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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 27 KB, 300x337, Dark+Gray+Hoodie[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7951605 No.7951605 [Reply] [Original]

What's the perfect gray hoodie?

>> No.7951613

hoodie of the the person u jus shagged in their dorm

>> No.7951620
File: 366 KB, 1000x1334, Comme des Garcons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7951637
File: 115 KB, 1035x1380, AA California Zip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made in America. Thank me later.

>> No.7951656
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1388534674531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nearly through the one year i get in uni halls
>no freshman sex and cuddling in his hoodie and listening to music together on sunday mornings and exploring the city and seeing shows and doing drugs together

i hate myself and want to die

>> No.7951667

The perfect hoodie is actually a crew-neck and it's made by Reigning Champ.

>> No.7951669 [DELETED] 

i have been waiting for this thread my whole life

>> No.7951675


I'd rank Reigning Champ way above AA.

>> No.7951678

i have been waiting for this thread my whole life.

also, i fucking ruined the captcha 3 times, when i got it the 4th time i got slammed with "you must wait 4 minutes.. 20 seconds to post a duplicate reply", so then i put a fullstop in at the end and tried again then boom, must wait 30 more seconds.

today is not a good day

>> No.7951691

iktf bro

>single room
>girls mirin errywhere i go
>too bad i'm pre-med and i'm too busy to give them the d

>> No.7951699

that heart is so gay

>> No.7951709
File: 572 KB, 440x745, 1394176151594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hits too close to home, though its oddly nice to see someone in the same boat as me

>> No.7951735

It's also three times more expensive.
Who wears a hoodie enough to justify the purchase?

>> No.7951749

what is a sticky?

>> No.7951747

>Reigning Champ.
>good at anything

>> No.7951750
File: 25 KB, 300x232, 1363972454109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i have wasted what should have been one of the best years of my life

[dat pic btw tho kekekek]

>> No.7951756


what i gave ur mum last nite

>> No.7951766

now just this, tomorrow you'll be gay nigga
you can't be that occupied...

>> No.7951772

im in the same boat. weed is my qt gf now. i have been such a ridiculous recluse my freshman year. i started talking to people and hanging out, but when i get back from spring break, theres just over 1 month left. its weird though because everyone really likes me and always goes out of their way to greet me enthusiastically, im starting to think that they think im terminal or something because ive never had so many people be so nice to me before.

>> No.7951774

Okay. I see it as art.
You seem afraid of getting judged because of a heart on your clothing.

>> No.7951797
File: 65 KB, 566x566, acne4-kopie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually looking for the perfect grey crew neck sweater.

acne had some ace oversized fits in their previous winter collection, but none in a grey / dark grey color unfortunately

so is /fa/ recommending reigning champ as a good option?

>> No.7951821

>i have been such a ridiculous recluse my freshman year... its weird though because everyone really likes me and always goes out of their way to greet me enthusiastically

iktf, except i only went reclusive for most of this term

i actually get along with tons of people really well, my halls/course is full of really awesome seriously talented people who im friends with. but i dont feel like ive made any of the kinds of friends who'll be with me for the rest of my life unlike most people

>> No.7951849

they're being nice to you because they think you're retarded

>> No.7951864
File: 188 KB, 880x704, 1395025301401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related.

>> No.7951876


brb going to that shirt printing store in the mall and making one of these for myself for a fraction of the price

>> No.7951877

yeah, these are pretty fucking amazing.
i like the design on basically all outlier's stuff. clean

>> No.7951878

Play is fucking shit fuck off retard

it's shitwear for rich mainlander girls

>> No.7951885

the logo is stitched not printed, it's fugly either way

>> No.7951886

admittedly PLAY is bad but i doubt that whatever you're printing at the mall will be any better

>> No.7951904

I have one :)

>> No.7951908

>Made in America
It's made in downtown LA, that is barely America. Made my Illegal Aliens and old Asian whores.

>> No.7951912


>> No.7952622
File: 16 KB, 230x230, quilted-hoody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7953301

I still don't know who makes the best sweatshirts in Europe. I'll probably give Sunspel a try.
There are a few Reigning Champ stockists here but you easily pay double of the US price.

>> No.7953341
File: 49 KB, 475x475, junya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my junya

>> No.7953460

A oversized black one.
Pull the strings and make a tie knot, solid.

>> No.7953524

yeah that's dope

>> No.7953965

Like >>7951797 I'm looking for the perfect sweatshirt, but I'm more constrained budget wise. ARE AA good for basic crew necks? What colors are the most flexible (with black/indigo denim)? Obviously Heather Grey, but not sure what else.

>> No.7953977

What are uniqlo sweatshirts like? And AA? Anythign else good in that price range?

>> No.7954001

>>7951620 le meme brand

>> No.7954061


yh they're comfy af

>> No.7954111
File: 298 KB, 1539x822, AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one tho? they have so many varieties.

>> No.7954116

i have a classic crew one, it's v soft and warm
they also fit slightly oversized

>> No.7954139


fit pic?

>> No.7955493

Yeah the "classic" line is GOAT (in american apparel terms anyway

>> No.7955653



>> No.7955675

I have Acne's new melange college sweater, I like it alot. I reckon it's SS14.

>> No.7955711
File: 115 KB, 736x1104, chartt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have both a large and a medium size of this hoodie. Fits exactly how i want

>> No.7955741

I have the llbean katadhin hoodie and it is pretty awesome. Really tough fabric and extremely soft and comfortable. Pretty cheap compared to the high end stuff as well.

>> No.7955752
File: 480 KB, 1200x2809, 1395090139210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no oversized sweaters available this season

>> No.7955758

Top lel, its a fucking heart with eyes. Dont masquerade it as art

>> No.7955767

What does it look like when you wear it?

>> No.7955820

i liked when they created designs that deviated from the norm (oversizing, elongating)

it actually felt justifying paying high prices for these items because they clearly looked different from generic items you could buy at your local mall

good example picture, last season was GOAT

>> No.7956323

i see it as someone too broke to buy real cdg so they buy shit with their gay fucking logo on it which is the worst part of the brand

>> No.7956395


>after abusive ex gf give up on women
>enter a state of complete apathy
>fast forward one year
>best friends birthday party
>I know everyone except for that one girl
>everyone having a good time
>talk to her a little
>she's half jap, schools me on dostoyewski and alfons mucha
>finally I lay down to sleep on the sofa
>welp this was a nice day, time to sleep
>feel movement
>she's coming closer
>takes my arm
>snuggles to my side
>whispers in my ear to tell her a story
>we're together now, happiest I've been in.. I can't even remember

it's gonna happen to you, too anons

>> No.7956989

first thought in my head

>> No.7957013

Best thread because I need it

>> No.7957036

ugh no cam so can't take a fit pic. its really lightweight

>> No.7957048

>fall asleep on couch
>newly met girl comes up and cuddles

now see, this is the part that will literally never happen in my life, ever. but congrats

>> No.7957061

I'm selling a reigning champ hoodie plain grey hoodie which i think is a pretty fucking good basic hoodie


>> No.7957069

fuck you. why would nice things ever happen?

>> No.7957077

w-what did u tell her tho

>> No.7957120
File: 66 KB, 1277x758, 1385613775365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-teach me your way senpai. I've had one gf but pretty much give up on women now.

>> No.7957143

>tell her a story
What was it? I wouldn't be able to think of anything or tell a story.

>> No.7957378

i've never had a gf

>> No.7957408


me neither anon tho i think id rather have a bf now

>> No.7957436

Due to having one gf, and feeling that feel. I feel like being a faggot would be the easiest thing to do, I'm pretty sure other Anons share this.

>> No.7957452


they have some fucking fur shit that sticks to ur hair when u put it on

>> No.7957596
File: 143 KB, 854x859, 1386578794119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean dress like a faggot? I dont really care about women anymore as I'm always paranoid of them cheating on me (I dont trust women too much). But at the same time I still have this dream girl in my mind and that one day I will find her.

>> No.7957620
File: 1.96 MB, 580x433, 1384551241668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel

>finally find girl I think I can trust
>comes home after a party I didn't go to
>tells me she kissed some other dude but was "pressured into it"
>I don't talk to her for a day
>when I do she asks "so are we cool?"

>> No.7958214

you seem full of wisdom
what do you recommend, anon?

i'm am looking for that perfect hoodie under $50

>> No.7958729


first time that happened to me, too man


because I've gone through some shit and someone up there felt like it was time for a change I guess


everyone was asleep so my best friend and I were listening to old casettes from our childhoood, one particular story which is about a boy who recieves magic powder in the mail and summons an invisible native american that guides him and shows him his ways. I've heard it about a million times so reciting really was no problem, it's more abbout how you tell the story then about what happens (it's a beautiful story, tho, really moving. name is Hannes Strawhead and the Invisible Indian)


you have to realise that I'm just like you man, you can do it, too!

I think one of the biggest problems is that most ppl here want a girlfriend because they're bored and really lonely and that's just wrong, because when you enter a relationship out of those reasons you're not only hurting yourself, you're hurting someone else, too. you're on your best way, anon! once you stop searching, once you stop looking at every girl and asking yourself whether or not she is 'the one', once you just start living things will come to you by itself. there's no need to force it.


>I wouldn't be able to think of anything or tell a story.

now that's just bullshit, man. I bet you've done a lot of really exciting things. where have you travelled? what are you passionate about? what are some crazy things you did when you were younger? I know you're probably way more interesting than your average guy and you should think like that, too. You're worrying so much about what impression you're making but most people probbably genuinly like you, man-


I feel you man but that shouldn't stop you from trying! One of my girlfriends (not that serious of a thing tho) apparently had something going on with another dude for almost two weeks until I found out. hurts like hell but now I can actually laugh it off

>> No.7958742


>but now I can actually laugh it off


after that happened t'was obviously over between us, I continued doing my thing and she did. fast forward two years: her life is a mess, she's 18 and already had an abortion, her boyfriend is uggo and she treats him like garbage. I see her around relatively often and every time I have to giggle, she's probably not very happy with the decisions she made. I guess the moral of the story is that getting your heart broken shouldn't stop you from trying and that after some time everything becomes relative

sorry for all the faggotry caused by me itt, just trying to send some positive vibes across this planet

>> No.7958749

get over it you fucking nerd, it's a party, if you don't want her getting into mischief fucking go with her
god damn some of you are such faggots

>> No.7958766


I guess the problem is that he doesn't know whether or not she's telling the truth. it couldve been some spin the bottle type of shit, if that's the case he's definitely overreacting. If she merely kissed and a dude and then told him 'I was really under pressure' his reaction would be kind of understandable. Then again if you cannot trust your partner something already went wrong earlier.

>> No.7960098

Actually no, she full on kissed the guy because her faggot friend kept saying she should. Spin the bottle, what the fuck?

Also I couldn't go, it wasn't a choice and I shouldn't have to make sure she doesn't get into "mischief"

>> No.7960123

Any nice hoodies from AUS stores?

>> No.7961029

adidas grey pullover mang its perfect

>> No.7961040

start emo band/solo project and whine about that.

crywank did it, and look where he's at now

>> No.7961176
File: 17 KB, 321x303, 1349729101978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here i am sitting , a fatass who is barely fashionable, just on /fa/ trying to make myself look at least stupid as possible as i am losing weight and here is a fucking thread of /fa/ggots crying about not having girlfriends.

Are you fuckers kidding me? You know how hard it is to get a girl when your a fat ass? and shit i have a fucking girlfriend and i didn't even have to try hard at all.

It's not hard , especially for you skinny faggots , most of you probably dress decently and have the body type most girls around here want .
So whats your deal?

I don't get how guys with better bodies then me have trouble sleeping with girls or getting girlfriends.

I mean my girl isnt even ugly or fat. Shit shes fitter then me and easily an 8 or 8.5 i guess.

Stop being whiny little faggots because girls can pickup on that. Wearing nice clothes isn't all you need . You guys have all the tools (nice clothes, nice bodies, probably not ugg) just fucking use them goddammit

>> No.7961357


Uniqlo kills that price range.