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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 138 KB, 640x640, normcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7899440 No.7899440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so you do dress in normcore?

>> No.7899443


do you*

>> No.7899447

nah but i can dig it

>> No.7899448

Don't know where to get good stonewashed denim, my dads jeans are too big for me.

>> No.7899451

and it all started with those newbalance shoes...

>> No.7899458

>dressing badly intentionally

tumblr pls go

>> No.7899462


cool opinion

>> No.7899480

I am literally doing so at this very moment

wearing my 1 pair of baggy-ass stonewashed dad jeans to work
so fucking comfy tho, and I got them super long and cuff them, so they have an interesting drape

I think playing off normalcore is totally valid if done right

>> No.7900003


bad opinion

>> No.7900013

i take some inspo from the aesthetic


>> No.7900021

This is literally a forced meme and literally everyone took it seriously, fuck /fa/ you've always been gullible, but damn.

>> No.7900037

It's a joke now but soon it'll take /fa/ over
Like goofwang in 2009
I can tell this wont flop like lunarcore

>> No.7900056
File: 81 KB, 580x386, nike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can the footscapes work for this?


cause this is more than a color palette

>> No.7900075


>> No.7900113


>> No.7900142


you really have to be in an urban area where there isn't much of the actual normcore/dadcore shit to be able to pull it off otherwise people will just think you dress like shit

however it really is pretty gr8 to mix things like old ll bean flannels with waxed denim or someshit tbh

im also a fatass so normcore works for me

>> No.7900157

what sneakers

>> No.7900164


adidas stan smith high

>> No.7900249

cancercore. the style will spread and outlive you.

>> No.7900349
File: 41 KB, 620x400, 1394147795360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u really have to be in an urban area where there isn't much of the actual normcore/dadcore shit to be able to pull it off otherwise people will just think you dress like shit

Having a bunch of tattoos can also help pulling it off, like OPs pic.

I'd love to go full seinfeld but it would be so hard to pull off.

>> No.7900365

steve jobs-core

>> No.7900393

Lookslikeshitcore amirite?
W/e trend will die soon, give it 2 more weeks

>> No.7900419

i seriously doubt this trend will die that soon.
The 90s are coming back.

>> No.7900428

how do you do it? dress in designer clothes that look exactly like the smelly ones you'd find at a thrift store?

i actually might cop some stonewashed denim tho

>> No.7900504

Nah just wear/style things that would usually be considered extremely dated or unfashionable in a considered way, thinking critically about how to style them or how they fit. Designer shit is as much a part of it as thrifted stuff.

>> No.7900627

did someone say the 90s are coming back like it didn't already

>> No.7900635


not there

>> No.7900753

saw your new shit, nigga hated it, Damon Wayans, dont play that shit, i get paid a lot, you get paid a bit, goddamn

>> No.7900909

Tattoos!! F Yeah :D See U At The Park Way Drive Concert M'Bro!!

tattoos r not cool

>> No.7902878


haha yea i was mostly kidding when i made this thread.. people seem to comprehend the style as somewhat unique and identify with it i suppose. i heard the term used on reddit and tumblr and i snagged the pic from instagram

>> No.7902880


the guy from texas chainsaw massacre

>> No.7903460

I've been wearing my dad's hand me down jeans for years with hiking boots and plain army surplus and thrift store sweaters. Feels good.

>> No.7903474

We all read the K-Hole article by now btw.
You can stop spamming.

>> No.7903479

If this takes off I'll leave fa forever.

>> No.7903495
File: 670 KB, 1330x1330, 1394200382377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technorm is here.

>> No.7903504

Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.7903546

i've been doing normcore for a certain amount of time about a year ago, when i've been tired of looking interesting (or, in other words, gay)

i got laid immadiately after i've abandoned it

the purpose of clothes is to a) cover your body from atmospheric conditions b) make you look good
wearing something as any kind of statement or, even worse, "ironically" is immature and ridiculous

>> No.7903549

kill bill?
Those shoes are sick.

>> No.7903558

Fashion can easily be art.
Normcore is the death of one of the most important and interesting aspects of fashion.

>> No.7903567
File: 196 KB, 602x873, IMG_1043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c skinny light wash jeans like kanyes under $200?

>> No.7903571

It wasn't normcore, you were just dressing like shit. Don't make excuses for yourself. I can look good and dress for the weather at the same time. Stay pleb.

>> No.7903578

>wants to look like kanye
are you black?

serious question. I always see "fresh" niggas dressing in shit they copied from kanye. The other day I saw some dude wearing all black with a camo undershirt peeking through and red shoes I was like lmao really bro?

>> No.7903585

I'm just looking for skinny light wash jeans you fucking fuccboi.

>are you black?
I'm dutch and native brazilian.

>I was like lmao really bro
lmao really xD! cool! xD!

Good to see you can let out your insecurities towards black people on /fa/.

>> No.7903592

You want to go "normcore". ex dee
You're calling someone else a fuccboi when you're looking for light washed jeans to fit some trend.

>> No.7903597

I'm not looking to go normcore, I'm looking for light wash skinny jeans and since normcore people wear that I figured I'd get some help here.

>> No.7903599

stop looking into normcore so much
it's just a trend, isn't doesn't mean fashion is going to die

>> No.7903600

most of my fits actually look like that
my face is kinda ugly in a serial killerish way so bright and tidy garments only look awkward on me
thanks to my physique which is literally that of a god (6', lean, good proportions) i can pull off wearing beaten up, bleak materials without looking a complete doofus as long as i invest in adapt tones and fits
i used to go for looks before comfiness for a while, never again

>> No.7903606

i actually payed a lot of attention to how my clothes fit, what fabrics etc because i know a lot about this shit, and i used this knowledge to look as mediocre as possible. it was just some kind of childish act of rebellion against obligation to look good (or interesting, individual or whatever), and that's what normcore is all about.

>> No.7903609
File: 165 KB, 500x415, ross farrar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normcore isnt even a new thing

>> No.7903623

no I am just laughing because "black fashion" is just "let's copy what kanye does". Not even stereotyping or anything it is legit what I see every day living in los angeles. didn't think anybody who wasn't black would copy kany so mindlessly

>trying to keep a straight face walking past a dude in HBA du-rag black EDGYTEXT cap and red sneakers with camo shirt under his black shirt

>> No.7903634

jesus fucking christ he just wants some light wash skinnies

cheap monday do cool ones and they're really cheap in europe, unlike levis. better fit too.

>> No.7903641
File: 48 KB, 176x389, normcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> normcore
so a shirt and jeans?

>> No.7903642

>forced meme
>literally all over the media, internationally
Stay butthurt fuccboi.

>> No.7903652
File: 164 KB, 595x476, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Dude normcore?

>> No.7903658

It's a fucking meme, retard.

>> No.7903659

thanks guy. completely forgot about CM, just copped.

>> No.7903668
File: 92 KB, 380x400, richard-dawkins (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All culture is memetic, sweet lips.

>> No.7903677
File: 106 KB, 306x250, hankhill-012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normcore is the best trend you can follow I'lltellyouwhat and it you don't agree I'm going to kick your ass

>> No.7903678

Kiss me.

>> No.7903682

It's a trend. Maybe it will be shortlived, but I doubt it.

You see, trends don't come from nothing. They're always something a small group already does, and then for some unknown reason, it blows up and spreads all over the world.

In the case of normcore, NY art students and hipsters have been doing it for years. That's the small group starting the trend.

Now, it's suddenly spreading out. May vanish again soon, but I doubt that:
>It's cheap
>It's accessibke
>It's comfy
>It fits right into the 90s revival
>It's the antithesis to the skinny jeans paradigm that was so widespread in the last years
>It takes and incorporates things that are already big trends, like big-ass 90s trainers and sweatpants

So yeah, I think it will become really big. Maybe even the new status quo. Sure, we can't imagine that right now, but in2004, we also couldn't imagine beards and skinny jeans becoming high fashion.

>> No.7903686


once again it is something that /fa/ has come across on the internet. Seeing as how they aren't creative in any way, they just appropriated these images, called it "normcore" and now they think they created it.

Same people who stole fits from the internet and called them "gothninja", "lunarcore", and other stupid names with the "ninja" "core" or "goth" in them

I'm just glad that we have so many hanes and vans wearing fuccbois who are so eager to put names on styles they don't wear and have never seen outside of their basement

>> No.7903688

a&f hollister usually what i'm dressed in


>> No.7903690

lmfao is this what u really think
c u in da club looking akward while femme's mirin my tats

>> No.7903695

The thing is, normalcore wants to be the opposite of high fashion.
Therefore, it wont be supported by said high fashion designers.
Goof is so big because it is supported by high fashion and is regarded as high level aesthetic if done right and with the right budget.

>> No.7903697

No one else cares about this. Only /fa/ is over-hyping this garbage.

>> No.7903699

>once again it is something that /fa/ has come across on the internet.
Dude, what? Just google "normcore". Do it. It's not just /fa/, it's even in German newspapers. This means it's already more well-known that goof nigger.

>> No.7903709

>The thing is, normalcore wants to be the opposite of high fashion.
Like punk, amirite?

>> No.7903720

exactly, only that punk has a statement, while normcore is for lazy fatfuckhipsterretards.

>> No.7903724

u r on a fashion board

>> No.7903727

So normalcore is like grunge without the wear and tear, right?

>> No.7903728

>punk has a statement
no, it because trendy after they started putting safety pins up their nose

>> No.7903732

punk was marketed from the get go, bro mo. the pistols are essentially the first boy band.

>> No.7903739

No, I am on a "how do I look pretty" board.
It still started as a left wing movement.
I lived in berlin long enough to know what real punk is. Nobody ever wore it without meaning it there.

>> No.7903743

dude in this video literally made me want to shoot anyone who takes 'normcore' seriously

>> No.7903740


fink of the average, everyday person in the 90s - not a trendy person, not some1 that goes to clubs, just someone that existed in the 90s - no1 special, no1 flashy, no1 with a lot of money - cliché shit u wouyld see in old textbooks from that time period

okay, got it?

wear that

>> No.7903747

>real punk
Are you in your fifties, m8?

>> No.7903748

>"Normcore is a desire to be blank," Monahan explains in the video above. "Fundamentally, the way that we thought about it at K-HOLE is that people used to be born into communities and were, sort of, thrust into the world and had to find their own individuality. And I think today, people are born individuals and are trying to find their communities."


>> No.7903749

So does normcore, really. It's a rebellion against the mainstream. Just like punk.

>> No.7903751

Thing is, everyone will prolly wear it and fa will hate it because of that anyway.

>> No.7903755
File: 107 KB, 802x1001, Jerryseinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see that?
It started
Then it because trendy bullshit
Normcore started with a god tier show called seinfeld
>you are probably too young to know what it is
His love for superman and his quirky jewness became a symbol for all those who watched the show
All praise jerry

>> No.7903758

But that's exactly it. Why do you think we don't have subcultures nowadays? Revolution has become bland and meaningless because everyone's a revolutionary. Let's get a decade of normcore - in 20 years, we can have subcultures again because everyone will be rebelling against normcore. It's important that we get this, it's a reset, more or less.

>> No.7903765

>comparing seinfeld with existential problems of the lower class

>> No.7903769

interesting point but i think in 6 months people will have moved on

>> No.7903770

You never watched Seinfeld, huh?

>> No.7903772

Dude why wouldn't he

>> No.7903778

you must be us-american.

>> No.7903779

/fa/ was calling rick owens "gothninja" ever since before gothninja was a google-able term

The style didn't originate on here by any means, but the stupid name did

>> No.7903782

They could move on in 3 weeks, for all I care. The important thing is that normcore needs to become the mainstream so subcultures have something to rebel against. The way we are now, we can only rebel against rebelliousness - enter normcore.
If we don't become "philistine" now, we'll do it somewhen later. There is no way around it because we're running out of things teenagers can find shit.

>> No.7903789

there are some parts of seinfeld i dont get tbh
how does george always have money to go out and eat at the diner
how does jerry always have money when he doesnt seem to have a job

when i havent got a job i dont leave my house
im eating toast 3 meals a day

>> No.7903791

The thing is that gothninja was never widespread. You had some fashion blogs using the term, that's it. With normcore, you have the NYPost, the Guardian, the Süddeutsche etc.

It's big. Doesn't mean that it will last for a long time, but it's big nonetheless.

>> No.7903800

He was always on the tonight show so he was pretty famous/good comedian

George is a jew, joking you get a check every week if you are out of the job

>> No.7903796

This essentially. It could be the next big hype, but fa will still hate it because its plebian mainstream anyway.

>> No.7903798
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, mindblown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god
new balances were just the beginning of normcore

>it's all making sense now

>> No.7903799

Huh? jerry is a successful stand up comedian and George has different jobs. the one with the mysterious source of money is Kramer.

>> No.7903803

I hated them from the very beginning.

>> No.7903810

new balance have always been around tho

so has norm core lul

>> No.7903813

>The thing is that gothninja was never widespread
if you say so, just let me ask Kanye and Justin Beiber what they think about your statement. the only reason "normcore" is so widespread is because you are all easily impressionable shitheads who don't realize that you're just a basic bitch

>newspapers copying things other newspapers do or say
wow very mindblowing indeed

>> No.7903815

yeah but there's always times when george doesn't seem to have work for a long time. jerry makes sense i guess

didnt realise welfare existed in america lol

>> No.7903821

jerry is a successful comedianm he appears on tv shows, late night shows, gets invited to perform at big venues like casinos, etc. he's essentially the same as the real life seinfeld before he got his own tv show. the series ends when fictional jerry gets his own show called "jerry"

george has a series of white collar jobs in the show. real estate agent, executive assisant to the traveling secretary of the yankees, sales person at kruger industrial sanding, playnow, etc. between jobs he lives off his savings. if he is really short he moves back in with his parents

kramer is the really mysterious one. nobody knows what his income stream is, and that's a running joke on the show

>> No.7903819

New Balances weren't the beginning. Look back earlier:
>Swat pants in fashion, worn unironically
>Plaid shirts
>Sweat shirts
>Hair not getting dyed anymore
>Scruffy beards
It's the 90s revival. It's been slow because unlike the 90s, the economy is shit, but it's on like Donkey Kong. The slim fit jeans and weird floral shirts are just the last remnants of the 80s revival in the 2000s.

>> No.7903823

It was never widespread because it's expensive.
normcore is cheap as fuck.

>> No.7903827

I always guess kramer is just like the real life kramer
Made millions and then decided to do nothing

>> No.7903829

You sound like a butthurt fuccboi.

Kanye and Bieber probably don't even know what goth ninja ist.

>newspapers copying things other newspapers do or say
So, why didn't they do it with goth ninja? The last time we saw something that widespread, it was the hipster. If that's any indication, normcore will be the new status quo for the next years.

>> No.7903828

hey - there ya go
learn something new every day

>> No.7903833

>Kanye and Bieber probably don't even know what goth ninja ist.
Did you miss the kanye video when he and his niggers all wearing gothninja shit?

>> No.7903839

also, notice how cheap george is? he's always trying to get someone else to pay for his bill at the coffeeshop

>> No.7903854
File: 146 KB, 1280x1024, sodead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right dude it's so dead

who the fuck is Rick Owens?

>> No.7903880

Sure they wear it. Well, Kanye not so much anymore. But they wouldn't call it goth ninja. The expression is simply not widespread, so they style isn't widespread.


So, nobody but HK is interested in Dick Ovens. Gotcha.

>> No.7903894

> goth ninja
> The expression is simply not widespread
you don't google or something?

>> No.7903903

Gothninja is a slang term applied to a rather vague part of avant-garde aesthetic. Now investigate avant-garde term, since you are unfamiliar with it, you pleb.

>> No.7903911

does he have to use the expression "goth ninja" to understand the aesthetic? just b/c he doesn't visit lame internet forums where they call it that doesn't really mean much

>> No.7903912

>But they wouldn't call it goth ninja

Rick Owens doesn't consider himself a """gothninja""" designer neither does anyone else
>They don't use the same term as we do that means it doesn't exist outside of our anime forum

the only reason "normcore" is widespread is because it's basic bitch shit, that's really all it is yet you fuccbois will try to elevate yourselves above regular people by trying to sell this as something more than it really is.

>> No.7903950

That's what I'm saying. The style has no name except "avant garde", which is vague as fuck because avant garde was something else 10 years ago. That is evidence that it isn't widespread, or people would have given it a name already.

FWIW, H&M tried to push it last F/W in Germany. Nobody cared. Never saw anyone wear it even in the faggot capital of the country.

>> No.7903955

"avant garde" is an umbrella term used by fuccbois on here to describe something that isn't regular pants and tshirts. The problem with you nerds is you are too concerned with the labeling of styles.

you think "avant garde" means wearing all black and high tops. You say "avant garde was something else 10 years ago" yet you don't even know what avant garde is, and you have no idea of the fashion from previous decades.

if a huge ass fucking company like H&M is pushing this all black (or how you describe it, "avant garde") style, then it's obviously going places.

>> No.7903956

Isn't "normcore" basically mid-late-90s fashion, essentially?

>> No.7903958

>thinking avant-garde term is exclusive to 4chan
Why are you so retarded?

>> No.7903966

that's not what he said lol, he's saying people on 4chan use it wrongly, or rather, differently than people whose opinions matter

>> No.7903972

Don't try to find excuses for your failure. Avant-garde term is used here correctly most because it is used by those whose opinion matters. Other 4chan visitors use gothninja instead, just like you.

>> No.7903982

This looks amazing. My opinion might be biased since I dress in a similar manner most of the time ever since I cared about how I look, but I can state with confidence that you'll get more compliments looking like this, and don't let any dadcore/güfninja moron tell you otherwise.

>> No.7903988

>dressing to get compliments
It's save and boring.

>> No.7903993

You wont get any compliments if you look ordinary.

>> No.7903994


normcore is about being ironicaly blank cuz everyone is tryhards

>> No.7904000

that bomber is sweet, any1 knows w2c?

>> No.7904007

i p much dress like this anyway

does this make me a knobhead

>> No.7904011

If you needed to browse an internet forum to dress in loose fitting basics and generic shoes, then yes

>> No.7904013


APC, faggot.

Kanye has his own APC line, you illiterate.

>> No.7904015

No, but you have to stop dressing like that in a few weeks because every fuckhead will do it.

>> No.7904017
File: 410 KB, 615x481, 1393360990827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compliments aren't my motivation, I simply stated that I get them rather often, which is undoubtedly a sign that I'm doing a good job clothing myself.

And "normcore" (this is the first time I've seen this nomination) might be simple and bland, but then again, can't it be compared to minimalism a lot?
See pic related.

>> No.7904018

I never said that refer to the poster below you. Its also not limited to fashion. Avant garde cinema, art, music, literature, architecture, etc etc...And for the record you guys use the term VERY incorrectly.

>> No.7904024

>I simply stated that I get them rather often, which is undoubtedly a sign that I'm doing a good job clothing myself.
No. Most people like chucks, bad cut fake leather jackets and some even like fedoras.

>> No.7904028

"under 200"

>> No.7904039

Getting compliments doesn't mean you dress well lol

I have gotten compliments on fits I knew were shitty, and sick fits as well. They are a nice ego boost sure but they truly are meaningless. It actually makes me uncomfortable at times because I get so many!!

>> No.7904049

i come here because occasionally people post pictures of pretty girls

>> No.7904052
File: 69 KB, 540x637, 34ov4e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a lesson in lazy media as much as in unappealing fashion.

Normcore has reached the tipping point. The gloss on the style is dressing like on "Seinfeld."

Young people who consider themselves trend setters dress like idiots every day, but that doesn't necessarily deserve press. Media outlooks have collectively decided that this style represents an important development that deserves coverage. Just take a look at the results of a google search of normcore

All these articles within days of each other. As if not having your click-bait take on normcore is some kind of unpardonable offense.

As for the style itself, it's aggressively boring, which, after a decade-plus of gender-bending male fashion, I'll take as a positive development. And if everyone's wearing pale denim shirts and New Balance sneakers, it'll be that much easier to dress stylishly.

>mfw someone takes a NYT cultural piece seriously around me
Just look at the album, normcore seriously looks like shit on most of these people. Good luck

>> No.7904061

then stop posting pleb

>> No.7904057

How is this any different from the way pitchfork endorsed "slacker" revival bands and their fans have been dressing for the past 5 years or so?

>> No.7904060

Those are some very strong words coming from an anonymous individual posting on 4chan who doesn't know anything about me.

Especially since your comment brought no contribution whatsoever to the discussion at hand, so please stop shitposting.

>> No.7904062

better than being grouped with rich white kid with rich parents buying ricks
I think normcore became to be after people realized copping a thousand dollar shirt was pretty much retarded which I guess was a day ago

>> No.7904072

can't wait to fuck my O.S in my sick normcore fit in about 8 years time

>> No.7904073

All I wanted to say is that the people complimenting you are most likely not interested in fashion at all.
I've got those too back in my pleb days.
Hell, I got most compliments on a fake leather jacket.

Just because people compliment you doesn't mean you dress good.

>> No.7904076

Do you know what a false dichotomy is?

>> No.7904075

If you are going to do normcore, it can't be watered down

incorporating 'normcore' pieces into a fit will just look like you have some bad jeans or shoes on

>> No.7904078
File: 609 KB, 2400x1351, her-joaquin-phoenix-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7904079

What do people know?
Fuckin plebs everywhere waiting for transformers 4 and another die hard movie

>> No.7904084

>transformers 4
don't remind me. Just thinking about those abominations makes me sad.

>> No.7904092

>confusing the NY Mag for the NYT
>pretends to be an authority on how the media works

stay pleb, pleb

>> No.7904098

pure luck i still have my pale 501s, i always knew they will be good for something one day and the day has come

>> No.7904099
File: 393 KB, 1330x1330, normcore-14.nocrop.w1800.h1330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt pie

>> No.7904108

>snide unrelated greentext response
>implying you aren't 15

have a problem with people misreading links?

>> No.7904109
File: 484 KB, 900x900, 1385197300629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, okay, normcore-normcore.
The only thing I do not understand is where did it start? From where it is coming?

>> No.7904122


nyMAG (not NYT my bad) claims to have "discovered" it

>> No.7904119

>haha yea i was mostly kidding when i made this thread..

Nigger im from /tv/ you gotta step up your shitpost game.

>> No.7904120

>The only thing I do not understand is where did it start
>From where it is coming?
high fashion being over played
general plebs copping them

>> No.7904123

I agree wholeheartedly.

However I'm not about looking "plebby" or "bland", I am passionate about fashion and overall aesthetics. I guess what's important is not being a "tryhard". Sometimes avant-garde fashion or even streetwear to some extent is too alien, too "saute-à-l'œil" (don't know the english term so bear with me).

Simple, normal looking fits, in my opinion, transcend the superficial impact of more extravagant outifits. It allows more emphasis on both the entire allure but also individual pieces. It isn't as heavy at first, but allows further exploration.

Once again, this is just my perception of things.
Respectfully yours; Belgianfag.

>> No.7904124

Who? Is that a designer? Did he show something wow-tier in Milan/Paris?

>> No.7904125

i just copped that colourway off ebay
nike are releasing some new ones soon though

gonna rock them with my our legacy dad jeans

>> No.7904128
File: 15 KB, 311x408, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7904130

the premise of normcore is literally to dress like one of the characters of Seinfeld, a 90s show starring comedian Jerry Seinfeld.

>> No.7904131

damn my dad does normcore like a fucking pro

>> No.7904135

patrik ervell though

>> No.7904136

Oh. That sitcom is not rather popular in my location, so we don't use those much.
But still, that does not explain it. He have been there since like forever, who started to make a normcore trend?
Designer? Media? Evil Freemasons? That thing should have a first-source.

>> No.7904146

it's 90's fashion
If there is a 20 year gap it becomes cool again
>in 2000, 90's was uncool
>in 2010, 90's became cool

>> No.7904147

>I guess what's important is not being a "tryhard". This is true, but you can dress a bit extravagant or unusual without being tryhard.
That is, to a certain extend, how fashion in everyday life should be imo.

>> No.7904149

>But still, that does not explain it. He have been there since like forever, who started to make a normcore trend?

Gee, I wonder...

*rubs hands together*

>> No.7904151

Well, why do I hear about the gap is bridged only today?
Source of "normcore" word please.

>> No.7904152
File: 365 KB, 500x390, gerrard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hide normcore threads
ignore normcore posts

>> No.7904153

woops, fucked up the greentext. Never write and eat.

>> No.7904155

Patrik dresses norm but his clothes aren't really norm

>> No.7904162
File: 27 KB, 600x400, steve-jobs-new-balance-992-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try steve jobs
>thanks steve

>> No.7904163

I'd like to apologise to each and every one of you having read my posts. After further looking into normalcore, I have reached the conclusion that it's utter shit. I feel ashamed for having stood behind it and comparing it to my own style.

In the end, what's important I guess is to dress according to your personality and your tastes, not branding a certain aesthetic with a certain name and limitating yourself to that look. Exploring different styles is the epitome of artistic liberty.

>> No.7904160

this is a joke, right?

>> No.7904165

>source of norm core
idk and who cares
It's just style emulated on the show seinfeld which takes place in the 90's
What's to get or understand?
It's fuckin fashion
anything goes

>> No.7904171

>when mainstream media starts making articles about tumblr communities
why did the internet have to become this

>> No.7904174

yes, a very bad one.

>> No.7904180

You got it. Have a nice day.

>> No.7904178

~2010 != 7.3.2014
Hell, it is not it!
>who cares
Me, if I did not, I would not have asked. >:^(
You have to know the origins to predict where it is going to. Man, please, don't reply if you do not have an answer.

>> No.7904182

Are you guys retarded?
remember how 80's where cool in the 2000's?
Or were you too young to remenber?

>> No.7904187

no, that's straight pleb
jerry's pants weren't utter shit, and his sneaks had some class to them.
but I can't help admire steve jobs approach to his own presentation.

>> No.7904191

> don't reply if you do not have an answer
It's a common thing that happens
The past becomes cool
There isn't an answer WHY it becomes cool, ask the hipsters
People get into 70's fashion, 80's fashion, 60's fashion after a decade or so is pasted
Jesus chirst
normcore is 90's fashion

>> No.7904193

fuck off retard

>> No.7904195

When I'm feeling lazy and just lounging at home, sure, but it's not purposeful.

>> No.7904197

its been linked above already. in fact I tink I linked it to YOUR post here >>7904122

>> No.7904205

Did I ask why?
I mean, there should be the first person(s)to use word "normcore" several days ago that caused this shit-media snowslide.
Yes, that is mine, and I have read the article, but it just lists notable examples, and the discovery of normcore "being a meme" is not that outstanding and rather not a discovery.

Inb4 I am asking too much and jews everywhere.

>> No.7904207
File: 21 KB, 326x237, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his fleeces and stuff
the logo stuff in the latest collection
stonewashed jeans
short sleeved shirts and such

obviously not everything is normcore but a lot of it could well be considered normcore

>> No.7904212

>I mean, there should be the first person(s)to use word "normcore" several days ago that caused this shit-media snowslide.
What the actual fuck

>> No.7904262
File: 98 KB, 680x864, 04a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Normcore, one does not pretend to be above the indignity of belonging.


>> No.7904281
File: 6 KB, 247x222, 1352669242462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a post-authenticity coolness that opts in to sameness

>> No.7904275

>tfw jerry seinfeld has been my style icon for years
>tfw when i've gotten the look down -- slim-straight black levis, no belt, tucked in turtle neck, the least /fa/ nike sneakers i can find

i-i-i've finally made it /fa/

>> No.7904283

thats actually a cool thought. Ive noticed normcore as a thing for a while, its just hard to nail down. I think its important to think about it in respect to the absence of irony and thus the presence of being genuine

>> No.7904293

this is the best definition so far.

>> No.7904294
File: 30 KB, 436x768, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7904304
File: 294 KB, 500x428, 1386900103865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you on this one

>> No.7904315

I actually thought the K-Hole piece was pretty good, even if it has been blown out of proportion a bit. Especially the bit about generational linearity being diminished. I mean, my parents do pretty much the same shit as me; they own the same technology, to an extent shop at the same places. The generations above us aren't shocked, or don't find it hard to understand current fashion trends as they've seen it all before.

Also, "normcore" or whatever isn't just about dressing like Jerry Seinfeld or whatever, it's transferable to whatever situation you're in. So if you live in South London, dressing like Jerry Seinfeld wouldn't be normcore

actually fuck that the whole thing is a bit fucking stupid now i've thought about it

>> No.7904323


>> No.7904331
File: 42 KB, 565x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume we've now crossed the point where everything is considered fashionable.

>> No.7904334
File: 11 KB, 249x242, gabber2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if the 90s are back, can I wear my gabbercore again?

>> No.7904338

Seriously this is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard, dressing bad on purpose is just retarded

>> No.7904342
File: 973 KB, 200x148, 1378445314003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man shut the fuck up. The whole notion of "dressing people normcore" is just some blasé heuristic in the stylist community as a social commentary on normal people so the ad campaigns will connect with them.

Leave it up to hipsters to go fucking apeshit with the idea of making commonpleb clothes look decent.


yea I mad, go to tumblr or anywhere else.

>> No.7904351

That's the thing, though. They're not trying to belong, they're just dressing normal because everyone else is dressing "different" and they want to stand out.
It's very disingenuous, ugly and smarmy.

>> No.7904353

Its time to leave this abomination of a fashion board together.

>> No.7904357


Sadboy x gabber would be sick.

>> No.7904372
File: 167 KB, 1200x800, Australian Set 9078833-809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling it.

>> No.7904379

aka basic bitch
This is far from being new

>> No.7904388

yes and dance

>> No.7904427
File: 469 KB, 320x256, hakkuh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das it mane

>> No.7904442

Yes please

>> No.7904486


That's not normcore, that's Glasgow 1996 skaghead waster.

Normcore is a terrible idea. What's next writers writing like E.L.James?

Listening to Kid Rock?
These proponents of normcore will still never dress like a modern surburbanite wearing flared distressed jeans and Abercrombie & Fitch.

>> No.7904495


You have style or you don't. Normcore is a reaction to the fact that places like H&M/Zara/UrbanOutfitters/Uniqlo gave the masses style, and you see regular people wearing vintage at Coachella, so what can hipsters do, the only thing they know how, the opposite...

>> No.7904500


THIS exactly.

>> No.7904502

Normcore is just a tumblrcore way of saying "basic bitch." I cringe to think that in no more than a half year I'll be hearing these words around campus all day.

>> No.7904506


Yeah this...it's exactly like "Derelicte"

>> No.7904509

Hipster here.

I'll be the only one dressing nice after everyone switches over to normcore.

Feels good man.

>> No.7904508


fashion is not style. I went all over Africa, and there were people with style and people with no style, in the poorest places.

>> No.7904511

>it's transferable to whatever situation you're in

It's insane...like going to a DMB concert even though you hate it.

>> No.7904517


I always thought Seinfeld dressed alright, it's just that the fits of his clothes were terrible.

My fave dresser on that show was Kramer though.

>> No.7904519

Your notion of style is arbitrary.

>> No.7904525


WHAT a load of shit! I always felt I could hang with anyone. Secondhand embarrassment for these writers is extreme.

>> No.7904528

How do I into skagcore?

>> No.7904538


No it's not, it's the way someone walks to the way they tie their skirt and whatever else....

You just don't have an eye for such things.

>> No.7904543


that's what i don't like about it

>> No.7904544


It's easy m8, you get on the gear, then everything will fall into place and before you know it, you have lost your friends and fam, you wear whatever you can find.

>> No.7904552

japanese creampie lawl

>> No.7904622

>These proponents of normcore will still never dress like a modern surburbanite wearing flared distressed jeans and Abercrombie & Fitch.

give it 10 years

>> No.7904626


i appreciate the sentiment behind some people doing it, but the fact is it's a trend: "fashion forward" people dressing "backward" because everyone else is trying to be "forward" now. when people start dressing normally again, it vanishes in a puff of smoke, with a wink and a giggle

ill just stick to my usual style

>> No.7904634

If dressing in high fashion/faux high fashion, and being knowledgeable about trends is now normal, then normcore is...abnormal



>> No.7904678


>> No.7904747

>thinks he's a hipster
>ocbd, raws, cdb's usually what he's dressed in

>> No.7904917
File: 80 KB, 807x605, BIu4Dz3OQgM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normcore isnt a thing at all. your dad isnt normocre, he just were plain clothes and he have enough style to put on white t shirt and jeans. thats how clothes works, thats how people dresses up if they dont wont to look like anime characters or like they are from nicki minaj video

>> No.7905066

No, it's comfycore.

>> No.7905077

The Beatles are the first boys band.

>> No.7905572

please introduce me to this delicious sounding genre

>> No.7905677

it ranges from cheap to very expensive
comfycore is wearing your duvet as a cape
comfy core is buying your boots a big large and wearing double socks
comfy core is saying FUCK OFF RAW DENIM and wearing sweats
comfy core is double duvet and hugging with ur naked girl 4 warmth

>> No.7905686

I didn't dislike those high waist pants tbh

>> No.7905697


cause you're a fucking simpleton

>> No.7905730

Punk was invented by Vivienne Westwood and Mclaren, it's inextricably linked to high fashion

>> No.7905795

ohhh, okay, I get it now

it's bullshit-core

>> No.7905812
File: 97 KB, 600x400, 1394235189639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like my shit, I wear a robe and sweats most of the day. I've been thinking of upgrading.

>> No.7905831

Please explain me why is this popular? This style looks like complete. I can't force myself to like it.

>> No.7905836

looks like complete shit*

>> No.7905845

Oh shit I fucked up again, meant to reply to >>7905831

>> No.7905864

its not popular. the buzz surrounding normcore far far exceeds the actual number of people going for the look. people are just upset at having become aware of its mere existence. just look at all the replies in this thread

>> No.7905897

I've been on /fa/ just a few years and send the community go from dressing as if they were Nazis in vintage military surplus, to dressing in "timeless classics" such as desert boots and oxford shirts, to dressing as if they were European rioters, to dressing as if they were goth ninjas, to dressing as if they were astronauts, to dressing as if they were sad boys, and now norm-core.

>> No.7906026

don't take any of /fa/'s advice, have you seen the WAYWT threads?

sometimes there's some decent information but the majority is bullshit, same as /fit/

>> No.7906038


Thirft you big dummy head

>> No.7907537

normcore is not fashion and does not belong on fa

>> No.7907657

patrik ervell if you got the do$h

>> No.7907696
File: 2.87 MB, 3504x2336, 1394268031276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing like it's the early 90's and late 80's is normal
>implying dressing "normally" can be a trend or statement unless you are mega-wealthy

>> No.7907706

So can we just call it 'bill gates core'?

>> No.7908502
File: 184 KB, 639x960, 1394287546529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this normcore?

>> No.7908504


>> No.7908508

Can you pull off saying "norm in your mama's anus core" each time you would hear that?

>> No.7908707

Seriously. Calling "normcore" fashion is going fucking full circle

>> No.7908712


>> No.7908714

So I guess normcore brands :

Jack Wills

>> No.7908737

Zara isn't normcore, Zara is ultrasuperpseudofuchboeplebcore.

>> No.7908743

thats all just cheap pleb shit, dont wear any of it ude

>> No.7908752

none of that is normcore

its more like
ll bean
st johns bay
eddie bauer
croft and barrow

>> No.7908753

>implying that's not the point

>> No.7908793

Asian anthony fantano

>> No.7908796

how into bumcore like op pic?

>> No.7908800

more like fat tao lin

>> No.7908826

I like Dev Hynes normalcore. Like in the videos for Chamakay and Forget It. I probably wouldn't forgive anyone else wearing beat up converse and an overcoat

>> No.7909082
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, 1394141951648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unknown american brands. get real fagot

>> No.7909666

this is literally describing me

>> No.7910235

Source on the gif?

>> No.7910243

I used to wAtch this bitch on m@ma-less dot com

>> No.7910324

Got any.links or codes?

>> No.7910340

All taken down I'd imagine, the sites basically clean now.

>> No.7910345

I just bought Lacoste polos

Call the cops I don't give a fuck

>> No.7910449

some1 pls make normcore at party meme

>> No.7910493

Are pimples normcore?

>> No.7910498

More like highschool-core

>> No.7910543

Yeah but call it acne or, if you really have to, zits. "Pimples" isn't a good sound.

>> No.7910545


>> No.7910683

normcore is too much of an anti-trend trend for me

>> No.7910708

>dressing like shit

Jesus Christ this board sucks

>> No.7910711
File: 544 KB, 1763x1762, 100_6083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized i have that yellow shit around my mouth like some vaginas

But anyway, with this normcore thing, how does one differentiate between patricians and the plebs?

>> No.7910719
File: 171 KB, 1024x1024, me beard makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my twitter pic

>> No.7910731

I vomited

>> No.7910727

you have the skin of a seven year old

>> No.7910735


You look like the type of nigga who hates women and will one day disembowel and scalp them as 'revenge' for what they've 'done' to you.

>> No.7910738

thank you you made my day hon
im 37 :(

>> No.7910747
File: 49 KB, 400x450, 0 Chikatilo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i haven't done that already

>> No.7911419

The term was coined by K-hole in their latest issue. It's been misused though.