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/fa/ - Fashion

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7907105 No.7907105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do fuccbois seem to think that piercings and body modifications are fashionable?

>> No.7907237

Why do fuccbois seem to think that not having piercings and body modifications are fashionable?

See? Talking out of your ass with no explanation or reasoning works both ways. Compose yourself, fuccboi.

>> No.7907242

I think body piercings can look good, if done in an appealing way.

The same applies to tattoos.

However, the guy in OP's pic just takes both to the extreme. It's pretty gross to look at.

>> No.7907256
File: 575 KB, 597x596, pauly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol fucking pauly unstoppable

he looks like this now

>> No.7907265


that looks like more of a counter-culture thing, than a conventional /fa/ thing.

Like this guy, I think they can look appealing on certain people. Like anachronistic, historical clothing.
And certain types of tattoos.

Unfortunately, very few people can pull the look off, and the ones who often try have no sense of taste.

>> No.7907273

Took out seven piercings and let my ears shrink back down at the beginning of the year.

I wish so badly I could go back and slap the money out my hands before I wasted it on that shit.

>> No.7907289

>Unfortunately, very few people can pull the look off, and the ones who often try have no sense of taste.
This is very true.

The technical skill of the artist is incredibly important. This is the guy who is going to modify your skin, you want to make sure he's going to do a good job.

As for taste, it's entirely relative. Did you know that Thai men get tattoos on their lower back? Over here in America, we associate that with slutty women. Like I said, it's all relative.

I saw an incredibly beautiful woman with some religious iconography on her back. It was a white dove with it's wings stretched out. The bird gave the impression of a cross, and it all looked like stained glass artwork. I can tell she had to pay for some high quality pigmentation, because the colors were so damned beautiful.

If some fedoratheist saw this, he would be up in arms, but anybody with a little appreciation of the arts would like it.

>> No.7907292

i'm an athiest and i have a huge cross tattooed on my back.

herpin my art derp

>> No.7907301
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I'm a Christian and I have this tattooed on my back.

I'm just saying that "taste" is subjective. They usually change with the times, vary by region and social group. There's no universally good tattoo.

'nah mean?

>> No.7907314


>> No.7907521

wouldn't his nasal and sinus linings dry up?

>> No.7907543
File: 620 KB, 712x950, 1350264760532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like anything else, they can look good given the proper amount of moderation. For instance, I think daniel bamdad's piercings and tattoos (except the one above his eyebrow) look pretty good

>> No.7907564

He's also got great facial aesthetics.

>> No.7907569

You're right, it certainly helps to already look good naturally, but that goes without saying I think.

>> No.7907617

dat facial hair tho

>> No.7907623

>As for taste, it's entirely relative. Did you know that Thai men get tattoos on their lower back? Over here in America, we associate that with slutty women. Like I said, it's all relative
you're a fucking moron
taste isn't entirely relative, and its certainly not relative solely to the fucking culture
it's based on knowledge and associations generated and effectiveness of the system as a whole
a tasteless fucktard gets a tattoo on face because it's 'cool' and it expresses his feelings
somewhat with a hint of intelligence might get a tattoo on his face because he wanted to draw back to religious histories
somewhat slightly more intelligent might get a tattoo on his face because he had some grander idea about mythological revolutions in his atheist subculture circles and somehow thought this tattoo would merge a lot of ideas together

taste is about actually recognizing complexity in a system. A person with taste can, at the very least, recognize quality in japan and in america, despite the vast cultural differences. Because people are fucking stupid on both sides of the world, and they aren't stupid in terribly different ways. A person with taste has the capacity to judge a work as good or bad in terms of quality, while ignoring his own preferences in the matter, because quality doesn't have to do with his own fucking feelings. A dumbass without taste goes around thinking that all works can only be judged by subjective values, thus their preferences can't be 'shit'

>> No.7907644

That actually looks pretty fucking rad. Except that lip thing, that just looks fucking retarded.

>> No.7907683


He bags on counterculture and tatoos/piercings but probably likes Rick O, Ann D, Damir, RAF, or any other goth/punk based designers that were born out of counterculture where a lot of the people have tatoos and most have piercings.

>> No.7907686

>using art with heavy ties to a cultural/religious background

I'm about to get the star of David on my crotch with my uncircumcised dick coming out the center

>> No.7907688

howd he close up that huge gaping earlobe hole?

>> No.7907702

the top right of his ear
is anyone else seeing that
its fucking empty
i can see the back of his fucking skull
he carved out a chunk of his inner ear
jesus fucking christ

and how does he even have his whole eye colored like that
i know thre are colored contacts but thats like all-encompassing

>> No.7907715
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>That tongue

>> No.7907719

I hope he enjoys working at shitty record stores for a long time. Or wearing copious amounts of makeup constantly.

>> No.7907732

there was this other chick
she was really interested in techno body-mods
she'd get friends to implant magnetic sensors and shit into your fingers
said she vaguely tell the kind of electronics around her in like a 20 foot radius
that kinda shit, that's interesting
but this guy
fuck this dude

>> No.7907735

into her fingers*

UK docs wouldn't do it, thought it was unethical or some shit

>> No.7907742

how do you use a computer when youre implanted with magnets

>> No.7907744
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>> No.7907750

That guy's a freak.

>> No.7907751

not magnets
just some sort of sensors for magnetic fields, iirc
anyways, even if they are magnets they obv aren't extremely powerful ones
you'd easily be able to use a computer
maybe not switch out hard drives
but other than that
might possibly somehow fuck with mesh keyboards i suppose
guess you'd have to switch to mechanical
but no yeah it'd be easily fuckin doable

>> No.7907753

You can tattoo your eyeballs.

>> No.7907755


>> No.7907759

fuck its 2000 year old practice
god damn romans

>> No.7907773
File: 264 KB, 500x397, tumblr_mkedtvqUcF1s00m1wo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bout to get my nostril pierced tbh

apparently i have to wait like 2 months before i can actually get the ring put in tho?? sounds wack cz i kind of wanted it asap

>> No.7907789

Actually trunks, that's a really good question.
That's one of the best things I've ever heard from you. Good job, trunks.

>> No.7907791

Can you link me to some info on her? I've been really interested in that kind of stuff.

>> No.7907799

the reason i said it so vaguely was because I have no idea how to find it her and was hoping someone else would recognize what I was talking about
I know the chick was posted on /g/ a good bunch like a year or two back
all I know of her though is that she had some public talk that got posted on youtube
also she was planning on doing something with her leg, some major mod that I recall thinking would probably get her killed, but again, can't remember anything specific
also she was cute
like really god damn cute
she was fucking kawaii
bitch couldn't stand still, was like half-in out of it the whole time

>> No.7907807

yo fuck im a genius found the vid
look at this bitch
she's so fucking uguu~~

>> No.7907814

looks like the magnet thing i was talking about was rfid implants

>> No.7907820

fedora at 0:36
im out

>> No.7907829

hey give the dude a break
that shits 2011
mlp classy fedorachan wasn't a thing then
i think

what the fuck is that dude doing

>> No.7907910

Oh my god, she is.
However, her blog is fedora as hell.

>> No.7908782

Pauly isn't a guy anymore bruh. He got a sex change.

>> No.7908795

m8, if someone modifies themself that heavily, they probably have options.

>> No.7908801

very unique
so special

>> No.7908817

i got my nose pierced in august. make sure u get it done with a needle bcos a gun shatters the cartilage and it won't be a good time for u. my piercing healed really quick and i could change it to a ring after a week but i guess it depends on the person. u should wash it every day when u get it done but the piercer should tell u this shit anyway.

>> No.7908857
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