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/fa/ - Fashion

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7904960 No.7904960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>had HY since I was 17
>go to /fa/
>cool apparently my favorite haircut is fashionable
>suddenly macklemore, miley cyrus and brad pitt start using it
>suddenly everyone is using it

god fucking dammit, sometimes it doesn't even look good on them.

>> No.7905061

no one calls it a hitler youth except 4chan. it's a fucking undercut, shitheads.

>> No.7905080

thats not a HY you cunt

>> No.7905089

do you /mu/ refugees like fantano's new hair?

>> No.7905104

but I'm in 4chan faggot

>> No.7905109
File: 40 KB, 500x374, tumblr_lv4trlbRvL1r6y3vao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had hy
>macklemore miley cyrus and brad pitt start using it

they didnt had a HY so they also didnt start using a HY

Do even know what a HY looks like?

>> No.7905116

unfortunately it's being used outside of /fa/ too now

I've seen mentioned a few times this week

but mehh, it's pretty harmless

>> No.7905129

sorry man, undercut I guess

I thought they were synonyms

>> No.7905317

no it looks shit

>> No.7905347

You are right. Not only HY used it, also the Wehrmacht

>> No.7905353
File: 16 KB, 341x282, hj01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't see shit in your photo faggot.

>> No.7905884

In Scandinavia it's called "svenskesveis" and it's already out of fashion after being popular in 2011/12

>> No.7905942

I saw two of the ugliest, pimpliest tumblriest teenagers with undercuts last year and what makes their choice in hairstyle so much more awkward is that they were brothers.

>> No.7906776
File: 23 KB, 500x384, 1194145637_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds of that "Doug" episode where everyone is wearing the same outfit as Doug because of some Dylan faggot

>> No.7906824

plebs all make it look like shit, it's pervasive in England and 80% of them look like absolute shit.

>> No.7906828

so what
ur not a special snowflake
ur ebic meme haircut probably looks like shit on u too

>> No.7906850
File: 83 KB, 765x800, other_hitleryouth20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be softmore in higschool and got a hy
>freshman calls me macklemore and makes fun of it.
>2 months later he gets an exact replica of my haircut.
>i tell him "nice hair" and he just says thanks as if he doesnt realize how dumb he is
>tfw hes actually a prep and a huge faggot
>prob should just shave my head.

>> No.7906869

look at the foremost guy retard.

>> No.7906882

Mackleguy hasn't been relevant for more than two years. You're in high school. Underage b&

>> No.7907112

it's your fault for having a hy in 2014
yes you should shave your head

>> No.7907300

underage b&

>> No.7907328



>> No.7907346

guys, what's a good way to pick a hair style that looks good on you?

just go to a salon and ask?

i've had dumb surfer bangs for too long.

i know there's a lot of face shape, hair texture stuff that goes into it.

>> No.7907361

what i do is i just go to the barber and when he asks what i want i say i have nothing specific in mind i just want less hair than i have now, i guess whatever is normal, and he cuts my hair appropriate to my face shape in a standard hair cut. i mean, they probably know more about hair than all of /fa/ combined.

>> No.7907374

post a picture of ur hy OP

>> No.7907382

yeah truedat man.
problem is, i have a naturally high hairline, so shit is pretty rough.

I saw a guy on here before here that had the same hairline as I do, and he put his hair up in a fauxhawk or pomp or whatever,

but what he would do is push the roots down a little before gelling the rest up. so it looked like his forehead was smaller,

not sure what that's called, but im thinking about doing that.

how much do you pay for your cuts? and in what city?

im an LAfag

>> No.7907397
File: 26 KB, 386x431, 1362100638892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my dental hygienist said I looked like Hitler with my haircut

Hitler mod unlocked I suppose

>> No.7907428

about ten bucks, not including tip. but its a small barber, the guy who i think owns it as worked there as long as i can remember (which isnt too long in the grand scheme of things) and hes like 100 years old. and i live in a small town in Massachusetts.

>> No.7907444
File: 13 KB, 300x250, adolf-hitler-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so your doing the 2000s scene kid emo bangs but with a huge part on one side?

>> No.7907451

It's not that long, but I guess so

>> No.7907701

>dental hygienist

You mean dentist? Fucking nerd.

>> No.7907728

There's dentists and there's dental hygienists, you dunce.

>> No.7907747

I jumped off the bandwagon before it started catching on in my small-ass town, fortunately. I see a bunch of people with it now.

>> No.7907798

>getting a haircut
>they have to bust out the lawnmowers
>he cuts it nice and short
>all of a sudden he just buzzes the sides before i could say anything
>Now i have some retarded looking HY
>it doesnt work with the shape of my head
>have been thinking about just buzzing it all off right now