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/fa/ - Fashion

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7899225 No.7899225 [Reply] [Original]

Dilemma *not bragging don't bring butthurt*

Anyone here gone to Guangzhou, China?

I've been asked to go for a 3 month contract there all paid for. The city looks shitty and polluted, my friend who was just there travelling through said it sucked for the 3 days he was there also.

I have a job lined up in Northern Canada which will lead into 50$/h welding.

I think going North will set my future up better? More solid and then I can travel how I want later in life.

>> No.7899257

50 an hour sounds good although idk what a welding job is like

From what I've heard and seen on liveleak about China, I'd best avoid it unless you're going to the super developed cities. Seems dangerous and gross as fuck.

>> No.7899259

Come to Canada, eh.

>> No.7899268
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I live in BC already.
Got a job at a mill, then going to take my schooling and get my welding done.

I don't ever say "eh" I do say sorry though.

>> No.7899272

>work for a few years in canada
>have sick funds saved up
>sick cops
>travel money
>school tuition (?) if applicable
>few years of patience in coccoon mode, rebirth as beautiful butterfly

idk what guangzhou is like but i just googled and looks pretty modern, if u can still have the welding job after ur 3 months in china it might b cool

next time try /adv/

>> No.7899270

Ya My buddy asked his boss whos from china and said it was sketchy as fuck. My agent is still trying South korea, Souel or Japan but I think modelling is more about profit for the agency

>> No.7899286
File: 106 KB, 466x700, 1383094275957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad This and /auto/ is all I've ever used.

Ya I think that money > modelling.

Thanks already I'm pretty set on my choice.

>photoshopped google images of Guangzhou

>> No.7899297

Go ask /trv/

I have spent years in china, Shenzhen which is close to Guangzhou. Honestly I love it, but you have to be open to new experiences and a lot of differences. You will get tired of some things, dirty ness, crowds, rude ppl.. Other than that, I miss the food every day. Cheap, tasty and extremely convenient.

Really depends on your living situation too. If you are poor it can be less relaxing but still fun. I lived in a modern condo, luxury shopping everywhere around me. Lots of ppl also have personal drivers and shit like that. The cities are so alive, people and cars everywhere, staying up late. Here in the US it can be boring as fuck because the cities feel so cold and dead... If that makes sense.

>> No.7899307

mayb even >>/diy/ for welding job insight
how does this in any way belong on /fa/

>> No.7899313

Also I might add, Guangzhou is the city where dreamboxes are made... There are plenty of fakes in this area but also tons of high end shopping. Take a train to HK and visit the rick store. It's cool that people actually wear interesting things too and seem to care about appearance. Tailoring is super cheap too, you can pick out fabrics and have custom clothes made. Show them a picture of what you want and make sure to haggle.

>> No.7899316

idk its modelling, fashion. Other modells experience.

I live in a town of like 20k west coast canada, the people are boring, place is beautiful.

/thread im going to alberta, sorry for the lame thread lol

>> No.7899319

oh word i didnt know you were going to model.
so you model and you weld? sound like a p cool dude.

>> No.7899322

> I do say sorry though.
is that a canadian trait? i notice i do it alot which is annoying

>> No.7899337

it's a canadian stereotype to be extremely courteous and non-confrontational

>> No.7899341

Idk, if I kick the back of your heel walking ill say sorry lol.

Not welding yet, need my schooling. Thinking about doing some art welding aswell as furniture on the side for fun / money.

But ya It would be for modelling

>> No.7899344 [DELETED] 

yo homie, im trynna get into furniture design, send me an email

>> No.7899366
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I don't even have my welding ticket yet haha, I would though.