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/fa/ - Fashion

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7956658 No.7956658 [Reply] [Original]

>spend all day learning fashion
>buying fashion clothes
>feel proud of all your future sicc fits

>realize you don't ever go outside
>realize no friends
>realize no life

>> No.7956869

hahahha suck shit shitlord

>> No.7956899
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>> No.7956914

yeh but ur 10x uglier

>> No.7957059
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>> No.7957126

>spend 4+ hours on 4chan discussing fashion and music
>buying fashion clothes and dling good lps
>feel proud of your ascent into patricianhood

>realize you have a ton of friends
>realize go outside constantly
>realize have a life but still have time for 4chan
>realize girls and guys like me because i'm funny because of my dry humor that i acquired from 4chan
>realize i made it years ago
feels good guys

>> No.7957144

The first step to being awesome is looking awesome.

>> No.7957147


>tfw not /fit/

>> No.7957294

>because i'm funny because of my dry humor that i acquired from 4chan

>> No.7957318
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>spend 6+ hours on 4chan shitposting
>no job so can't afford sick fits
>barely passing classes
>quit going to the gym
>gaining weight (fat)

>realize you have no hobbies or interests
>realize you have no social relationships
>realize your a failure at life
>realize you've missed out on lots of great opportunities
>realize that you're not doing anything with your life

>> No.7957379

People find it funny as fuck if you do it correctly. They just can't do it correctly.

>> No.7957375

>spend all day browsing /fa/
>see nice clothes
>dont want to risk buying something expensive and not liking it
>just stick to wearing clothes from target and pac-sun
everything is still ok

>> No.7957394

jesus christ i just spent the last 30 minutes having this feel and here it is as the first thread on /fa/ holy fuck

>> No.7957400

People think you're a nerd in all probability

>> No.7957409


people just think i'm a stoner

not him by the way

>> No.7957422

4chan makes me an asshole.

>> No.7957424

You don't do Costanza jokes, you dum dum, you just use post-irony and shit.

>> No.7957460

Me too anon.

>tfw your friends don't like you most of the time
>tfw they think people on 4chan are mean
>tfw they go on reddit instead

>> No.7957485

circuit breaker time anon

you odn't want to become a robot (/r9gay/). turn off comp, go for a walk.
stay off 4chan for a day
go back on
then try for 2 days
come back on
try for a week

this site can be toxic if you allow it to be

>> No.7957486
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>> No.7957545
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>Link friends videos on korean BB for men to provoke discussion
>They're now convinced I wear make up and make fun of me
>Tell your friends you have over 10 pairs of shoes
>They call you a woman
>mfw my friends make fun of me for not wearing chunky af watches

I never knew the pain of not having effay friends before I came here, now my life is a living hell.

>> No.7957555

>have money
>have sikk fits
>have gr8 music library
>read a shit-ton
>good grades
>go to concerts, recitals, museums, opera, restaurants, all day erryday
>have more than enough money

and yet

>no friends
>no parties

feels strangely good

>> No.7957568
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ahaha you guys are cringey holy shit

>these are the people on this board right now

>> No.7958102

>no direction
>no life
>no fits because no money
>no real friends
>feel empty and numb inside
>awkward as hell around new people
>realized how pointless everything is
>had thoughts of death a few days ago
>years of 4chan has ruined my personality and sense of humor
>anxiety and paranoia when around people im not already close to
>can hear people talk shit about me
>some even come right up and talk shit to my face
>convinced everybody is out to get me
>only passion is skateboarding
>only time i go out is to skate
>i fucking suck at skating
if my petty firstworld problems make me feel this shitty i don't want to know what real pain is

>> No.7958168

>spend all day acquiring grails and establishing a monopoly in a corner of a niche market
>feel proud of 5 white raf simons velcros

>realize the value of my assets was far too much in my overall portfolio
>realize mature investments
>realize now making 1k a day trading

>still not 21

>> No.7958296

>depressed as fuck
>living at home going to uni and shitty job
>barely have time for friends/make new ones
>barely see gf whos only ever 20 minutes away cause we got in a couple fights and she choose to get her friends/family involve so they now hate me and dont allow me over

i fucking wanna kill them i really do

>> No.7958305
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the only good feel at the moment is that one of my former best friends is my drug dealer so i can almost always get weed

>tfw you have to depend on weed to make you happy

>> No.7958344


Lol, what a diva. You're like the Big Sean of /fa/.

>> No.7958364
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>realize girls and guys like me because i'm funny because of my dry humor that i acquired from 4chan

>> No.7958386

this is quite an abstract feel my friend

>> No.7958399
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>tfw girl i wasnt even going out with breaks up with me

girls are so fuckin dumb, i wish i was gay

>> No.7958412

I've been drinking almost daily for close to two years.

Spent half an hour latently debating how to finish a pint of vodka.

Decided to flush it instead.

I haven't felt as profoundly happy in more than a year as I did after doing that.

My memory, my diction, and my hope will come back. I know I won't feel stellar tomorrow…but holy fuck, I felt like myself again, and I liked what I did.

Shit gets better. Even when you stop believing it will, there's always fucking hope.

I have other health problems, sure. But, I feel like I'm a step closer to resolving some of them now.

I'm happy to be alive.

>> No.7958417
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u wot

im quoting him lol

btw this sex offender walked past me today

>> No.7958427

congratulations anon

you're gonna make it

we're all gonna make it

>> No.7958425

oh i didnt read the thread
he pulls it off though, he's just got one of those personalities mate

>> No.7958439


Thank you, really.

>> No.7958457

tell the story

>> No.7958460

>tfw go outside
>tfw friends
>tfw have a life


>tfw no friends with like-minded individuals

>> No.7958464

I'll be your friend on one conditions. You have to blow me whenever i want

>> No.7958492
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there's nothing to tell
me and this girl i'd been friends with for a little while kissed and then we didnt really talk for a week
then she was like i need to talk to you tomorrow so i saw her and she was like i want to break things off

pic related: mfw

>> No.7958515

thats cause u ugly as shit and you have fuckedup teeth. plus youre a poor vegan faggot pizza boy you loser

>> No.7958537

mate i wouldnt say my teeth are great but they're not 'fuckedup'

>> No.7958538

there are literally too many attractive girls at usyd
like how do I decide who to crush on???

>> No.7958556

i thought u were gay

>> No.7958768

post her
i wanna see the girls u hook up with

>> No.7958771

as many as possible

>> No.7958798

if any one of you lonely anons are grills I will gladly take you out to dinner and hold hands.

>> No.7958804

Atleast get a hobby faggot.
Check out what you used to like when you were younger, figure it out from there.
Toys, vidya, DIY, drawing, crossdressing whatever.

>> No.7958818

You feel like an even bigger shit because you recognize them as shit problems in comparison to real problems. That's an admirable trait atleast.

>> No.7958827

Many hold a superficial pain. Sometimes I wish a spider would come and bite a leg, that swells to twice its size. Then they would know what real pain is.

>> No.7958914

i wanna see to see if i recognise
if have seen her likely i've seen asoklown around this shity of 360k droes

>> No.7958921

>likely i've seen asoklown around this shity of 360k droes

what does this even mean

>> No.7958929

just post her u fuckwit

>> No.7958936
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>> No.7958941

u found her on 4chan?

>> No.7958946

yeah i met her on here and we organised to meet up. she looks like a qt huh? im pretty bummed she dumped me

>> No.7958949

kiko mizuhara

>> No.7958952

asok do you ever get scared that someone is gonna do the UTV diary thing with you?

>> No.7958958

are you trying to ruse me>

>> No.7958963


>> No.7958972


>> No.7958981

weird coincidence but i remember that happening and reading about it on /mu/
they started talking about the worst boards on 4chan and someone said /fa/, but then someone else said it was actually pretty funny so i came over here and checked it out, now im stuck here (i know im a newfag but what can ya do)

but nah i dont think im interesting enough for someone to do that to me... but then again wasnt UTV just like a lowkey trip who barely posted?

>> No.7958986

asok sometimes you are a massive fag, like yesterday with the vegan thread, but I think you are a cool guy.

>> No.7959025

there's some guy on here who saves alot of the tripfags fits and probably a few of their posts,
i know he has heaps of mine
he also has folders related to heaps of other boards

>> No.7959026

haha yeah i saw that the other night
weird stuff

>> No.7959039
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>tfw used to be 350 pounds
>lose all the weight and get pretty /fit/
>start feeling kinda good about my appearence
>tfw im now getting a receding hairline
I want to die.

>> No.7959474

how2deal with feelings of isolation in an enclosed community

also tfw want to cop some sly new creps but going to be a poor fuck for the next 5 years due to muh student life

>> No.7959486


>> No.7959502

>go alone to punk concerts
>mosh for human contact and weird sense of intimacy

>> No.7959547

I'd go to concerts with you

>> No.7959617
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>Track EMS Package
>Absence of adressee
>was home yesterday all day

>> No.7959640

i remember you talking about that just before it happened; what'd you spend the rest of your day off doing?