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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 162 KB, 818x684, 1395049846299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7953343 No.7953343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy good looking by /fa/'s standards?

>> No.7953351

For a pedophile.

>> No.7953363

he's okay

nothing more

he has crippling autism though

>> No.7953369

who is this and what is a waifuist

>> No.7953382

post face pls

>> No.7953383

people who sit on the internet all day an pretend to be in relationships with cartoon characters or real people that they will never meet

>> No.7953389

you can sort of see the autism in his expression it's weird

>> No.7953391

Yes, anyone who says otherwise is deluded and probably jelly.

>> No.7953392

No. My face is not going to change the fact that I find his face to be "just" okay. Not to mention, I'm not a comparable male.

>> No.7953405

hes not just okay

hes good looking, but nothing special

>> No.7953409


if it didnt have that timestamp you wouldnt have a clue

>> No.7953412

yes, he's good (okay) looking

not stunning, not special

>> No.7953415

LOL @ these jealous uggos

the dude is a fucking 9/10, that is obvious

inb4 waifufag, i hate them as much as the next person but the guy is clearly very good looking

>> No.7953419

nah not really

run of the mill face, any actual model would shit on him

>> No.7953421

his jawline is way bigger on the right wtf

>> No.7953422

nah m8 i swear

>> No.7953434

crooked jawline because he has had problems with his teeth as a teenager

>> No.7953439

did he shave his widow's peak?

>> No.7953445


no they wouldnt

>> No.7953447

thats a head tilt you fucking spastic

>> No.7953448

>run of the mill face
u actually cant b serious

>> No.7953453

lurk more

>> No.7953458
File: 274 KB, 665x900, 1395052162498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao yes they would

fall back bitch nigga

>> No.7953472
File: 146 KB, 800x1035, Lee_Sun_Young_Cole-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it you in the pic or something
just give up loser

>> No.7953477

well he is better looking than anyone i know...

>> No.7953479

>photoshopped to oblivion

>> No.7953487

lol cole mohr is not good looking

>> No.7953488

i'm new who is this

>> No.7953495

>some faggot autist tripfag on 4chan
9/10 best face ever
>acclaimed worldwide fame model, his looks and body are his moneymaker
lel not good looking photoshop ugly

Kill yourself dude

>> No.7953500
File: 65 KB, 500x607, tumblr_mk4a5z6aiN1qzrrqmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat nerd detected

>> No.7953497

did i say best face ever?

hes an unconventional model

please lurk

>> No.7953505

>hes an unconventional model
lol he's a mainstream model

please kill yourself

>> No.7953506

>posting more photoshops

post one in a public environment without filters or photoshop

>> No.7953509
File: 166 KB, 800x547, 1395053146309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure u know what ur talking about on that one bud

>> No.7953511
File: 211 KB, 620x934, 1395053179865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya i guess everything looks photoshopped after looking at ur pizzaface reflection everyday lmao

>> No.7953521

lol its obvious photoshopped

look at how bright the colours are

>still yet to post one

>> No.7953522


>> No.7953532

what the fuck is the skin under his eye sweating blood its like he has some fucked up pink eye bullshit pls no

>> No.7953535

fucking lol found op

>> No.7953542

hes good looking by not remarkably so

>> No.7953551

he doesnt post anymore shitlord

>> No.7953554

>being mad
>knowing who posts
id tell you to kill yourself but youre already dead

>> No.7953557
File: 192 KB, 500x741, 1390498558944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes no difference he still has clear skin and gorgeous bone structure under it

post ur cheekbones blud
oh wait u dont even have any lmao damn rip this nigga bad genes

>> No.7953566

>doesnt post himself but tells others to
>implying OP pic doesnt have clear skin and a comparable bone structure

its all about angles, and all your professional shots you are posting accentuate the structure even further
OP pic is a mirror selfie

>> No.7953924

Too pretty for his own good.
Seriously ffs

>> No.7954710

>tfw cystic acne returning at age 20
>tfw just found before it that I was good looking
It's killing me inside.

>> No.7954748

The only criticisms are that his hairline looks weird, and his mouth/jaw are oddly aligned to the side slightly

Other than that he is p. good looking

>> No.7954897

He's like the epitome of 4chan. Plain V neck, HY and an ok looking body indicate he's visited /fa/ and probably /fit/, which proved very beneficial to him, but the incurable autism is still there, very strong (waifiuism, what the actual fuck, worse than any other kind of autism or 'cancer' on this site).

His good looks also touch on a funny thing I noticed. Many people here aren't actually that ugly, just shit clothes, terrible haircuts, fat fucks and shit skin. All because of hteir own laziness and fucking up

>> No.7955829

are you implying op isn't photoshop?
Shit is so shopped it's not even funny

>> No.7955831

He's pretty handsome
his forehead is a little strange though and his haircut is a bit shit

>> No.7956015

That hairline

>> No.7956166
File: 113 KB, 800x1066, 1460_cole-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those posting pictures of Cole in professional pictures, here is a fair comparison: a polaroid, taken sans-makeup with unfavorable lighting. Notice how he doesn't have perfect skin, super visible bone structure, or perfectly symmetrical features? Because that shit is photoshopped to oblivion.

>> No.7956200

His haircut doesnt suit his face at all

>> No.7956204


Is this that faggot that was crying under a bed sheet because people were making fun of Brittany spears?

>> No.7956212

that's called lighting bruh

>> No.7956222

This picture gives me hope
Dude has bigger lips than a black guy

>> No.7956232

i'm not fanboyishly defending him but he is still striking looking regardless

>> No.7956245


Looks like ryan pinkston

>> No.7956264

Objectively, the only things going for him in the shot are his eyes and proportions.
Both things are amazing but don't make up for the nose,lips and eyebrows

>> No.7956280

I can't get over the fact someone has a job based on his looks and has such a shitty hungry skeleton body... and that white trash tattoo. fuck me

>> No.7956283

I'm still trying to determine whether this dude shaved along his hairline. It looks like he tried touching it up and getting rid of his peak at one point. He's good looking but must be autistic as fuq.

>> No.7956378

he's a manlet


>> No.7956402
File: 14 KB, 368x423, vaati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true king of autistic manlets coming thru

>> No.7956539

are yall niggas being serious?

He's pretty attractive, much better than your run of the mill face.

>> No.7956608

Has potential, but sadly spergy as fuck

>> No.7956644

i'd say 8/10
good above avg face, bad hairline

>> No.7956788

hes tilting his head you idiot

>> No.7958338
File: 287 KB, 797x1149, 1395123825069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aesthetic male thread
>no Janice Fronimakis
>No Jon Hjelholt


>> No.7958354
File: 157 KB, 800x800, 1395124138422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jon Hjelholt

>> No.7958367

And Mantas Armalis to rap it all up

Dead board is dead.

>> No.7958368


>> No.7958374
File: 48 KB, 440x326, mantas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic damn
No fuck you. Post fit pussy i'll rek u cunt

>> No.7958437
File: 218 KB, 936x1400, BY3CX8m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u all

>> No.7958481
File: 48 KB, 387x508, fek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fugg off

>> No.7958542
File: 252 KB, 2048x1371, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only guy posted in this thread who looks better than ops pic

The anon in pic related is also an acceptable answer

>> No.7958582

his facial hair looks shitty

>> No.7958721

haircut went too far on his right side so it looks shitty also head too square and big for body

>> No.7958844

he has a perfect head shape

also most models have big heads

>> No.7959011

why would you defend this shitfaced faggot
he looks like a complete sperg

>> No.7959106

because ur a jealous uggo

>> No.7959120

good head structure
shitty haircut/"facial hair"
this guy could look awesome but chose to look shitty

>> No.7959123

post a good haircut

>> No.7960965

Is that really Annatap?