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7897391 No.7897391 [Reply] [Original]

feels thread: looking for "this party is actually awesome" will contribute if get

>> No.7897394

>tfw anxiety leaves but depression stays

>> No.7897404

>tfw a tripfag tries to be smart

>> No.7897406

>tfw an ugly anon tries to step 2 me

dont even try, son

>> No.7897408

>tfw an ugly tripfag calls other people ugly

>> No.7897414

>tfw experiencing ugly anon projection

me, ugly? paaalease

>> No.7897420
File: 60 KB, 960x960, 1384352303116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw clothes dont make me nearly as happy as they use to
>tfw dependent on weed to make me happy
>tfw dont do anything fun with my friends now nor do i have any time to see them

ever since i got a gf 2 years ago i hung out with my friends less and less to the point where i would see them once a month and we'll just go to a diner for a couple hours. now i barely see my gf and all we do is chill on the weekends a few hours every night at my house.

why is life like this i am only 20

>> No.7897422

>tfw experiencing ugly tripfag projection

>> No.7897430

and i am getting so use to getting high that its nothing special anymore. i hate partying too. maybe ill focus on my photography and go hiking more in the spring/summer

>> No.7897436

go on an adventure anon

go travelling

>> No.7897442

i need money for that :( only working 2 days a week and to pay 150 in bills a month. maybe ill sell most of my clothes

>> No.7897449

stop buying weed lol

>> No.7897454

its the only thing that makes me happy. i consider it a necessity

>> No.7897457

this is the worst fucking one of those pictures, fuck you for posting it you tasteless fuccboi and I hope you die violently and awfully

>Captcha expectorated kusing

>> No.7897466

you dont need money

go and work somewhere whilst you are travelling

>> No.7897471
File: 121 KB, 676x673, normalfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7897475

That's harsh son, sorry to hear that but glad you're not feeling anxiety any longer. What you been up to, you get w/ that chick yet?

I wouldn't say stop if it's the only thing that makes you happy; but I would highly recommend travelling. Maybe cut down a little bit to save? Selling clothes is good too, but don't go overboard

>> No.7897488

i wish i could find a job that i can work and travel at the same time lol.
ya that'll probably be my best bet. id have to wait till summer because i have classes 4 days a week. i get so depressed because i dont want to talk to anyone during those days. i just want to be left alone at school/work and hangout with my friends but no time. i definitely wanna travel alot this summer tho

>> No.7898073
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>> No.7898117
File: 12 KB, 500x259, 1375033638706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like my friends but I'm starting to think some of them are losers and are not handling all the weed we smoke well. They are starting to get boring and dull, which is bound to happen to people who do little besided hanging out, smoking weed, which loses its charm when you do it nearly daily.
I wish I could just tell them to open up at least a little bit, consider new stuff but they are fucking stuck and make talking about problems really uncomfortable.
They just remind me of myself 3 to 4 years ago and I already consider myself a late bloomer. I met a few cool people at uni I caught myself being uncomfortable with the idea of introducing my old friends to them, which makes me feel like a bad person.


>> No.7898121

some people jus want 2 settle n2 a routine n jus keep do n that every day if it works

>> No.7898149

yeah, which is horrifying. And I don't think it's working for them, they are probably even more fucked up than I am on some level, they just are not able to talk about it all. I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on something because my friends are holding me back.

>> No.7898153

that is part of grow n up, if u need 2 do ur own thing then do it + hey may b in the future u jus feel like sit n around + smoking weed 4 a few days hit them up, catch up n u will be able to get all the time missed out n a burst - then go about business leaving fings on a positive note

>> No.7898165

Thanks for the advice, at least I have been way more motivated in the last few weeks because of my discontent. Maybe I'm just blaming my loneliness on my friends idk

>> No.7898178

>tfw spending £2,000+ a month on designer clothes i don't even really like and never wear just out of habit and because i might like them one day...

>> No.7898203
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1394109905449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i just threw these shitty fakes into a clothing bank
good start into a nice and sunny day

>> No.7898467

if u aint makin stangs sell me all ur jewelry

>> No.7898469

fuggin rich kids.

>> No.7898499

having a fat inheritance is both a blessing and a curse :(

>> No.7898505

how is it a curse you stupid fuccboi

>> No.7898511

you shouldve cut them up and sent them 2 rick
(as a wedding gift)

>> No.7898527

those are real!!!

>> No.7898629

i can't stop spending it and whenever i do i feel guilty and bad

>> No.7898657
