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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.23 MB, 630x829, drips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7939710 No.7939710[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are DIY CCP drips /fa/?

>> No.7940018
File: 134 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking guy again. Not yours at least. Go cop some kangaroo leather.

>> No.7940023

drips are overrated

>> No.7940223
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20140314_142132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have a pair of shoes that look kinda similar to Carol Christian Poell's. Think they would look sick dipped and it would give them a second life. I can only find plastidip in black but want it in white. Any alternatives that are white?

>> No.7940256

looks like you dipped it in cement
stop trying to get justification from 4chan

>> No.7940273

pretty tight if they dont deteriorate

>> No.7940299

No offense, but that is the worst DIY dip I've ever seen. Looks like you spray painted them. What did you use?

>> No.7940318
File: 1.19 MB, 840x627, drip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck this thread, fuck this board, fuck the entire userbase. You are all a self-defeating paradigm in action.
It's like you just can't help but drive away every halfway decent poster. It's like you actually ENJOY causing pain to anyone who stands apart from the crowd.

Yeah, yeah, internet hate machine, I get it. Now go post a fucking feels thread and spend the rest of the day wondering why you're alone and miserable.
Fuck it, I'm out. Here's my drip, enjoy bashing my shoes before the newfags figure out what happened.

Fucking subhumans.

>> No.7940320

>that look kinda similar to Carol Christian Poell's

I'm having a hard time seeing the resemblance.

>> No.7940328

Somebody's spent too much time on the internet.
Sure are a lot of mad people lately.

>> No.7940333

fuck them m8, can you atleast tell me how you made those drips? also how do plan to wear them without destroying them?

>> No.7940344


>> No.7940345

it's copypasta that may or may not have been spawned during poet drama

>> No.7940352


Your on 4chan. 90% of the people here are assholes, probably including myself. Keep doing your thing. Regardless how a project turns out, I usually have some respect for guys who get their hands dirty and create something of their own. Including yourself. Tell us how you did them

>> No.7940362


Kinda of a stretch, but I think I'll get a similar look after a dip/drip that goes fairly high up the side

>> No.7940371
File: 1.16 MB, 623x837, drippity rick slicky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for a lot of positive replies, good vibes and good times. /fa/ has been a source of great inspiration and positivity in my life for years, and it's helped make me a better person, believe it or not.
I never got TOO hot under the collar with the hate in this thread aimed at me, but seeing it happen to others on such a consistent basis has slowly but surely turned me off to this board during recent months.
We did a lot of great things here. We helped each other improve our looks, our social lives, we helped bring new styles into the world by codifying them and bringing skeletal form to some very nebulous concepts. I will miss this place and the many people here I consider my friends and colleagues.

I'm done now. This will be my last post, and I won't be coming back as an anon of simply lurking in the shadows. /fa/ has simply gotten too dark, too mean and too stupid. It's a study in wasted potential that I am quite frankly sick of watching.

Goodbye, and thanks again. I'll probably keep posting my atrocious DIY drip fits on Unwoven, but no other site will ever fill the hole this place has left in my heart.

Stop being assholes to each other. You're better than that.

>> No.7940372

Mmm, well.. I remain skeptic but don't let that stop you.

>> No.7940380

You have a flair for the dramatic m8 haha.

>> No.7940382

They're ugly. Original drips are ugly too, but at least they're an interesting and original concept.

>> No.7940378

plastidip won't work for shoes
it will fall off in a week

>> No.7940386

maybe its time to realize ur not a creative genius dude

u pulled out the tongue of a pair of cons and dipped them in rubber

like normally that wouldnt even be very creative

but on top of that u were ripping off someone elses design

idk what u were expecting when u posted shittily done fakes on here but no one was even that mean to u

grow some skin and stop being such a fucking drama queen

>> No.7940384

Shit, never saw that one.
This one I think most of us know by now.

>> No.7940392


This literally just brought a tear to my eye. I haven't been here as long as you have, so I don't know much about the "golden age" of /fa/. Think there should be an Etiquette sticky. Now we're minus another decent guy :(

>> No.7940395

Are you one of those homosensuals or wats?

>> No.7940403

>newfags not knowing poet's goodbye speech

>> No.7940415

fucking faggot

>> No.7940425


>newfag not knowing the original diy ccp drip thread

is pasta too

>> No.7940427


>> No.7940440

My sides are orbital with the Lunarcore bros.

Great Copy-paste.

>> No.7940463


>> No.7943269
