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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 48 KB, 480x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7944551 No.7944551 [Reply] [Original]

Can you be vegan and /fa/ at the same time? Seems like most high end shoes are leather.

>> No.7944558


Thread over

>> No.7944564

Theirs no such thing as being

You just are

The fact you ask this questions shows you will never be a high level Pokemon, cause nothing u do is organic

>> No.7944574

>Theirs no such thing as being

*They'res no such thing as been.

>> No.7944583
File: 33 KB, 326x400, 1394914334894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew vegan meant you can't wear animal
Also meat is fuckin great

>> No.7944586


Stella McCartney has built an entire business on being animal/crueltry-free.

>> No.7944591


>> No.7944588


>> No.7944597
File: 238 KB, 1600x1200, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7944601

vegan = pretentious unintelligent cunt

>> No.7944602
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hmmm...heart attacks at the age of 30....

>> No.7944608
File: 124 KB, 800x600, korean_BBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poor student and can't eat korean bbq
Need to go home next week and eat my heart out

>> No.7944610

I'm not judging you for your'e low IQ, some people are just unlucky.

It doesn't seem like it's that big of a deal, seeing as you are still able to get impressive dubs.

>> No.7944611

Steak is the most overrated food by far

Steaks are for sloppy people who watch Friday night footy

>> No.7944616
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What's a underrated food

>> No.7944641

keep strawmanning vegans, no one's actually saying large amounts of french fries and deep fried meat is healthy
just saying that a strictly vegan diet isn't as healthy as one that includes meat

>> No.7944657

I just do it because i dont support how the companies treat the animals.

>> No.7944659

I'm vegan. I also smoke, drink and do various drugs, it doesn't mean you have to be a boring wheatgrass hippy or health freak, but I do feel very healthy. Vegans are the most /fa/.

>> No.7944660
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It was a jk m8, I honestly don't care about health part when it comes down with food
I just don't understand how a person could decide not to eat meat

>> No.7944673

Some people are actually able to sacrifice things that are horrible for their body in exchange for a taste sensation.

>> No.7944679

This nigger gets it. Gimme dat 떡볶이 and 비빔밥

>> No.7944683

So you are a health nut? No smoking, no drinking?
Idk I like pressures from life
a steak once a week, a hot dog if I want one
what's the harm? :3

>> No.7944693

>caring about animals

>> No.7944695

lol do u think that they give a fuck about you and youre gonna change anything

youre pathetic

>> No.7944691

I meant pleasures

>> No.7944706

y'know not everyone enjoys the taste of meat, r-right?


>> No.7944708

Ya what's the point of doing anything if youre meant shit right?
What's the point of voicing your opinions and protesting?
Change isn't going to happen because youre a loser
What fuckin retards amIright?

>> No.7944711

You can be a vegan for the sake of not having rotting meat festering in your bowels, and being able to shit, and not having to take a nap after every meal.

>> No.7944717
File: 47 KB, 225x225, Hank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the extreme end of the spectrum
I love 4chan :^)

>> No.7944721

you dont know shit about nutritionism you fucking idiot

>> No.7944724

If you went out in public and interacted with people, you would realize the majority of vegans don't do it solely as an animal rights statement. It's great to be able to shit in ~30 seconds, and not feel gassy, bloated and sleepy all the time.

>> No.7944728

>this is what vegans actually believe

>> No.7944731

Why don't you enlighten me with some handpicked copy-pasted links then, angry little man?

>> No.7944730

if you knew anything about biology you would shut your mouth you stupid hippie

>> No.7944736

>not feel gassy, bloated and sleepy all the time.

>eating with farts


>> No.7944739

im not gonna waste my time to google things for a dumb fuck

>> No.7944750
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>thread mentions veganism
>instant devolution into anti vegan circlejerk


>> No.7944755
File: 72 KB, 533x400, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meat is great
I dream about eating meat

>> No.7944756


Well I posted about McCartney, but OP didn't really seem to want to engage about his/her actual topic...

>> No.7944831


OP probably stopped checking the thread after the wanking began

>> No.7944837

with a picture which basically says "MEAT EATERS SUCK"

>> No.7944845


>> No.7944855

Ive been looking into her. Sorry i didnt reply. Cant seem to find very much mens stuff though.

>> No.7944868
File: 25 KB, 561x561, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the colors on these wrent so disgusting id cop these

>> No.7944873

itt: insecure meat eaters

way more embarrassing than being vegan

>> No.7944874
File: 32 KB, 561x561, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are ight but theyre for chicks i think

>> No.7944881

meat is fucking gross m8

pescetarian 4 lyfe

>> No.7944879
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>> No.7944892

Fishing industry is just as bad bro

>> No.7944901


oh I'm not saying that for moral reasons

I just find meat gross

poultry is alright if it isn't fast food tier

>> No.7944899

> ad hominem
> hasty generalization
> being this ignorant

>> No.7944922


Plz xplain how meat is horrible for your body thx

>> No.7944932

Can somebody actually reply to OP. the shitposting is annoying asf

>> No.7944959

It's not bad for you there are essential vitamins and minerals in meat, human's developed their advanced brains due to meat. The problem with meat in this day and age is that people eat way to much which leads to heart problems.

>> No.7945013

I don't see how a vegan diet should have a big effect on your choice of clothing. I personally eat vegan, but I purchase nice shoes, regardless of the materials. As long as there are meat eaters out there, there will be byproduct. What's the harm in using something that is going to be there whether you eat cruelty -free or not? Some vegans will bitch and moan about your choices, but they're a bunch of whiney faggots.

>> No.7945023

>that guy who thinks meat festers in your intestines, when it's actually grains, beans and vegetables

Lol enjoy that goopidy goop rotting away in your fart box you uneducated fuck. Now I'm going to go slaughter some animals and eat them because I want to get big and stronk and not be a skinny twink veganigger like you.

>> No.7945024

This is my view as of right now, but i feel like a hypocrite wearing leather

>> No.7945029

Don't. Some people take vegan activism way too far and you shouldn't let that bother you. If it's just a dietary choice for you, that's cool. Keep your insides clean, wear whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.7945038
File: 337 KB, 1090x726, 1394921366749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, hurts your shoe game though

>> No.7945045

>what's the harm
are you really this stupid

>> No.7945049

is that you, jesus?

>> No.7945057

eh, you really don't realize how shitty it makes you feel unless you stop. i stopping eating dairy for a while and when I starting eating it again I felt like utter shit

>> No.7945069

Lol this guy still thinks that its fat leadingto heart attacks and diabetes

>> No.7945134

that's because you're not a vegan. there are plenty of reasons to not wear leather whether you're coming form a consequentialist, deontological, or virtue ethics stand point.

>> No.7945145

Ya because eating veggies 24/7 is really healthy
Pls take your basic high school science and gtfo

>> No.7945148

Any recs for vegan shoes? i've just been wearing some novacas sneakers

>> No.7945175

>vegans pressuring there views on other people
never change

>> No.7945183

there is a shitload of vegan food besides salads

sort of fell into a vegan diet, but i eat so much healthier now than i ever did before

>> No.7945189

I eat a completely vegan diet. Go cry somewhere else.

>> No.7945197

But you can't assume I eat unhealthy because I eat cow


Vegan diet =/= healthy
I eat pretty healthy and I eat meat

>> No.7945198

What's your point? You're still not a vegan, you're a strict vegetarian. The least you can do is get the terminology right.

>> No.7945208

since ppl are just correcting grammar left and right in this thread, it's "you're".

sorry senpai

>> No.7945246

Plastic leather doesn't age or wear or last or look good as well as real leather. So no. I also find that 'pleather' makes your feet sweat even more than leather, and the smells both from your feet and the plastic.

Say no to pleather.

Stick to canvas shoes.

>> No.7945259

I need this too. The circlejerk is pissing me off

>> No.7945271
File: 97 KB, 629x548, 15969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have an intolerance to something ergo everyone must be like me

>> No.7945306

>I also find that 'pleather' makes your feet sweat even more than leather

The problem is that people just cheap out on pleather. Pleather, in general, is cheaper, but there are a couple of really good mills in Italy making some great vegan leathers that brands like McCartney and this one shoe brand that I can't remember. April 77 also does great non-pleather, but leather-like textiles, too.

>> No.7945369

> ad hominem
a personal attack reflecting a personal decision, quite fair
> hasty generalization
A collection of everyone's anecdotes does equate to statistics so no generalization
> being this ignorant
Ignorance is an absence of knowledge but his knowledge reflects the reality of vegan-ism quite well, so you're wrong.

fuck off vegan cunt

>> No.7945384

noharm maybe?

>> No.7945411


Naw, it's this Australian chick who does really pretty, very understated shoes that you would never suspect of being vegan. Hell, some of her vegan uppers felt better than some low-quality leathers I've handled.

>> No.7945409

I think you might have a condition besides eating meat.

>> No.7945417

1. no
2. yes, that is a generalization (...? lmao)
3. more ad hom

>> No.7945421

I repect the choices of vegans/people who dont want to own leather products but...

Show me a pleather item of clothing that doesnt look tacky

>spoiler alert, you cant

>> No.7945468

ITT: idiots
give me one proven reason why a plant based diet can't be as nutritious as a disgusting caveman meat eating diet

you dumb fucks think you can't get protein and iron from anything but meat?

true stupidity ITT brah

>> No.7945481

dr marten make vegan variants of most of their models
i think most vans (apart from the leather ones of course) are vegan
new balance

>> No.7945487

>give me one proven reason why a plant based diet can't be as nutritious as a disgusting caveman meat eating diet

Better question, who has a fuck to give?

>> No.7945493

are you a vegan or just a vegetarian?

What are your problems with meat/animal products?

>> No.7945512

vegetarian but leaning strongly to vegan. i avoid eating anything that's not vegan if i can - but like i will eat dairy every once in a while. as grimes said, if i go to see my grandma or something and she's cooked a delicious cake with egg and milk in it i'm not gonna be like nah grandma brah i can't eat this cake that you spent hours making for me

i think the whole meat/dairy industry is wrong. animals are being bred to either die or be harvested and that's truly fucked up, like they will never know anything but a cage for their whole lives

meat is murder

>> No.7945521

What do you think about meat I kill in the wild?

>> No.7945524

6/10 the last line made it too obvious

>> No.7945528

you're still killing an animal

>> No.7945532


>> No.7945534

Wow i didnt know that you could be a bigger faggot than you already are. I bet your faggot diet tastes good after you steal a tshirt you poor ugly aus cunt. Inferior country

>> No.7945546

Less than a month ago weren't you like, "gonna eat meat fordinner tonight fuck it"

>> No.7945542

good point. Same could also be said for eating meat that is farmed/killed humanely.

let me guess that you think abortion is ok tho?

>> No.7945543

i'm not a vegetarian or vegan, but nothing he said is wrong or "epic troll". i think you should leave this board and not come back

>> No.7945553

It's obvious bait to get butthurt meat-eaters to respond.

No actual rational person would use the catch phrase meat is murder if they wanted to sound credible

>> No.7945554

All of your fits suck dude. You are so pathetic and the worst trip on this board you ugly broke fuck

>> No.7945559


>like they will never know anything but a cage for their whole lives


>> No.7945558

Yeah, I make no excuses for meat that is produced inhumanely but I have no issue with free-range/organic/whatever product.

>> No.7945562

well you're killing an animal. would you kill a dog? or a cat? what's the difference between killing your pet and killing an animal in the wild? both have a conscience and all living things have a right to live
brah, it's cool, i can still guarantee i look better than you ever will so whatever dude

>> No.7945566


Not really going to wade into this, but we domesticated dogs so that we could use them to kill other animals and to protect us.

>> No.7945567


I actually have eaten dog before. And many other types of animals like rabbit, bear, turtle, pufferfish, quail, whatever.

I don't see what the big deal is.

>> No.7945571

You can be friends with a dog or a cat, even if on a somewhat superficial level.

You don't get the same kind of interaction with cows or chickens.

Like I personally wouldn't mind someone killing an elephant because I have no emotional attachment to them, but killing for example a hamster, is different.

>> No.7945575

Na i seen pics of you. Youre a ugy aus fag with fuckedup teeth. You literally look deformed. Why do you even try with fashion when it took u 3 months to afford a pair of 100 dollar shoes? Fucking pizza boy you literally work for my tips

>> No.7945591

well do embryos have feelings? idk bruh but one less human in the world is fine by me
no i said i really wanted waffles with whipped cream
i will eat dairy every now and then but never meat
okay bruh
do you have a heart

>> No.7945592

Lmao this nigga steals tshirts from h&m. Please kill yourself

>> No.7945581

don't you deliver pizza?
you're marketing the most vile forms of commercial food straight to the consumers door

>> No.7945593

>well you're killing an animal. would you kill a dog? or a cat? what's the difference between killing your pet and killing an animal in the wild?

Well one is my pet and one isn't. It's rather simple.

>> No.7945604



I'm also able to eat mostly any animal that I think tastes good.

I mean, why wouldn't I?

>> No.7945611

>anything with a feeling desires to live!!!!
That is your main point
and it's ultra weak

>> No.7945613

ITT a ugly pizza boy tries to defend being a faggot vegan

Why dont you log off and go steal some tshirts and wear shitty all blue fits

>> No.7945621

you don't get the same interaction with cows/chickens because of the social construct that separates dogs/cats as pets and cows/chickens as food
i know, but i've gotta do what i can to get by. there's a line you draw i guess, and when it's like 'okay am i going to starve this week or am i going to work in an industry i don't support but provides me with money to survive' i've gotta make a sacrifice

>> No.7945615

fuck me

>> No.7945630

I am gonna order some pizza and when you come to my house i am gonna knock your poor ass out

Drop your trip you faggot you have nothing to offer to this board

>> No.7945636

Social constructs haven't existed forever. There's a reason why originally man chose to have dogs mainly as companions and animals such as cows / chicken for consumption.

It's not because a 'social construct' existed, but because of their behavioral differences and ability to be used in one way or another

>> No.7945637

I am gonna buy some pizza and make him drive extra far and not tip him so he loses money and has to steal tshirts

>> No.7945645

It's not so much a social construct as the fact that dogs make better pets than chickens.

Some people keep chickens as pets and eat dogs.

>> No.7945650

>is ugly poor pizza boy
>"omg meat is so bad all the animals have feelings"

Shut the fuck up youre one of those faggots that places an useless animal's feelings over an unborn babies

>> No.7945652 [DELETED] 

So if it was socially constructed to live with an farm animal and we won't be eating steaks and fried chicken like we don't eat cat and dogs?
Humans did lived with farm animal

>> No.7945664
File: 33 KB, 500x384, House_Dust_Mite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dust mites have feeling why the hell are you walking around the house killing them?
#murders #savethedustmites

>> No.7945678

you can't argue against when you personify the mechanism for

>> No.7945690

>he still thinks free range means anything

>> No.7945692

uh oh someone caught feelings on 4chan
yeah, you're probably right that dogs/cats make better pets than cows or chickens. but still we classify certain animals into these groups - pets vs livestock and poultry and because of this we hardly consider anything any of the animals in the livestock/poultry group as anything but a product

>> No.7945695

fascist don't even try to into morality. you're shit at it

>> No.7945710

ugly aus fag. plz log off. stop posting on 4chan and focus your time on getting money bcuz youre financial situation is pathetic

>> No.7945705


I'm pretty amoral, but I just try to be nice and treat folks well; golden rule and whatnot.

>> No.7945706

i'm not sure what the exact definition of 'free range' is in the industry but i think it's just something like the size of their cage

like having 20 chickens crammed into a 2x2 cage is somehow heaps better than one chicken in a cage the size of a shoebox

plus in any dairy industry the animals are pumped full of hormones and chemicals to keep them constantly laying/producing milk and producing larger eggs/bigger quantities

>> No.7945708

Who's "we"?

>> No.7945715

lmao meat is tasty i am gonna go kill some animals just for you cunt

>> No.7945712

>plus in any dairy industry the animals are pumped full of hormones and chemicals

In the US dairy industry. It's actually illegal in the EU.

>> No.7945721

How do you know someones a vegan? dont worry theyre tell you

>> No.7945718

we = society

anyway, i actually have sociology homework to do so i've gotta go - always nice having a friendly and intelligent discussion with my pals on 4chan!

>> No.7945728


i ruined the joke smh

>> No.7945725

golden rule is good, but you're not applying it to other animals

>> No.7945734

>hey brah u wanna go get a big mac???
>no thanks anon
>what's wrong faggot u don't eat meat or something? u some kind of vegan poofta?
>well... yeah

>> No.7945730

>we = society

What society? I assume you're talking about US society because what is food is determined entirely by the country and what's available.

Try to look at this from a less narrow view.

>> No.7945737
File: 4 KB, 203x219, 1392451430945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, asokone, you're all right with me even though you're still a newfag

>> No.7945738

>One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.
but i'm not a cow or a pig

>> No.7945743

Like anyone has ever offered to go get an extremely specific burger with you.

That's not how real world conversations happen. Maybe in a Vegans head.

>> No.7945745

haha fucking vegans. especially those faggots that hand out info panels and those cunts that show graphic videos in public of animals being killed

i mean idc i love meat. ill kill a chicken/pig/cow myself for some tasty meat

>> No.7945756

>hey want to eat?
>want to go to mcdonalds?

>> No.7945754

>tfw i eat meat 3 times a day and i am still 125 pounds

>> No.7945758

You people are all disgusting.
Asok is the only one that somewhat sees the reality of things.

>> No.7945762

i am gonna eat this chicken wing in honor of you and asok

>> No.7945778

you are still on a fashion board so you are already a shit person
You know how many child labours they use?
Also you know how many lab rats are killed just to make medicine and for research? My sister who is in graduate school had to cut off the heads of baby rats for 4 months for cancer research.
>durr but I didn't cut off the heads!!
But still against cancer right?
Not eating meat because they are mean to the animals don't make you a better person

>> No.7945793

is it true some people find eating rabbit weird?
always thought it was normal

>> No.7945807

Who thinks eating rabbit is weird?

>> No.7945811

people that didn;t grow up eatting rabbit will find that weird
just like fried insects are a quintessential part of some chinese diets

>> No.7945814


Some people have no/limited exposure to game meats. Actually, some of the most adventurous (if not that well honed) palettes I've ever met have been from people with hunting families.

>> No.7945818

rabbits are adorable and one of my favorite animals. that being said ill eat a rabbit anytime fuck its feelings

>> No.7945820

>Actually, some of the most adventurous (if not that well honed) palettes I've ever met

They were all cannibals weren't they because that's one creepy fucking sentence

>> No.7945837


But opposing an industry that feeds of abusing living organisms is.

>> No.7945849

>industry that feeds of abusing living organisms
What a generalized statement
Not all of the food industry abuses animals

>> No.7945856


I was mostly talking about exposure to various game like rabbits, deer and fowl like pheasant, duck. I'm actually surprised by how many people I meet who have never had duck.

>> No.7945857

asokone you went full gaycunt here, I've lost faith in you. Don't you know that the "disgusting caveman meat eating diet" is a)delicious as fuck and b) a way better source of nutrition. I hope you get anemia.

>> No.7945866

i havent respected that nigga since he admitted he stole shit at mall-tier stores.
lol is getting arrested worth a t-shirt?

>> No.7945870

emailed ;)

>> No.7945871

canada cares so I don't feel bad
don't know about umerica


>> No.7945899

It's pointless arguing with /fa/ about this stuff, too many people use cyncism as a cop out for everything. I eat meat, although not that much, but I basically agree that meat is disgusting apart from tasting pretty fucking fantastic, thinking about going vegetarian soon even.

Also: http://spp.sagepub.com/content/3/2/200.short

>> No.7945904

duck my shit
wild boar too

>> No.7946906

Did someone get a B in their critical thinking class last semester?

>> No.7946909

Ruined by whiny tumblr kids who listen to cheesy folk punk; never stood a chance, sadly.

>> No.7946914

this, you're all just ignrant!!!!
so ignant smh

>> No.7946959

you mean that same industry that allowed humans to thrive and grow in population substantially? Like it or not, the reason there is 7 billion humans across 7 continents is because the availability of food. Without that industry, chances are population growth would stagnate

>> No.7947044
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/this whole thread

>> No.7947163
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>> 7945029
Vegetarianism is a dietary choice, veganism is a lifestyle choice that is complex and all encompassing. Unfortunately its a blanket term that tends to set people apart between two extreme opinions.
I tend to pick my veggie battles when it comes to purchasing non-food items. One of the more important convos I've had on this board dicussed the idea of buying vegan, slave factory items VERSUS 'ethically' sustainable leather items sourced and produced in economically viable means.
Personally I choose the latter.

>> No.7947202

Is pleather a petrol-based material, right? Can it be sourced from recycled materials for new products? Otherwise, would it be considered ethically sustainable as a substitue for leather.

>> No.7947222
File: 65 KB, 740x527, 1296240363128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegan means I'm trying to suck less cock

sounds like a dubious proposition. I appreciate your gumption but I highly doubt you'll succeed OP

>> No.7947233

>they'res no such thing
they are is no such thing?
is that what you just said?
they are is no such thing..?

>theirs no such thing
theirs? whos? whos no such thing is it? is it my no such thing? WHOS NO SUCH THING?!
davids no such thing?


I'm not even a grammar nazi but fuck this board is stupid.

>> No.7947238


World is a fucked up place. Being a militant vegan and preachy wont save it. All that shit left a bad taste in my mouth when it felt like vegans were trying to shame their way to a better system of food production. Ease up people, veganism has a lot to offer once you get past that asshole newfag phase.

>> No.7947973

w2c shoes in the pic

>> No.7948082

so much this
those are same fine ass sneaks

>> No.7948830

someone needs to make ethically-sourced vegan shoes

I'd love to see these cocksuckers paying way too much for poorly constructed & hideous shoes

>> No.7949145

I'm vegetarian, boght some vegan doc 1460 and 1461, theyre great,
>since I'm vegetarian I became kind of skinny-build
>there are some good looking vegan hightop sneakers and creepers (even if you can't cop the typical /fa designers/labels)
>shirts/skinnys etc. from rick owens/acne etc. aren't even made out of leather
to sum up, there are no big problems in being vegan and effay at the same time (but finding shoes could be difficult

>> No.7949153

>plus your shit is better, it doesn't stink that much and is harder and faster

>> No.7949172

Vegans are boring.

>> No.7949190

>yfw "vegan leather" is just rebranded pleather
>yfw u have no face

>> No.7949191

as a veggie, i just buy used/thrifted shoes. that way you're not directly funding it.

>> No.7949228

I'm vegan and I wear pony leather on my feet, dropped 3k last year on rick's boots, it's funny as fuck when girls come up to me and say OH MY GOD YOU ARE VEGAN THAT IS SO COOL I WISH I COULD DO THAT, THOSE POOR ANIMALS. then I laugh and say I dont give a shit about the animals I just need to stay thin as possible for work and veganism helps me do that lol.

>> No.7949599

>tfw have korean grandma and have her make bulgogi, kimbap and other korean foods when stopping over her house :-)

>> No.7949624

I have a pair of vegan Docs and they're the best faux leather I've owned

I haven't handled them myself, but some of the higher quality vegan shoe brands are Novacas, No Harm, & Good Guys

>> No.7949626

You don't eat shoes, do you?

>> No.7949977

Being vegan = being stupid faggot with aids
not trolling, just telling the obvious truth


>> No.7950027

Vegan means not using any animal by products, which means leather.

>> No.7950035

That's just stupid.

>> No.7950044

Cool opinion bro

>> No.7950047

why thank you.

>> No.7950079

Most of those vegetables you eat are produced by the same companies that abuse animals. Organic and sustainable farming often relies on animals to produce anything. The only way to truly be vegan is to live off the grid and grow your own food.

>> No.7950096

Vegan's can't eat meat, dairy, honey, or eggs; they can't wear leather, wool or silk; they can't own pets; they can't drink alcohol (filtration systems aren't vegan); they can't eat anything where animals had some role in the process (tilling the land, fertilizing, etc.); I'm fairly certain no one can actually be a vegan.

>> No.7950106

>I'm vegan.
>I also smoke, drink and do various drugs
You're not vegan.

>> No.7950127

>insufferable cunts that equate following the natural law of the animal kingdom to brutal, mindless murder of children
They'll be as effay as loud, anti-theist fedorafags.

>> No.7950145

As long as they have no animal products, its fine dude. Vegan doesn't mean treating your body as a temple, it means avoiding animal products where ever possible
infanticide is one of the natural laws of the animal kingdom. don't be such an insufferable, ignorant twat - you're as bad as half the vegan cunts in this thread

>> No.7950148

To a certain extent, being vegan is impossible.
The alternative cost of you expending any resources is that something else dies because they missed out as a result.

>> No.7950165

Why is this thread still here?

>> No.7950174

>they can't drink alcohol (filtration systems aren't vegan)
not all of them. here's a list of what alcohols are and aren't vegan, if you're interested: http://www.barnivore.com/

it's true that it's impossible to be purely 100% vegan, though, because of animals dying in agriculture production, animal byproducts in common household items, etc.

>> No.7950183

because vocal anti-veganists are as insufferable, hell potentially more insufferable, than vocal wanly vegans.

>> No.7950237

You can still try to do as much as you can.

>> No.7950282

>infanticide is one of the natural laws of the animal kingdom
lel maybe with spiders
fuck off retard
humans don't naturally kill children, and they do naturally eat meat

>> No.7950339
File: 9 KB, 400x400, 33922_cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's not a choice

>> No.7950382

Are you an english teacher? They always seem to get english wrong like that.

You *can't* be vegan and eat meat. You *can* choose either, but you *can't* choose both.

>> No.7950386

you're making a broad generalisation about human diets. thing is, they historically vary dramatically across the globe. We can naturally eat meat, and have in our evolutionary past, but we have also (in recent years for most of the population) eaten a diet of nearly entirely non-meat based foods.

Just because we have/ can doesn't always mean we should.

Also, infanticide is common in many mammals and has been documented throughout human history, and no doubt in our early evolution could have been an important dominance tact.

>> No.7950396
File: 42 KB, 296x200, a sad rectangle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: getting unreasonably mad at people who choose to abstain from certain products

>> No.7950410
File: 81 KB, 640x400, 1395010025042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"you can't be vegan and eat meat" is not the same sentence as "vegans can't eat meat"

it would be accurate to say vegans DON'T consume animal products, not that they CAN'T. if they simply were unable to (as can't implies), nobody would be giving them shit right now.

>> No.7950718


>> No.7950803

yeah this

i have no problem with vegans
i enjoy food and cooking too much to limit myself, but i do try not to eat too much
i would totally slaughter an animal myself though

anyway OP, for casual shoes i'd probably stick to canvas or manmade materials
saucony do a lot/entirely vegan shoes iirc, but i might be confused

not sure about dress shoes though

no wool and silk would suck, but i guess you'll have to stick to cotton and linen knitwear
and cotton suits i guess, eugh

>> No.7950836

>not eating meat
>not cooking your rick owens leather shit after wearing them out
No wonder you guys are hungry skeletons

>> No.7950980

Jelly /fit/ fag confirmed

>> No.7951809

Do you mean a vegan lifestyle, or a vegan diet? Both of those are two way different things

>> No.7951839

this, how is the argument 'you can never be fully vegan' even fucking plausible in 2014
just by going vegetarian you're making a difference. every little thing counts

>> No.7951903

extra-dietary veganism is some bullshit.