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/fa/ - Fashion

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7930019 No.7930019 [Reply] [Original]

How old is fa?

Common projects always related

>> No.7930025

started 2008 I think

>> No.7930031

I mean the users' age, duh

>> No.7930041

i'm 26, and i was a regular here for the first few years of the boards existence, but i haven't been here much for a few years now, i need some new shoes at the moment so i'm just passing through.

>i still can't afford cp's :(

>> No.7930054

22, been here for a year and a half, mostly lurking though

>> No.7930059



feels old man

>> No.7930149


Christ I need to do something with my life before I hit the middle of my twenties.

>> No.7930157

20, dont feel so old anymore

>> No.7930173


>> No.7930185 [DELETED] 


>> No.7930207

>tfw not enough money as a college student for sick cops

>> No.7930208

2 months away from 22

>> No.7930210


You're here forever.

>> No.7930212

reported >:^)

>> No.7930218

19 but I look 16, so the manletness kinda werks with it

>> No.7930222


>> No.7930241

32 supppp

>> No.7930251

19 but with the babbyface of a 16 year old.

>mfw underage grills are always mirin

>> No.7930257


>> No.7930286


>> No.7930295


Been here since 16, on 4chan since 13

>> No.7930325

been here for about 5 months

>> No.7930338

25 - now I realize why you all know nothing about anything.

>> No.7930352 [DELETED] 


>> No.7930353

User was banned for that post.

>> No.7930358

been trying to get into menswear so they think of me as older and stop.

>> No.7930359


>> No.7930372

25. I was bummed about my life when I turned 25 but now I'm about to turn 26 and I am feeling gooooood.

Shit picked up for me niggas, it can happen to you too.

>> No.7930379

26 next month, been on 4chan since 2006 and /fa/ since it first appeared in summer 2008.

Scored my first Ann D in 2009 and my first Rick in 2010.

>> No.7930383

mid 20s cru represent

23 an never felt better, bare gyal an $$$

>> No.7930387

>i still can't afford cp's

dude you can get brand new ones on grailed.com or ebay for cheap as fuck.

>> No.7930396

age racism ;_; im a good guy

>> No.7930444

im 24. feel old as fuck because i have nothing to show for my life but a useless piece of paper (college degree) and a shitty job as a busboy

>> No.7930458

20. I started browsing /b/ in like 2006 but lost interest in 4chan until 2012, where I started browsing /fa/ and /ck/

>> No.7930461

this is why you get a STEM degree you worthless piece of shit. art = fart, engineers make society function.

>> No.7930468

19. Been here almost two years, just lurking until very recently.

>> No.7930471

I'm either 26 or 27 (maybe even 28) - I don't remember, and tbh I don't really care. I suppose I could count from my birth date, but I just don't feel the need.

>> No.7930474

just turned 18 :^)

>> No.7930487

age racism?
you mean agism?

>> No.7930491

>tfw oneohtrix point never playing a 21+ show in my town 2 weeks before i turn 21 ._.

>> No.7930495

*tips ann d*

>> No.7930508
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saying that my family is poor so I get £300 bursary for free which I just used to cop some CPs and some other shit

>> No.7930524 [DELETED] 

15. Birthday next week though damn some of you are old :(((

>> No.7930547


Been here about 6-7 months. Gone from dressing like a full autist to /fa/ telling me I have nice, solid fits.

You did good on me /fa/, ty x

>> No.7930586

turning 7 this month

>> No.7930608


Been browsing since I was around 18, about a year and a half probably.

>> No.7930615

I'm 23

>> No.7930622

toast a fit

>> No.7930639

Age 24

I browse /fa/ because I have a five clothing stores and I use you fuckers for free to give me ideas so I can make lot of monies.

> Nah but for real I have learned a lot and my sales has gone for the better thanks to /fa/, hypebeast etc...

>> No.7930647

Same here
>but can afford cp's

>> No.7930688
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Obviously not great, but the before was bootcut jeans and obnoxiously branded tees.

>> No.7930690


21 this year


>tfw still not effay enough

>> No.7930740

pleasantly surprised

>> No.7930879 [DELETED] 


>> No.7930886


seems like /fa/ is a bunch of teenagers


>> No.7930938

w2c jacket

also height and weight

>> No.7930944
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No job/money yet. I just come here to learn and compile inspo folders.

>> No.7930965


>can't afford CPs

I'm calling bulshit.
I work just above min wage and can afford them.

>> No.7930979
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me too

What's ur 3ds friend code?! Do you play pokemon?

>> No.7930982

23 here
damn glad I keep seeing mid 20 posters
I thought I was alone in this sea of highschoolers

>> No.7930983


>> No.7930984


Started browsing /fa/ about 8 months ago.

> art = fart

you don't actually think this do you?

>> No.7930988

you are

20+ is like grandfather-tier to 12 yo's

sup grandpa

>> No.7931020
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me too! (I'll be 33 this month)

>> No.7931019
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3368 - 2890 - 1411

just bought this thing

>> No.7931024

not too bad

>> No.7931032

stop buying clown shoes with birthday money you little shit

>> No.7931046

been on effay for a few months over a year.
>tfw developed somewhat individual sense of style

>> No.7931154


>> No.7931229

27, still virgin, not fat, but gook.

Expecting grills to be some sex item that could be put away when not needed. Doesn't quite work out that way irl when you even think about behaving nice guy.

>> No.7931238

Uniqlo Mountain Parka.
6'0" 140lbs

>> No.7931240
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>so glad im not that old here heh

>> No.7931248

you can get laid by not being a piece of shit

>> No.7931249


>> No.7931261

Is rather be a piece o' shit though.

>> No.7931263

>behaving nice guy

'Nice guys' are scummier than up-front dickheads

>> No.7931269
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>nice guy

this is why I hate chinks n gooks

>> No.7931272

Turned 22 today.

Question to all my fellow 20-somethings - is 22 too old to get your shit together? I've been in school for a while and I have a crappy full-time job. I'm just now figuring out what I might want to do for a living, and this past year I've finally made significant changes in my life (working out, saving money, just being an overall better person)

I feel so fucking old tho.

>> No.7931273

Yah, I know. The thing is, I'm not even annoyed by turning into a wizard soon.

By now, I know myself well enough to know I'm gonna be a clingy pos, should I get into a relationship any time soon

>> No.7931284


meh it'll happen when it happens

lost my virginity to a landwhale when I was blackout and on drugs
fucked some next girl after that
but I still consider my first time to be when I first slept with my first serious love

>> No.7931288
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Holy shit. The fact that you even have to clarify that you're >virgin, not fat, but gook shows that you're incredibly insecure. What's even worse is that you sound like such a cunt but still think you deserve a woman, let alone someone who would basically be a fuck buddy.

And the audacity to call yourseld a 'nice guy', when it's likely that you're only a 'nice guy' because you think it'll get you things.

Shit dude. Just end it.

>> No.7931290

Oh, come on, not all of us are that way, I think. We also have that aggressive over-archievers who burn out at their 40ies.

Anyways, I'm on /fa/ in order to look less clueless / dressed by clueless at work and on the street.

>> No.7931312

>Oh, come on, not all of us are that way

You are.
Girls always used to call me such a nice guy, but looking back, I was manipulative, hypocritical, selfish, and attention seeking without even knowing it at the time

you don't think it be like it is, but it do

>> No.7931315


Nah, I'm just drunk.

>> No.7931316
File: 392 KB, 1600x1200, Bear-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man im 20 and im not even in school.
i own my own business. and i plan on starting a commerce degree in september.
you are still young. and as long as u follow through and attain success tho.
dont be a bum or a lowlife scumbag.
do something amazing with ur life anon.
u can do it!
ill be cheering for you!

>> No.7931331

Well, let it be a warning to the fuccbois then. Now, kids, back to you guys being young and not me being an insecure sore lower. Kthx

>> No.7931373

28, probably the oldest guy here.

>> No.7931381

you're all good man, most people don't ever get their shit together

>> No.7931386
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such a sweet anon
i got feels
not /s btw lol i really do

>> No.7931399

23. I got a FT gig out of college at 22 and could actually afford the shit ya'll fuccbois only talk about. Started spending all my money on clothes and getting into fashion through some close friends and tumblr. I started browsing /fa randomly one day for shits and giggles. I stayed because my shoe collection at the time was CP achilles, CDBs, JP chucks, RW IRs, and roshes so I figured I would fit right in here

>> No.7931431


>> No.7931473

Dude. You are great and i love you.

>> No.7931513


Thanks breh, I appreciate the words of encouragement.

In some ways it makes me feel like shit because some 20 year-old has his own business (which, I don't know why it would because I don't even want to run a business.)

But in another way it makes me optimistic.

>> No.7931524


Holy shit, this.
toI was just like that throughout high school and during my first year out of high school. My freshman year of college was honestly the worst year of my life.

It took me bottoming out, cutting myself off from all of my friends, and just self-analyzing for me to realize that I was just this manipulative and selfish guy all of these years.

After that I completely changed. I got a girlfriend and we've been together for three years. Now I look at my friends and I see them struggling with the same realization that I worked through years ago.

>> No.7931537

18 @ uni

>> No.7931542

this is good tbh just find a style you really like and have what you want to cop planned out before you pull da trigger

>> No.7931567

Recently turned 29. Looks like i'm at the higher end age wise although i'm not surprised. Been on here about a year.

>> No.7932522

>tfw 1 inch taller and 5lbs heavier

its a nice fit tho

>> No.7932577

After the age of 21, you know what you hear every fucking day from all of your friends and coworkers? I'M SO OLD. I'M 22. Then the 26yo's go, I CAN'T GO OUT TO THESE SORT OF PLACES I'M SO OLD. 30yos MY BACK HURTS IM SO OLD.

Never once heard a man over 40 complain about being old. Want to know why? Because it's not cool anymore, yea you're graying, you are getting old. 22? UGH NO MORE PARTYING FOR ME.