets a job at witchery (more or less a shittier zara, based in australia)
>thinks she's hot shit wearing her new witchery wardrobe
>most items look like cheap prada rip-offs
>becomes cocky and dumps me

can't believe what a piece of garbage she turned out to be. her new bf looks like he dresses himself at target and has a pudgy baby-face.

>> No.7972521

i always wanted to have a foot fetish for this reason. sigh.

>> No.7972526

post fits pics anon

>> No.7972549

>mfw I will never be an effy model
>mfw I will never grow those 5 inches to be 6'3
>mfw I will never be 10/10 no matter how hard I try
>mfw I will never be perfect
>mfw my waifu will never be real and true vr won't come till I die
But I try anyway

>> No.7972563

A girl who dresses well is still a girl.

>> No.7972857

of me or her?

>> No.7972869
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>tfw no quadruple amputee gf

>> No.7972874

thats p sad

>> No.7972877

Now make that ass drop like a sack of potatoes
Girl, I'm the crack-a-lator
Percolator of this party, be my penis ejaculator later
Tell your boyfriend that you just struck paydirt, you're rolling with a player
You won't be exaggerating when you say you're living

>> No.7972894

>tfw constantly mentally judge strangers on their shitty fits
>tfw my own fits are shit anyway

>> No.7972897

i can't stop looking at those nubs

>> No.7972917
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>give her a slight push towards the pool
>she tumbles in
>she drops to the bottom of the pool
>her knobs are violently kicking with no chance of getting her back up to the surface
>they slowly stop after a minute or two
swear to god i never had these edgy fantasies until I read 'murican psycho

>> No.7972923


>> No.7972932

same here bro

>> No.7972933
File: 884 KB, 245x254, disappointing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>class group presentation, our team nails it
>eyeing spanish qt for the rest of lecture, she's adorable in her presentation
>after class, run into her at topshop nearby (don't judge)
>"oh hey, i really liked your presentation today :)"
>"th-thanks, i liked yours too."
>awkward silence
>both walking to the station
>i slow down and pretend to look at my phone
>she keeps walking ahead, but looks to the side constantly to try to catch my attention again
>spill spaghetti and avoid her altogether.

why do i do this to myself?

>> No.7972948

>tfw the girl you like is apple shaped and 1.60m tall
>tfw the slut friend is the most fashionable girl you knoe but still her fits are basic and sometimes fuccboish

i will never have an SLP gf or something like that

>> No.7972953
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>tfw gf wears hiking boots

>> No.7972963

atleast u have a gf :(

>> No.7972966

dude, asians are pretty fucked up, you manlet turbofaggots need another nuke up yer arse

>> No.7972974
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>tfw gf mad when trying to fix her fashion, telling why don't I accept her just the way she is

>> No.7972993

>SLP gf
>not streetninja gf
step it up anon

>short girls are qt anyway

>> No.7973046

>Pretty serious with girl
>kind of a pleb (though she graduates this year so might change in college)
>pretty qt , nice body (considering I'm not the fittest guy
>missing out on my common interests like music and such
>still really like her, but feel like I'm getting too serious and I could find someone with more interests.
W-what do /fa/?

>> No.7973108

>all I do with my life is go to lectures then come back home and do work
>I do audio engineering so most people there is either a complete bogan or a complete loser
>barely have time to see my old friends anymore
>have no idea how to make new ones
>don't even know if I want to make new ones
>no /fa/ gf

>> No.7973110

Damn, I've really been starting to notice how many high schoolers there are here, but whatever, I'll still give you advice.

She WILL change in college - for the worst - and that is not an insult to her, it is a reality check to YOU. Dating a girl in high school and wanting to continue the relationship to college is a bad call, and you won't listen to me, but you'll understand in a year from now and wish you did.

>>missing out on my common interests like music and such
That is why you should casually date multiple girls, and not get serious with any. I am not saying cheat on your girlfriend, because I am talking about a scenario where you aren't "official" with any girl. Guys let too much slit slide, and end up going bling due to the attachment they feel towards a girl. Having non-serious relationships is a solution to that problem, which I promise you are suffering from.

You won't have the balls or the sense, but you should break up with her, and get it over with. Yes, it will suck, and it will be the hardest thing you've ever done emotionally, but you won't regret it in the long run.

>> No.7973112

fuck her, drop her

>> No.7973238

be taller than me when i wear heels (i am 5'5 but apparently this is next to impossible), don't need to be ottermode because but i wouldn't go further than seth rogen post weight loss tier, have good fashion sense, always horny, weird as fuck but can keep it lowkey, outwardly sociable at minimum, is not autistic, tbh that's it

if we get along, you are a qt to me

>> No.7973252

You're literally the only decent human I've seen on /fa

>> No.7973284

I've felt what it is to love and be loved, cuddling in bed with my gf.
I also did heroin, couple of years later.
Exact same feel.

>> No.7973348

>tfw my gf dresses better than me
>tfw she is more cultured than me
>tfw she keeps getting 10/10 or at least 9/10 scores in college
>tfw she is more ambitious than me
>tfw she likes 2deep4me literature, music, film, and art in general
>tfw when she is a big spender, and soon i wont be able to meet her demands

I feel real insecure about it, and I think it's only matter of time before she breaks up with me. I also think that only reason she is still with me is because I pretend I don't give a shit about all things listed in greentext, and I have rich and active social life that doesn't include her. Also we see each other once or twice every 2 weeks and there is some attachment that kicks in when we are having hard times of daily life without each other. She is simply going to find someone better than me or never be really satisfied with me.

>> No.7973381

She WILL find someone better than you, and is probably well on her way by now. Don't live your life in fear a girl will leave you, and if you are worried about it, then you'd be better off breaking up with her right now and starting the "grieving" process before things get worse.

Long distance relationships don't work, and neither does a relationship where a guy has to "meet her demands."

goddamn i wish prodigy would start posting again so I didn't have to look for people to give advice to out of boredom.

>> No.7973385

A 10/10 cool guy like yourself should never be bored

>> No.7973397

I'm not bored. I said I was bored as a way to entertain myself and it worked. Sometimes /fa/ is boring, but that is due to the amount of lame men.

>> No.7973399

>tfw been trying to be more /fa/
>still have no idea what I'm doing
>tfw no qt /fa/ bf to go shopping with and to teach me how to dress
>no one at my school is /fa/

>> No.7973411

Oh fuck lol'd
>tfw on the same boat
Is Raf demons and Rick Iowes what you usually wear?

>> No.7973415

if you are a girl I'll go shopping with you, but we're going to Gamestop first to see if they have the new MGS game used.. If they don't have it I'll be pissed off and take my anger out on you, but you'll forgive me after you catch all the other girls miring me as we walk together.

>> No.7973421

Mane, the grieving process started when I started seeing things for what they are. I act tough and cool when she is around though. Don't want to expose my weakness and tempt her to go for the kill. My real dilemma is if I should:
1. Train my mental strength and keep hanging on casually until she initiates the breakup so that I take it easy and be able to tell her that I saw it coming and it's all cool and I feel the same and that at least it was an enjoyable ride, no matter how I actually feel at the moment.
2. Break up with her now. If I do this, I'm not sure how to handle it tbh. Should I give her the real reason and play cold rationalist? Should I first find some stupid bitch to cushion myself first?

I do appreciate your advice man. Pure gold so far, both what you say to me and all other folks.

>> No.7973422



>> No.7973426

okay sounds good, as long as you are a qt pi and you don't make fun of me too much

>> No.7973435

>tfw friends always try to hook you up with fat grills

>> No.7973441
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>tfw no trill gf
>tfw my bitch not a fashion killa
>tfw not trendy nigga
>tfw not even a nigga

>> No.7973444

You should break up with her now, for several reasons. You don't have to give her a reason, and she will probably tell you a bunch of things to make you stay. Giving her a specific reason will make it easier for her to convince you it can work out, and you don't need to hear that shit because you may end up believing it.

Tell her you think it's best to not talk to each other anymore, and mean it by deleting her from FB, or anything like that. She WILL do shit to get your attention - ignore it at all costs.
Be confident in your decision, and stay strong.
It will be very difficult but stick with it, and ride it out. You will be much stronger down the road.

>Should I first find some stupid bitch to cushion myself first?
I understand why you would want that, but no, you shouldn't find another girl first. It may make it easier, but it also somewhat defeats the point. You need to be in a place where a girl isn't a major part of your life. That can't happen if you wait for a new bitch to break up with her.

Sure, go crazy and fuck 1000 bitches afterwards, but you shouldn't do anything until you break up with her.

>> No.7973447


park shin hye is a qt

>> No.7973448

You know those really flamboyant gays you see that tend to care about their clothing? I think thats the mentality that people have towards /fa/

>> No.7973456

I won't make fun of you if you don't do anything too dumb and especially I won't make fun of you if you get me that game. Do you live in CA? There are a ton of Gamestops around here.

>> No.7973463

Kill yourself, you are the problem

>> No.7973468

lol you don't know fashion dude
you haven't lived the culture. you don't understand the design aspects fully. you don't know shit. sure your gf is clueless but you actually think you know anything about it?
fuck i dont know enough about it and doubt /fa/ does either. most people who took fashion seriously and studied it up would laugh at you.

think about that b4 trying to shoehorn your pathetic fashion thoughts onto ppl you know

>> No.7973474


>> No.7973482

an hero

>> No.7973489

it isn't an indicator of anything
fashion "good" or "bad" fashion sense doesn't make you gay, "gay" fashion sense makes you gay

i.e. wearing versace sneakers
or other flamboyant outfits

but you wouldn't be closet then would you?

>> No.7973491

My GF was the same case. She wanted to give me a little surprise by taking me out on a date. She wore a simple black dress, purple fishnet stockings, and brown knee high boots.

She told me that everyone on the bus stared at her. I tried to imagine how worse it was in a crowded bus for her than the stares we were getting in the park.

I led her on later into a secluded area and had her take off the purple fishnets and put them in her purse, using the excuse that I liked her legs bare. I still wonder to this day if she bought that excuse.

>> No.7973494

i lold

>> No.7973525

Thanks man, will act accordingly. Though I don't think I can ignore her completely. Sure, I'll delete her from FB, never call/text her. But more importantly I will not give in to tell her the reasons for break up, or believe the shit you say she will try to sell to me. When she asks I'll stick to the "it's for the best" or "we're not for each other".
I'll try to make my studies my priority and hope that eventually the right girl will show up.

Respect, I'm out!

>> No.7973572

Let me know how it turns out, or whatever.
I've been there so I know how stupid it can get.

>> No.7973582

why even bother

>> No.7973591

You probably won't listen to me either, but this guy is right. Two years together in highschool, and she becomes a completely different person when we got to college.

I still remember when I realized she went joking when she told me to check my privilege. that's when I knew it was over.

>> No.7973655
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>I still remember when I realized she went joking when she told me to check my privilege
Hahaha that's funny.
Guys don't understand how fast girls can change. You think your girl is special and could never, ever, do you wrong, but when a girl decides to move on, she'll commit to it one hundred percent. Typically girls won't break up with a guy until she has found his replacement. That means she has broken up with you long before she actually leaves you. And when she does leave, goodbye.

That's why I was saying that you can't listen to a girl when she begs for you to stay, because when she's ready to leave you, there is nothing you could ever say or do to convince her to come back. Even if your "replacement" is just her new social circle, goodbye.
That person you never ever though she could be, she is.

I dated a 21 year old girl for a few months a while back, and she was telling me how she didn't have sex in high school and wanted to wait until marriage. When she got to college at 18, she joined a sorority and lost her virginity to three guys on a bathroom floor. That didn't shock me at all, because I understand how girls are now, but a few years ago I would've thought she was a huge slut. Girls are looking for the next best thing while guys go on 4chan and talk about how special she is.

For every beautiful woman, there is a man that is sick of dealing with her shit.

>pic is for fun. no bitterness here.

>> No.7973695

Damn, now I want a cold beer, but I still want to sew
lova ya, /fa/

>> No.7973751
File: 171 KB, 741x1024, horton feels a feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You just described my life anon

>> No.7973825

>go to korea for winter break
>meet qt park shin hye lookalike
>she is super nice and seems to like me
>the last time i see her she gives me her number on a piece of paper with something like <3 tell me next time ur in korea <3 or <3 let's meet up again later<3
>don't pursue it at all
should i have gon for it

>> No.7973833

damn son

>> No.7973843


Not true. I left my boyfriend after being with him for a year because I was unsure, and thought it would be unfair to continue the relationship with those feelings. I broke things off but he never gave up on me. He wrote me sweet letters, always kept in touch. He bought me a birthday gift, my favorite perfume. Through all of his efforts I realized how much I loved him, and that he was perfect for me. We are still together 5 years later and I cherish him every day of my life. I would do anything for him.

>> No.7973852

Great, now all the lame men will read this exception and hope their oneitis is the same way.

Have fun guys.

>> No.7974076

idiot, u could have gotten that tight hairy Korean poonani

>> No.7974103

Do you seriously think all girls are the same?

>> No.7974109

Thank you so much for this anon :)
My gf always tries to push me away because she's unsure but always thanks me for staying around when she's more balanced.
This gave me a huge confidence boost to keep trying

>> No.7974118

it's probably a girl

>> No.7974119

They sort of are though.
I'm going to explain this in Marxist terms because it's the closest analogy I can think of right now.
You've the the understructure, in this case biology, but in Marxism it's the economy. Everything that you see, the überstructure/upperstructure is a consequence of that understructure, in this case how a girl behaves. That doesn't mean that there are no differences between girls or countries, but there is an underlying law governing that shit.

Now don't go all Gramsci on my ass, I just can't finda better analogy.

>> No.7974179

All people are similar at some level, obviously, you made no point.
It's kind of sad that so many people on here perpetuate the myth that all girls are backstabbing whores. That is a disgustingly self centered and ignorant view on the world, especially because there is double standard at work. I don't want to discuss something as complex as gender roles, feminism etc. on /fa/ though, no point arguing with the people here.

>> No.7974295

>All people are similar at some level, obviously, you made no point.
I sort of assumed you didn't even ackowledge this basic fact.

But the thing is, the backstabbing whore stuff is part of the biology, the natural inclination for women to seek the best mate possible at any given moment.

>> No.7974304

>all girls are backstabbing whores.
I would never say all girls are whores, or even call a girl a whore. We also don't need to discuss gender roles. I promise you we wouldn't agree on it, but it doesn't matter because my opinions aren't based around that, and also my opinions aren't as "extreme" as you want them to be.

Guys have a lot of misconceptions about females, and that is what I try to talk about. I don't believe ALL females can be classified under anything, which goes for all things. There will always be exceptions.
However, most guys believe that they are with "the exception" which is why I try to give advice about.
Most guys, especially the ones who post here, believe the "feminine mystique" enforced through upbringing and culture. The basic thought process is that women are, in general, more innocent, caring, and empathetic than men, which allows a lot of their bad behavior, and even motives, to go unnoticed.

Guys always look passed many red flags due to inexperience, and a stubborn belief that their girl could never "lower herself" to be like those other girls. That very mind frame is the problem.

I actually wrote a very cool article about why "slut shaming" is bad on my cool blog here:

Also, a girl saying "do you really think all girls are the same" is a pretty typical female response, due to a girls inherent need to feel special. I know that will make you emotional, but there really is nothing harmful or offensive about what I'm saying when you think about it from a non-emotional point.

Men and women are not the same. Women live for women, and men live for women.
There will ALWAYS be an exception, but a cool man will learn to UNDERSTAND the reasoning behind the generalization so they he will be able to spot the "exception" if he finds it.
Most guys want to dismiss the generalizations as misogyny, instead of learning why they are general.

>> No.7974370

>the natural inclination for women to seek the best mate possible at any given moment.
You are right about this, and it is even backed up through science, though posting links to numerous studies would prove futile because science can't compete with white knight and female emotional biases.
Despite what any guy with a reasonable amount of relationship experience has learned from first hand experience, a girl will rarely ever admit that they are opportunistic in their dating life.

I am not criticizing girls, or saying anything negative - it is simply how it is.

I was once a confused cool man questioning why the girl I loved could act how she acted after two years of being so great, and it's only natural to want to reject major theories that go agains societies agenda, but after time and a balanced empathetical understanding the truth becomes clear.

There are a number of responses, and I've heard them all. The thing is, if you are so strongly opposed to my views, one day you will realize I am right.
Unless you are a girl, in which case simply don't worry about it. I know you think your opinion is valid, but any guy who takes relationship advice from a girl is proving his lack of experience with girls.

>> No.7974953

Seems like pretty good advice. I don't I'll dump her, but nothing wrong with a casual relationship.
Since shit will be drifiting apart eventually, and I got nothing better going in college until I decide to move colleges after another year.
(It isn't super serious right now, so I'll probably leave it that way, but it is serious in the sense that we act like we are a couple together)
Thanks for preaching the truth, bruh.

>> No.7974965

That was terribly written, but the point is I am very grateful for your advice.

>> No.7974981


All humans are shit. Who cares....

>> No.7974998


Aw you're welcome :3

In my case I pushed him away out of uncertainty and because I had been hurt so much in the past, it was a natural instinct. I thought I was protecting myself. Maybe your girlfriend feels similar.

>> No.7975047
File: 1.03 MB, 937x696, 1395425132049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I have a good point. In fact, I am pro at it.
Yesterday I made the fatal mistake of agreeing to a dam lunch date with a girl (lame man move) and she asked me, "what do I want to be?" like, what am I working towards career wise? Don't ask a 4chan trip about his career ambitions, because obviously they don't exist. Naturally, I gave a cool funny answer and said "I want to be a life coach" but she laughed at me and said "you'd be a terrible life coach."

So I'm pissed off, feeling like an idiot for eating lunch with this bitch when I could easily just be posting on the chan like a real cool man, and we open up our fortune cookies (yes, we ate Chinese food).
Being a gentleman, I tell her to open hers first. Not only was her cookie broken but there was also no fortune inside. I started laughing. Revenge is fucking sweet.
"What's your fortune" she asked me, though I knew she didn't care.

I sat back cooly, feeling smug when I read what you see in the pic.

>Originally posted 03/20/14, by Cool Man Luke

>> No.7975059

This is so true and it sucks. I wish I listened to advice like that 6 years ago. Went through 5 years of relationship and got eventually replaced by her new circle of friends. I'm a fucking mess now, while she fucks some guy after two weeks and is in a new relationship after a month. "He was so gentle", that cunt told me like I want to fucking know that shit. I just hate her for how she pretended to want to stay friends afterwards. She just wanted to rub this shit into my face and never say a word to me afterwards. Fucking whore.

>> No.7975083

>I wish I listened to advice like that 6 years ago.
Which is basically my point I was making above. It's hard to listen to that type of advice when you haven't experienced it because it just seems hard to believe. Maybe MOST girls are like that, but not her in a million years...
Every time a topic like this comes up there are a lot of posters who share similar stories.

>I just hate her for how she pretended to want to stay friends afterwards.
Yea that happens a lot. That's why it's best to completely drop contact. Ironically, that sometimes is also the best way to make a girl regain interest in you too. Being friends with a girl you still have feelings for is a mistake, because you have to watch that shit play out.

>> No.7975325

Y-yeah I do, there's a Gamestop 15 minutes from me

>> No.7975614
File: 64 KB, 600x450, tzQYxcQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw doing drugs with your gf

>> No.7975639
File: 62 KB, 191x309, 09182347238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt in my Japanese class in Uni
>Dresses p nice, though basic most of the time
>She comes in wearing a fedora one day

>> No.7975666

damn thats it

>> No.7975815


>> No.7976088
File: 23 KB, 260x282, 1372294522553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese class

>> No.7976281
File: 171 KB, 500x564, 1386901078388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god tier otherworldly feels

>that burning eye tearing sensation after snorting a line
>that blastoff

>> No.7976289

>gf is cumin over to give me a solid handjob bc shes on her period
>smoked after class and food shopping
>got 175$ refund check in the from job i worked 2 weeks in the summer
>bouta have my side bitch come over and fuck her b4 my gf gets here

>> No.7976296
File: 65 KB, 645x770, 1387789270490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7976303

I thought the same thing about some chick in one of my classes, she was passable then she came in with dark purple lipstick like wtf

>> No.7976336
File: 158 KB, 831x826, 1371225102685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know I bother putting in so much effort each day. There aren't any grills in my class and everyone just thinks I'm a total fag for wearing an untucked OCBD sometimes. I might adopt the CS uniform in order to better fit in.

>> No.7976341

I hope you immolate and die

>> No.7976357

Don't worry--the "side gf" shit won't work too well for him, for too much longer. Take solace that his actions will catch up with him

>> No.7976395

>tfw you lost your only effay best friend because you fucked his ex
>tfw all the girls in the school know
>all the girls at my school dress pleb
>all girls think i'm gay because of how I dress
>tfw nobody knows your name and you get told you look really intimidating/introverted

>> No.7976398

jelous ugly gook detected. go back on okcupid to find a date chinky
na i probably cheat all the time so my actions will never catch up with me?

>> No.7976495

It's better to just not lead girls on and be upfront that you MAY be fucking someone else. I know you won't listen to me, but I also really don't care, i'm just offering my opinion.
You can have a relationship, or even multiple relationships, and continue to fuck other girls without being a cheater.

Also, if you have any attachment towards your GF you are fucking up, and THAT will catch up to you. I believe you do because she is your GF.

>> No.7976726

>fucking your friend's ex
bros before hoes wtf man

>> No.7976970

>tfw gf admitted she thought i was gay before we started dating because i dress well
i finally made it /fa/

>> No.7976992

>tfw no amount of good clothes will compensate for my nonexistent personality.

>> No.7977303

not that femanon but
it's not a typical response because
>"due to a girls inherent need to feel special"
it's because a lot of people (like you) make girls out to be lying, manipulative, bitchy, deceitful, awful beings. who would want to be categorized into that group?

>> No.7977358

lol chek dat priv m8

>> No.7977362

>tfw walking down street and pinroll comes undone

why me

>> No.7977735
File: 14 KB, 225x328, The_Feminine_Mystique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although women are inherently better at, and more prone to using manipulative tactics, for a number of reasons, I am not trying to say that they are "deceitful and awful" in the way you think. To keep things simple, I am saying that you shouldn't trust women, but that isn't based around the fact that they are women, but because they are people.

I wasn't specifically talking about "bad" traits in female behavior, but instead focusing on a bad, and even sexist belief among many men. That belief is that women are typically MORE trustworthy, innocent and "pure hearted," due to the idea of the "feminine mystique."
The idea that girls are "kinder" is ironically sexist, and a paradox, especially to the guys who believe men and women are equal.

For example, a guy can post about how loving and perfect his GF is, and no girl will tell him "not all girls are like that" but as soon as a cool poster like me suggests that there are some red flags in his post, suddenly it's a barrage of "not all girls are like that".
It doesn't matter if one particular girl isn't like that at that point in time - what matters is that she is capable of being "like that" later on, which is what many guys don't understand until it is too late.

>> No.7977758

I'm glad I stopped doing that, my ankles were getting markings because would need to do it tight so it would stay

>> No.7977778

i honestly don't understand why somebody in that position hasn't just committed suicide yet

>> No.7977782


that's cuz you haven't been in that position you stupid motherfucker

>> No.7977788
File: 209 KB, 1390x1380, 1386335904599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>date grill
>she likes me a lot from what I hear
>oh cool, something that'll actually last!
>she doesn't like me
>oh ok
>break up
>don't really have much friends nor do I really want any, so don't feel like talking to her after we break up
>get told the equivalent of "check your privilege" for not wanting to be her friend and only thinking of girls as dating material
The fuck man, I don't even care for "le friendzone" and I put an effort to get over it quickly for both our sakes', I try to be fairly level headed about these things; but god damn I got BTFO by her and her friend that I met her through for not talking with her anymore.
Leave me alone man, I just don't feel like being your friend.

>> No.7977792
File: 376 KB, 900x702, 1373242378248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7977801

lmao dont even pay attention m8

i had an ex gf suck another dudes dick while we were dating and i told her she was a fucking whore

and she said im dumping u but lets be friends because i still love u as a person

she like stalked me and called all my friends and shit for 3 years now and she still hasnt stopped

make sure to stop talking to anyone who is passing her information


>> No.7977819

>and she said im dumping u but lets be friends because i still love u as a person
The fuck man.

>make sure to stop talking to anyone who is passing her information
Jesus this has happened actually, and in the most cringe worthy way. This girl I was giving numerous amounts of D to also had this small group of whiteknight betas that would obsess over her. Turns out one of them was actually trying to be my friend so she can be impressed by his sweetheart and fall in love with him instead. Acted like some kind of mole for her so he would hang around me.
Topautism, ended up bullying all of them and actually installed a keylogger on this fucking asshole's laptop to get his shit to fuck with him. God man just thinking about them gets me assmad.

>> No.7977834

w2c keylogger software?

>> No.7977839

This girl I dated had actually been stalking my tumblr and shit for 2 years and memorized everything i liked

Her cousin moved to my school and she got to meet me irl and we hit it off gr8 because she had like a shrine to me

She had like 10 autistic kids from the states lusting after her snatch who would skype her about how pretty she was all day

Had to deal with autistic nerds prank calling me adding me on facebook adding myf riends photoshopping my face onto yaoi and shit

I found out one of my close friends was passing her all my info like my class schedule and shit and she had phone my friends and had her friends phone me to ask where I was

She ended up cheating on me and then ended up dating some autistic kid who was trying to "troll" me who I made cry when I said he'd never get her pussy

>> No.7977859

There are quite a few, google around. I'm not some topcracker who knows all the exploits to everything and can into third party remote access or some shit, I just googled his laptop and his bootloader had option to record keyboard activity and I just made it so it wrote to a really small usb I left in his back that his laptop's battery obscured, took it out the next day.
>tfw highschool filled with being a /b/tard scriptkiddie and dressing dadcore as fuck
No regrets mang it was kinda cool even if it was basic tier as fuck.

>> No.7977890

>on facebook adding myf riends photoshopping my face onto yaoi and shit
Holy fuck man are you me? That's almost why I started picking on this fucker. He would crudely edit my face onto gay things for no reason other than the fact I was banging a chick he had autismal obsession over, he even had le anonymous faec everywhere. Deleted all of the pictures off his dropbox and fb, as well as other important things. Retard didn't back up his shit, and his fb password reset question was something along the lines of Favorite thing: Runescape.

>She ended up cheating on me and then ended up dating some autistic kid who was trying to "troll" me who I made cry when I said he'd never get her pussy
Fucking highschool bitches and whiteknights, man, not even once.

>> No.7977938

for real she was 5/10 and stupid/boring so it wasnt a huge loss

the still adding me shit is getting kind of old now all these #sadboys #memerap kids add me

one of her fanboys ended up like drunk calling her one night saying he thought i was so cool and hot so i think half of her autist white knights may be homosexually attracted to me


>> No.7977964
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>one of her fanboys ended up like drunk calling her one night saying he thought i was so cool and hot so i think half of her autist white knights may be homosexually attracted to me
>tumblr whores
>life in general
Life a shit man, but I have the luxury of never having to deal with them again though, so #prayin4u.

>> No.7977961

>tfw black
>tfw I attract the worst kind of women
>tfw no qt3.14159 gf
Help me, guys. Please.

>> No.7977969

thanks m8 im tryin to stay strong

>> No.7977974

you are just as shit as the people you attract. no qtpi gf relationship material for you, you animal.

>> No.7977978

Find new circles of wimmin, or become one of those funny yet odd black weeaboos and appreciate the 2D grills.
That 2.0

>> No.7977985

I mean Thad 2.0

>> No.7978000

>or become one of those funny yet odd black weeaboos and appreciate the 2D grills.
>That 2.0
Man, this is the worst kind of advice I've ever heard.

Its just that sometimes, whenever I date a girl that is non-black, there always seems to be a racial aspect to it. Girls have said to me:
>I never thought I'd date a black guy
>You are the best black guy I've ever dated
>I've always wanted to date a black man

Sometimes it seems that nonblack girls are dating me purely on a whim.

>> No.7978017

>Man, this is the worst kind of advice I've ever heard.
Aye man I'm just saying 2D you don't have this shit except those obvious racist ones making fun of black people

>Sometimes it seems that nonblack girls are dating me purely on a whim.

Nice trips btw

>> No.7978039

Please tell me you're joking, man.

I'm a real human bean, with human bean needs. I want an emotionally fulfilling relationship with physical satisfaction on the side. How am I going to get that physical satisfaction from a 2 dimensional character?

Am I supposed to kiss the computer screen? Will I rub my junk against the keyboard? I'm confused here.

As a side note, what is your favorite Studio Ghibli film? I thought Princess Monononononoke was fantastic. I need to get comfy here.

>> No.7978046
File: 1.11 MB, 3280x4616, 1395312263869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related m8, fucking pic related
it's happening

>studio ghibli
I don't dabble much in Ghibli films, but I did love Princess Mononoke and Howl's Moving Castle a lot

>> No.7978052
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>> No.7978074

What has Science done!? I couldn't do it.

>> No.7978076

>legal pedophilia

>> No.7978089
File: 83 KB, 147x315, alien.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ex thought gqcore was the epitome of men's fashion
>wanted to smoke weed as a fucking social crutch even though I'd had some crazy bad shit happen in my family involving it and other substances
>called me manipulative when i asked her not to
>Got mad whenever I brought up how bootcut jeans don't work on anyone
>got mad when I judged the exact same things she judged a few days before
>treated Project Runway as high fashion
>Defended Macklemore with a passion even though she hated all rap
>would always tell me the shit I found rad was stupid
>really controlling
Good thing I dumped her after she told me she was gonna leave me in 6 months expecting me to be happy with her until she dropped me.

>> No.7978095

>bootcut jeans don't work on anyone

This is false, and I do not own a single pair. You seem angry when she says wrong things, so why can't she be mad too?

>> No.7978115

>This is false
asspie detected

>> No.7978122

You ain't shit man, your story's a joke
You should package it with a last smoke and six feet of rope.

>> No.7978138
File: 1.30 MB, 960x1280, IMG_0131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how you guys have so many girl troubles.

I love my gf

>pale skin
>has a job
>strives for what she wants

>> No.7978149

>tfw all the cute asian girls go to a different university
>tfw only get dumb whiteys and jungle asians at mine

>> No.7978178


My university is 45% Asian but tbh most of the girls are rly uninteresting

Either they're Americanized as fuck or super fobby

>> No.7978210

>is fat

>> No.7978207

translation: couldn't tap that aryan master race pussy and thinks dem ugly gooks are irl animus

>> No.7978215

>>wanted to smoke weed as a fucking social crutch even though I'd had some crazy bad shit happen in my family involving it and other substances

>> No.7978217

>Either they're Americanized as fuck
implying this is a bad thing. americanized asian girls are super chill as long as they aren't the snob version.

>> No.7978218

>is a butterface

I like fat girls

>> No.7978481

>Rape her lifeless, water sodden corpse.
captcha: arms makoufo

>> No.7978564
File: 2.71 MB, 400x225, joaquin feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear tight pants
>walk into work to pick up schedule
>girl that I tried to date is sorta mirin
>find out 2 days later that she is jelly of my amazing legs
>her face

>> No.7978584

>5'2" gf
>Takes an interest in fashion and complements me on what I wear
>Mentioned ACRONYM and she actually knew what it was
>Asks me for my opinion on clothes she's going to buy and visa versa
>Cute as fuck
>Nice tits
>Nice ass
>Nice face
Life's good.

>> No.7978595

>tfw grills think your unreachable

>> No.7978602


>> No.7978637


too small/10 wouldnt date

>> No.7978648

I'm 5'10". She's perfect height for me.
Why the fuck would you want to date a tall chick? They get less cute the taller they get.

>> No.7978659

being 6'3 i want godtier modelchick

>> No.7978663

I am female and I have to admit I agree with you, its sad but true and I'm probably not even an "exception" .... just vaguely logical.

>> No.7978664


most gays dress like shit though

>> No.7978680



>> No.7978685

try getting friends outside the course. join clubs/societies, see if there's one for fashion.

>> No.7978690


he prolly means americanalized as in being capitalist scum without any sense of real culture being all herd mentality

>> No.7978696
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 1393283986810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 6'3"
>tower over every girl
>mfw even manlets are taller than them
>just want a girl with longer legs than me ;_;

>> No.7978714

>tfw qt fa gril in my class
>tfw one day she comes in with her bf and he looks and dresses exactly like a young David Lynch

What do you do when someone is more fa than you?

>> No.7978826

Can't really fight with biological urges. But I'm sure as hell going to do my best to keep a good girl in line if she's with me than the slut that cheats on her boyfriend with me.

>> No.7978833

>implying you'll get a good girl
>implying you'll get a girl full stop

>> No.7979145
File: 171 KB, 960x1280, iPhoneUpload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying my gf has to be fat to have above average boobs.

>> No.7979160
File: 24 KB, 500x564, heard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7979167

>says she isn't fat as he posts a picture of a fat girl

u definitely made ur point friend

>> No.7979169


>> No.7979196
File: 87 KB, 478x633, 7F3ay[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish it was shopped haha.
Low quality maybe, but not shopped.

>> No.7979220

gr8 criteria
hope i meet a girl as chill as you

>> No.7979233

post more?

>> No.7979237

Okay, post your gf rather than a fat whale.

>> No.7979280
File: 194 KB, 652x836, 7F4AP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is not fat to you

My gf is on the left.

>> No.7979283

there's more between heaven and earth than having limbs, buddy

>> No.7979284


>> No.7979306

she might not be very fat but her and her friends are max plebs

>> No.7979309

just post the fucking nudes man

>> No.7979319

Jesus christ, are you in high school yet?

>> No.7979328
File: 54 KB, 494x669, 7F5mc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh of course... She's a bit more ahead of them on an average day. She listens to what I tell her. She was on her period that day and didn't feel like doing anything if I remember correctly.

>>7979309 If this threads still alive after I get a haircut I will post more.

Hahaha yeeeee senior!!! wooooo

>> No.7979327

she's rad

>> No.7979361

>everyone claims to be /fa/ so they want a /fa/ gf
>no one here is /fa/

everyone should take a good long look in the mirror

>> No.7979401


>> No.7979415



>> No.7979462

My grandma found my uncle tied to a chair and stabbed to death in his garage and later the police found a fuckton of drugs that belonged to him in some tweakers house. Such is life in Cheyenne

>> No.7979624

You dont actually believe that kinda shit do you? I bet you say that IRL too

>> No.7979653

not that guy, but i once fucked my best friend's long term gf a month after he died in a car crash

felt good mane

>> No.7979820

Man bitches are totally replaceable, a good friend isn't. Totally depends on the friendship. I could've slept with quite a few girls if it weren't for my own belief in this. Pussy is just pussy man, half the world has one but bitches seem to think they have the only one.
This is okay though. Nigga's dead anyway so don't have to be worried about losing a friend.

>> No.7979908

>Man bitches are totally replaceable, a good friend isn't.
everybody learn from this

>> No.7980333
File: 319 KB, 425x450, 1391809754929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf goes on /fa/
>tfw gf is /fa/

>> No.7980397

naah fuck frfeinds lol

>> No.7980465

GFs are like geobaskets, u can get them for 1/10th the price in China

>> No.7980657

i, for one, would never date a girl who frequented 4chan

>> No.7980679

>Treat her like a gentlemen you fucking pigs
>If it was me I'd show her all the love in the world
>God I'm so nice and perfect and not a fag

>> No.7980684
File: 126 KB, 481x271, Hue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7980693

qt 3.14 w2c

>> No.7980731

so the chinese gfs are poorly constructed fakes?

>> No.7980749


in certain ways yes

>> No.7980769

Me either, and I usually try to find out in subtle ways on the first date but I've never been with a girl who even knows what 4chan is.
4chan is for the coolest of the cool men and lames of all genders.

>> No.7980950

mad he got called out

>> No.7980958

>fucking a fob chinese girl
>she got a backyard boob job before immigrating
>"go slower anon the staples are coming out!"

>> No.7980988


>> No.7981043


>> No.7981525
File: 169 KB, 584x800, COLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to chick on facebook
>she literally admits that she had a dream about fucking m

>mfw she's a virgin and so am I
>mfw she's a qt
>mfw she thinks I'm a qt
>mfw it basically went "you asked me for something, I said we had to get married, we did, and you got what you wanted"

>> No.7982151

thunder thighs
disgusting nipples

>> No.7982155


>> No.7982320

No-one should try to "keep a good girl in line" if she's gonna fuck up then it obversely wasn't working and that relationships. controlling someone doesn't work.

>> No.7982351

>>after class, run into her at topshop nearby (don't judge)
Isn't topshop only women clothing? Dude...

>> No.7982382

>tfw you start hooking up with your friend in the summer who's kinda /fa/
>you talk all the time texting and skyping when you're not hanging out
>friends think he ugly, wonder why he's your fwb
>start to really like dis boy but too scared to tell him
>being an asshole one night and tell him you don't want him to come over
>starts talking to you way less
>starts seriously dating mutual friend without telling you
>still rlly like him
fuck that ginger bitch anyway shes boring with pleb tier style
why did he never ask me to date him

>> No.7982403


>reject him
>never tell him you like him

OMG why is he dating someone else :(

female logic

>> No.7982427

Can't pull a trigger with stubs.

>> No.7982565

I apologized to him the next day after rejecting him
and I dropped hints I liked him all over the place I wasn't some ice cold bitch

>I saw them at a cafe together today so i'm feeling sorry for myself ok

>> No.7982642

>reject him
>but I subtly hinted that I still like him
>he should be able to decipher my mixed signals

female logic

>> No.7982751

topshop and topman are often in the same building

>> No.7982903

>rejects him once out of like 20 times he's asked to hook up because he was being a dick and he knew it
>apologize the next day
>"rejected him"

>> No.7982914

so you hooked up with him 19 times prior? and apologize because you turn him down once? you sound like a boring beta bitch id drop you too.

>> No.7982929


god damn you must be such a faggot

>b-but ur w-whiteknighting

just fuck off

>> No.7982936

maybe I am beta but i'd never give you the chance to drop me faggot

>> No.7984004

Pfahahaah I fucking love women

>> No.7984037

obvious signs of him feeling like he's not good enough for you.
even if he did start dating you, he'd just be paranoid that you'll leave him at any moment which would suck all the fun out of everything.

>> No.7985430
File: 1.32 MB, 480x360, 1388017844311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only like girls that are already in relationships

>> No.7986314
File: 262 KB, 400x300, chrischan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a boyfriend free girlfriend, anon

>> No.7986522


whos that guy.
how to find on youtube

>> No.7986597
File: 129 KB, 509x619, 1395605371571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you just described all of fa

>> No.7986681

>all grills will br8k your heart like this
>no exceptions do not try to understand wimmin they are mysterious creatures of evil
>I'm not bitter

no wonder so many of you guys have no gf, you just assume all girls think the same as the one that broke your heart or worse, you listen to stories like this and get scared of even trying with women

its not that hard to tell if a girl is a bitch from the beginning, just don't be an idiot and let having a crush shroud your judgment. Very rarely does a girl just randomly turn into a bitch during the relationship, there are always signs

>> No.7986690


>> No.7986696

Can't remember his name but his videos are priceless

>> No.7986772

I fuck sluts like this all the time from all walks of life. Dedicated wives, girlfriends, and single girls. Women are as human as men, we all want to fuck and have a good time. We will search for it when it isn't available to us anymore through our regular means.

>> No.7986816


even though she doesn't know you exist

your crazy Is showing
why the fuck are dudes on here so fucking crazy

obsess over one bitch, stalk her

doesn't matter if she's your wife,grilfriend/crush/friend

stop obsessing over one fucking person

what are you teenagers?

>> No.7986816,1 [INTERNAL] 

After been in relationship with a guy for 3 years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr, Aduwawa and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: (aduwawaspiritualtemple@ yahoo. com) or you can call him on +2348112019701, you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU SIR.