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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 347 KB, 1180x1128, bra93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7912173 No.7912173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your height and underbust measurement.
It tells your chest size without having muscle and etc manipulate it

>> No.7912181

36 5'6"

>> No.7912198

you know that there are muscles and fat underneath your chest right?

>> No.7912221

Yes, but it's not as affecting as boobs or pecs.
5'7" 29.5 inches

>> No.7912266

that's huge

>> No.7912284

what is the point of this thread?
also 6'2 & 35"

>> No.7912336

Measure size.
Post chests too

>> No.7912362

38 inch here...

>> No.7912366

>tfw too much lower and mid chest development and not enough upper chest
>tfw your pecs look like muscle tits when you flex em

Gotta start doing some cable flys

>> No.7912387

6 feet

>dat celt ribcage
>tfw never will be effay

>> No.7912392

H-how do you get that big.
Before I started hormones, mine was about 30 inches. Are you super muscly or something?

>> No.7912405

>Before I started hormones
Are you a grill?

>> No.7912423


>> No.7912430

wait so where the titties

>> No.7912489

>H-how do you get that big.
Genetics, also being male. I had a 44" Chest at 15.

>Are you super muscly or something?

Problem is that no clothes will correctly fit.

>> No.7912515

What is the point of this measurement if nothing uses it for sizings?

If you use this to determine your chest measurement you will get everything 1 - 2 sizes too small.

>> No.7912513 [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this was about 29-30 underbust almost pre moans.
I was mid 18 when this was taken, so mostly adult

>> No.7912519

My roommate says you look like Roger from American Dad. For God's sake: Lift. Or do breathing exercises, I dunno.

>> No.7912529

5'7 and 32"

>> No.7912537

5'7" and 32"

I'm a guy, by the way. :^)

>> No.7912543

wait, i fucked up. my underbust is 29".

>> No.7912548

is this for girls ony?

pls i cant find my underbust

>> No.7912559

imagine you have boobs, it's the area under that like pic related

>> No.7912576

right below your pec

>> No.7912581

5'7 34

im a guy doe ;_;

>> No.7912586

nah just do incline

>> No.7913179

That's pretty big

>> No.7913182
File: 106 KB, 891x814, 1345081610627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post chests too

>> No.7913184

5'7" 36 here

>> No.7913246

6ft 3"


Doesn't work, if you have big lats they add size

>> No.7913606

5'85 / 178,5
64 cm

>> No.7914194
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>> No.7914213


>> No.7914219

you dont have big lats if you're chest measurement is 35...

>> No.7914254


>> No.7914560

>chest measurement

Try to read the thread, /fat/.

>> No.7915068


115lbs, 30B/30C bra

>> No.7915076

35 inches

>> No.7915091

i knew you were underage
get b& dweeb

>> No.7915103


nah i'm 19

i'm just small

>> No.7915137

post the tits to see if they are effay

>> No.7915140

>any year after the great famine
>not eating big to get big


>> No.7915144
File: 22 KB, 200x200, that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine you have boobs
stop anon, it only hurts me more ;_;

>> No.7915152


idk i'm kinda muscular

the minute i start getting too big for 44/XS i'm just gonna do maintenance

>> No.7915147


>> No.7915171

you crave semen, we get it

>> No.7915184


astute conclusion

>> No.7915245


>> No.7915276

dude you said you went busking or something outside?

what instruments do you play?

also how freeing is the new hiarcut? currently growing mine out but could see shaving it if it is too much work

>> No.7915287


i play the alto saxophone and am learning piano

i could honestly go pro (i'm playing with some big-name SD musicians today) but that life isn't for me

i like the short hair a lot. i feel a bit scary because of it though lol

>> No.7915302

32 inches

>> No.7915314

dang thats nice dude
i played the clarinet and bass clarinet in middle school
and acoustic guitar for a few years and got pretty good at it but i just didnt like practicing enough and dropped it
i have a mc-505 now and have barely touched it due to my lack of motivation

am i just being a lazy itch, or have i not found the right instrument for me yet?

might contribute also
>dont want to measure

>> No.7915334


i'm extremely lazy with saxophone too, ha. people love how i play but i just can't drum up the will to practice for the sake of being a better musician.

>> No.7915342
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post some videos or clips or you playing

what stuff do you play?

also what shirt?

>> No.7915357


they'd be too revealing of my personal life, sorry. i'll likely end up recording a fair bit of things by summer, so perhaps i can share those

i play experimental and modern jazz. i don't do well in bebop settings though - my vocab is really weak in that regard

it's an Our Legacy Moto Sweat

>> No.7915374

I don't know what all these measurements mean but women talking about their breasts and vaginas with other women turns me on.

>> No.7915381

> can't play bebop
> I can play jazz, I swear!

Kids these days...

>> No.7915385


well i certainly wouldn't "make it" as a jazz musician because of it

but to say that you need to devote your time to ii-V-Is and the Charlie Parker omnibook to be a jazz musician is dumb imo

>> No.7916092

People were talking about vaginas.
And it's mostly men in this thread

>> No.7916120

There's either a lot of women on this board or /fa/'s plagued with manlets

>> No.7916123

>they'd be too revealing of my personal life, sorry.
does that mean they make you sound like a bitchass because you aren't some kind of celebrity who has to hide from paparazzi

>> No.7916187
File: 1.47 MB, 300x169, C'MON.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't play ii-V-I's
>calling yourself a jazz musician

>> No.7916816


ofc i can play ii-V-Is

but i don't drill them and learn trite bebop licks in all twelve keys

>> No.7916846

5'1", 27"

>> No.7917064

5'3 28

>> No.7917606

Ok is it just me or do saxs get soloing easier?
Trumpet player here and its always seemed like saxes can understand soloing faster and better. also why so bad with beebop just notes too fast?