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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 267 KB, 1131x1413, freedome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7896668 No.7896668 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you guys afraid of black people?
Almost every time a black person posts a terrible fit on the WAYWT threads, they get compliments or tips for improvement.
But when the similarly shit fits are from a white guy or asian, they get torn to shreds.
Why are you guys so scared of black people?

>> No.7896687

>Almost every time a black person posts a terrible fit on the WAYWT threads, they get compliments or tips for improvement.
but that's wrong

>> No.7896696

mfa please go

>> No.7896699

It's probably more of a fear of looking racist rather than a fear of black people.

Also I really have never noticed what you're talking about.


>> No.7896711

There are no black people on this board though

>> No.7896717

I guess I'm not black

>> No.7896725

no joke, but black people can pull off a lot more different styles

>> No.7896745

Tell that to the police that pull my ass over every other week.

>> No.7896746

because when a black guy wheres a bad outfit it still looks pretty good since they're black

>> No.7896754


I dunno about the quantity, but yes, people of different ethnicities do sometimes pull off specific styles better.

>> No.7896755


>afraid of being racist

Nigga what

>> No.7896795

the thing about 4chan is when there's no black people around, everyone is an edgemaster ruseman
but when there's an actual black person present, things are different and every white suburban kid is tryna get his approval

>> No.7896820

Oh hey another off-topic shit post racebaiting thread cool

4chan u da bes
u da bes
u da beeeeeeees

>> No.7897455
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fuck, guess I'm not black then.

It's not that white bois are afraid. Its just that we can pull off more styles than other ethnicities. A certain fit might look tryhard on whites/asians but on a black dude it just works. I've seen this happen in lots of waywts.
Eg. gold chains

>> No.7897456

white guilt

>> No.7897462

>gold chains

poor>mediocre fit anyway fuccboi
>implying that's even yours
cis scum pls go

>> No.7897468

I think it's because people are really passively racist in their attempts at being SJWs. I've seen people complaining on /fa/ about how white people can't "pull off" Timberlands because it's some form of "cultural appropriation". Some palettes look better/worse on certain skin tones, not to mention that the cultural perception behind how certain races "usually" dress means that a black guy dressed in anything other than hypebeast shit/streetwear will be perceived as "better-dressed" on average because he's usually compared to his peers.

Of course, this is all based on my experience being a black guy interested in fashion, so it's highly subjective.

>> No.7897474

great fit man it really works

(s-so were cool about the whole slavery thing r-right?)

>> No.7897478

>great fit
>really works
you can't actually mean that

>> No.7897486


I've never seen what your talking about. In fact I see the opposite all the time. How many times do I see the N word daily? Dozens, and I'm not talking about "Nigga". It's for some reason it's used as a generic insult. And no, almost every post that I've seen regarding anything black has been ripped to shreds. Seen anything positive about Asap Rocky lately? I sure haven't...

But yeah, nice fit

>> No.7897487



Such a stupid fucking term.

But yeah, I think it's pretty funny how people end up being subtly racist in their attempts to point out other people's racism.

>> No.7897492

>(s-so were cool about the whole slavery thing r-right?)

why woulld u even care about what some white ppl completely unrelated to u did a hundred or so yrs ago lmao

>> No.7897501


Trust me, we're here

>> No.7897514

>the thing with /b/ and /fa/ is
this, there aren't any other boards (except maybe /mu/) with more white suburban teenagers that seek approval from black people. Racism is a substantial part of 4chan, but boards with new people don't grasp that concept and shout "edgy" and other buzzwords as soon as someone says nigger.

>> No.7897532

>racism is a part of 4chan
the thing is, everybody on here has it's own opinions. i think racism is stupid, racist humour sometimes isn't.
what i really hate are obnoxious /pol/tards that shit over other boards and derail threads with false infographics.

>> No.7897539

the infographics aren't false

>> No.7897567

if the word nigger still hurts you, you are the definition of a bitch nigger. from one black guy to another.

>> No.7897568


They're only half-truths. Statistics removed from context. Sorry, the world is a lot more complicated than "See! The numbers tell me I'm right! Fuck niggers!"

>> No.7897579


wow so hardcore, wow

and good job. You just gave another white kid the excuse to say "b-b-but a black man on the internet said it was okay to say nigger!"

>> No.7897582
File: 164 KB, 1024x681, 1360447946632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soz blacks please forgive shit fits

>> No.7897585


Seriously. OP is talking out of his ass. Obvious race bait.

>post picture of Jordans
nigger shoes
>post picture of Kanye
fat nigger
>post picture of a girl
wow what a fat/ugly whore
>post a picture of a scrawny white teenager wearing all black with white sneakers

>> No.7897587
File: 99 KB, 912x606, 1360448125600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick says sorry too

>> No.7897596

ur so much smarter than all those people, congratzz. ur opinion is da bes

>> No.7897599

Your assumption is wrong. After certain rappers went namesdropping fashion designers, a lot of their fans (black fans specifically) invaded /fa/ from various forums like KTT. Now they are swarming /fa/ complimenting each other: each comment praising black fit is left by a black person, and not because fit is nice but because the person is black.

>> No.7897601
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I am very sorry you feel that way, will me performing fellatio on you make this whole situation ok?

>> No.7897604

Lol why do you need an excuse to call nigger a nigger? This even isn't a racism (protip: racism is calling nigger a slave).

>> No.7897608

yes, the name 'Anonymous' clearly implies race.
you're fucking retarded, leave 4chan now

>> No.7897610

>white kid
>on the internet

so you?

>> No.7897615

this is fucking 4chan, so stop complaining some autist is using some word trying to get a rise off you or being edgy using a word.

>> No.7897618

You sound bitter and sad. Cheer up man, fact that you've terribly lost at genetic lottery isn't the end of the world, though I'd never share your feel, sorry about that.

>> No.7897620


>this even isn't a racism (protip: racism is calling nigger a slave)

Are you fucking 10 years old m8? Seriously, what the fuck?

>> No.7897621

Lol so you mean calling nigger a slave isn't racism? It's up to you m8

>> No.7897625
File: 143 KB, 940x690, 1392585330965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could be blinded by ignorance like you

>> No.7897629

Name doesn't. The fit does, so the only person retarded is you. Back to mfa you go.

>> No.7897632

>removed out of context

this is exactly what he's talking about. that comparison literally makes no sense.

>> No.7897635
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, 1392248970398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7897639

>seek approval from black people

for what reason does people want this? I remember back with odd future when all the white skater kids went bazingas and now with asap. Why do white people want to be black?

>> No.7897644


>this is fucking 4chan

so people should just keep doing shitty things just because this is a shitty place?

I'm not getting mad. I've been browsing 4chan/7chan/420chan/99chan since highschool. It's just that I know some people who browse 4chan a lot and who ended up becoming horrible fucking people irl.

I use to not mind all the ignorance when I thought "oh, everyone on here is just trolling. Nobody is actually that shitty."

Then you meet some of them and see just how many kids actually buy into this shit.

>> No.7897648


>I can sum up all of the socio-economic/cultural/political/ and historical factors that go into bringing about any present state of affairs with one inforgraph I made with photoshop and 10 minutes on Wikipedia.

>> No.7897650


Here, have a useful link for the likes of you >>>/b/

>> No.7897651

>so people should just keep doing shitty things just because this is a shitty place?

It's almost like you get it

>> No.7897662

Lol this nigger went mad.

>> No.7897663


>he-hey! HEY! That's my car! Help! Someone is stealing my car!
>shut up faggot. Where do you think we are? This is Detroit.
>oh. okay. carry on.

>> No.7897666


yeah fuck off niggers before i enslave you!
the south shall rise again

>> No.7897675

nice strawman
great argument
i bet you get all the chicks from your local debate club

>> No.7897676
File: 2.98 MB, 640x360, 1392879764807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your fault for leaving your car in Detroit you moron

>> No.7897686
File: 1.06 MB, 919x720, 1393979178438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jokes on you faggot I live in Detroit irl

>tfw I live in Detroit irl

>> No.7897690
File: 61 KB, 405x720, 1348675494342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the little edgemeisters that actually buy into the bullshit /pol/ feeds them will be the dregs of society praying for the day of the rope because they can't handle having tyrone and jorge as neighbors. This right wing extremism is most likely a reaction to tumblr and reddit liberalism, and anyone with more than 2 fucking brain cells to rub together can see this.

>> No.7897697

name one benefit of multiculturalism moshe

>> No.7897700

are you black or racist

>> No.7897704


Yeah, I get that. But how do you expect me to read something racist/sexist/homophobic/whatever on 4chan when I know there's a good chance that that person is in no way being sarcastic?

I don't want to give away how much of an oldfag I am, but fuck. I never really got this feeling when I first started browsing the chans. Maybe I'm just being sentimental or maybe the influx of users that came after 4chan got popular started taking all of that shit seriously.

>> No.7897710

give us some examples of this change in personality and horrid characteristics

>> No.7897711

well, america was considered the "melting-pot" a few hunderd years ago, because of all the different cultures clashing together. america is fucking awful, i oppose multiculturalism.

>> No.7897720


>ignoring the entire content of my post.

Free exchange of cultural ideas leads to more diversity, exposure to new ways of thinking and living, more eclectic arts, foods, etc., more exposure to a holistic experience of the world...


How am I racist? Detroit is shit because of the shitty economy/weather/culture/crime/etc.

And not just black criminals. Hell, my entire extended family is composed of trailer trash, meth heads, alcoholics, drug dealers, thiefs, and child abusers. I try to keep as far away from them as possible.

>> No.7897722
File: 63 KB, 250x167, 1394100608848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you man, it kinda scares me how the little fuckheads are with most boards putting /pol/ on a pedestal. the satire and offensively hilarity is gone, replaced with actual hate and bigotry.

>> No.7897726


And what makes America so awful? And what are these "downsides to multiculturalism"? You can't just open your mouth and not expect anyone not ask you to back it up.

>> No.7897727

well, getting my info about detroit from danny brown and 4chan, I assumed that Metro detroit a hell hole full of multiculturalism and crack that couls make an ultra liberal join the kkk

>> No.7897729


Melting pot a few hundred years ago!? Clearly you know absolutely nothing about anything, let alone history.

>> No.7897730

i was being sarcastic. i think it's funny if americans try to convince you multiculturalism is bad when they were the most multiculturalist country in the world at some point

>> No.7897731

black people cause more crime even when adjusted for income and location

>> No.7897734

>now with more parroting, less citations and more logical fallacies

>> No.7897737


I think you'll need a citation for this one ...

>> No.7897738


I knew this kid back in highschool. Typical 4chan autist - fat, nerdy, weird. Whatever. Seemed innocent enough. Had a computer class with him and he did a powerpoint presentation on 4chan and memes (oh god).

Fast forward a couple years later. Me and my sister's boyfriend are hanging out and he starts telling me about how this same kid from highschool.

Tells me he became a gun fanatic, owns several automatic weapons, and walks around with his rifles just to scare people (where I live you can carry a gun as long as it's not concealed). I guess he even threatens black kids with them.

He also tells me how he's always spouting off bullshit from /pol/ and /r9k/-esque sentiments about women. He was just a harmless kid in highschool. Now I seriously think this dude is fucked in the head and might end up hurting someone. Not that I'm saying it's 4chan's fault entirely, but I bet this place had something to do with it.

I also work with a dude who is always on 4chan and he's a miserable piece of shit. Basically can't work with women because he can't handle being told what to do by a girl. And he's always harassing the black people where I work (I'm a security guard at a factory, so all the black people are workers there.)

I took a look at what boards he browses one day...


>> No.7897741
File: 72 KB, 1024x430, CrimeRatesExplained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus herschel get it together

>> No.7897743

It's a stupid term for a stupid movement. Ironic racism in the guise of "anti-racism" is an unfortunate byproduct.

>> No.7897745


>ignoring the fact that the social and cultural infrastructure puts blacks at a disadvantage, and many black kids are born into homes that are already shitty

>> No.7897746

correlation ≠ cause

>> No.7897748

Seriously. This thread is the worst I've ever seen on fa. I'm full of disappointment. Can take sarcasm, but some of this is clearly genuine. This really what /fa/ is about and what we stand for? Pathetic..

>> No.7897751


It is, and I'm sure it's even worse for someone who actually grew up in the ghettos. The only people who turn out being racists are morons who look at Detroit without any fundamental understanding of why things are the way they are there. They're also completely oblivious to cities near Detroit that are mostly white and have equally shitty problems. The city of Taylor is nicknamed Taylortucky, because of all the redneck meth heads and rapists who live there.

Ann Arbor also has a really bad drug and rape problem, and that's a pretty white-washed place.

>> No.7897752

/pol/ ruins everything

>> No.7897753

How is that proof that 4chan fucks people up? Don't you think instead that 4chan attracts fucked upped people? I've been here for years and I'm no more racist than I've ever been.

>> No.7897757


It's not even a movement. It's just a term tossed at anyone who cares about fixing social inequalities...as if it's a bad thing.

>> No.7897758

jeez they seem digusting. But it's kinda true, only the dregs follow this bullshit

>> No.7897760


I already said that 4chan isn't solely responsible. But if you're already a fucked up, lonely kid who gets picked on and you happen to come across 4chan, this place can only make you worse.

>> No.7897762

lmao bullshit.
everytime one posts you guys yell nigger
typical frustrated 16 year old who's fit got shitted on

>> No.7897763

4chan attracts scum and influences the weak minded. Not trying to be too broad, but almost all the people I've known who've grown up on 4chan and now losers

>> No.7897784

there's a reason we're called the asshole of the internet.

>> No.7897992

we're here man and i dont mind the sarcastic racism i mean we make jokes 2 you guys sarcasticly 2, and at the end of the day we all yust want to discuss inspo / fashion and shit.

but i agree with most of you guys with that they
weird boards always derail shit , i mean we don't go to /pol/ and suddely have a tricky ricky thread over there.

>> No.7897998

also black hair thread are god tier for me for hair inspo and tips to get the sickest curls.

>> No.7898723


We're not afraid at all, we just care so little about your niggers we politely respond without giving you any kind of serious thought.

It's the same way adults brush off kids when speaking to other adults.

You might not understand this cause your a subhuman negroid.

>> No.7898729

>be black (both parents are dark) but look almost white for some reason
>only time I've been pulled over is because I look 14
Girlfriend has just started calling me Hispanic because I guess that's better than dating a regular black guy. Then again cops usually don't harass blacks in upper middle class neighborhoods I guess

>> No.7898734

Good meme dude
Nigger (:

>> No.7898740

>a fear of looking anything on an anonymous imageboard is non-existent

>> No.7898755

I think /fa/ and /mu/ want the community in general to appear less immature/obnoxious and racist than other boards which is why vocal racist on these boards are typically universally shamed for bringing that shit into the board. I think it's great because I don't have to hide #whiterights and #mensrights threads when I browse here nearly as often as other boards.

>> No.7899043

>look mom, I'm being racist on 4chan!

>> No.7900573

>muh slavery

>> No.7900640

New York City

>> No.7900862

I agree with you.

If this is the only place you feel connected to, you're going to be fucked up

>> No.7900919

>all dem shit fits
I don't know what's worse, their immense white guilt or those shit fits.

>> No.7901022
File: 66 KB, 1280x714, 1394157103898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people are born lame

white people when you think about them are so fucking retarded, they jsut so fucking lame and funny

fuck white people man real talk

>> No.7901046

white people just try too hard

black people are funnier, more laid back, white people just hate everything

smoking weed with white people is so shit

i can recognize a nigga on this website because their posting doesnt stink of insecurity

black /ta/skforce

>> No.7901121


Not gonna disagree entirely there, but IMO it only ruins the kids that never got their fix of healthy socialization in their middle/high school years. Not saying everyone had to be extroverted, there's a difference between introversion and being maladjusted.

The trick is to never take anything written here seriously and just treat it as amusement. Especially not shit like /pol/ or /pol/ invasion threads.

>> No.7901746

lol /ta/ isn't a board negro B^ )
do u evn protect the bitch hoe
i bet you're one of those light skin people who hate on white people because all the dark skinned negros don't consider them #realniggas

>> No.7901785

everyone looks just as retarded, black is just exotic in north america.

black in north america is like white in asian ATM.
its just the cool kind of different and it lets you get away with alot of dumb shit that you would not get away with otherwise.

honest opinion.

>> No.7901794


what a lame white boy response

>> No.7901813

*808 bass**808 bass**808 bass**808 bass**808 bass**808 bass*

>> No.7901833


u so lame

>> No.7901843
File: 58 KB, 408x468, 1390563715167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u 2 friend

>> No.7901857


i bet u wear messenger bags

>> No.7901869
File: 150 KB, 750x506, sugaslimartbasel-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't

>> No.7901872

was hot until i saw the hat

>> No.7901878

trunks pls
did u like the lil fly tape tho?

>> No.7901918


that some cspg poshh god

>> No.7901923

u got it fam

>> No.7901924
File: 183 KB, 200x200, 1374078272798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the joke
>your head

>> No.7901932


bet u got a tumblr that has gifs of codeine on it

>> No.7901960
File: 32 KB, 500x304, DJ+Dog+Dick+IMG_6441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolnah who r u
r u the black angst guy again ?

>> No.7902214

point still stands
>implying thats even yours
not my fit m8. saved it from a waywt a while back
not my fit. ^

>> No.7902264
File: 119 KB, 247x268, ZdSclFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few hundred years ago

hahahahah you uneducated fuck.

>i oppose mlticulturalism
kek. America is one of the most muticultural places on this planet and guess who's ass every other country kisses. you guessed it m8.

seriously though, you can't possibly be this dense. you opposing multiculturalism isn't going to do shit. That's where the world is headed and there's nothing you can do. just embrace it m8

>> No.7902311


>call someone uneducated
>confuse multiculturalism with race mixing

>> No.7902323


Where did he ever imply race-mixing? He was was too vague. Nice try being smart...

>> No.7902373
File: 1.00 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG0756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u on crack, op?

>> No.7902409


The world isn't becoming more multicultural. If anything, it is being whitewashed by murrican multinationals.

>> No.7902515

well shit anon, you've open my eyes about the race shit about detroit. Thank you

>> No.7902520

What kind of dress shirt is that?

>> No.7902537


Do u even swagz bru?
U a CAC?

we all big dickkd nigz over here honky

>> No.7902572

black people have gr8 dicks and god-tier abs

source: I'm a girl

>> No.7902577

Pls b n haiti

>> No.7902580


Do u wan sukk muh dickk fuccgirl?
do u even bitch, bitch?

>> No.7902592

Because we hold a higher standard for white people.
When a black person acts retarded? Normal.
When a white person acts retarded? Holy shit man, why are you being retarded.

It's not about being scared, it's about being glad that they are going against what most of their negro buddies are doing and trying to better themselves.

>> No.7902960

We've already seen this one

>> No.7903905

In what way is a chunk of a city dying worst than diversity. Come on you need something better than that

>> No.7903984

Completely misleading http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2000/summer/coloring-crime
Taken from a scholarly site not a .com like you

>> No.7904004

Then everything you said had no point

>> No.7904041

>When a black person acts retarded? Normal.
>When a white person acts retarded? Holy shit >man, why are you being retarded.

sounds like your sheltered and nannied
white folks do retarded stuff - neknominations were huge and those are just awful

>> No.7904048


it's not that white people want to be black, it's that they want a reason to be edgy and rebellious appearing to have struggle.

despite native americans truly getting the shaft, they don't complain as much and thus aren't culturally accepted as universally adapted to a hard life. otherwise you'd have a bunch of sheltered white kids acting native.

being black has stereotypes that unfortunately make up the culture and is what is relied on. black people will call other black people "not a true brother" if he's successful. ignorance is something to be proud of. murder is cool. living in the ghetto is glorified. the only crutch black people have are their stereotypes. it's all they rely on anymore as they are bashed going against the grain.

society has done this. humans are social creatures and follow the herd. why media influences so many. blacks are generally forced to be ghetto because it's something to be proud of. hell, going to prison is a step up on the social status for them. anyone who defies this culture and attempts to become successful is shot down harshly.

blaming whitey is the end all be all. white people are coerced into feeling guilty. you have white folk who can trace their lineage to irish immigrants who feel guilty for something they had absolutely no part of and were discriminated against as well. the fact they share the skin color makes them guilty. blacks have become "pop culture" instead of actual people. sheltered suburban white college girls mad at daddy will use black people as a tool to seem edgy and unique. being black means being a stereotypical black.

>> No.7904065

>i was being sarcastic.

i think the problem is i can't even figure out anymore when someone is sarcastic in this website our not.

our when someone is a le rusemaster troll

>> No.7904080


>few hundred years ago

i don't see what's wrong with that. 1700's to now. what's wrong with his math?

>> No.7904091

sure its not
the world is totally adapting to american culture
with that huge no1 song from korea
and that animated smash hit about... scandinavia
and fashion trends from japan
and religious practices from asia

>> No.7904093


i'm sorry i have to call bullshit on this. you literally have everything handed to you for free because you're skin color. how many handouts and headstarts must you need?

>> No.7904116

>white people just hate everything
>entire post is insecure hatred towards whitey

>> No.7904126



>> No.7904138

>Almost every time a black person posts a terrible fit on the WAYWT threads
I don't post in WAYWT but when I use to look through them I never saw terrible fits from black dudes. Just off point ones that needed some tweaking.

>> No.7904141

oh the irony

>> No.7904156

>you literally have everything handed to you for free because you're skin color
dear god you are deluded

getting community service opportunities when you get convicted or getting foodstamps more easily than your white trash counterpart isn't "everything"

even though you have lived a fairly cushy life as a white dude with constant internet access, i know that you haven't been handed "everything" despite being much better off than most of the world and most of your country

>> No.7904181


is it wrong to be thankful? i know damn well i'm lucky as hell to be born with everything i had but i refuse to admit that blacks are still repressed. you need to see the world, lesser people have accomplished more than you. stop complaining and do something about it

>> No.7904217

Basically the most /fa/ thing to be is either East Asian, black or Eastern European.
Asian people have the best hair and are "soulless" or at least considered more up tight and elegant. Doesn't work if you're a manlet tho lol
Black people are "cool" because they invented a shitload of current music and pop culture, and are also "edgy" because ghetto culture is all about glamorizing criminal behavior, violence and lack of education.
Eastern Europeans are also "soulless" and "cool" because Russia stronk and they're basically the only whites who aren't fat, manlets or generally fucking lame.
hate on it

>> No.7904266

>lanky chink nigger slav detected

>> No.7904274

Obese inbred burgerlander detected