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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 25 KB, 499x750, Dior Homm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7940050 No.7940050 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I have this dilemma about the difference between a Tuxedo and a Suit. Is there a difference? Is it just vocabulary?

Also W2C a suit like this Dior Homme one?

Prom season begins
>inb4 underage b&

>> No.7940064
File: 85 KB, 450x675, DIOR HOMME NOT DIOR HOMIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better pic, also bump.

>> No.7940105


>> No.7940193

There's no info on that in tuxbell.com

>> No.7940244


You can think of tuxedos of a sub-type of suit, though there is a TOUCH more leeway with things like color and whatnot with evening dress. In general, a tuxedo is a dark woolen suit with a satin-faced lapel (often in a less business-like cut like a shawl or peak lapel). Some tuxedos also have a satin stripe down the outseam of the pant. Tuxedos are more often worn with tuxedo shirts, which often have a plastron or bib of some sort, sometimes pleated, but usually of a stiffer fabric, often buttoned with studs rather than buttons and often featuring French cuffs.

In modern dress, the tuxedo has adapted to more styles including alternative colors as well as non-matched pairs with jackets that more closely resemble smoking jackets (i.e. with colors, velvet fabric, etc.) rather than traditional suit-style tuxedo jackets.

>> No.7940289 [DELETED] 

Very enlighting, thank you. For prom, would it be one or the other?

>> No.7940349

For a prom event, what would you recommend? Leaning on an CDG Homme, Acne, or a Dior piece.

>> No.7940370


>> No.7940389


If this is something you can afford and you aren't growing anymore and you want something to last for a long time, Dior for sure.

If it's fun and you don't care about blowing money, CdG.

If you're not sure you'll wear it for forever and don't want to go overboard, Acne.

>> No.7940399

tuxedoes usually have different buttons, satin details, pants with suspender buttons, and other things

>> No.7940411

You're a saint, thank you.

>> No.7941299

can someone post some /fa/ tux examples?

>> No.7941308

what's the point of getting such an expensive suit for prom, you're gonna grow out of it in a couple of years

>> No.7941319

By the time someone is 18, they stop growing

>> No.7941326

no they dont
you wont stop growing till at least 21

>> No.7941332
File: 77 KB, 736x1106, 1394847831695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are bow ties autistic in general?

>inb4 he's famous

>> No.7941346

holy fuck his forehead is massive

>> No.7941365


looks like a pretty unflattering photo

>> No.7941767

I dislike bow ties with anything but a tux. A normal tie often looks funny with the lapels of a tux jacket tho, so I would say bowties are ideal for tuxs.

>> No.7942458

>going to prom

>> No.7944004

Anything other than a bowtie looks stupid with a tux. Get one to tie for yourself, not pretied.

>> No.7944405

/fa/, I have a navy blue velvet slippers. I was wondering since Proms are usually a black tie event, can I wear that black suit with the navy velvet slippers on?
bump dis thread

>> No.7944418
File: 26 KB, 736x491, 1394911861929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.7944431


>fuckin plebs

>only stupid jocks and cheerleaders go

>> No.7944435


It was worth the ticket price to go and then leave early so my friends and I could just hang out and do whatever we wanted for the night.

>> No.7944444

Sore because he couldn't ask that hot girl to prom and fuck her right after it.

>> No.7944461

Since its prom general I'm gonna ask about dresses. Where can I find affordable but cool effay dresses for my qt3.14 gf?

>> No.7944473


>> No.7944479

god no

>> No.7944491


Price point? And is she really stuck on getting a prom dress or is an interesting cocktail/evening dress okay?

>> No.7944494
File: 99 KB, 600x446, vvslip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

por que?
It's daring, yes, but not invalid, right?

>> No.7944547


Just FYI, referring to eveningwear as a "tux" is utterly pleb-tier.

>> No.7944614

Well he's wearing black slippers with a black suit.

blue slippers with a black suit is going to look terrible, and on top of that yes it is daring, and not a lot of people are going to like it

I personally think it looks awful

>> No.7945254

Fuck that then. Ima get navy blue suit

>> No.7945789
File: 149 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this asos suit be good enough? I don't want to spend a fuckton for something I probably won't wear anymore.

>> No.7945791


Then why even ask? It's just a random purchase that you'll probably sell to a second-hand shop or donate away, so just buy whatever will work for the one night and the rest is whatever.

>> No.7945797

I'd like to see if there's any other alternatives.

>> No.7946577

Don't wear navy for anything formal.

>> No.7946674
File: 89 KB, 425x700, dathemsworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on getting something like this but I have no idea where to start, really. Help please

>> No.7947798

Why? Even if you're trying to match your date?

>> No.7947853

Guys, do you think his pants fit well? Looks kinda messy to me.

>> No.7947910
File: 116 KB, 613x612, cropped trouser pant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a cropped trouser like this be acceptable as a prom attire? Obviously I'd wear a matching jacket and shoes but generally speaking.

>> No.7947961

Match them with the tie and other accessories

>> No.7948316


>> No.7948389

It isn't a formal color.
Of course the idea of formal is pretty much lost on anyone young enough to be going to a prom so go ahead and ignore this advice.

>> No.7948393

of course, you dont have to go like everyone else with the bagging ass suit dress. for the shoes something like this will look greathttp://www.fabrixquare.com/index.php/men/all-items/paris-sleek-contrast-oxford-shoes-with-pointed-last.html

>> No.7948427

post pics of you ink

>> No.7948499

The theme of the prom is "The Great Gatsby" so an evening gown would probably be fine. She's 2 years younger than me and I'm taking her so I havs a little more say in what the wardrobe for the night is. We were actually gonna go thrifting at some point to try to find a 20s style dress.

>> No.7948507

>The theme of the prom is "The Great Gatsby"
top fucking lol.
Expect a bunch of fedora faggots in ill fitting grandad suits trying to be "le classy gent".
That's how every "The Great Gatsby" themed party sums up.

>> No.7948513

Lol at my prom last year I rolled up my pants and was floodin the whole night. I had only recently started giving on /fa/ and I thought it would make me look cooler. I don't think my classmates got it. Granted I did have one of the the best fitting suits there aside from 2 friends who aren't completely retarded fashionwise.
>thank you based topman lel

>> No.7948518

And people wonder why everyone hates America.

>> No.7948527

There aren't really fedora wearers where I'm from except for the random autist. I live in a rural area so usually the cringing comes from camo suits accented with hunter orange. And not cool camp like flecktarn or any streetwear its like legit hunting camo with leaves and shit lol. Usually the theme isn't really followed that much except for the decorations.
>mfw getting a limo just so I can get drunk beforehand and not have to drive home

>> No.7948565

In rural areas of my country people rock style I call serb-hunter-core. It's old army jacket from our last civil war, rubber boots and a shotgun. And all day long they talk about who from their area they suspect is serb and who is not and who was where in '91 and who profited or fled somewhere during war. Nobody works anywhere, the governments pays them monthly pay two times higher than average pay just because they got shot or injured in war or something like that. And everyone is diagnosed PTSD.

Sorry for the /pol/ shit i just wrote...

Now on the topic... Check out Brooks Brothers for The Great Gatsby collection if you have cash for it.

>> No.7948799

I stopped growing at 14 / 15. I'm 181 cm.

>> No.7949042

bump for help

>> No.7949100

Don't buy a navy suit for prom.

>> No.7949124

Is topman really any good?

>> No.7949156

It's really cheap and it feels it, but the cuts are generally /fa/. If you're a poorfag it's better than H&M anyway.

>> No.7949245

What about asos?

>> No.7949256


>> No.7949268

better than H&M for suiting
Not for trendshit

>> No.7949291

That's what I was asking about, really.
Would it be acceptable to cop a suit from J Crew Factory?

>> No.7950387


A lot of people go through growth spurts between 18-21. Maybe women stop around 18, but men certainly do not.

>> No.7950405

Navy is fine for formal. Literally the only thing you can't wear navy for is wedding's and funerals.

>> No.7950415

I don't like that look personally, but as long as your jacket isn't too long, it could work. I would be careful about which socks you choose though.

>> No.7950418

does this guy post here? anyone know his trip?

>> No.7950510

I'm not wearing socks. Fuck that. If I'm flooding, I'm going all the way. I might put talc on the shoes just to prevent oversweating.

>> No.7950612

I bought two suits from HM and had them tailored to fit me.
They look great if you go out with fashion retards who know nothing about suits (Which is 90% of my city).
I wear them every time I know I will get shitfaced drunk so if I ruin the suit it won't be such catastrophe.
Fit itself is horrible so they really must be tailored.

>> No.7950853

get a midnight blue tuxedo if you want to wear the slippers

>> No.7950871

nah, he used to post on sufu but now mostly instagram


>> No.7950891
File: 362 KB, 609x407, GPpuj4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7951515


/fa/ life everyone wants gotdamn

>> No.7951544

just please holy shit dont wear that just get a solid color like black, grey etc

>> No.7952009
File: 574 KB, 758x492, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(far left).
thinking about using this blazer/pants get up for another formal event, but just with a white shirt.

is this shit?

>> No.7952014
File: 1.27 MB, 720x960, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


skinny belly fuck...
can barely button up my lord