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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.39 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-03-13-10-55-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7934916 No.7934916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does anyone have pictures like this? before and after of girls that looked like total qts before they got on tumblr or whatever?

>> No.7934918

>the fingernails

>> No.7934927


>> No.7934934

fucking sheridan...

>> No.7934949

I think she is more qt now if she got different glasses and maybe dyed her hair.

>> No.7934954

does she still have no eyebrows?

>> No.7934960

lmao is that what you call a total qt?

>> No.7934959

shes allaround potato faced and p unattractive tho idk wat the big loss is

>> No.7935047

I never see her in person so I can't attest what she looks like now. I just wanted people to post how internet hipness and trends have ruined natural qtivity. anyways, Sheridan > ocad as far as trendy tryhards

>> No.7935046

>total qt

>> No.7935124
File: 61 KB, 572x626, 1377858893758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average Sheridan girl right there.
They try so hard and it looks worse than when they started out. Fuck this school.

>> No.7935140
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>> No.7935151


>> No.7935164

huh, really makes her seem less approachable

>> No.7935234

>i go to sheridan

>> No.7935241
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>> No.7935248

still qt tho

>> No.7935298

These pics could have been taken on the same day, it's called make up and a push up bra.

>> No.7935328

someone on /fit/ was dating this girl, the picture on the left was her profile pic (tinder? idk) and pic on the right was how she looked after a couple of dates.

the point of the thread was basically that (almost) all girls are average af without makeup.

>> No.7936061

what program? Computer shit here, Trafalgar.

>> No.7936275
File: 42 KB, 500x499, tumblr_mt6hsmKABi1qekkdbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here i do art shit at trafalgar. knowledge of /fa/ggots being near me has given me insurmountable anxiety

>> No.7936300
File: 45 KB, 500x373, shine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True that.

>> No.7936334

Yeah I know some, but I dont want to go through the trouble of going on the facebook then going into paint and going into before and after. Unless you guys really want me to....

>> No.7936350


>> No.7936371
File: 389 KB, 500x502, tumblr_mxgmd4YkmK1s7gh9to1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makeup is pretty amazing. Good makeup skills and a push-up bra can transcend boundaries and end up with a 2/10 woman fucking an 8/10 guy.

>> No.7936384

imo u can tell they're ugly w/ the makeup on

>> No.7936390

Honestly, she's still pretty hot starting out.

>> No.7936393

someone get this guy some water

>> No.7936397

That amount of makeup is always noticeable IRL and looks like shit.

>> No.7936400
File: 145 KB, 650x960, 215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the lips, but her eye color is gorgeous.
My favorites will always be the Japanese/Korean/(Chinese to a lesser extent) ones where 30 year old women end up looking like 18 year old idols.

But in short, make up's some radass shit and any girl who ever feels ugly should try messing around with makeup. Even if they do poor work of it, it's fun to play with and they'll hopefully at least feel better afterwards regardless of how pretty anone else thinks they look.

>> No.7936443
File: 1.50 MB, 230x172, 1373519349798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok I keep to my hovel in the SCAET building. You are probably a ray of sunshine compared to the disgusting permavirgin autists I have to sit with every day.

>> No.7936502


oh man

>> No.7936535

disgusting hands

biting your nails is not /fa/

>> No.7936543


The hilarious part is that all that make-up slathered over her face will only aggravate her acne. There are products formulated to be gentler, but you're still putting on a shit load of chemicals all over yourself.

>> No.7936680

that's a lot of pickle chips

>> No.7937194
File: 42 KB, 500x329, tumblr_mex6er9kkg1rp0fwuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see no sun on our horizon stay strong stay cvlt

>> No.7937392

photography, also at trafalgar

>> No.7937406

Yeah, it's a vicious cycle.
Oh well.

>> No.7937420
File: 2.22 MB, 436x376, 1394672889189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7937428

I have my before and after military ID which is p gross

>> No.7937439

ugh please tell me that wasn't her taking the picture
mole like appendages

>> No.7937435


>> No.7937449

I think men should start wearing makeup to confuse bitches
no I just say that because pizza

>> No.7937456

If you can master it, bitches won't even know. They might suspect but if you get a set-in spray they'll never be able to tell for sure unless you take it off in front of them.

>> No.7937457

Sheridan in Oakville?

>> No.7937465

yo fag
its me fruitboy

u goin2 fash week

>> No.7937460
File: 76 KB, 835x492, WIN_20140314_041722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair is p long now though so I don't look like a caveman

>> No.7937472

They figure out those rapes yet? I hear things got kinda out of control a few months ago.

>> No.7937475

>new cards
nigga, my school's so poor I have the same one from freshman year and I'm the goofiest motherfucker.
Dressed in fucking gingham.

>> No.7937477

so many sheridan fags in this thread
white oaks reporting in B^)

>> No.7937484
File: 1.02 MB, 993x512, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7937485

I grew up in Oakville but live in Toronto now. Oakville is nice but boring as fuck. Toronto is slightly less boring.

>> No.7937493

Dunno man, Toronto has better food but shittier people.

>> No.7937495

this is sad. why do girls do this to themselves

>> No.7937507

do ftms count?

i'm not pleb enough to fit in tho

>> No.7937523

How do women have such poor complexions? is it just a matter of them looking at their worst vs. them with their make up on or is it generally as poor as the bottom pic

>> No.7937532

I don't understand the question. Are you asking why women have bad complexions? Same reason as men, plus it gets a little worse during their periods.
Every face is different regardless of sex when it comes to acne, anon. Some girl can get no acne and her boyfriend is a pizzaface. It's dependent on genetics, diet, hygiene in that order.

>> No.7937533

>I'm going to see her in the hallway and have an autism meltdown.

>> No.7937575

there was some girl i went to school with who didnt look bad as a freshman and she looked normal and by the time she was a senior her hair was purple and red and a mohawk

>> No.7937578

Pretty sure I've seen her around. That hair and those retarded glasses.

>> No.7938057
File: 70 KB, 780x434, 1390697761523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughs when seeing her, thinking of his alternate universe autistic episode
not that ive heard of...ive talked to some victims and the attacks seem fucking horror movie creepy but with no violent intention...for example one girl said he was wearing latex gloves and like fingered her through her skirt or something? im just perplexed at how lucky everyone seems to be, also it should be easier to find a criminal with such idiotic intentions as molesting girls in forests...our law enforcement should be facepalmed

>> No.7938064

i talked to that tumblr girl again and she was really snooty this time

>> No.7938084

I'd imagine it has to do with decades of smearing makeup on their faces.

>> No.7938092

fugggg that second chick is a qt with makeup

>> No.7938095

make up and periods

the moment i start to bleed from my retarded cunt my face turns to pizza

and if you get a period once a month then...

>> No.7938096


women are disgusting

>> No.7938098

>makeup aggravates acne

This is is pure myth. Bacteria + oil build up from hormones cause acne, makeup has no such effect, if you're choosing the right types of products.

>The product(s) was poorly formulated with ingredients that can irritate your skin, such as alcohol, fragrance, or fragrant plant extracts. The reaction can happen immediately or it can develop over time; sometimes, when several fragranced products are used, the skin reaches a critical tipping point and reacts strongly.
Often an allergy to a specific ingredient or combination of ingredients in the formula is to blame. This has nothing to do with the quality of a cosmetic, but rather is a personal reaction to an ingredient or a mix of ingredients. It's like being allergic to cats, a fact of life for some, but not the fault of the cat, nor does it mean cats are bad.
Using the wrong products for your skin type; for example, using oil-absorbing products when dry, flaky skin is the problem or using overly emollient products when oily skin and breakouts are the problem.
Using too many "active" products at one time. With anti-aging or anti-acne products, some people think that if a little is good, then more must be better. So, they use three types of exfoliants at the same time, followed by a vitamin C serum, a prescription retinoid, and then a skin-lightening product. For some, this combination may work at first, but it can quickly backfire, causing skin to become overly sensitive or reactive when it was normal before. This reaction can be even worse if you're also getting professional peels or aggressive facials.
Some people have skin that's just more reactive and sensitive to cosmetics, no matter what the ingredients. For them, the more products they use, the greater the risk of a reaction, especially if the products contain fragrance or fragrant plants.

>> No.7938101



>> No.7938100

i'm not disagreeing with you.

>> No.7938109


I think men are disgusting. :)

Your genitals are grossly misshaped and unattractive. So glad mine are inside me where i can't see it.

>> No.7938113


>> No.7938114

>lesbians actually think this

>> No.7938139

Not a lesbian, I find all genitals unsightly.

From what I've beheld, mens' are the worst-looking by far. As men, it must suck fretting over size and whatnot. Have any of you tried those peen enlarging pills advertised in spam folders? lel

>> No.7938148
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>> No.7938263
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Tfw more reasons that make you not trust womyn.

>inb4 generalizing

>> No.7938275

lmao no

women have more misshapen vagina flaps and other disgusting aberrations than men have with their dicks

>> No.7938285

Katie Orlic. How do you know her?

>> No.7938307
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>> No.7938314
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mine could be inside you too

assuming you're not fat


beauty is a masculine concept, deal with it

>> No.7938332

I'm actually ok with/ I like the afters in both of these. The second one reminds me of La Roux's Elly Jackson.

>> No.7938365

nah second one looks like she switched her major to gender studies

>> No.7938410

Make up.

My skin looks better when I don't wear it everyday otherwise I just turn into oils mcgee, so I'm keeping it for special occasions.

I still wear mascara, brow gel and lipstick, just nothing on my skin except spf moisturizer.

>> No.7938422

How long is this bitch in college?
That's like over 6 years in passes

>> No.7938428

what the fuck guys? somebody please show me pictures of attractive girls without make-up

i'm questioning my sexuality

>> No.7938474

this. do it guise!!!

>> No.7938481

Don't change majors mid course, unless you can get credit on at least 80 percent of what you've already done.

>> No.7938485

I changed my under grad once I finished my first one and got credited for the breadth and junior level course load
Meaning I got my second bacherlor's in a year

I'm assuming she got that pass in 2010 to expire when she graduated in late 2013....how is she still going to be there in late 2017?

>> No.7938495


>> No.7938498

For 3 years doe

>> No.7940664


>> No.7940718
File: 73 KB, 617x400, 1384153492510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel before your god, babylon.

>> No.7940722



>> No.7940738


pls, not the cis scum cunt.

>> No.7941360

lol, college

>> No.7942019

not real

>> No.7942045

bs, the one on the left is cherry bbw from germany. she has a great ass. one on the right is some gothnigger

>> No.7942046

If you really don't want to see them I can put my genitals inside you too

>> No.7942056

this is fake

the first grill got da booty tho

>> No.7942127

sauce on the redhead then

>> No.7942148

See >>7942045. Her "name" is Cherry. I think her photos are on Southern Cuties (or some other site like that). She's known for her giant (but still shapely) ass.

I'm a little disappointed that your replied to a post with the information that you want and still couldn't figure it out, though.

>> No.7942420

more like
>ugly, ignored
>feminist for attention

>> No.7942425

they only sell once in a while. if i saw a store carrying them i'd do the same thing. havent had them in years.

>> No.7942431

miley cyrus and similar jew propaganda

>> No.7942442

Why did this get me hard
>inb4 water

>> No.7942554
File: 1.22 MB, 974x828, tumblrgrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grill I know IRL.

>> No.7942570


whats ur point

>> No.7942621

go back to getting easy facebook likes faggot

>> No.7942659

why is she in such a low rent neighborhood?

>dead grass
>chain link fence as fencing

I thought tumblr queens were supposed to be spoiled little rich kids pretending to dress like poor people from the late 90's?

>> No.7942733

most are in low middle class tier

spoiled little rich kids usually stay on instagram because their lives are more interesting than the fantasy reblog content on tumblr

>> No.7942739


The way my uni works is you have a card that expires in 3 years so if you do a 4-5 year degree, you have a second card that expires after you graduate

>> No.7943669
File: 89 KB, 684x376, whygod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl was such a fucking QT, what a shame.

>> No.7943686


"this fucking annoying piece of shit in my math class said that bisexuality didn't exist, so I stood up and said "then explain how i fucked your mom" and punched him square in the jaw. my professor clapped and gave me an A grade for the course"

>> No.7943694

What the absolute fuck

>> No.7943705

Funny thing is that's how race racism and gender studies mandatory breadth requirement classes are

Worship women or else sexist racist misogyonist

>> No.7943787

if my genitals left a yellow crust on my underwear every day I wouldn't want to see them either

>> No.7943874

I have a thing for short-haired girls, so I'm fine with this

>> No.7943886

military ids are seriously disgusting, my cac and my driver's license are miles apart
(can't show cause of top secret clearance)

>> No.7943910

we have a phase one camera coming in to my studio in the next few days, can't wait to see it. Those cameras are fucking incredible.